Wells Copper Smith 1994
Wells Copper Smith 1994
Wells Copper Smith 1994
slip type. Regressions of surface rupture length and max imum and average displacement also are presented (Ta ble 2C). Regression descri
able (s), correlation coefficient (r), anddata range. The empirical relationships have the form y = a+ b* log
(x) or log (y) =a+ b* log (x), where y is the dependent
variable and x is the independent variable. Two plots are presented far each pair of parameters. The first shows the data, the "all-slip-
We calculate t statistics for the correlatioo coeffi cient to evaluate the significance of each relationship. A t distribution estimates a pro
D. L. Wells and K. J. Coppersmith
on the size of tbe data set. We use a t test to calculate critica! values of t, then compare these values to critica! values of t for a selected si
constrained by the data; they are shown in brackets in Table 2 because they are not considered useful for pre dicting dependent variab
erage displacement versus magnitude, surface rupture
Table 2A
ure Length, Rupture Width, Rupture Area, and Moment Magnitude (M)
Coeffieiénts and s,andard
R 19 5.00(0.22) 1.22(0.16)
0.28 0.88 5.4 to 7.4 3.3 to 85
N 15 4.86(0.34) 1.32(0.26)
0.34 0.8)
5.2 to 7.3 2.5 to 41
log (SRL) = a + b * M SS 43 - 3.55(0.37) 0.74(0.05) 0.23 0.91 5.6 to 8.1 1.3 to 432
R 19 - 2.86(0.55)
0 .63(0.08)
0.88 5.4to7.4 3.3 to 85
N 15 -2.01(0.65)
0.50(0.10) 0.21 0.81 5.210 7.3 2.5 to 41
M == a + b * log (RLD) SS 93 4.33(0.06) 1.49(0.05) 0.24 0.96 4.8 to 8.1 1.5 to 350
N 24 4.34{0.23) 1.54(0.18)
0.31 0.88 5.2 to 7.3 3.8 to 63
All 167 4.38(0.06) 1.49(0.04) 0.26 0.94 4.8 to 8.1 1.1 to 350
log (RLD) = a + b * M SS 93 - 2.57(0.12) 0.62(0.02) 0.15 0.96 4.8 10 8.1 1.5 to 350
R so - 2.42(0.2 1) 0.58(0.03)
0. 16 0.93 4.8 to 7.6 J.J to 80
M =a+ b • log (RW) SS 87 3.80(0.17) 2.59(0.)8) 0.45 0.84 4.8 to 8.1 1.5 to 350
Ali 153 4.06(0.11) 2.25(0.12) 0.41 0.84 4.8 to 8.1 J.l to 350
log (RW) =a+ b* M SS 87 - 0.76(0.12) 0.27(0.02) 0.14 0.84 4.8 !O 8.1 1.5 to 350
AJ] 153 - 1.01(0.10) 0.32(0.02) O.IS 0.84 4.8 to 8.1 1.1 to 350
M = a + b " Jog (RA) SS 83 3.98(0.07) 1.02(0.03) 0.23 0.96 4.8 to 7.9 3 to 5,184
*SRL- surface rupturc lcngth (km); RLD- subsurface rupture length (km); RW-dowodip rupture widlh (km) , RA-rupture arca (km 2
irst shows the data, the "all-slip-type" regression line (i.e., the regression fit to ali of the data), and the 95% confidence interval (Figs. 9a through 1
p. A t distribution estimates a probabiJity distrib ution based
o critica! values of t for a selected significance level. We evaluate significance levels for a two-tailed distribution, because the correlation may be positi
l for pre dicting dependent variables. Furthermore, we exclude them from comparisons to regression lines for other re lationships. The results of ou
M•goi11l<!e 1..engtb/Widlh
Range Range(Jon)
dence interval (Figs. 9a through 16a). The second shows the regression lines for individual slip types (Figures 9b through 16b). The length of t
ause the correlation may be positive or negaúve. All rela tionships are significant at a 95% probability leve!, ex cept for the reverse-slip relationshi
her re lationships. The results of our analyses indicate a JPOOr correlation between surface displacement and other rup ture parameters for reverse-s
9b through 16b). The length of the regression line shows the range of data for each empirical relationship.
cept for the reverse-slip relationships for maxirnum and average displacement. Thesc relationships are not sig nificant because the position of the reg
r rup ture parameters for reverse-slip earthquakes. The re verse-slip relationships excluded from further analysis include maximum displacement
icant because the position of the regression line is poorly
s include maximum displacement versus magnitude, av