Data Science Training in Bangalore-Learnbay - in
Data Science Training in Bangalore-Learnbay - in
Data Science Training in Bangalore-Learnbay - in
Course Overview:
Python for Data Science
R Programming
Introduction to SQL
Advance Statistics
Apache Spark/Hadoop
Machine Learning With Real Time Project
Deep Learning And Tensor flow
Real Time Project And Resume Prep Session
Interview Guidance And Job Assistance
Duration Of Course - 24 Weeks Course(Around 6 months)
-Weekend Only
(4 Hours Saturday And Sunday) - 200 Hours including Projects
Course Fee: RS. 48,000/- (0% EMI Available on Major Credit Cards)
Job Assistance
Resume Prep Session
Mock Interview And Get
Referral in Companies For
Data Science Roles
For Any Queries About Placement Assistance or Real Time Project ,Feel
Free to Chat on Whatsapp Now or Schedule Telephonic Counselling
1. R Basics, background
2. Getting familiar with basics
Comprehensive R Archive Network
Operators in R – Arithmetic,Relational,Logical
Demo of Installing R On windows from CRAN
and Assignment Operators
Variables,Types Of Variables,Using variables
Installing R Studios on Windows OS
Conditional statements,ifelse(),switch
Setting Up R Workspace.
Loops: For Loops,While Loops,Using Break
Getting Help for R-How to use help system
Installing Packages – Loading And Unloading
3. Inferential Statistics
What is inferential statistics 4. Hypothesis Testing
Different types of Sampling techniques Hypothesis Testing
Central Limit Theorem Basics of Hypothesis Testing
Point estimate and Interval estimate Type of test and Rejection Region
Creating confidence interval for population parameter Type o errors-Type 1 Errors,Type 2 Errors
Characteristics of Z-distribution and T-Distribution P value method,Z score Method
Basics of Hypothesis Testing
Type of test and rejection region
Type of errors in Hypothesis resting, Type-l error and
Type-ll errors
P-Value and Z-Score Method
T-Test, Analysis of variance(ANOVA) and Analysis of
Co variance(ANCOVA)
Regression analysis in ANOVA
Class Hands-on:
Problem solving for C.L.T
Problem solving Hypothesis Testing
Problem solving for T-test, Z-score test
Case study and model run for ANOVA, ANCOVA
(6 Week - 48 hours)
5. Unsupervised Learning
6. Introduction to Deep Learning
Hierarchical Clustering
INeural Network
k-Means algorithm for clustering – groupings
Understaing Neural Network Model
of unlabeled data points.
Understanding Tuning of Neural Network
Principal Component Analysis(PCA)- Data
Independent components analysis(ICA)
Case Study:
Anomaly Detection
Case study using Neural Network
Recommender System-collaborative filtering
Case Study– Recommendation Engine for e-
commerce/retail chain
7. Natural language Processing 8. Apache Spark Analytics
Introduction to natural Language What is Spark
Processing(NLP). Introduction to Spark RDD
Word Frequency Algorithms for NLP Introduction to Spark SQL and Dataframes
Sentiment Analysis Using R-Spark for machine learning
Case Study : Hands-on:
Twitter data analysis using NLP installation and configuration of Spark
Hands on Spark RDD programming
Hands on of Spark SQL and Dataframe programming
Using R-Spark for machine learning programming
9. Introduction to Tableau/Spotfire
Connecting to data source
Creating dashboard pages
How to create calculated columns
Different charts
Hands on on connecting data source and
data clensing
Hands on verious charts
Hands on deployment of Predictive model in