Autonomous Ships Challenges
Autonomous Ships Challenges
Autonomous Ships Challenges
Abstract— This paper discusses about the main elements The E-Navigation defined by the IMO as information
involved in the development of autonomous ships, there are many collected, integrated, exchanged, presented and analyzed
challenges to be overcome by the promotors of autonomous ships. onboard and at shore, to reinforce the control of the ship’s
Connectivity and control are the main points to mention but also navigation, raise up related services for safety and security at
there are elements that developers should consider and not all of sea, and protect the maritime environment, this new mode of
them are technological issues. navigation is the main idea to start the development the future
of navigation at sea and with this comes the technology for
Keywords—Autonomous Ships; Autonomous Vessels;
autonomous ships.
Connectivity; Control; Unmanned ships.
A key component of autonomous ships is the connectivity,
I. INTRODUCTION as we can see in [1] this component must be reliable,
bidirectional, scalable, precise and must be redundant to avoid
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) mentions risks. Also, new connectivity solutions must have enough
that currently there are around 50 thousand registered merchant capacity to deal with all necessities of the new systems that will
ships in more than 150 nations of the world that carry a load be involved in autonomous ships. However, by the time there
equivalent to more than 90% of world trade, however, they are many challenges that does not have approach to get
pointed out that members of the logistics sector require more solutions.
professional labor to guarantee the success of the management,
in a profitable, clean, safe and sustainable context. This document focuses mainly on the challenges of
Shipbuilding industry is promoting autonomous ships, to face connectivity and management but also discusses other issues
the current problems and improve the existing characteristics. that are involved in the development of autonomous ships as
Nowadays it is expected that the human is the one who legal, economic and security concern. We start making a
interacts and controls the ship. In fact, the human is expected to differentiation between autonomous and unmanned ships and
perform the established operations as well as take the decisions then we develop the different points already mentioned.
under different situations, overall scenarios but also for
unforeseen events such as alarms or malfunctions. II. AUTONOMOUS AND UNMANNED
Shipping companies wants to improve the operational Following the definition given in [3] an autonomous ship
efficiency through the introduction of very economic ships as a has a level of automation and self-governance. Automation is
means to guarantee a safe transport and the competitiveness of referred to the process that permits to ships do certain
the costs under intense market competition. Adding to this the operations without human control. Then, autonomy is the result
fast growing of IT technologies, is making the development of of new automation techniques that allows ships have some self-
autonomous ships a reality. According to [1] remotely operated governance, it means that ships can make decisions without
local ships are expected by 2020 and ocean-going ships for consulting the human [4]. In our study we focus on bridge
maritime transport by 2030. But we have already some automation, because engines and technical systems have
projects, for example the MUNIN project [2], which is the already been automated.
project to establish the concept of Unmanned Ship and is
pushing for the development of fully automated ships by 2035, Autonomous means that the ship can make many
finished in 2016, is taken as reference for many investigations. operations defined without human care or with a reduced care
of the crew. It does not mean that no human is present on the
An autonomous ship must have the capacity to monitor its ship. Unmanned means that there is no human present on the
status as well as the environment that surrounds it, send this bridge to perform or supervise operations. Crew may still be on
information and be able to make decisions based on that, board, and the ship may not be autonomous because it could be
without human supervision. For critical cases, it can be remotely controlled by the SCC. By combining the definitions
performed by a remote operator on the shore. This kind of of autonomous and unmanned ships [4] we can obtain the
ships will redefine the works roles, for example the new role of following summary table.
remote operators in a shore control center (SCC), that will
monitor and act as virtual captains of many ships
Table. I. Ship Autonomy Types [4] AIS (Automatic Identification System), is a
communication standard, it transmits radio signals containing
position and identification data of the ship to aid in navigation
and collision avoidance. This information nowadays is not
enough. For the implementation of autonomous ships new
technologies should appear as VDES (VHF Data Exchange
System) that allows to enhance maritime communication
applications, based on robust and efficient digital transmission
at a much higher rate (up to 32x) than AIS.
COLREGS (Collision Regulations), according to [8] it is
possible to achieve algorithms capable of being governed by
the COLREGS norms, this will allow the autonomous ships to
III. ELEMENTS INVOLVED IN AUTONOMOUS SHIPS recognize when there is a possible collision and to avoid this,
making enough maneuvers to be out of danger.
As described at the beginning of the article, to produce
autonomous ships, we should take into account many elements. Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) and
And not all these elements are related to technology, but there Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS),
are also some social elements that must be considered, we will these are radio services that are used for ships in abnormal
describe that most significant ones. situations or emergencies. The autonomous ship may need to
use these services and are also required to respond to them in
Economic benefits, as shown in [5], considering the new case of any emergency of an autonomous ship or a regular ship
technologies to be used, the cost of the new designs for the near to its. This last point will be a complex challenge since the
ships, the considerable decrease in crew, as well as the creation autonomous ship will not have crew or will be reduced and
of new jobs, it can be said that the autonomous ships will mean helping a ship in trouble would be unfeasible.
a decrease in costs, which leads to a profit in the shipping
companies. Of course, this has some degree of uncertainty So far, we have seen several important points, now we
given by the developments, that are not completed and will focus on deepening two neuralgic points for the development
depends on the progress in areas that have not yet been of autonomous ships
covered, as some detectors and redundancy systems.
Environment and energy consumption, following the
analysis made on [6] by reducing the crew drastically, facilities
A. Data requirements
and equipment used for crew will be eliminated or reduced
significantly. This will result in reduction of power consumed As we know, autonomous ships will have many different
and reduction of GHG’s(Greenhouse Gas) emissions. Also, the systems that needs to send and received information [9]. Table
reduction of fuel consumed is linked to the improvement of the II shows the size of one data block of uncompressed data from
engines and on-board systems, calculations made in [6] shows the most relevant system as well as the usual update rate and
the great amount of fuel that could be saved by the autonomous compressed data rate.
ships. Table. II. Volume of Data from Ship Systems [9]
Human element, according to [7], safety is the most
important thing for autonomous and unmanned ships, the
introduction of new technologies will affect safety, improving
some aspects and getting worse others. The goal of
autonomous ships will be more safety than a regular manned
ship. Also, the new form of interaction between autonomous
and manned ships should be into account. New algorithms
acting as the human behavior to make decisions, should be
improved. The human element will not disappear, including its
mistakes; but not directly in the operation of ships, now in the Also, ASC (Autonomous Ship Controller) updates will be
programming and configuration of software. done regularly to adjust the ship's route or other parameters
Safety and security systems, the principal points for needed. This can be used to review changes in weather,
security are losing data, change of data and hijacking of data destination or arrival times at the port. It is expected that this
[1]. Therefore, autonomous ships must have good protocols for will be done occasionally, for example, once a day and they
cyber security and mechanism to avoid any of these events. In will need a lower load of data to the ship. Following this, it is
case of the use of satellites, this must have features to change expected that the route information or the new thresholds will
the band to follows the communication or shield the link in all be on the order of 100 bytes.
directions except the mean bean. Something important in the
safety and security systems are fail-to-safe procedures, which B. Availble Communication Systems
allows to use redundant communication, in case of unexpected The operation areas for autonomous ships could be divided
events as failure or hijacking. Communication does in this in three: coast, deep sea, and port. For each of them
context also include radio-navigation, including Global communication systems, maneuvers, control and management
Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS). will be totally different. In our case, we concentrate on the
analysis of operations on the deep sea, that means the use of
satellite constellations. There are two principal systems that we Unit) used for data transmission over VHF, and AIS, is
will discuss. disjointed of ASC to be sure that in case of failure it can
communicate and safely put crew onboard again.
Inmarsat is part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety
System (GMDSS). According to this, it offers global beam Multiple SCC, to prevent failure related to communication
coverage in the L band (1-2 GHz) with a bandwidth of up to or system breakdown in the SCC, must be available for all the
432 kbps. Generally, we can consider that this give worldwide ships in order to avoid these events. Then they need a reliable
coverage up to 70-80 degree latitude. handover protocol to ensure the fast and save change of
responsibilities between the SCC’s.
Inmarsat has other services as Ku and Ka. The Ka-band
service named Global Xpress will provide a better global
coverage with up to 50 Mbps down and 5 Mbps uplink to the V. CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT
end user ( Autonomous Ship is developed by using IT technology,
Iridium is the only operator of global connectivity, brief research done on the components of existing ships, build
operating in the L band, since it provides a large network of some useful functional elements that are researching and
satellites in low Earth orbit, included in polar orbits. Many of developing by advanced shipbuilders and shipping companies,
the other systems operate with geostationary orbits and have no here we are using IT technology building autonomous ship and
coverage in Arctic and Antarctic areas. Iridium OpenPort shore architecture. Autonomous systems may have different
provides bidirectional data capacity of up to 134 kbps for the levels of autonomy (LoA). Autonomy is a system's ability to
end user ( make independent decisions from a supervising agent and
execute these decisions. For conventional marine vessels, the
There are other operators of VSAT systems, for example supervising operators are the crew. For maritime autonomous
Intelsat, that provides up to 4Mbps using C-Band. Other ships, may be low manned or unmanned which creates
providers have coverage in specific areas. In the future to talk challenges in operation. The autonomous ship will influence
about a global service, there will be few suppliers. It also risk in relation to several marine stakeholders, the environment,
important to refer to O3b Networks that has deployed a and the ship itself. Collisions and groundings contribute most
Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite system with a coverage to the risk level for conventional ships. The autonomous ship
up to 45 degrees latitude, this operates in Ka band with a high will be equipped with collision avoidance systems and sensory
capacity. equipment for safe operation. Moreover, the ship should at
least be as safe as conventional ships to be acceptable for use in
C. Communication Architecture And Solutions public ocean space.), only one or a few operators will take a
Redundant communication links, in addition to the supervising role and intervene when necessary. These scales
mandatory systems discussed in section II (AIS, COLREGS, define the decision authority and the tasks that the human
SCC, MRCC, GMDSS) the following systems will be used for operators and the autonomous system carry out, implicitly
autonomous ships: affecting risk. In this case, the term tasks refer to information
acquisition, information analysis, decision selection, and action
A main communication channel based on a VSAT service implementation. [10]
operating on some of the bands C, Ku, Ka. The capacity of the
link must be superior to 4Mbps to cover the addition of all the Wireless connectivity for unmanned and autonomous ship
bandwidth listed in TABLE II. This will allow the remote using hybrid connectivity concepts (AIS and GMDSS).
control of the ship. A. Decision support systems: The monitoring of the
A backup channel based on L-band with capacity to cover “health” of different vital functions on a vessel is today used
the main links in TABLE II but not the ones high capacity. extensively by the ship owners and stakeholders. There is today
This must allow to make a remote management but restricted. the possibility to monitor sensor data of important ship
Also, a dedicated and independent communication channel functions, as for example engine, thrusters, and generators. The
based on AIS or digital VHF. This enable to recover the ship real time sensor data is collected and analyzed with a focus on
even if the rest of communications have failures. The use of the variations in the data set, with the objective of predicting
different bands for this link should be useful in case of signal the function performance and future risk of malfunction. The
transit disturbance caused by adverse atmospheric predictive system is an important issue for the vessel’s safety
conditions. concept and increases the awareness in an organization when
success fully planning for proactive maintenance. This type of
decision support systems will substantially increase the
operation performance and drastically decrease unexpected
malfunctions as well provide a trust in safe behavior in
offshore activities.
B. Master-slave concept: The concept of coordinating a
number of autonomous cargo vessels in a route can be very
effective when using a master ship as accompanying the
unmanned vessels. The master vessel is manned with personnel
that exhibit competences in traditional shipping, autonomous
Fig. 1. Proposed on board architecture [9] technology as well as specific skills to handle both cooperative
planned activities as well as sudden, occurring events. The
The preceding image FIG.1 shows a topology proposed in operating management of the unmanned cargo ships can be
[9] this allows duplication of critical systems, use of two supervised and controlled by the master vessel in a safe and
independent satellite systems, The RCU (Rendezvous Control secured manner. The master-slave concept organizes several
autonomous cargo vessels that are accompanied by a traditional per time interval, this location is recorded as two numbers in
ship with extended control capability to handle unforeseen NF.
alarms and events in the fleet. [11]
Nearest neighbor-based route retrieval are presented in this
C. Captain on land concept: A command center on land is section. Similar to typical nearest neighbor-based approach,
an attractive solution to control ships and perform a safe sea there are two stages involved, pre-processing of existing data
journey. The concept will have the possibility to reduce the and online search. In summary, this work has presented a
number of staff onboard the vessel significantly. The captain method for automated generation of navigation plan based on
and other skilled crew members in a traditional ship historical AIS data. In the space of Ship Feature and
organization can be fully operated from the on-land center. In Navigation Feature, existing AIS data is transformed into input
the future, the expected functions at the on-land operational vectors and corresponding routes. Given a query, nearest
center can include the following interactions with the vessel neighbor-based route retrieval is performed for automated
[11]: navigation planning, based on a weighted distance. With
capacity of being expanded to higher-dimensional space, more
• Operational support/monitoring/navigation systems factors such as bathymetry and weather conditions can be
• Operational prediction/ and optimization systems considered according to actual situation. [12]
• Path tracking/planning/decision systems
• System maintenance Reducing Maritime-traffic is one of the biggest
• Overall risk assessment challenges in autonomous ships and their autonomous
• System management operation, and remote control, these ships need to communicate
• Communication system with each other, with the vessel traffic system (VTS), with the
• Host server system port state control (PSC) and with the shore control center
(SCC). For a sustainable maritime industry, the biggest
Automatic route generation of Navigation plan for challenge will be the implementation of reliable and cost-
Autonomous or robotic surface vessel, and with help of AIS effective communication carrier to assure a continuous ships
Data like nearest neighbor-based path used for both ship and connectivity. Here the contribution consists of quantifying and
Navigation feature. classifying the data to be transferred, the identification of ship
Autonomous ships have received significant attention from mobility environment challenges, and the proposal of mobile
the academic community and industry in recent years. With WiMAX as a reliable, secure and cost effective maritime
state-of-the-art technologies in relevant fields, such as robotics communication carrier. This communication carrier must be
and artificial intelligence, the aim of having fully autonomous suitable for the dense maritime traffic, where conventional
ships or platforms in ocean does not seem far away. This could ships and autonomous ships will co-exist.
bring huge cost saving to industry by reducing needs for Services classification and communication requirements,
manpower and human operator’s exposure to certain safety our approach for the quantification and classification of data to
risks. be exchanged is based on the attendance of many CS and the
One major aspect to consider for autonomous ships is study of ship operational data, i.e. navigation, ship reporting,
navigation. While collision avoidance systems have been cargo operation, emergency management, and crew
available for many years, the ability to generate reliable infotainment needs. The MUNIN project [2], has addressed the
navigation plans for ships remains as a challenge. On the other importance of communication stream for the rendezvous
hand, while historical Automatic Identification System (AIS) scenario, remote control, telemetry, radar and targets, and HD
data of ships around the world have been collected for years, video and estimated that a bandwidth of 4 Mbps is enough for
this huge amount of data is still under-utilized. Historical the implementation of autonomous ships.
Automatic Identification System (AIS) data is of significant Currently the ships need to send noon reports, position,
value to this problem. The method joins AIS locations of a notification, orders, cargo data, maintenance records, engine
same vessel at different time and locations in a region into a room data, bunker status. The FIG. 2, illustrates the data to be
route. In essence, paths which have been taken by ships before exchanged between the ship and SCC, PSC, VTS, and ship
are good references or even candidates to consider for a new owner [13].
navigation plan. One thing worth noting in this work is that
proposed method does not aim to compete with existing
algorithms for generation of navigation plan, but to work
together by augmenting with intelligence extracted from
existing AIS data.
The representation of a record that contains properties of
the ship and route is divided into two parts, namely Ship
Feature and Navigation Feature. [11]
Ship Feature and Navigation Feature
Ship Feature (SF) basically captures important properties
of ship and environment. In this work, due to limited access to
data, length, beam, minimum and maximum draft of a vessel
are taken into consideration. Analysis is done in four-
dimensional space. Fig. 2. Data to be exchanged with the shore side [13]
Navigation Feature (NF) accounts for location
information. As AIS reports longitude and latitude information
VI. NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND TRENDS and thanks to the technological advances of the last years, and
As we already discuss there are many challenges to face despite the detractors, making an analogy with autonomous
before we can have safe autonomous ships. We list some cars, it is impossible to stop it. The autonomous ships are
innovations that could help in the development of autonomous becoming more and more real thanks to the effort of different
ships. actors that are interesting in its development.
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