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Email: s.ahmedku@gmail.com
Abstract— The core reason of this research is to Islamic banking. The international expansion of the
ascertain the factors behind preference of Islamic Islamic banking industry including Pakistan has
banking in Pakistan. The nature of this study is accelerated since 2002 [3].
quantitative and the essential objective of this study is to In the current scenario Islamic banking is growing at a
find out that why the preference of Islamic banks in very rapid pace, more and more people are preferring
Pakistan has increased over the time. The research Islamic banking and are paying more attention to the
design used to accomplish this result is correlation profit and loss sharing institutions [4]. Islamic banking
research design and the tool used to conduct this has taken huge steps in the elimination of Riba banking
research is questionnaire. Out of the 100 respondents the that is interest banking and has encouraged many
full 100% replied. The ratio of female respondents to individuals on doing interest free banking.
male respondents was relatively very low. The The objective of this study is to examine about the fact
questionnaires were distributed to those individuals who that why conventional financial institutions that have been
were employed and had a bank account. Questionnaire operating for a very long period of time almost 3
responses were given on a likert scale, with response 1 as centuries with a very strong base have begun to plummet
strongly disagree to response 5 for strongly disagree. The sharply for over some decades and at the same time
results were analyzed using basic statistics, including Islamic banking is making its expansions internationally
measures of central tendency. The findings of this specially in the Muslim countries, with rapid growth rate.
research indicate various factors that account for The upright expansion of Islamic banking in a very short
preference of Islamic banking. The factors include period has astonished everyone specially the western
reputation, Shariah compliance, customer satisfaction professionals and analysts. A huge exploration is being
and service quality. This study will be supportive to those done on the Islamic finance and many people are doing
individuals who prefer opening their account in Islamic research on Islamic finance and banking. A total of 970
banks. By this study, the individuals can get a lot of help books were published in a short time. In addition,
that what are the major factors that are considered by thousands of research articles have also been devoted to
different individuals. research on Islamic finance, studying topics ranging from
Keywords— Islamic banking, shariah compliance, differences in conventional versus Islamic banking to
profitability of Islamic banking sector. state regulations and control on Islamic financial
institutions. This little information about the researches
I. INTRODUCTION and books that are being published shows the increasing
Islamic banking started to come into appearance in the curiosity of the researchers in the Islamic finance.
1970’s. From that period of time it has been on the rise Islamic banking preference has increased rapidly over the
and is constantly emerging internationally [1]. At the past three decades. Islamic banking first was only
moment Islamic banking industry stands at the operating in the Muslim nations but now it has gained
benchmark of 1 trillion US dollars year end 2008 [2]. It is international recognition. It is spreading its operations in
an educated guess of the international credit rating agency the western countries also and is achieving its objectives.
that the Islamic banks have the potential to expand to 4.0 Individuals all over the world prefer Islamic banks. This
trillion US dollars. Countries like UK, France, China, research is carried out to find out the factors that affect
Singapore and most of the different countries have the individual’s perception of preference, this study is
developed supervisory body to smooth the progress of only limited to Pakistan scenario.