MMUP Basic Electrical Engineering Ques - Ans.
MMUP Basic Electrical Engineering Ques - Ans.
MMUP Basic Electrical Engineering Ques - Ans.
In this page, we had collected Various Power Electronics and Drives related
Interview questions, Viva Questions from various people mostly from India and
We are appending the new Q & A whenever we are getting from readers. Some
of the questions are asked to Experienced candidates based on their previous
experience. If it is not related to your field, just ignore it.
[Q] What is holding current in SCR?
It is the minimum current required to hold the SCR in forward conduction state.
When the forward current becomes less than holding current, SCR turns from
forward conduction state to forward blocking state.
[Q] What are the advantages of free wheeling diode in rectifier circuit?
The input power factor is improved.It prevents the output voltage from becoming
negative.Load current waveform is improved.
[Q] What does the Voltmeter in AC mode show? Is it RMS value or peak
Multimeter in AC mode shows RMS value of the voltage or current. Also when it
is DC mode it will show the RMS value only.
[Q] What are the main components used for isolating the Power Circuits,
Power Semiconductor from the low-power circuit?
With the help of the above mentioned simplified circuit, we can understand the
turn-on and turn-off process of IGBT. It is recommended to know about Basics of
IGBT and Structure of IGBT before proceeding further
IGCT is the newest member of the power semiconductor family (1997). It was
introduced by ABB.
It is a special type of GTO thyristor.
Special diodes like zener diodes are designed, manufactured to operate in the
reverse direction without being damaged.
i. Natural Commutation
ii. Forced Commutation
Natural Commutation:-
In AC circuit, the current always passes through zero for every half
As the current passes through natural zero, a reverse Voltage will
simultaneously appear across the device.
This will turn OFF the device immediately.
In high voltage DC power supply, capacitors are used to smooth out the
supplies, these filter capacitors hold the full output voltage of the supply,
like 600V even after the supply has been turned off.
Fuse Terminology:
An overcurrent protective device having fusible link that opens the circuit on an
overcurrent condition.
Fast Acting Fuse:
A fuse which opens on overload and short circuits very quickly.
Cartidge Fuse:
A fuse consisting of a current responsive element inside a fuse tube with
terminals on both end of the fuse.
Dual Element Fuse:
It is the fuse with a special design that will utilize two individual elements in series
inside the fuse tube. One element, the spring actuated trigger assembly, operates
on overloads up to 5-6 times the fuse current rating. The other element, the short-
circuit section operates on short circuits up to their interruption rating.
High speed fuses:
These are the fuses with no intentional time delay in the over load range and
designed to open as fast as possible in the short circuits. It is mostly used to
protect solid state devices.
Time Delay Fuse:
A fuse with a built-in delay that allows temporary and harmless inrush currents to
pass without opening, but is so designed to open on sustained overloads and
short circuits.
Arcing Time:
The amount of time from the instant the fuse link has melted until the overcurrent
is interrupted. ie cleared.
Melting Time:
The time required to melt the fuse link during a specified over current.
Clearing Time:
The total time between the beginning of the overcurrent and the final opening of
the circuit at rated voltage by fuse. It is the sum of melting time and arcing time.
UPS - Introduction:
The Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is used in applications where loss of the
mains supply could be disastrous, as in the case of hospital operating theatres or
intensive care units, computer installations, production systems, alarms and
signalling equipment.
The UPS can be on-line or off-line. Both systems use a dc link inverter with a
battery bank and trickle-charger.
Off-line UPS:
In the case of the off-line system, in normal operation power is supplied
On-line UPS:
The triac is not designed for work on DC and unlike a pair of inverse
This three terminal device can be triggered into conduction in both positive
and negative half cycles of supply voltage by applying gate trigger pulses.
Disadvantages of Triac:
The gate current sensitivity is poorer.
The turn off time is longer due to the minority carrier storage effect.
Applications of Triac:
Light dimming
Heating control
be turned off.
There is no need for an external commutation circuit to turn it off.
The device is turned on by a positive gate current and it is turned off by a
GTO symbol :
As shown the Symbol has three terminals namely Anode(A), Cathode(K) and
The two-way arrow convention on the gate lead distinguishes the GTO from the
conventional thyristor.
Asymmetrical GTO:
The Asymmetrical type GTOs are the most common type on the market.
Symmetrical GTO:
The symmetrical type GTOs have an equal forward and reverse blocking
They are used in Current Fed Converters.
The Turn Off Current Gain of a GTO is defined as the ratio of anode
current prior to turn off to the negative gate current required for turn off.
It is typically very low (4 or 5).
It means a 6000A rating GTO requires 1500A gate current pulse.
However, the gate pulse duration and the power loss due to the gate
pulse is small. It can be supplied by low voltage power MOSFETs.
This gate turn off capability is advantageous because it provides
The Conventional planar MOSFET has the restriction of handling the high power.
In high power applications, the Double-diffused vertical MOSFET or VMOS is
used which is simply known as Power MOSFET.
The Power MOSFET is the three terminal (Gate, Drain and Source), four layer
(n+pn-n+),Unipolar ( only majority carriers in conduction) semiconductor device.
the MOSFET with its high input impedance, it also forms a good
MOSFETs do not have secondary breakdown area, their drain to source
The symbol for n-channel MOSFET is given below. The direction of the arrow on
the lead that goes to the body region indicates the direction of current flow. As
this is the symbol for n channel MOSFET, the arrow is inwards. For p-channel
MOSFET, the arrow will be towards outside.
When the positive gate voltage is applied with respect to source, the n-
To avoid this BJT turns on, the p-type body region is shorted to source
terminals. This integral diode plays an important role in half and full
bridge converter circuits.
The VI characteristics of n-channel enhancement mode MOSFET.
i. Natural Commutation
ii. Forced Commutation
Natural Commutation:-
In AC circuit, the current always passes through zero for every half
As the current passes through natural zero, a reverse Voltage will
simultaneously appear across the device.
This will turn OFF the device immediately.
is different from the low power signal diode.The Structure of Power Diode
The reverse recovery characteristics of the Power diode is shown in the following
figure. From the figure, we can understand the turn off characteristic of the diode.
The Reverse recovery time tRR is the time interval between the application of
reverse voltage and the reverse current dropped to 0.25 of I RR.
Parameter ta is the interval
between the zero crossing of the diode current to it reaches IRR. Parameter tb is
the time interval from the maximum reverse recovery current to 0:25 of IRR .
Datasheet Parameters:
For power diodes, a data sheet will give two voltage ratings. One is the repetitive
peak inverse voltage (VRRM) and the other is the non repetitive peak inverse
The non repetitive voltage (VRM) is the diode’s capability to block a reverse voltage
that may occur occasionally due to over voltage surge.
The data sheet of a diode normally specifies three different current ratings. They
are: (1) Average current; (2) RMS current; and (3) Peak current. A design
engineer must ensure that each of these values are never exceeded.
Diode Selection: A power diode is chosen primarily based on forward current (IF
) and the peak inverse (VRRM) voltage.
Diode Protection: Snubber circuits are essential for diodes used in switching
circuits. It can save a diode from overvoltage spikes, which may arise during the
reverse recovery process. A very common snubber circuit for a power diode
consists of a capacitor and a resistor connected in parallel with the diode as
Fast Recovery diodes: These are used in high frequency circuits in combination
with controllable switches where a small reverse recovery time is needed. At
power levels of several hundred volts and several hundred amperes, these
diodes have trr ratings of less than a few microsecond.
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) is a three terminal, three layer, two junction
semiconductor device. Emitter(E), Base(B) and Collector(C) are the three
terminals of the device.
(1) This page discuss about the Power BJT.
(2) Signal level Transistor configurations, operation, characteristics are not the
scope of this page.
Symbol: The symbol of the Power BJT is same as signal level transistor.
The construction of the Power Transistor is different from the signal transistor as
shown in the following figure. The n- layer is added in the power BJT which is
known as drift region.
A Power BJT has a four layer structure of alternating P and N type doping
The characteristics of the device is determined by the doping level in each
Power transistor.
VI Characteristics:
The major differences are Quasi saturation region & secondary
breakdown region.
The Quasi saturation region is available only in Power transistor
Operation of device at primary and secondary breakdown regions should
electrical energy.
Both Power BJT and Power MOSFET have their own advantages and
BJTs have lower conduction losses in on state condition, but have longer
MOSFETs have higher on state conduction losses and have lower turn on
input and thus to use the modified BJT symbol for the IGBT as shown
Some prefer to consider drain and source rather than collector and emitter
as shown below.
Read Further:
Structure of IGBT
V-I Characteristics:
The V-I characteristics curves are drawn for different values of VGE.
Transfer Characteristics:
The transfer characteristics of IGBT and MOSFET are similar.
threshold voltage(VGE(threshold)).
For gate voltages greater than the threshold voltage, the transfer curve is
The maximum drain current is limit by the maximum gate-emitter voltage.
The main advantages of the IGBT are:
Low forward conduction voltage drop of 2V to 3V, which is higher than for
This voltage will increase with the temperature. This property makes
i. Natural Commutation
ii. Forced Commutation
Natural Commutation:-
In AC circuit, the current always passes through zero for every half
As the current passes through natural zero, a reverse Voltage will
simultaneously appear across the device.
This will turn OFF the device immediately.
The turning on Process of the SCR is known as Triggering. In other words,
turning the SCR from Forward-Blocking state to Forward-Conduction state is
known as Triggering.The various methods of SCR triggering are discussed here.
dv/dt Triggering
Gate Triggering
When the anode terminal is positive with respect to cathode(V AK) , Junction
leakage current).
As VAK is further increased, at a voltage VBO (Forward Break Over Voltage)
Therefore in SCR when VAR is very near its breakdown voltage, the device
For light triggered SCRs a special terminal niche is made inside the
inner P layer instead of gate terminal.
When light is allowed to strike this terminal, free charge carriers are
When intensity of light becomes more than a normal value, the thyristor
starts conducting.
This type of SCRs are called as LASCR
reverse biased.
Junction J2 behaves as a capacitor, due to the charges existing across
the junction.
If voltage across the device is V, the charge by Q and capacitance by C
ic = dQ/dt
Q = CV
ic = d(CV) / dt
= C. dV/dt + V. dC/dt
as dC/dt = 0
ic = C.dV/dt
Therefore when the rate of change of voltage across the device becomes
large, the device may turn ON, even if the voltage across the device is
Three types of signals are used for gate triggering.
1. DC gate triggering:-
2. AC Gate Triggering:-
This scheme provides proper isolation between power and control circuit.
Drawback of this scheme is that a separate transformer is required to step
down ac supply.
Thyristor Protection:-
SCRs are very delicate devices and so they must be protected against
A. di/dt Protection
B. dv/dt Protection
C. Over voltage Protection
D. Over Current Protection
di/dt Protection:-
When SCR is forward biased and is turned ON by the gate signal, the
velocity of charge carriers then local hot spots is created near the gate
due to increased current density. This localised heating may damage the
Local spot heating is avoided by ensuring that the conduction spreads to
the whole area very rapidly. (OR) The di/dt value must be maintained
below a threshold (limiting) value.
This is done by means of connecting an inductor in series with the
When the current variation is high, the inductor smooths it and protects the
SCR from damage. (Though di/dt variation is high, the inductor 'L'
smooths it because it takes some time to charge). L ≥ [Vs / (di/dt)]
dv/dt Protection:-
This high current(iC) may turn ON SCR even when gate current is zero.
They are connected across the thyristor to be protected.
The capacitor 'C' is used to limit the dv/dt across the SCR.
The resistor 'R' is used to limit high discharging current through the SCR.
Therefore dv/dt across 'C' and SCR is less than maximum dv/dt rating of
the device.
The capacitor charges to full voltage Vs; after which the gate is triggered,
thyristor/triac circuits.
The rate of rise of turn-off voltage is determined by the time constant
RLC. Where RL is the circuit minimum load resistance, for instance the
cold resistance of a heater or lamp, the winding resistance of a motor or
the primary resistance of a transformer.
Overvoltage Protection:-
Overvoltage may result in false turn ON of the device (or) damage the
SCR is subjected to internal and external over voltage.
Internal Overvoltage:
The reverse recovery current of the SCR decays at a very fast rate. ie,
high di/dt.
So a voltage surge is produced whose magnitude is L(di/dt).
External Overvoltage:
These are caused by the interruption of current flow in the inductive circuit
and also due to lightning strokes on the lines feeding the SCR systems.
The effect of overvoltage is reduced by using Snubber circuits and Non-
During normal operation, varistor has high Resistance and draws only
power converter.
In this protection, an additional SCR is connected across the supply which
If it exceeds preset value, then gate trigger circuits turn ON the crowbar
So the input terminals are short-circuit by SCR and thus it bypass the
Stepper Motor:
Stepper_Motors- Courtesy:NI
The stepper motor is also called as stepping motor or step motor. This motor
rotates through a fixed angular step in response to each input current pulse
received by its controller. So it is named as stepper motor.
It becomes very popular because of its major advantage that it can be controlled
directly by computers, microprocessors and programmable controllers.
The stepper motors develop torques ranging from 1 µN-m upto 40 N-m in
Step angle:
The angle through which the motor shaft rotates for each command pulse is
called the step angle. The relationship between steps per revolution and step
angle is given by the following formula:
Step angle = 360° / [No. of steps per revolution]
Smaller the step angle, greater the number of steps per revolution and higher the
resolution or accuracy of positioning obtained. The step angles can be as small
as 0.72° or as large as 90°. But the most common step sizes are 1.8°, 2.5°, 7.5°
and 15°.
Some stepping motor operates upto 20,000 steps per second. Still it remain fully
in synchronism with the command pulses. When the pulse rate is high, the shaft
rotation looks like continuous. Such an operation of stepper motor at high speed
is called 'slewing'.
1. Variable Reluctance Stepper Motor
2. Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor
3. Hybrid Stepper Motor
Stepper Motors are used in a variety of automation applications in which a