Business Economics

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Executive summary

Different markets have different market structure. Market is an arrangement that facilitates the
buying and selling of a product, service, factor of production or future commitment. in other
words, a market is a place where buyers and sellers meet one another to transact business.
Market structure is defined as the number and distribution size of buyers and sellers in the
markets of particular goods and services. Market structure is divided to perfect competition,
monopolistic, monopoly and oligopoly.

In this report we will focus on three market which is oreedoo and diraagu which is oligopoly and
fenaka corporation which is monopoly. The aim of this report is to identify and analyse the main
features of market structures, assessing the impact on other stakeholders in each market
structure, and evaluating the techniques used by the firm in each market structure to be more


Diraagu, is the first Maldivian telecommunications company, which was established in 1998.
diraage maintains one of the worlds lonest microwave links over water. This 65 km link across
the equator connects fuvahmulah and gaaf dhaalu- and therefore gaaf alifu atoll. Diraau market
structure is oligopoly because it is not the only seller of network service in Maldives. There is
other network which is orredoo is its competitor.

In 2005, wataniya telecom international- a Qatar company(now owned by orredoo roup; also
mere in to oreedoo roup ) was awarded the license to operate as the second mobile phone
operator. They formed orredoo Maldives ( formerly wataniya telecom Maldives) and started
operation on auust 1, 2005. The firm was issued a liscence as the new mobile operator in
February 2005. Orredoo Maldives was selected after a biddin process with three other
companies. Orredoo Maldives is the sole competitor of dhiraau, the very first Maldivian
telecommunications company. Diraau dominated the market for a period of 17 years, bein the
only operator for that period.

FENAKA Corporation Limited was established on 18th June 2012 by a presidential

decree under the company’s act of 10/96, as a limited liability company. The company is

registered on 1st august 2012 and it is 100% government owned utility company with a mandate

to provide island communities with electricity, water, sewerage and waste management services.

FENAKA Corporation limited generates power for more than 150 islands, serving 70% of the

population of the Maldives. FENAKA Corporation limited is not new in the business as assets
and human resources previously established six utility companies have been transferred to the

corporation. The company has a broad mandate, assigned by the government of Maldives, which

is the sole shareholder of the corporation, incorporated for provision of utilities and related

services to all islands.

Marketin techniques used by diraau and oreedhoo

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