Chapter IV and V

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Chapter IV


This chapter presents the analysis of the data in determining the Satisfaction of

Selected Customers Among Different Fast Food Chain at Lemery, Batangas.

Discussion of Results

This study was undertaken to ascertain the Satisfaction of Selected Customers

Among Different Fast Food Chain at Lemery, Batangas.

1. Profile of the Respondents. The profile of the respondents was determined in

terms of age and gender.

Table 1

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage

15-20 18 45%

21-25 16 40%

26 and above 6 15%

Total 40 100%

Table 1 Presents the profile of the respondents from Lemery, Batangas in terms of

age. Based from the data represented, 18 respondents or 45 percent were 15 and below years

of age where as 16 respondents or 40 percent of the sample were 21-25 years of age. The

number of the customer from older age is less than the younger age.

Verhoef, Franses, and Hoekstra (2011) examine the effect of constructs (e.g.,

satisfaction, trust, and affective and calculative commitment) on customer referrals and the

number of services purchased, as well as the moderating effect of age of the relationship of

these relationships. The research reported, based on data obtained from a large sample of

customers of an insurance company, combines archival and survey data. The result provide

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evidence that supports moderating effect of relationship age on the relationship between

satisfaction, affective and calculative commitment and the number of services

purchased.Other factors that affect their patronage of fast-food service providers are the

demands of their gender roles, their working status, income level and civil status (Fox,

Montgomery & Lodish, 2004; Raajpoot, Sharma & Chebat, 2008).

Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 15 37.5%

Female 25 62.5%

Total 40 100%

Table 2 Presents the profile of the respondents from Lemery, Batangas in

terms of Gender.Based from the the data represented, 15 of the respondents or 37.5

percent of the respondents were male whereas 25 respondents or 62.5 percent of the sample

were female. The number of female customer is greater than the number of male customer.

Empirical research shows that men and women could have different attitudinal and

behavioral orientations in their buying behavior, Homburg and Giering (2010). Women spend

three percent more, on average, per order than men on weekdays. A recent survey by

Captivate Office Pulse supports this point, finding that men are 25 percent more likely than

women to take breaks throughout the day for personal activities, including lunch, walks and

just to relax, Maestriei (2014).

Despite recent studies refuting the belief that breakfast is most important meal of the

day, women are holding to this long-held principle. GrubHub (2014) found that women are 15

percent more likely than men to order during breakfast hours (8-11a.m. local time).

Table 3

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Level of Customer Satisfaction in terms of Food Quality

Statement Weighted Ranking Verbal

Mean Interpretation

Food Quality

1. The price of each meal is affordable. 3.75 4th Highly Satisfied

2. The food has its own trademark. 4.06 3rd Highly Satisfied

3. The food suits the taste of the 4.25 1st Highly Satisfied
4. Great choice of items available on 4.06 3rd Highly Satisfied
5. Offer variety of food 4.15 2nd Highly Satisfied

Composite Mean 4.06 Highly Satisfied

Table 3 Present the level of customer satisfaction in terms of Food Quality. Customer

revealed in their responses that the level of customer’s satisfaction in different fast food chain

at Lemery, Batangas in terms of food quality is agreeable. This level of satisfaction received

a composite mean of 4.06, verbally interpreted as to usage with highly satisfied. It is to be

noted that there are 5 questions that is supporting the level of satisfaction in different fast food

chain at Lemery, Batangas in terms of food quality. The aforementioned level of satisfaction

that received the highest weighted mean is the question number 3 which is all about the food

suits the taste of the customer, receiving the highest mark of 4.25, verbally interpreted as

highly satisfied and the lowest weighted mean is the question number 1 which is the price of

each meal is affordable, receiving the lowest mark of 3.75 verbally interpreted as highly

satisfied. It is can be interpreted that the fast food chain foods is suited the customer

satisfaction, but the price of each meal is not that affordable.

The fast-food industry provides a rapid, convenient and relatively inexpensive service

(Sahagun & Vasquez-Parraga, 2014). Fast-food restaurants are differentiated from other

types of restaurants by their unique characteristics that embrace prompt service, relatively low

service interactions and relatively low price ranges, as characteristic of what these outlets offer

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to customers (Cao & Kim, 2015). Their service can be seen as a reaction to the fact that

nowadays people want “more” for their money as customers’ expectations of value in relation

to price have risen (Andaleeb & Conway, 2006).

The researcher found that greater you give service as per customer requirement or

need, greater will be the level of satisfaction and vice versa. Analysts described the direct

positive relationship of service quality with customer satisfaction. Athanassopoulos (2010)

identified development, responsiveness, price, and program excellence as centre

measurement associated with customers’ satisfaction.

Table 4

Level of Customer Satisfaction in Terms of Sanitation

Statement Weighted Ranking Verbal

Mean Interpretation


1. Provide food safety, quality 4.25 2nd Highly Satisfied

assurance, and pest control to
hundreds of clients.
2. Owners and operators make sure 3.83 5th Highly Satisfied
they have established a regular,
accountable cleaning schedule for their
3. The temperature of surroundings. 4.15 3rd Highly Satisfied

4. Their comfort room have a free hand 4 4th Highly Satisfied

sanitation and tissue for their customer.
5. Their employees in the kitchen is 4.38 1st Highly Satisfied
wearing a mask, hairnet and apron.
Composite Mean 4.12 Highly Satisfied

Table 4 Presents the customer satisfaction in terms of sanitation. Customer revealed

in their responses that the level of customer’s satisfaction in different fast food chain at

Lemery, Batangas in terms of sanitation is agreeable. This level of satisfaction received a

composite mean of 4.12, verbally interpreted as to usage with highly satisfied. It is to be noted

that there are 5 questions that is supporting the level of satisfaction in different fast food chain

at Lemery, Batangas in terms of sanitation. The aforementioned level of satisfaction that

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received the highest weighted mean is the question number 5 which is all about the their

employees in the kitchen is wearing a mask, hairnet and apron, receiving the highest mark of

4.38, verbally interpreted as highly satisfied and the lowest weighted mean is the question

number 2 which is owners and operators make sure they established a regular, accountable

cleaning schedule for their employees, receiving the lowest mark of 3.83 verbally interpreted

as highly satisfied. It is can be interpreted that the fast food chain employees are responsible

when its comes for wearing safety wears but fast food owner or operators did not make sure

they have established a regular cleaning schedule for their employees.

Studies confirms that the cleanliness of a restaurant and service attitudes are important

determinants of customer satisfaction (Pizam & Ellis, 2008) that would motivate and

encourage customers to revisit a restaurant. The profitability of the operation is hence directly

affected by consumers’ perception of these attributes (Agnes, Law & Hui, 2009).

Table 5

Level of Customer Satisfaction in terms of Amenities

Statement Weighted Ranking Verbal

Mean Interpretation


1. Wireless high speed internet service 3.25 4th Highly Satisfied

through the fast food restaurant.
2. Easy to choose food in menu. 3.83 3rd Highly Satisfied

3. They have two comfort room. 3.9 2nd Highly Satisfied

4. Having two separate windows (one to 3.9 2nd Highly Satisfied

pay, and to get food) to decrease wait
5. The number of their employees is 3.95 1st Highly Satisfied
Composite Mean 3.77 Highly Satisfied

1. Table 5 Presents the level of customer satisfaction in terms of Amenities. Customer

revealed in their responses that the level of customer’s satisfaction in different fast food chain

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at Lemery, Batangas in terms of amenities is agreeable. This level of satisfaction received a

composite mean of 3.37, verbally interpreted as to usage with highly satisfied. It is to be noted

that there are 5 questions that is supporting the level of satisfaction in different fast food chain

at Lemery, Batangas in terms of amenities. The aforementioned level of satisfaction that

received the highest weighted mean is the question number 5 which is about the number of

their employees is enough, receiving the highest mark of 3.95, verbally interpreted as highly

satisfied and the lowest weighted mean is the question number 1, which is the wireless high

speed internet service through the fast food restaurant, receiving the lowest mark of 3.25,

verbally interpreted as highly satisfied. It is can be interpreted that the number of fast food

chains employees is enough and the wireless internet service in fast food are slow.

According to Sanson (2016), as a costumer there’s nothing more irritating than

waiting for a table in a restaurant that has several empty tables that being held for reservations

that never arrive. It’s a tough spot to be in when you’re a restaurant operator because many

of your customers don’t understand why they’re not being seated.

The Korean market considers fast-food restaurants as not only efficient and

economical, but also as exotic places where they can have social interaction and

entertainment (Park, 2008). In South Africa, consumers get fast food from a range of fast-food

establishments and, in doing so, create more time for socializing with friends because the food

is ready to eat immediately.

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Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary of findings, so conclusion drawn form the

findings and he corresponding recommendations.

This study was taken with the general objective of determining the Satisfaction of

Selected Customers among Different Fast Food Chains at Lemery, Batangas.

Specially this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the Profile of the Respondents in terms of:

1.1 Ages

1.2 Gender

2. What is the level of the customer’s satisfaction in different fast food chain at

Lemery, Batangas in terms of :

2.1 Food Quality;

2.2 Sanitation and;

2.3 Amenities

Descriptive method was used in the study, descriptive method of research is a fact

finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of the findings. It supports to present

fact concerning the Satisfaction of Selected Customers Among Different Fast Food Chains at

Lemery, Batangas.

The researcher sought the involvement of 40 fast food customer that came from

Lemery, Batangas. The researchers employed qualitative kind of research. The internet,

journals, articles, previous thesis, and survey questionnaire are the main instruments of

gathering or retrieving information.

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Summary of Findings

The following statements below are the findings of the data gathered based on the

objective of the study.

1. Profile of the Respondent

1.1 Age. The age of the respondents is considered as one of the important factors

that effects the business growth. 18 or 45 percent of the respondents are in 15-20 age group,

closely followed by 16 or 40 percent of the respondents that fall on age 21-25. It also appears

that 15 percent falls on the 26 and above group.

1.2 Gender. There was 40 fast food customers, 15 or 37.5 percent are males and

25 or 62.5 percent are females.

2. Food Quality

Customer revealed in their responses that the level of customer’s satisfaction in

different fast food chain at Lemery, Batangas in terms of food quality is agreeable. This level

of satisfaction received a composite mean of 4.06, verbally interpreted as to usage with highly

satisfied. It is to be noted that there are 5 questions that is supporting the level of satisfaction

in different fast food chain at Lemery, Batangas in terms of food quality. The aforementioned

level of satisfaction that received the highest weighted mean is the question number 3 which

is all about the food suits the taste of the customer, receiving the highest mark of 4.25, verbally

interpreted as highly satisfied and the lowest weighted mean is the question number 1 which

is the price of each meal is affordable, receiving the lowest mark of 3.75 verbally interpreted

as highly satisfied.

3. Sanitation

Customer revealed in their responses that the level of customer’s satisfaction in

different fast food chain at Lemery, Batangas in terms of sanitation is agreeable. This level of

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satisfaction received a composite mean of 4.12, verbally interpreted as to usage with highly

satisfied. It is to be noted that there are 5 questions that is supporting the level of satisfaction

in different fast food chain at Lemery, Batangas in terms of sanitation. The aforementioned

level of satisfaction that received the highest weighted mean is the question number 5 which

is all about the their employees in the kitchen is wearing a mask, hairnet and apron, receiving

the highest mark of 4.38, verbally interpreted as highly satisfied and the lowest weighted mean

is the question number 2 which is owners and operators make sure they established a regular,

accountable cleaning schedule for their employees, receiving the lowest mark of 3.83 verbally

interpreted as highly satisfied.

4. Amenities

Customer revealed in their responses that the level of customer’s satisfaction in

different fast food chain at Lemery, Batangas in terms of amenities is agreeable. This level of

satisfaction received a composite mean of 3.37, verbally interpreted as to usage with highly

satisfied. It is to be noted that there are 5 questions that is supporting the level of satisfaction

in different fast food chain at Lemery, Batangas in terms of amenities. The aforementioned

level of satisfaction that received the highest weighted mean is the question number 5 which

is about the number of their employees is enough, receiving the highest mark of 3.95, verbally

interpreted as highly satisfied and the lowest weighted mean is the question number 1, which

is the wireless high speed internet service through the fast food restaurant, receiving the

lowest mark of 3.25, verbally interpreted as highly satisfied.


Based on the Finding, the researcher came up write the following conclusion.

1. The number of the customer from older age is less than the younger age.

2. The number of female customer is greater than the number of male customers.

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3. Fast food chains food quality suited the taste of the customer but the price of each meal is

not that affordable.

4. The fast food chains employees are responsible when its comes for wearing safety wears

but fast food owner or operators did not make sure they have established a regular cleaning

schedule for their employees.

5. The number of fast food chains employees is enough and the wireless internet service in

fast food are slow.


The following recommendations are offered based on the findings and conclusion

of the study.

1. Fast food chains should established some foods that can suit the taste of older

person to gain more older customer.

2. Fast food chains should established healthy food to gain more male customer.

3. Fast food chains should decrease the price of the meal for them to gain more

satisfied customer.

4. Fast food chains should regularly established cleaning schedule to maintain the

cleanliness of their area.

5. Fast food chains should established highest wireless internet service to gain more

satisfied customer.

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Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners

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