Number: 08 Ddec Vi-48 S.M. REF.: 72.5 Engine: Dd15 DATE: September 2008
Number: 08 Ddec Vi-48 S.M. REF.: 72.5 Engine: Dd15 DATE: September 2008
Number: 08 Ddec Vi-48 S.M. REF.: 72.5 Engine: Dd15 DATE: September 2008
SPN 723/FMI 31 has been added to the manual.
SPN 723/FMI 31
This fault indicates there is no match of camshaft and crankshaft signals.
1. Are there any other camshaft or crankshaft codes present?
[a] Yes, repair circuit failure. If the code is still active, go to next step.
[b] No, go to next step.
2. Has the engine had any gear train, camshaft, or flywheel repairs made?
[a] Yes, verify proper gear train timing and proper flywheel installation.
[b] No, inspect the tone wheel on the intake cam for damage. Check gear train for excessive
lash or damage. If no concerns are found, go to next step.
3. Remove the Camshaft Position Sensor and inspect for damage. Is there damage to the sensor?
[a] Yes, replace the sensor. Refer to section "Verify Repairs".
[b] No, go to next step.
4. Remove the Crankshaft Position Sensor and inspect for damage. Is there damage to the sensor?
[a] Yes, replace the sensor. Refer to section "Verify Repairs".
[b] No, go to next step.
5. Check for loose debris in the flywheel housing, clutch damage, or metal debris in the oil. Repair
as necessary. Refer to section "Verify Repairs".
Additional service information is available in the DD15 Troubleshooting Guide
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