Hyperthermostable Cellulolytic and Hemicellulolytic Enzymes and Their Biotechnological Applications

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Hyperthermostable cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic

enzymes and their biotechnological applications

Tipparat Hongpattarakere

Hongpattarakere, T.
Hyperthermostable cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic enzymes and
their biotechnological applications
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 2002, 24(3) : 481-491

Hyperthermal cellulases and hemicellulases have been intensively studied due to their highly
potential applications at extreme temperatures, which mimic industrial processes involving cellulose and
hemicellulose degradation. More than 50 species of hyperthermophiles have been isolated, many of which
possess hyperthermal enzymes required for hydrolyzing cellulose and hemicelluloses. Endoglucanases,
exoglucanases, cellobiohydrolases, xylanases, β-glucosidase and β-galactosidase, which are produced by the
hyperthermophiles, are resistant to boiling temperature. The characteristics of these enzymes and the ability
to maintain their functional integrity at high temperature as well as their biotechnological application
are discussed.

Key words : hyperthermophilic, cellulases, hemicellulases, extremophilic

Ph.D. (Food Science), Department of Industrial Biotechnology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Prince of Songkla
University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112 Thailand.
Corresponding e-mail : htippara@ratree.psu.ac.th
Received, 21 September 2001 Accepted, 11 March 2002
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Hyperthermostable cellulolytic
Vol. 24 No. 3 Jul.-Sep. 2002 482 Hongpattarakere, T.

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Cellulose and hemicelluloses are the most (Beguin and Aubert, 1994; Coughlan and Hazle-
abundant polysaccharides in nature. They build wood, 1993; Leuschner and Antranikian, 1995).
structural components of plant cell walls and are Both cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic en-
associated with lignin and other polysaccharides. zymes have been found in fungal species, espec-
Therefore, microbial degradation of cellulose and ially in Trichoderma reesei and various bacteria.
hemicelluloses has enormous economic potential Several applications of these enzymes are being
for the conversion of plant biomass into fuels and developed for textile, food and paper pulp pro-
chemicals. Cellulolytic microorganisms play an cessing. These applications are based on the
important role in the biosphere by recycling cellu- modification of cellulose and hemicelluloses by
lose. Cellulose is an unbranched linear homo- partial hydrolysis. Total hydrolysis of cellulose
polymer of glucose units linked by β-1,4-D-glu- into glucose, which could be fermented into
cosidic bonds, that forms insoluble, crystalline ethanol, isopropanol or butanol, is not yet econo-
microfibrils which are highly resistant to enzy- mically feasible (Beguin and Aubert, 1994;
matic hydrolysis. The cellulolytic enzyme system Coughlan and Hazlewood, 1993). Developments
is composed of at least three different enzymes: of pretreatment process and fermentation effi-
endoglucanase, cellobiohydrolase and β-glucosi- ciency including improvements of enzyme pro-
dase, which act together in synergism. Xylans, perties are necessary. One of major drawbacks in
major components of the hemicelluloses and the industrial terms is that most cellulases and hemi-
second most abundant polysaccharides in nature, cellulases apparently lack thermostability. Cur-
are branched heteroglycans with a backbone of rently, considerable interest is focused on the
β-1,4-linked D-xylose residues. Branches consist use of hemicellulases in the processing of paper
of α-1,3-linked L-arabinofuranosyl and α-1,2- pulp. Use of xylanases in bleaching step has been
linked 4-O-methyl-glucuronic acid residues. Com- shown to reduce the amount of chlorine required
plete hydrolysis of these complex molecules to achieve comparable levels of paper brightness.
requires the interaction of a number of main However, the mesophilic enzymes currently in use
chain-and side-chain-cleaving enzyme activities have limitations due to high temperature used in
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Hyperthermostable cellulolytic
Vol. 24 No. 3 Jul.-Sep. 2002 483 Hongpattarakere, T.

bleaching (Gibbs et al., 1995; Morris et al., 1995; gether in synergism. Endoglucanase acts random-
Morris et al., 1998; Saul et al., 1995; Sunna et al., ly and produces oligosaccharides with variable
2000, Viikari et al., 1994). chain length. Cellobiohydrolase only attacks po-
Thermophilic bacteria have received con- lymers from the non-reducing end. The disac-
siderable attention as sources of highly active charides form is finally hydrolyzed to glucose
and thermostable cellulolytic and xylanolytic en- by β-glucosidase (Beguin and Aubert, 1994;
zymes. There are thermostable cellulolytic en- Leuschner and Antranikian, 1995).
zymes characterized from thermophilic cellulo- Xylans are the major component of plant
lytic bacteria such as Clostridium thermocellum, hemicelluloses and are the second most abundant
Caldocellum saccharolyticum and Acidothermus polysaccharides in nature. They are branched
cellulolyticus (Gibbs et al., 1995; Te’o et al., heteroglycans with a backbone of β-linked xylo-
1995; Bergquist et al., 1999). The most stable of pyranose residues. Branches consist of α-1,3-
these, from Acidothermus, has a half-life of less linked L-arabinofuranosyl and α-1,2-linked 4-O-
than 20 min. at 85 oC (Sakon, et al., 1996). Re- methyl-glucuronic acid residues. The complete
cently, hyperthermal cellulases and hemicellu- hydrolysis of xylan also requires the action of
lases have been isolated and some of them have several enzymes. Enzymatic hydrolysis of xylan
been purified and characterized. Most of the backbone involves endo-β-1,4-xylanases (1,4-
enzymes isolated from hyperthermophiles genus β-D-xylan xylanohydrolase, EC, β-D-
Thermotoga have temperature optima at 90 oC or xylosidases (1,4-β-D-xyloside xylohydrolase, EC
higher and some, such as cellobiohydrolase from, and possibly, exo-β-1,4-xylanases (1,
Thermotoga sp. strain FjSS3-B.1, are even active 4-α-D-xylan xylohydrolase). Removal of side
at 108 oC. The unusual properties of these en- groups is catalyzed by α-L-arabinofuranosidases
zymes have resulted in the development of the (EC, and α-D-glucuronidases (EC 3.2.1).
novel biotechnology processes that can be ac- Esterase activities are responsible for the libera-
complished within a wide range of conditions, tion of acetyl, coumaryl, and feruloyl substituents
including the reactions that are beyond the capa- (Beguin and Aubert, 1994; 3, 5, 12).
bility of biologically based systems (Bronnen- Apart from xylan, the second abundant
meier et al., 1995; Leuschner and Antranikian, constituent of hemicelluloses is galactoglucoman-
1995; Ruttersmith and Daniel, 1991; Saul et al., nan and glucomannan (low-galactosemannans).
1995; Winterhalter and Liebl, 1995). Galactoglucomannan comprises a β-1,4-linked
heteropolymer of mannose and glucose with ga-
Cellulose and hemicelluloses lactose and acetyl side group. Enzymatic hydro-
Biomass composes on average 23% lignin, lysis of β-mannan is accomplished by endoman-
40% cellulose and 33% hemicellulose by dry nanase (endo-1,4-β-D-mannan manohydrolase,
weight. Cellulose is an unbranched glucose poly- EC3.2.1.78) and β-1,4-mannasidase (β-D-man-
mer composed of D-glucose units linked by 1, noside mannohydrolase, EC The con-
4-β-D-glucosidic bonds. Chain length varies be- certed action of these enzymes including β-glu-
tween 100 and 14,000 residues. Cellulose chains cosidase and α-galactosidase has been required to
form numerous intra- and intermolecular hydro- hydrolyze galactoglucomannans. Endomannanases
gen bonds, which account for the formation of cleave the mannan backbone to release short- and
rigid, insoluble, crystalline microfibrils. Its enzy- long-chain oligomannosides and β-1,4-mannosi-
matic hydrolysis is considered to require action dases then cleave D-mannose residues from the
of both endoglucanases (1,4-β-D-glucan glucano- short chain oligomannosides and mannobiose
hydrolase, EC and exoglucanases (1,4-β- (Coughlan and Hazlewood, 1993; Gibbs et al.,
D-glucan cellobiohydrolase, EC These 1992; Morris et al., 1995).
enzymes have different specificity and act to-
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Hyperthermostable cellulolytic
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Cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic microorgan- β-glucosidase (Leuschner and Antranikian, 1995;

isms in extreme temperatures Ruttersmith and Daniel, 1991; Saul et al., 1995).
Hyperthermophilic bacteria have received Likewise, T. maritima, Dictyoglomus turgidus
considerable attention as sources of highly active and Caldocellum saccharolyticum are also able
and hyperthermostable cellulolytic and hemi- to excrete hyperthermal cellulases and hemicel-
cellulolytic enzymes. The most extremely ther- lulases (Bergquist et al., 1999; Bronnenmeier et
mophilic livings being up to now are organisms al., 1995; Gibbs et al., 1995).
growing at temperatures between 80 and 110 oC.
They are able to survive at low temperatures Hyperthermostable cellulolytic enzymes
for years although they do not grow at 60 oC or Endoglucanase and cellobiohydrolase
below. Hyperthermophiles or extreme thermo- With the restriction of extremely thermo-
philes are therefore considered to be organisms philic eubacteria which possess heat tolerant
whose optimal growth temperatures are above ability at temperatures greater than 65 oC, there
the normal range of the environment. These kinds have been only two known aerobic, cellulolytic
of environments are rare in nature and occur only hyperthermophiles reported so far. Meanwhile,
under special conditions, such as in compost piles the discoveries of anaerobic counterparts are
or in geothermal areas that are the main ' perma- growing in number (Table 1). The cellulolytic
nently hot ' places on this planet. Such areas, for enzyme system, which is composed of endoglu-
example, hot soil and hot spring are the main canase and β-glucosidase, has been isolated an-
natural habitats where hyperthermophiles have aerobically from Thermotoga maritima. It is the
been isolated. Moreover, they can also be found in first hyperthermophilic archaea that has been
artificial environments such as the boiling out- found to produce thermo-active endoglucanase.
flows of geothermal power plants (Kristjansson Both endoglucanases and cellobiohydrolase
and Hreggvidsson, 1995). known to date, have been isolated from Thermo-
To date about 50 species, 20 genera and 11 toga sp. strain FjSS3-B.1 with maximal activity at
orders of hyperthermophiles are known. Some of 105 oC (Ruttersmith and Daniel, 1991).
them belong to the eubacteria but mostly they are β-Glucosidase/ββ-Galactosidase
archaea. There are many subdivisions of hyper- β-Glucosidases often also show β-galacto-
thermophiles being suggested, such as extremo- sidase activity. A β-glucosidase (CelB) purified
philes for those organisms growing at tempera- from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus
tures of 65 to 85 oC, hyperthermophiles for those furiosus growing on cellobiose is extremely ther-
growing above 100 oC. The ability of these or- mostable, with a half-life of 85 h at 100 oC and
ganisms to maintain function and stability of cell 13 h at 110 oC and has maximal activity at 102 to
components and biomolecules under extreme 105 oC, near the physiological growth optimum of
temperatures are still unexplained (Kristjansson the organism. Most of the enzymes are located in
and Hreggvidsson, 1995; Leuschner and Antra- the cytoplasm. CelB is composed of 58 kDa
nikian, 1995). subunits, which are arranged into a tetramer. This
Hyperthermal cellulolytic and hemicellu- is a rather unusual structure, since most glyco-
lolytic enzymes mostly have been isolated from sidases from thermophilic bacterial sources are
Thermotoga sp. (Table 1). Some of them are also monomers. The enzyme is not stimulated by
secreted by Pyrococcus furiosus, such as, β-glu- divalent cations as found for some glycosidases
cosidase and β-galactosidase (Kengen et al., 1993). (Kengen et al., 1993; Lebbink et al., 2000). CelB
Thermotoga sp. strain FjSS3-B.1 isolated from also shows high activity on the aryl glucosides
an intertidal hot spring on Sava-Savu beach in p-nitrophenyl β-1,4-D-glucopyranoside and p-
Fiji has been shown to secrete a highly thermos- nitrophenyl β-1,4-D-galactose, as well as on β-1,
table xylanase as well as cellobiohydrolase and 4-linked disaccharides cellobiose and lactose
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Hyperthermostable cellulolytic
Vol. 24 No. 3 Jul.-Sep. 2002 485 Hongpattarakere, T.

Table 1. Summary of cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic enzymes produced by hyperthermophiles

Enzyme properties
Enzymes Organisms References
T optimum pH MW
(oC) (optimum) (kDa)

Endoglucanase Rhodothermus marinus 95 7.0 49 Hreggvidsson et al. (1996)
Acidothermus cellulolyticus 81 5.0 72 Sakon, et al. (1996)

Cellobiohydrolase Thermotoga sp. FjSS3-B.1 100-105 6.8-7.8 36 Ruttersmith and Daniel (1991,
Endoglucanase Thermotoga neapolitana 95, 106 6.0, 6.0-6.6 29, 30 Bok et al. (1998)
Thermotoga maritima 95 6.0 27 Bronnenmeier et al. (1995)
Caldocellum saccharolyticum Te’o et al. (1995)
Bergquist et al. (1999)
Caldocellulosiruptor - Bergquist et al. (1999)
Dictyoglomus turgidus

Exoglucanase Thermotoga maritima 95 7.5 29 Bronnenmeier et al. (1995)

Caldocellulosiruptor -

Xylanase Thermotoga sp. FjSS3-B.1 100 5.3 31 Leuschner and Antranikian

Thermotoga maritima MSB8 92, 105 6.2, 5.4 120, 40 Winterhalter and Liebl (1995)
Thermotoga thermarum 90 6.0 40 Leuschner and Antranikian
Dictyoglomus thermophilum 85 6.5 39.8 Morris et al. (1998)
Gibbs et al. (1995)
Arabinofurano- Thermotoga sp. FjSS3-B.1 92 Ruttersmith and Daniel (1993)
Pyrococcus furiosus 102-105 Kengen et al. (1993)

β-Glucosidase/ Thermotoga sp. FjSS3-B.1 7.0 75 Ruttersmith and Daniel (1993)

Pyrococcus furiosus 102-105 5.0 230 Kengen et al. (1993)
Thermotoga maritima 6.2 95 Leuschner and Antranikian
Sulfolobus solfataricus MT4 Leuschner and Antranikian
β-Mannanase Caldocellum saccharolyticum 80 6.0 Gibbs et al. (1993); Morris
et al. (1995)
85 6.0 30.7 Sunna et al. (2000)
Caldibacillus cellulovorans
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Vol. 24 No. 3 Jul.-Sep. 2002 486 Hongpattarakere, T.

and on the β-1,3-linked disaccharide laminaribi- also can be isolated from T. maritima (Bronnen-
ose (Lebbink et al., 2000). Additionally, β-gluco- meier et al., 1995). The P. furiosus enzyme, which
sidase from Thermotoga maritima has been iso- exhibits β-glucosidase activity, also has β-xylo-
lated and purified. The gene has been cloned and sidase activity (Kengen et al., 1993).
expressed in Escherichia coli (Leuschner and β-Mannanase
Antranikian, 1995). It has been found that hyperthermal β-glu-
cosidase from P. furiosus exhibits some β-man-
Hyperthermostable hemicellulolytic enzymes nosidase activity (Kengen et al., 1993). Its opti-
Endo-1,4-ββ-xylanase mum temperature is 102-105 oC. The complete
Endoxylanases isolated and purified from sequence of a β-mannanase gene from an anaero-
Thermotoga strain FjSS-B.1 and T. maritima bic extreme thermophile, Caldocellum saccha-
MSB8 are optimally active at temperatures of 100 rolyticum, has been determined and expressed in
and 105 oC, respectively. Two distinct endoxyla- E. coli. It shows that the expressed protein con-
nases from T. maritima MSB8 have been isolated: sists of 2 catalytic domains showing β-mannanase
XynA (120 kDa) and XynB (40 kDa). XynB dis- and endoglucanase activity. The recombinant β-
plays maximum activity at 105 oC, maximum mannanase works optimally at temperatures of
XynA activity has occurred at 92 oC. Moreover, 80 oC pH 6.0. It has been shown that the manna-
XynB also has greater long-term thermostability nases can significantly improve the bleachability
than XynA and their thermostabilities are en- of Pinus radiata kraft pulp in peroxide delignifi-
hanced in the presence of high salt concentration. cation sequences and can act cooperatively and
Both of them do not hydrolyze microcrystalline perhaps even synergistically with xylanases
cellulose or carboxymethyl cellulose so they have (Gibbs et al., 1995; Morris et al., 1998; Sunna
an important potential for biotechnological appli- et al., 2000).
cations such as kraft pulp prebleaching or plant Due to the requirement of extreme condi-
fiber processing (Bronnenmeier et al, 1995; Saul tions for optimal growth, cell cultivation on a
et al., 1995; Winterhalter and Liebl, 1995). large scale cannot be achieved by the existing
Xylanase activity has also been detected in processes, hence the difficulty for enzyme pro-
Caldocellum sachharolyticum and Dictyoglomus duction. However, recombination techniques
thermophilum Rt46B.1. Their xylanase genes have which express genes encoding the hyperthermal
been cloned, sequenced and expressed. The tem- enzymes in a host organism at conventional con-
perature and pH optima of the recombinant en- ditions, could provide a conventional cultivation
zymes of the latter are 85 oC and pH 6.5, respec- system that is workable and lead to an effective
tively. However, the enzyme is active across a bulk production of enzyme. Furthermore, produc-
broad pH range, with over 50% activity between tion of a particular enzyme can be accomplished
pH 5.5 and 9.5. It is able to hydrolyze xylan present without the purification step needed for elimina-
in Pinus radiata kraft pulp, indicating that it may tion of another unwanted cellulase or hemicellu-
be used as an aid in pulp bleaching (Gibbs et al., lase enzymes.
1995; Morris et al., 1998; Te’o et al., 1995). Many genes encoding enzymes have been
α-L-Arabinofuranosidases/β β-Xylosidase cloned and expressed successfully in E. coli (Bron-
A heat stable arabinofuranosidase from nenmeier et al., 1995; Leuschner and Antranikian,
Thermotoga strain FjSS3-B.1, classified as β-D- 1995; Libbink et al., 2000; Morris et al., 1998;
xylosidase, exhibits high activity towards xylo- Sunna et al., 2000; Te’0 et al., 1995; ). This is
biose and p-nitrophenyl α-L-arabinofuranoside. obviously an important development, as the
It has a molecular mass of 92 kDa and is ex- ability to produce recombinant versions of ther-
tremely thermostable with a half-life of 8 h at mostable proteins permits the application of
95 oC (Ruttersmith and Daniel, 1993). This enzyme mutagenesis methods to modify proteins and
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study fundamental issues of stability, as well as or the decrease of flexibility both in-helices and
to try and modify them to have more technologi- loop regions. However, the limited analysis of ho-
cally desirable properties. Recombinant technol- mologous gene sequences done thus far suggests
ogy has not been successful in every case, how- that (i) thermostability most likely arises from a
ever. The highest thermostable, recombinant number of sometimes subtle contributions that
xylanases reported to date are prepared from the may be difficult to impart to less stable proteins
Thermotoga strain FjSS3-B.1 with half-lives of and (ii) thermostabilization mechanisms are not
12 h at 95 oC and 22 h at 90 oC (Saul et al., 1995). the same in all protein families.
The enzymatic properties of recombinant xyla- Comparisons of amino acid composition
nase expressed in E. coli do not differ significant- and sequence analysis have been studied in many
ly from those of authentic xylanases isolated from enzymes. The comparison of different xylose
T. maritima itself (Bronnenmeier et al., 1995). isomerase sequences from T. maritima shows that
numbers of asparagine and glutamine residues
Factors that stabilize hyperthermostable en- decreased with increasing enzyme thermostability
zymes (Viikari et al., 1994). Unexpectedly, Koch et al.
In general, enzymes from conventional or- (1991) showed that the amino acid composition
ganisms are typically inactivated at temperatures of α-amylase enzyme from P. woesei did not
above 60 oC due to disorganization of their three show a significant difference when compared
dimensional structures followed by denaturation with the enzyme from other mesophilic (bacilli)
in an irreversible manner. At temperatures above and moderate thermophilic (clostridia) eubacteria.
80 oC, the proteins can undergo covalent modifi A similar comparison was performed on D-glycer-
cation by the hydrolysis of certain peptide bonds, aldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
deamination of glutamine and asparagine side from Thermotoga maritima and various sources,
chains, and cleavage of disulfide bonds. The issue including mesophiles, thermophiles and yeast, by
of how enzymes from hyperthermophiles can Wrba et al. (1990). These investigations do not
maintain their stability at temperatures above explain the phenomenon of thermal adaptation.
100 oC still needs a lot of work to be performed. Moreover, they found there is no major difference
Regarding the studies on recombinant proteins in the overall topology of the various homologous
which are able to be expressed in E. coli and ex- GAPDHs or in the physiochemical characteristics
hibit heat stability as native forms do, they obvi- of the enzymes. On the other hand, amino acid
ously indicate that extreme thermal stability is comparison of enolases from P. furiosus with
an intrinsic property which is encoded in the gene those from Thermus sp. and some yeasts show
sequence (Saul et al., 1995; Winterhalter and that the content of strongly hydrophilic residues
Liebl, 1995). is strikingly reduced in P. furiosus enolase. These
Despite numerous studies of biochemical data suggest that the difference between the 'out-
characteristic and gene sequence differences be- side' and the 'inside' of the enzyme is significantly
tween thermophilic and mesophilic proteins, the more distinct, and may contribute to the enhance-
ambiguity of how enzymes that can perform ment of resistance to thermal denaturation of the
optimally at 40 oC can be converted into ones hyperthermal enzymes (Koch et al., 1991; Peak
that work optimally near 120 oC is not yet clarified. et al., 1994; Vieille et al., 1995; Wrba et al., 1990).
Prior to the availability of gene sequences for the Many studies have directly compared the
hyperthermophilic proteins, it was thought that sequences of various enzymes from mesophiles
improvement of thermostability among similar and hyperthermophiles but cannot draw any uni-
enzymes could be explained by a few general rules, versal terms of strategies or specific rules to dis-
for example the increase of the number of salt tinguish their thermostable properties even though
bridges, the increase of the hydrophobicity index, the proteins have up to 60% homology. Apparent-
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Hyperthermostable cellulolytic
Vol. 24 No. 3 Jul.-Sep. 2002 488 Hongpattarakere, T.

ly, three-dimensional structural information is has traditionally been carried out using toxic
required. To date, detailed structural information chemicals such as chlorine and hypochlorite. This
is available for only three proteins from hyper- step is necessary for aesthetic reasons and for
thermophilic archaea. The structural data suggest improvement of paper properties. Additionally,
that a dramatic increase in the thermal stability of bleached kraft pulp is the most important pulp
protein is the result of numerous and subtle inter- produced today. The production is approximately
actions that lead to global changes in structure, for 65-70 millions ton a year, corresponding to a
example, the decreased surface area to volume value of more than 50 billion US$. Presently,
ratio while increasing interior packing. However, bleaching of kraft pulp uses large amounts of
it would be different in other cases. From the elemental chlorine and chlorine dioxide. By-prod-
comparison of the mesophilic GAPDH and Ther- ucts from using these chemicals are chlorinated-
motoga enzyme, the latter shows an increased organic, resulting from the substitution reaction
number of ionic pairs on its surface but a decreased of chlorine with lignin. It has been found that
number of intersubunit ion pairs, while the hydro- xylanases can facilitate the release of lignin so that
phobic interaction between subunits increases. much less chlorine needs to be used. This could
Moreover, the decrease of the ratio of surface area have important environmental consequences
and volume does not correlate with the thermal since the chlorine combined with phenolics de-
stability of the enzyme, as it has been concluded in rived from lignin results in pollution of paper
the case of aldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase mill effluents (Beguin and Aubert, 1994; Farrell
from P. furiosus (Adams et al., 1995; Adams and and Skerker, 1992).
Kelly, 1995; Vieille et al., 1995; Wrba et al., 1990). Hyperthermostable xylanases isolated
The most general conclusion from these studies from hyperthermopiles have a high potential for
is that hyperthermostability can be achieved biotechnological application in kraft pulp pre-
without the requirement for any new types of bleaching. The first part of the process in produc-
interactions to stabilize the folded conforma- tion of kraft pulp involves debarking and chip-
tion. Rather than being the consequence of any ping of the wood logs followed by a strong alka-
one dominant type of interaction, it appears that line cooking where the main part of the lignin is
the increased stability of these proteins reflects a dissolved and then washed away (Figure 1). The
number of subtle interactions involving surface result is a strong colored pulp, which has to be
energies, electrostatic interactions, increased sec- bleached in order to get a white pulp for paper
ondary structure stabilization and packing effects. production. The traditional bleaching of pulps has
been done in multistages, which can vary by the
Biotechnological applications chemicals that are used. A typical bleaching se-
The driving force behind research on quence is (C+D)-(E+O)-D-(E+P)-D wherein C
hyperthermal enzymes is the promise of being is elemental chlorine, D is chlorine dioxide, E is
able to use enzymes effectively at extreme temp- sodium hydroxide sometimes used in the presence
eratures in industrial processing. The exquisite of O, oxygen, and/or P, peroxide (Figure 2). On
specificity of an enzyme-mediated reaction is the other hand, the process with xylanases is very
difficult to mimic with conventional chemical ca- simple with a pH and temperature adjustment.
talysis. Moreover, enzyme catalysis can eliminate After xylanases are mixed into the pulp, which is
the need for multistep reactions and their often- kept in a holding tank for 1-3 h, the pulp is bleached
unwanted waste production from side reaction. in the normal way after one wash. However, due
Considerable attention is currently focused to the removal of some of the residual lignin and
on the use of hemicellulases in processing of an opening of the structure, the chlorine consump-
paper pulp, particularly, in bleaching step. Bleach- tion is much lower. A study shows xylanase treat-
ing, essentially the removal of lignin from pulp, ment of pulp enable chlorine use to be replaced
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Hyperthermostable cellulolytic
Vol. 24 No. 3 Jul.-Sep. 2002 489 Hongpattarakere, T.

xylanases hydrolyze xylan slightly, and that the

caustic extraction allows for removal of short
xylan fragments, which are covalently attached to
Debarking lignin fragments. Another reason is that xylanase
treatment removes reprecipitated xylan on the
surface of the kraft pulp fiber allowing for better
Chipping chemical penetration and lignin accessibility, in
NaOH:sulfide = 3:1 turn improving lignin extractability. However, this
Pulp DS = 20% treatment will be more advantageous if the ad-
Kraft Cooking T + 170oC
T + 3h
justments of temperature and pH are eliminated
Pressure = 10 atm completely. Availability of enzymes that can
Washing work at temperatures above 90 oC and pH > 9
would be very challenging. In this respect, the
hyperthermostable xylanases mentioned above
Unbleached Kraft Pulp have a high potential since the recombinant en-
zymes can be overproduced by E. coli and
possess all properties needed for the bleaching
Figure 1. Kraft pulping process
step (Gibbs, et al., 1995; Morris et al., 1995; Mor-
ris et al., 1998; Saul et al., 1995; Sunna et al., 2000;
Unbleached Pulp Viikari et al., 1994).
The use of xylanases has been proposed for
clarifying juices, wine and beer; for extracting
Chlor/chlorine dioxide CD
coffee, plant oil and starch; for improving the
nutritional properties of agricultural silage; for
Extraction E macerating plant cell walls; for producing food
thickener and for providing different textures to
bakery products. Many of these applications do
Chlorine dioxide D not strictly require pure xylanases, the presence of
cellulases and/or pectinases is often desirable.
Some of them have been reported to be currently
Extraction E in use. These enzymatic reactions usually are
not carried out at moderate temperatures with
conventional enzymes due to the risk of bacterial
Chlorine dioxide D
contamination. Given the availability of enzymes
that function at sufficiently high temperatures,
Bleached Pulp
aseptic conditions could be maintained. This
makes enzyme use to modify and improve food
characteristics attractive. For instance, lactose in
Figure 2. Kraft pulp bleaching process dairy products could be hydrolyzed with minimal
risk of contamination. Furthermore, economical
completely and a higher brightness pulp to be heat pretreatment can be developed for hydrolysis
achieved without alteration of strength properties of cellulose and hemicelluloses since improve-
(Farrell and Skerker, 1992; Morris et al., 1998; ment of enzymatic hydrolysis at high tempera-
Sunna et al., 2000). Xylanases can remove lignin ture is feasible (Adams et al., 1995; Beguin and
from the pulp more efficiently than lignolytic Aubert, 1994; Viikari et al., 1994).
enzyme. It has been postulated that the endo- In addition, hyperthermophilic enzymes
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Hyperthermostable cellulolytic
Vol. 24 No. 3 Jul.-Sep. 2002 490 Hongpattarakere, T.

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