Case 19 General Electric Company
Case 19 General Electric Company
Case 19 General Electric Company
-:- : : i-.' can replace a light bulb, but it takes a motivated The distributor signed up its people. anC they were
, : :: ::! to market the benefits of upgraded quality light- grven a sales 1og and claim formto order any of rz incentive
:--. -.::d that's where the growth and profits lie for General ltems where they qualified. To reach'tire first level of Mt-
:-: -:::,: Company and its lamp distributors. Sellmore, the sales rep had to seII ro cases of the feaiured
J,. focus altention on its upscale products, GE created a products. Level z was reached at 2c cases, and the levei 3
:"-: :i incentive campaigns for distri-butor salespeople, gorJ *u* 3o cases. Backingrhc effor.. sales reps had a
"Sca1e \'{t. 'Trv-A-Case" form To start customers on the Watt-N{rser
-:a:rrueg fun themes of ups and downs, first,
S,--ir-ore " . ." and then "Run the Sellmore Rapids." Dls- or oiher upscale 1ines.
::-,uior salespeople handle approximaiely 5o lines in To keep the salespeopie coricentrating on seliing' uith
-'r,lS1 c&ses, so the campalgn's goalwas io catch their atten- a minimum o{ paperw-ork. they had or-rly to fill out the
:-:,r and hold a share of their minds for GE's upscaie light- claim forru listing tiie cl-rstomer's name, inYcice nurnber,
in{products. Thevhadfive months to reachthe "sun'-mit" Llrocuct code. and,num,ber o{ cases. This v'as r-erified by
ard tiren a July breather before starring dovrr the " rapids. " the GE sales rep, arrd no invoice copies or other records
TLe com-bination brought GE a 4o percent lncrease rl lvere requrred.
,.:res of the featured products. Each rep corrki cjairrr r-rp ro tirree awaicis during the
TLe tr.i,l promotions ran under the bannei of "GE fi-,.e-ilon.rir canlaiE-:. Thus. r.'hen a salesperson solC rc
Larp and Ballast Upse11 Erpedition." Eacl, segmtnr he or she irai io de cide whethe:- to take the inccnri','e
,-f-e red merchandise prizes on three plateaus io pror-ide rrrmedratelr', or coniinue to the ne--,1 ievei.
r:r:ri saLes levels for distributor reps. The salesperson Fi-,,e .Lot..t v'ere ofiered at leve1 r: a popittr 3acket,
:i-rLd ciarm a prize at each level or continue ciimbing to iqlr{e set, binoculars. elecrric ori}i. or GE clocli-rariio-
:, , :. -::ar-rlalue ilr" rnountain.
up teie';hone. -\t rhe nexr lriare au. .he sales rep could earn a
-{r the summit, the iri:rner's name was entered in a drsc camer-a. clock-radio. fcur-p:.eceluggage set, or afish-
''Ti.e S\.'s the Llmjtl" sweepstakes offerrng 5c irips to a ing kit. At the sumnrit. a salesperson cou-ld select a wrist-
cL-rclce of five destlnations. These champj.on climbers also ra.atch. co rdless phone, o r Sp acemaker T\'' set.
recerved a \4t. Sellmore brass paperweight inscrjbed "1 Everv tlme the sales rep eamed a summri-ieveltaward
Fleached the Top." bv selling 3o cases of 1amps. one sl4reepstakes chance u'as
-li the end of the year, those u'ho made the rapids finish entered. Ten trips weie anarded bv drau'ings in each of
Ine also had a chance to vacation trips, including a five sales regions. Trips rvere indir,rdual, rather than in
\rirg::l isiands wind;ammer cruise ald a Grand Canvon gloups, and each u,i:rner could choose bei ween Colorado.
r^-L-;i e - r,'a i er erped iti on. Nert, Orleans, Las \,'egas. Orlando and Disnev\trror1d. cr the
The promotion began irr January, rn'hen Mt. Selimore Bahamas. Each tnp v'as for fcur da1's and three nights.
aillouncements. catalogs, and other materia-ls v,'ere rt.ith S:oc spendingmoneJ throunin. ,.
marled to distri-butors. GE's own sales force of 3oo f isited The Mt. Seilmore climb ended on June 3o, arld in Ju1;,
ciistri-butors to pitchthe program, put uP posters, andhold the Sellmore Rapids carnpaiSn materials rn'ere in the fieid,
sales meetings. ready fcr anArgust r start. The concept ltlas the same, v-ith
: : -i:::--a _-
=-::ji-::-t-S: : :-:-: --i." S-....=:: i-:j-: --- - :,:::'t--.i -:: al:ur j::,er:rtr' oit,:ra_i sa1es. Duringthe
".:.. can:pa,gr, ho'wever. sa]es for GE's upscale llnes increased
:r,l ieve. _1 jur.ped tc 40 cases i:: saies ic pror-lde blg- on average by 4c percent o\.er the prer.ious year, despite
:rr rerraids. .Ar:.d now ni:rners cou_ld eajrn up to five prizes hear,y price competirion and iraport pressure. More than
instead of three, including an exira award if they com_
z.! millionof these upscale iampsv,ere sold, u,hiie sa-les of
pieted all three rapids levels before Septemler i2. standard products u.ere flat.
In both campaigns, the sa-les objective emphasized The GE Lamp and Ballast Upsel1 Expedition was a big
increased movement of the upgraded lighting products hit wlth distributors and their salespeople from the start.
and promoted relighting, not just repiacing 1amps. Con- Alj the way up the mountaln and dovr the rapids, exciting
r,lncing commercia_l and industrial buyers that ,.The time incentives kept the reps arrention on the sales objective
is right to relight" requires creative selling by the distrjb - and on the firush Line.
utor rep.
Approrimately 15,ooo reps were in the field, and more
tha:r i4,ooo registered to participate in GE's campaign. Of Disaussion Questroms
this num-ber,3,7o6 of them earned awards, with many r. What do you thinl< accounted for the dramatic suc_
earning more than one-for a total of more than 5,zoo cess of GE's promotion program in gainlng distr"ib-
incentives given. utor selling support? Discuss.
GE's upscale products covered by the incentive pro- z. Do you thilk that "fun and games,' are really neces_
gram offered i.mproved lighting quality and energy sav- sary in promoting a "serious" product such as i.n_
ings. These products were more profitabLe, and tirey dustrial ii ghtin g? \X*/ h,v o r r+.hy not ?