Managing Construction Risks
Managing Construction Risks
Managing Construction Risks
Use lean principles
The views and opinions
to improve drafting quality
expressed herein are those Mike Strain
of the author and do not
necessarily reflect those of the Certain precast concrete producers have achieved impressive productivity
Precast/Prestressed Concrete gains in production through the use of lean-process-improvement methods.
Institute or its employees. In an effort to become totally lean, forward-thinking producers are using
the same approach to improve all processes, with drafting and engineering
being a top priority. This article summarizes how to use lean principles to
significantly improve drafting quality. Lean methods applied to drafting will
also achieve faster throughput (produce drawings more quickly) and higher
productivity for drafters and checkers.
In this article I use the lean-management definition of a defect. A defect
has occurred any time an output (for example, an erection drawing, a shop
ticket, or a material list) is not 100% correct. This definition raises the bar
for quality in drafting to the level at which a red line on a checked draw-
ing is considered a defect, which is far beyond a more basic defect, such as a
dimension error that is detected during production or erection.
Drawing defects are costly for most precasters. In a typical midsized
precasting plant (one that has about $30 million to $40 million in revenue),
the annual recorded remake and repair costs might typically range from $0.5
million to $2 million, with a portion of these costs originating from drafting
defects. However, the hidden costs of drafting defects in production and in
the field are greater than the recorded costs. Many organizations find what
they term the rule of 10 to be accurate: the cost of correcting a drafting
defect increases by a factor of 10 as the mistake moves from drafting ($1) to
production ($10) to the field ($100).
Examples of the unrecorded costs of drawing defects include schedul-
ing disruptions to daily plant and site activity to resolve drawing problems;
overtime because crews are delayed while dealing with a drawing issues;
defects created by plant or field personnel as they rush to compensate for
time lost while a drawing error is rectified; the extra time required to inter-
pret a poorly formatted drawing; lost productivity because a task is harder
to perform as a result of a drawing deficiency; the extra costs incurred for
materials that have to be rush ordered, both from external suppliers and
from internal steel and carpentry shops; and higher-than-needed levels of
frustration and poor communication among departments.
Drafting-quality improvement is a major opportunity for most precast-
ers, and defect reduction is an important first step toward improving pro-
ductivity and reducing cycle time.
incomplete Correct
1–2 cycles
Correct Correct
defects defects
N External
Engineer Prepare
review Correct? and issue submittal Correct?
Y package
Correct Correct
defects defects
Multiple cycles
Prepare Check Issue to Correct
shop tickets tickets, Correct? Y
plant plant and
and material material field
lists lists N problems
1–2 cycles
Incoming information quality Two examples of a project evaluation are shown. One shows a medium-
risk project, while the other shows a high-risk project.
problems The high-risk project will require additional supervision and resources
Improve information-flow process.
to compensate for anticipated challenges related to information, less-expe-
rienced personnel, and a tight schedule. The key to success is to identify the
Unrealistic schedules, poor risk factors early, then build solutions into the project plan. For example,
assess options and then provide answers to critical questions such as: What
planning, lack of resources is the plan to deal with the poor information? What is the plan to deal with
Improve planning to more accu-
the less-experienced personnel assigned to the project? How will we deal
rately assess the time required for the
with the tight schedule?
project. Evaluate the capability and
Often, higher-risk projects with a profile such as the one in the table are
availability of personnel assigned to
managed no differently from lower-risk projects. When these projects run
the project. Ensure that the scope of
into trouble, significant amounts of time are required to get back on track
each project is reviewed at an early
and customer relations are damaged. An up-front assessment is a sound tool
stage and a credible plan is in place. If
to ensure more proactive planning and to highlight the actions needed to
a resource problem is detected, devel-
reduce the frequency of problem projects.
op a solution (for example, reallocate
resources from other projects or use
subcontractors to handle the over- Lack of training and proficiency evaluation
load). Depending on the magnitude Assess drafter proficiency for each project. Assign drafters to projects that
of a schedule challenge, support from match their proficiency levels. Then hold the drafters accountable for their
upper management may be needed to performance to ensure that expectations are met.
identify a solution. Individual drafters Implement a structured training program to increase drafter proficiency.
should manage their own schedules If the drafter is not fully proficient, recognize this up front and provide
and be accountable for detecting and appropriate levels of guidance so that expected quality levels are main-
reporting schedule problems for their tained, rather than let the drafter produce poor-quality work that requires
projects. extra effort to rectify. The senior drafter assigned to provide guidance then
A credible project plan begins with becomes accountable for quality until the junior drafter is judged to be profi-
an accurate evaluation of the project. cient and able to accept full accountability for quality.
Key evaluation factors include the
• information quality, com-
Low first-time quality rates, overreliance on quality control
Clarify the expectation that each drafter is responsible for quality and
that drawings should be thoroughly self-checked and produced correctly
• complexity
the first time. Use checklists to assist with self-checking and error detection.
• schedule
Error proof the process. Examine the frequency of defects, determine the
• personnel
root cause, and implement corrective action.
• overall project rating
Red lines caught by checking should be an exception rather than the
norm. Defect rates should be recorded using visual management tools.
Defect-reduction techniques utilized in drafting processes will result in
much higher quality levels. Key action items include the following:
• Improve information quality and information flow process through
the combined efforts of sales/estimating, project management, and
drafting. Implement best practices for information flow.
The payback for low-defect, higher-quality drafting is large. In this column, procedures for reducing errors
and catching errors early are described.
Drafting, management, productivity, quality control.
Reader comments
Please address any reader comments to PCI Journal editor-in-chief Emily
Lorenz at or Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, c/o PCI
Journal, 209 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60606.