This document outlines the competencies and clinical practice requirements for three midwifery placements:
The first placement is on the labour ward for 3 weeks and postnatal ward for 1 week. It focuses on health promotion, assessment and diagnosis, and management of mothers in labor.
The second placement is again on the labour ward for 3 weeks, with competencies in health promotion for laboring mothers, assessment and diagnosis of labor, and management of normal deliveries.
The third placement splits 2 weeks between the prenatal clinic and 2 weeks in the labour ward. It emphasizes assessment and diagnosis through antenatal history and exams, and management of antenatal patients and normal deliveries.
This document outlines the competencies and clinical practice requirements for three midwifery placements:
The first placement is on the labour ward for 3 weeks and postnatal ward for 1 week. It focuses on health promotion, assessment and diagnosis, and management of mothers in labor.
The second placement is again on the labour ward for 3 weeks, with competencies in health promotion for laboring mothers, assessment and diagnosis of labor, and management of normal deliveries.
The third placement splits 2 weeks between the prenatal clinic and 2 weeks in the labour ward. It emphasizes assessment and diagnosis through antenatal history and exams, and management of antenatal patients and normal deliveries.
This document outlines the competencies and clinical practice requirements for three midwifery placements:
The first placement is on the labour ward for 3 weeks and postnatal ward for 1 week. It focuses on health promotion, assessment and diagnosis, and management of mothers in labor.
The second placement is again on the labour ward for 3 weeks, with competencies in health promotion for laboring mothers, assessment and diagnosis of labor, and management of normal deliveries.
The third placement splits 2 weeks between the prenatal clinic and 2 weeks in the labour ward. It emphasizes assessment and diagnosis through antenatal history and exams, and management of antenatal patients and normal deliveries.
This document outlines the competencies and clinical practice requirements for three midwifery placements:
The first placement is on the labour ward for 3 weeks and postnatal ward for 1 week. It focuses on health promotion, assessment and diagnosis, and management of mothers in labor.
The second placement is again on the labour ward for 3 weeks, with competencies in health promotion for laboring mothers, assessment and diagnosis of labor, and management of normal deliveries.
The third placement splits 2 weeks between the prenatal clinic and 2 weeks in the labour ward. It emphasizes assessment and diagnosis through antenatal history and exams, and management of antenatal patients and normal deliveries.
PRACTICE Health promotion The ability to share essential Share one to one health health messages with messages with pre natal prenatal and post natal mothers mothers. Nutrition Hygiene
Assess and diagnose The ability to recognize Identify two patients
abnormal vital signs with abnormal vital Recognize normal signs through Peurperium observations Witness three daily postnatal examinations Management The ability to participate in Set five delivery management of mother in trolleys labour. Witness Apgar scoring of five babies Witness first examination of five babies.
PRACTICE Health promotion The ability to share health Share four one to one messages with mothers in health messages with labour to promote safe mothers in labour on:- delivery. Nutrition Hygiene Breathing Bearing-down Assess and diagnose The ability to recognize the Assess 5 mother in labour to pattern of normal labour include:- Abdominal examination Vaginal examination Complete partograph of five mothers in labour Perform apgar score 15 times
Perform first examination of
the newborn on five babies Management The ability to make Witness ten normal problem list plan and deliveries provide care to mothers in labour. Catheterize two mothers
PRACTICE Assess and diagnose The ability to identify Assess 4 mothers in antenatal patients needs antenatal through history taking and Complete partographs for physical examination the four mothers
Management The ability to make Witness ten normal
problem list plan and deliveries provide care to antenatal mothers Catheterize two mothers