DTTL Tax Pakistanhighlights 2018 PDF
DTTL Tax Pakistanhighlights 2018 PDF
DTTL Tax Pakistanhighlights 2018 PDF
Investment basics: although for nonresidents without a PE, the final taxation
regime applies on royalty, technical service fee, shipping and
Currency – Pakistan Rupee (PKR) air transport income. Nonresidents can opt for taxation under
Foreign exchange control – Foreign exchange the final taxation regime with respect to income from certain
regulations are issued and administered by the state bank construction, assembly and similar projects. Under the final
of Pakistan. There generally are no restrictions on the taxation regime, gross income is charged to tax at a flat rate,
repatriation of income or capital. without any deductions for expenditure or allowances. Net
Finance Act 2018 introduced provisions allowing the tax taxable income under the normal regime is computed based
authorities to enquire as to the source and nature of on specific rules and principles, and expenses may be
foreign currency remittances from outside Pakistan that deducted from gross income.
exceed PKR 10 million per person per year, even if the Resident taxpayers, with the exception of companies in
remittance is made through regular banking channels, certain cases, are taxed under the final taxation regime
converted to PKR by an authorized bank and the on income from dividends, property rentals, construction
appropriate certificate is issued by the bank. contracts, trading, commercial imports/exports and
Accounting principles/financial statements – IFRS brokerage and commissions.
and Companies Act 2017. All public companies and Taxation of dividends – A resident entity pays tax at a
private limited companies with paid-up capital of PKR 10 rate of 15% on dividend income. A nonresident pays a
million or more must file annual financial statements with 15% withholding tax on Pakistan-source dividends, or a
the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. reduced rate if so provided by a relevant tax treaty (see
Principal business entities – These are the limited “Dividends” under “Withholding tax,” below).
Intercorporate dividends are not taxed if group taxation
liability company, partnership and branch of a foreign
relief is available.
Capital gains – Capital gains generally are taxed at the
Corporate taxation: normal corporate rate. Gains derived from the sale of
capital assets held for more than one year are reduced by
Residence – An entity is resident if it is registered under 25% for tax purposes and, therefore, 75% of the net
the laws of Pakistan or its management and control is gains are taxable at a rate of 29% for corporate bodies for
situated wholly in Pakistan. tax year 2019, and between PKR 1,000 to 15% for
Basis – Resident entities are taxed on worldwide business individuals and others.
income; nonresidents pay tax only on Pakistan-source For tax years 2018 and 2019, gains on disposals of listed
income. securities acquired on or after 1 July 2013 are subject to tax
Taxable income – Income generally is taxed under five at 15%; gains on disposals of listed securities acquired
“heads of income,” i.e. business income, rental income, prior to 1 July 2013 are exempt.
capital gains, salary income and other sources. Business Losses – Business losses (except losses from a
income of a resident entity or a permanent establishment speculative business) may be set off against taxable
(PE) of a nonresident entity is taxed either on a income earned during the same tax year under any head
presumptive/final taxation basis for specified types of of income. Excess losses may be carried forward for up to
income or on a net taxable income basis. six years following the tax year. Losses from a speculative
The normal mode of taxation is based on net taxable income, business and capital losses may be carried forward to the
Pakistan Highlights 2018
following tax year for set off against speculative business consideration. This credit is available for companies
income and capital gains for that year. Losses relating to incorporated and industrial undertakings established
the disposal of specific securities, including listed shares between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2021 provided certain
and securities, may be set off against the relevant gains of conditions are satisfied.
the same year; such losses may not be carried forward. Industrial undertakings established before 1 July 2011
Business losses cannot be offset against income that is also are allowed a tax credit for investment relating to the
taxed under the final taxation regime. modernization or replacement of plant and machinery, or
Losses attributable to tax depreciation and amortization where they expand using 70% equity financing between 1
may be carried forward indefinitely but may be offset only July 2011 and 30 June 2021. The credit is granted against
against 50% of taxable business income each year where tax payable based on the ratio of equity investment to
that income is at least PKR 10 million. total investment.
Rate – The corporate tax rate is 29% for the 2019 tax The corporate tax rate is reduced to 20% for a company
year (reduced from 30% for tax year 2018) and is imposed that set up an industrial undertaking between 1 July 2014
on the net taxable income of a company. The corporate and 30 June 2017, subject to the condition that at least
tax rate will be reduced by 1% each year from 2019, until 50% of the project cost (including working capital) was
the rate reaches 25% in tax year 2023. financed through foreign direct investment in the equity of
Surtax – No the company.
Alternative minimum tax – A turnover tax of 1.25% A tax credit equal to 2% of tax payable for every 50
applies on the declared turnover of a resident company employees is available to employment-generating
and other specified taxpayers. The minimum tax is companies whose manufacturing unit is setup between 1
applicable where taxpayers suffer losses or the tax yield July 2015 and 30 June 2019 and that satisfy certain other
on income is less than 1.25% of turnover. conditions.
An alternative corporate tax of 17% of “accounting Incentives apply to income from exports of computer
income” applies. The tax liability of a company is software, IT services or IT enabled services until 30 June
calculated as the higher of the alternative corporate tax or 2019, where 80% of the export proceeds are brought into
the total corporate tax payable (including the tax on net Pakistan.
taxable income, minimum tax and final taxes). Other – Super tax is levied for tax year 2019 at the rate
Foreign tax credit – A resident entity may claim a credit of 2% (reduced from 3% for tax year 2018) of a person’s
for income tax paid outside Pakistan on its foreign-source income where the income is at least PKR 500 million
income against its tax liability in Pakistan. The amount of during the tax year. The rate is 3% for banking companies
the credit is the lesser of the income tax paid abroad or (reduced from 4% for tax year 2018). The rates are being
the Pakistan tax payable on the foreign-source income. progressively reduced until the tax is abolished by tax
year 2021.
Participation exemption – No
A Federal Workers Welfare Fund (WWF) assessment is
Holding company regime – No, but see under
levied on every industrial undertaking, equal to 2% of
“Consolidated returns,” below.
taxable profit, with the exception of industrial
Incentives – To encourage investment in alternative undertakings doing business in the province of Sindh.
energy power generation, a first-year allowance of 90% of Sindh. WWF is levied under provincial legislation at the
the cost of plant, machinery and equipment is available. rate of 2% of taxable income or accounting profit.
In addition, profits and gains from electricity power
generation projects set up in Pakistan may be exempt Withholding tax:
from tax in certain cases.
Dividends – Withholding tax is levied on dividends at 15%
Accelerated depreciation is available for setting up in the case of filers of an income tax return in Pakistan
industrial undertakings in rural and under-developed (i.e. taxpayers whose names appear on the active
areas. taxpayers list issued by the Federal Board of Revenue
A tax credit equal to 10% of the amount invested for the from time to time, or that hold a taxpayer’s card), and at
replacement or modernization of plant and machinery is 20% in the case of non-filers, unless the rate is reduced
available for investments made between 1 July 2010 and under a tax treaty.
30 June 2021. Interest – A 20% withholding tax is levied on interest
A credit equal to 20% of the tax liability, for the year of paid to a nonresident, unless the rate is reduced under a
listing and the following tax year, and a credit equal to tax treaty. Interest paid to a nonresident that does not
10% of the tax liability for the two subsequent tax years, have a PE in Pakistan is subject to withholding tax of 10%
is granted to companies that opt to be listed on a of the gross amount paid.
registered stock exchange in Pakistan. Royalties – Royalties paid to a nonresident are subject to
A tax credit equal to the equity financed investment a 15% withholding tax, unless the rate is reduced under a
proportion of tax payable is available to a new corporate tax treaty.
industrial undertaking set up with at least 75% equity Technical service fees – Technical service fees paid to a
raised through the issuance of new shares for cash
Pakistan Highlights 2018
nonresident are subject to a 15% withholding tax, unless will be allowed in respect of the interest on the portion
the rate is reduced under a tax treaty. that exceeds the 3:1 ratio.
Branch remittance tax – The remittance of profits to a Controlled foreign companies – Controlled foreign
head office abroad is treated as dividends, attracting a company (CFC) legislation applies from tax year 2019 and
15% withholding tax on the remittance. attributes income of a CFC to a greater-than-10%
Other – A 7% withholding tax is imposed on construction shareholder resident in Pakistan. A CFC is defined as a
contracts and contracts for advertising services provided nonresident company for which all of the following apply:
by TV satellite channels to a filer; for a nonfilter the rate is • More than 50% of the nonresident company’s capital
14%. A 10% withholding tax applies to advertising services or voting rights are directly or indirectly held by one
provided by a nonresident media company; and a 5% tax or more Pakistan residents, or more than 40% of the
on the payment of insurance premiums. These rates company’s capital or voting rights are directly or
generally apply to income subject to the final taxation indirectly held by a single Pakistan resident;
regime. For other payments to nonresidents, a general • Tax paid by the nonresident company for the taxable
withholding tax of 20% applies. year, after taking into account foreign tax credits, to
Other taxes on corporations: any tax authority outside Pakistan is less than 60% of
the Pakistan tax that would have been payable on the
Capital duty – A capital authorization fee is levied at company’s income if the company were resident in
varying rates, depending on the authorized capital. Pakistan;
Payroll tax – As from 1 July 2018 a maximum rate of • The foreign company derives more than 80% of its
15% applies on income exceeding PKR 4.8 million, whereas income from dividends, interest, property, capital
a nominal tax of PKR 2,000 is payable on taxable income up gains, royalties or annuities; supplies of goods or
to PKR 1.2 million. The employer withholds tax from the services to a related party; sales or licenses of
salary payment and remits the tax to the government on intangibles; or the management, holding or
behalf of the employee. investment in securities and financial assets; and
Real property tax – Property tax is levied at the • The shares of the company are not traded on a stock
provincial level. exchange recognized under the laws of the country in
which the company is tax resident.
Social security – The employer contributes up to 6% of
wages to the Social Security Institution on behalf of the The taxable income of a CFC is determined as if the CFC
employee. No contribution is due on wages in excess of were a resident taxpayer, and converted into PKR at the
PKR 600 per day or PKR 15,000 per month. State Bank of Pakistan rate applying on the last day of
the tax year. The amount included in the taxable income
Stamp duty – Stamp duty is payable on the issuance and
of the resident shareholder is based on the percentage of
transfer of shares at rates of 0.5% and 1.5%,
capital or voting rights, whichever is higher, directly or
respectively, of the face value of the shares, subject to a
indirectly held by the resident in the CFC. No income of
minimum of PKR 1. If the shares are transferred to or
the CFC is attributed to a resident shareholder where the
through a central depository company (CDC), the duty is
capital or voting rights held by the shareholder is less
applied under the CDC’s rules.
than 10% or is less than PKR 10 million. Where income of
Transfer tax – Subject to certain conditions, a 5% tax is a CFC is taxable to a shareholder in Pakistan under the
levied on the gross sales price of property or goods sold by CFC rules, the income is not taxed again when
auction. distributed.
Anti-avoidance rules: Disclosure requirements – Corporate taxpayers are
required to submit audited financial statements along with
Transfer pricing – Under the anti-avoidance rules, the the income tax return.
tax authorities are authorized to distribute, apportion or
Transfer pricing reporting requirements apply (see under
allocate income, deductions or tax credits between
“Transfer pricing,” above.)
associated companies to reflect income that would have
been realized in accordance with the arm’s length Other – The tax authorities may recharacterize a
principle. Pakistan tax law provides four methods for transaction that was entered into for tax avoidance
determining the arm’s length result. purposes or where the transaction lacks substance, or
may disregard a transaction that has no economic
Taxpayers are required to prepare a master file, a local
file and a country-by country-report containing information
on transactions with related parties, as well as provide and Compliance for corporations:
maintain such other information and documents as may be
prescribed. Tax year – The law provides for two types of tax year: a
normal tax year (for the period ending 30 June) and a
Thin capitalization – Where a foreign controlled resident
special tax year (i.e. a tax year other than the normal
company or branch of a nonresident (other than a bank or
year that has been approved by the tax authorities).
financial institution) has a foreign debt-to-equity ratio
exceeding 3:1 at any time during a tax year, no deduction
Pakistan Highlights 2018
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