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(Formerly known as Lokset) constructive solutions

Polyester resin anchoring grout


Lokfix mix and place grouts are used for high strength
corrosion resistant anchoring of bolts and bars from 12-51 mm
diameter into concrete, rock, masonry or brickwork where high
speed of installation and early application of load is required.

Permanent installation of reinforcement starter bars,

foundation bolts, base plates, balustrading, barriers and safety
fences, railway tracks, tie-back anchors, reinforcement
dowelling abutments, ground anchors for towers, cranes, dock
sills etc.


Rapid strength gain.

Vibration resistant.

Corrosion resistant.


Can be placed underwater.

Standard compliance

Product is tested in accordance with BS6319 and BS5080. Design criteria

Description The version of Lokfix grout chosen will depend on anchor

conditions (see description).
Lokfix is produced in two versions. The two versions of Lokfix
are all pre-measured, two part, filled polyester resin grouts. The high strength of the cured resin permits strong anchors
After hardening, the grout produces anchorages of consistent to be created. Ultimate strength is varied by:
reproducible values. The versions are:
Strength of host material.
Lokfix S - used where hole diameter is less than 25 mm
greater than the bar diameter. Length of resin bond to bar.

Lokfix P - used in overhead or horizontal holes where bar/hole Hole preparation and formation.
relationship conforms to Lokfix S. The thixotropic nature of
Lokfix P reduces flow of grout out of the hole. Type and dimension of bar.

The following formula may be used to determine the

Technical support minimum hole depths.
Fosroc offers a comprehensive range of high performance, Minimum hole depth = 0.6 Y x 0.25Πd1 (mm) / SΠd2
high quality, and construction products. Fosroc offers a
technical support package to specifiers and contractors as well Y = characteristic yield stress of steel (425 N/mm2).
as technical assistance in locations all over the world.
S = permitted shear stress in concrete in N/mm .

d1 = bar diameter in mm.

d2 = hole diameter in mm.

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(Formerly known as Lokset)

Table 1: Minimum hole depth of Lokfix chemical anchor for Performance specification
rebar bolts in different strengths of reinforced concrete (Based
on BS8110). Mix and place grout where shown on the drawings shall be
a two component polyester resin system. When fully cured
Minimum hole depth (mm)
2 it shall exhibit a compressive strength in excess of 90
Concrete strength N/mm
(reinforced): 20 25 30 >40
N/mm2, and shear strength of 30 N/mm2 at 7 days.
Permitted concrete shear
stress using Type 1 Bar as per The storage, handling and placement of the grout must be
BS8110 (N/mm ):
2.1 2.5 2.8 3.4 in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Bar Yield Min. hole
diam (tonnes) diameter
(mm) (mm)
Application instructions
12 4.9 20 220 185 165 135
16 8.7 20 390 325 290 240 Hole preparation and formation
20 13.6 25 485 410 365 300
25 21.3 32 595 500 445 365 Optimum performance of Lokfix grouts requires rough
32 34.9 38 820 690 615 505 sided, dust free holes. Use of rotary percussive drills with
40 54.5 45 1080 910 810 670 air or water flushing is recommended.

Diamond drilled holes should be under-reamed.

Cast holes should preferably be inverse dovetail
Gel time configuration. If parallel-sided holes are cast they should be
rough to provide adequate keying.
Temperature Gel time Minimum time
(oC) (minutes) before load (hours) Bar preparation
20 40 7
30 15 3 All bars should preferably be degreased and all flaky rust
40 7 1 removed.

Compressive strength Mixing

After the minimum time before load the grout typically attains a A complete pack of resin and catalysed filler should be
compressive strength in excess of 20 N/mm2 and an ultimate mixed in one operation. Mixing may be carried out
compressive strength of 90 N/mm2. manually or mechanically. When a smooth, even
consistency is achieved the grout is ready for use and
Shear strength: should be placed well within the gel time of the grout (see
(BS 6319 Part 2:1983) 30 N/mm2 properties).
Tensile strength at 7 days:
(BS 6319 Part 3:1983) 14 N/mm2 Packs have been designed to produce practical and
Flexural strength: economic volumes of grout. Do not attempt to mix partial
(BS 6319 Part 3:1983) 32 N/mm pack components.

Chemical resistance Placing

The cured resin is resistant to fresh and salt water, petrol, oils, Lokfix S
grease and most acids, alkalis and solvents.
The mixed grout should be poured steadily into the
Flash point prepared holes. The anchor bar is then pressed into the
hole to the required depth. Slight agitation of the bar will
Lokfix S and Lokfix P: 29oC assist in achieving a complete bond. The bar should then
Fosroc Solvent 102: 33 C be left undisturbed in the required position until the resin is
Specification clauses
Lokfix P
Supplier specification The grout should be injected to the rear of the hole to avoid
air entrapment. The thixotropic nature of Lokfix P will
Mix and place grout where shown on the drawings shall be prevent significant flow of resin out of the hole.
Lokfix manufactured by Fosroc. It shall be used in accordance
with the manufacturer’s current application instructions.

constructive solutions Page 2

(Formerly known as Lokset)

Cleaning Storage

Any mixing drums, pumps, etc. should be cleaned within the Shelf life is 6 months.
pot life of the grout. Fosroc Solvent 105 is available for this
purpose. The product should be stored away from high temperatures.

Limitations Precautions

1. At permanent operating temperatures above 40oC, Health and safety

creep of the cured grout may become significant.
Lokfix and Fosroc Solvent 105 are flammable.
2. Resin anchors should not be used where
structural load bearing performances have to be Confined areas must be well ventilated and no naked flamed
maintained in anchors subjected to fire conditions. allowed. Do not smoke during use. Contact with the skin
should be avoided as certain sensitive skins may be affected
3. For use at temperature below 5 C, seek advice by contact with the polyester resin. In such cases if contact
from Fosroc. with the resin occurs, the skin should be washed immediately
with soap and water - not solvent. Gloves and barrier
Estimating creams should be used when handling these products. Eye
contamination must be immediately washed with plenty of
Pack sizes water and medical treatment sought.

Lokfix S The pack consists of a can of resin and a Additional information

plastic bag of hardener. Volume of mixed
components: 2.5 litres. Fosroc supplies a range of associated, products for the
construction and anchoring industries. Details are available
Lokfix P The pack consists of a can of resin and a on request.
plastic bag of hardener. Volume of mixed
components: 2.5 litres.

Fosroc Solvent 105 - 4 and 25 litre containers.

Table indicates volume of Lokfix grout in cm3 per 100

mm bond.

Volume of grout for bolt diameter

Diameter 12 16 20 25 32 38 44.5 51
(mm) mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
20 25
25 50 40 25
32 80 70 60 40
38 100 100 75 45
45 150 130 100 70
51 180 150 120 75
57 235 200 170 130 80
64 300 280 250 200 160
76 425 400 350 300
These figures allow for a 25% wastage factor.

Important note:
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions
for the Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that
any advice, recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct
or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the
use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation of information given by it.

Fosam Company Limited

Telephone: +966 2 637 5345 Fax: +966 2 637 5891 email: fosam@fosroc.com
Head Office
Post Box 11081 Regional Offices
Jeddah Sales Office Tel: (02) 608 0999 Fax: (02) 638 0693 Yanbu Tel: (04) 322 4280 Fax: (04) 391 2980
Jeddah – 21453
Jeddah Showroom Tel: (02) 665 0187 Fax: (02) 667 4844 Makkah Tel: (02) 542 0869 Fax: (02) 542 0869
Saudi Arabia Riyadh Tel: (01) 482 9303 Fax: (01) 482 7562 Medinah Tel: (04) 855 0091 Fax: (04) 855 0047
Dammam Tel: (03) 814 1282 Fax: (03) 814 1581 Jubail Tel: (03) 362 3904 Fax: (03) 362 3875

www.fosroc.com Khamis Mushayt Tel: (07) 250 0469 Fax: (07) 250 0469 CSD Tel: (02) 608 0999 Fax: (02) 638 0693

Registered Office: Industrial Area, Phase 4, Road No. 414, Street No. 407
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