06.15.1 Liver Pathology Final PDF
06.15.1 Liver Pathology Final PDF
06.15.1 Liver Pathology Final PDF
Part 1
Diana Cardona, MD
June 15, 2011
Course Objectives
Adult weight:
1400-1600 g
Right Largest lobe
Normal Liver Anatomy
Important! Dual blood supply
Blood exits through the hepatic veins and
dumps into the IVC.
Blood Supply:
Portal Vein
Hepatic Artery
- Along with the
Common Bile
Duct, they enter
through the hilum
- Branches of these
structures travel within
portal tracts
The vascular supply is important for anatomy, because
that's how surgeons decide to resect parts of the liver.
They divide up the segments of the liver:
1 = caudate
2-4 = left lobe
5-8 = right lobe
Portal Tract
The portal tract (made of up the three structures below) is enveloped by a small amount of fibrous tissue.
The abrupt transition between the fibrous tissue and the hepatocytes is the limiting plate. This is
important histologically b/c infalmmation extending beyond that limiting plate is important to note.
• Bile duct
• Portal vein
• Hepatic artery
• Limiting plate
• (Interface)
Microscopic Liver Anatomy
Two ways to look at the microscopic anatomy: lobule unit and acinar unit.
central vein
BD: bile duct
Portal Tract HA: hepatic artery (dual
PV: portal vein
portal tracts along
bile: hepatocytes --
> canaliculi
Lobular Architecture
• Hepatocytes arranged
in thin plates/cords (1-2 PT
cells thick).
If you see hepatocytes in cords that are thicker than this (1-2 Zone 1
cells), you start thinking about a neoplastic process.
• Sinusoidal spaces lined
by endothelial cells and
filled with blood, Kupffer Zone 2 Blood
canaliculi canals of
Hering bile ducts
Canals of Hering are at the limiting plate;
these dump into the bile duct.
Portal hepatitis: Inflammation of the portal tract. Can still see Once you see spillage of the information (can't draw a
the demarcation where the inflammation ends and the hepatocytes straight line between inflammatory cells and bigger
begin. No interface activity like on the right - inflammation is hepatocytes), very irregular (projections extending
contained with the portal tract. out), extending beyond limiting plate - interface
portal vein
Macrovesicular Microvesicular
Steatosis Steatosis
Various forms of injury.
Left: balloon cells and Mallory bodies are the histological hallmark of steatohepatitis.
Right: dying hepatocyte. In the liver, don't call them apoptotic bodies, call acidophil or councilman bodies.
normal hepatocyte
• Hepatocyte Injury
– Cell death (i.e. Apoptosis)
– Degenerative and/or intracellular accumulations (i.e. Ballooning
degeneration and steatosis) Intracellular accumulations: fatty change, steatosis, iron accumulation
– Inflammation
• Influx of acute or chronic inflammatory cells involving the portal tracts,
interface and/or lobules
• Biliary Injury
– Cholestasis (most commonly)
• Infectious
– Viral Hepatitis Most common form of injury - viral hepatitis
– Others…
• Autoimmune Hepatitis
• Toxic/Drug Induced Injury
– Alcohol
• Metabolic Injury
– Non-Alcholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Epidemic of metabolic syndrome, obesity.
This is a growing topic.
• Intracellular Depositions
– Hemochromatosis
– Alpha-1-antitrypsin
– Wilson Disease
– Metabolic disease (not addressed in this talk) Like glycogen storage disorders
- not covered today
Viral Hepatitis
Viruses that can affect any organ/system, not specific to liver. Viruses specific to the liver.
• Non-Hepatotropic: • Hepatotropic:
– Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) ** – Hepatitis A Virus
• Sinusoidal lymphocytosis – Hepatitis B Virus
– Hepatitis C Virus
– Cytomegalovirus (CMV)immunocompromised –
Seen in
Hepatitis D Virus
patients. Results in
• Post-transplant infection hepatitis.
– Hepatitis E Virus
– Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
• Overwhelming Fulminant,
– Adenovirus ** Complications of EBV: in liver, can cause lobular hepatitis.
• Mainly affects children Sinusoidal spaces fill with lymphocytes.
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder - essentially a
lymphoma associated with EBV. This can also occur in other
immunocompromised states (HIV, chronically treated with
Hepatotropic Viruses
Viruses with an affinity for the liver.
In general, think of hepatitis viruses as ssRNA with hte exception of HBV - dsDNA. "Hep B wants to be like its brothers and
sisters." Has reverse transcriptase, converts DNA to RNA. Uses RNA template for replication like the other hep viruses.
• Super-infection
Infection with another Hep virus would potentially turn
into a chronic hepatitis (HEV is the most fatal).
Pre-infected with HBV, HDV
causes super-infection.
Other Infectious Diseases
• Bacterial
– Spirochetes
Syphilis, Borrelia.
• Fungal
– Aspergillus
Immunocompromised patients. Can also see Candidiasis.
• Parasitic
– Echinococcus
– Schistosomiasis
Cyst with multiple layers of wall. If you have
any radiographic suspicion of this, don't stick
a needle in - can develop anaphylactic
shock. Resect carefully! Echinococcus
Autoimmune Hepatitis
Can also form chronic hepatitis.
• Associations:
– Celiac disease, SLE, RA, Sjogren syndrome, UC, etc…
They're all associated.
• Morphology:
– Interface and lobular hepatitis with a predominant population of
plasma cells and lymphocytes.
– May present with zone 3 (perivenular) injury
– Can have overlap with PSC or PBC. PSC: Primary sclerosing cholangitis.
PBC: Primary biliary cirrhosis - both biliary
The presence of many plasma cells can help processes, also autoimmune.
differentiate autoimmune hepatitis from other types.
• Treatment:
– Immunosuppression (i.e. prednisone/ azothioprine)
– Transplantation
Progression to cirrhosis will eventually require transplantation.
Autoimmune Hepatitis
High power: a sea of plasma cells.
Inflammation up
here in lobular
tissue too.
• Normal Metabolism:
– EtOH Acetaldehyde Acetate these can also convert EtOH to
– Oxidizing system (CytP450, ER) and Catalase (peroxisomes)
– Acetaldehyde: nausea, reactive intermediate
– Ethanol: affects protein synthesis, membrane integrity EtOH itself is toxic.
- 50% of Asians have low ALDH.
Q: How long does it take the liver to heal after you stop drinking?
A: So, let's say you had a fun week, if you stop and don't totally abstain, within
a few days its totally back to normal.
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Very similar histologically to alcoholic fatty liver.
No strong markers besides the clinical appearance of the patient - AST and ALT are only somewhat elevated.
Dead tissue -
Tylenol toxicity
3. Hepcidin tells Inhibits iron
other cells absorption
Serum Duodenal
enterocytes) to start Enterocyte
storing iron 4. Iron storage
signals duodenum
to stop absorbing
Promotes iron
intracellular iron
storage Macrophage
•Adapted from 2006 Long Course at USCAP
intracellular iron
iron storage Macrophage
•Adapted from 2006 Long Course at USCAP
Hereditary Hemochromatosis
• Early changes:
– Iron deposition in periportal hepatocytes
• With disease progression: As iron accumulates:
Disease Associations:
• Emphysema (75%-85%)
• Hepatitis/Cirrhosis
• Panniculitis
• Anticytoplasmic neutrophilic antibody (C-ANCA) -
positive vasculitis (Wegener's granulomatosis)
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency
• Treatment:
– Transplant (curative) You have removed the liver that can't excrete alpha-1-antitrypsin, new liver can.
• Round/oval cytoplasmic globular inclusions in hepatocytes
– PAS-diastase (PASD) histochemical stain highlights the inclusions
• Can lead to advanced fibrosis and/or non-specific changes
• Neonatal (giant cell) hepatitis
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency
• Clinical course:
– Acute hepatic failure: childhood to young adulthood
– Cirrhosis: adolescence to young adulthood
– Psychosis: adolescence to young adulthood
• Treatment:
– Chelation therapy (D-penecillamine)
Remove copper.
• Morphology
– Ranges from mild to severe :
• Cu accumulation
• Fatty change, hepatic necrosis
• With progression, cirrhosis can develop
Rhodanine stain
Biliary Injury
•UGT1A1 enzyme
•Gut bacteria conjugates
Normal flora of the gut transforms the bilirubin and degrades it into
to colorless urobilinogens
urobilinogens, which gets
excreted in the feces
Once bilirubin is conjugated and secreted into
bile, it is water soluble
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Autoimmune disorder. Targeted destruction of bile ducts. The presence of AMA antibodies and elevation of
LFTs is pathognomonic for this disorder. Don't have to do a biopsy.
• Associations:
– Sjögren‟s syndrome, arthropathy, sicca
Remember the AMA antibodies - this is a key distinction she made between
PBC and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (in 3 slides)
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Can be clinically silent until biliary cirrhosis develops.
Progressive, chronic disorder.
– Liver transplantation
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
– Radiology- characteristic
“beading” and stricturing of
the biliary tree
– Elevated Alk Phos and GGT
LFTs aren't really going to help you
• Associations: Inflammatory
bowel disease (~70%)
– May occur before, during, or
after IBD onset (UC)
no AMA antibodies PBC
Normal or slightly abnormal LFTs AMA antibodies
Typically males, wide age range Elevated LFTs
Beaded appearance of bile duct Typically middle aged females
Fibrotic Inflammatory (granulomatous destruction)
Progresses to biliary cirrhosis Progresses to biliary cirrhosis
Associated with IBD, cholangiocarcinoma Associated with Sjogrens, arthropathy, etc. (autoimmune)
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
• Etiology and pathogenesis are largely unknown
– Autoantibodies are present in <10% of patients
Not generally considered an autoimmune disease; no autoantibodies specific for PSC
• Treatment:
– Symptomatic (Ursodiol)
– Liver Transplantation
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Dense fibrosis
surrounding duct
Injured duct
Neutrophils in
lumen of bile duct.
Neutrophils come
up from hte gut, up
through the bile
duct, affecting the
Hereditary Disorders
Hereditary disorders involving the biliary system.
Defects in Bilirubin
Disorder Inheritance Metabolism Liver Pathology Clinical Course
Crigler-Najjar AR Absent UGT1A1 activity None Fatal in neonatal period
Enzyme used to
syndrome type I Don't biopsy Buildup of unconjugated bilirubin
conjugate bilirubin
Crigler-Najjar AD with Decreased UGT1A1 None Generally mild, occasional
syndrome type II variable activity kernicterus
Gilbert syndrome AR Decreased UGT1A1 None Innocuous (fluctuating)
Dubin-Johnson AR Impaired biliary Pigmented Innocuous
syndrome excretion of bilirubin cytoplasmic
The only one that glucuronides due to globules;
shows pathology! mutation in canalicular ?epinephrine
If you get a slide, multidrug resistance metabolites
it's this one. protein 2 (MRP2) Not bile
Rotor syndrome AR Decreased hepatic None Innocuous
uptake and storage?
Decreased biliary
Dubin-Johnson syndrome
These are core
biopsies of liver; DJS
look green/brown -
obvious color change