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KARNAL-132001 (HR.)

The Walk-in-Interview for the positions of Research Associate/Senior Research Fellow/ Junior Research
Fellow/ Young Professional-I&II/Project Assistant/Field Assistant/ Office Assistant/ Data Entry
Operator/Studentship and Traineeship in below mentioned project/scheme will be conducted at this Institute
on the date/time and venue and other details shown against positions on contractual basis, which is co-
terminus with the project/scheme. The eligible candidates are invited to appear before the Selection
Committee for Walk-in-Interview at NDRI, Karnal.

Name of the No. & Name of Duration Place and Qualifications

project the post and Date of
Emoluments Interview
1. NASF Research SRF Upto DT Essential Qualification: Master's
Project “Process 01 (One) 31-03-2020 Division, degree in any one of discipline/
Development for Rs. 25,000/- per NDRI, Subject; Dairy Chemistry/Dairy
Production of month + HRA Karnal Technology/Dairy Microbiology/
DipeptidyI on Food Science and Technology/
Peptidase-IV 15-02-2019 Animal Biochemistry/Animal
(DPP-IV) at Biotechnology with 4 years/5 years
Inhibitory 10:00 A.M of Bachelor’s degree. Candidates
Peptides from having post graduate degree in
Milk of Gir Cows Basic Sciences with 3 years
and their Bachelor’s degree and 2 years
Encapsulation Master’s degree should have NET
through Double qualification.
Emulsification Desirable: Knowledge of analysis of
Techniques” ” Milk and Milk products; animal
under Dr. (Ms.) experiments and in Vitro
Latha Sabikhi, experiments. Knowledge about
Head & PI, DT computer application in statistical
Division, NDRI, analysis of research data and their
Karnal. interpretation, working knowledge
of MS Office etc.
2. ICAR Young Young Upto DT Essential Qualification: Graduate
Professional Professional-I One Year Division, degree in Dairy Technology/Food
Scheme for UG & 01 (One) NDRI, Science/Dairy Science.
PG Lab DT Rs. 15,000/- Karnal OR
Division, under Dr. Per Month on Diploma in Dairy Technology of
(Ms.) Latha (Fixed) 15-02-2019 three years duration.
Sabikhi, Head, DT at
Division, NDRI, 11:00 A.M
3. ICAR Young Young Upto DT Essential Qualification: Post
Professional Professional-II One Year Division, Graduate degree in Food
Scheme for Quality 01 (One) NDRI, Technology/Chemistry/Microbiolog
Control Lab Rs. 25,000/- Karnal y.
under Incharge, Per Month on OR
Quality Control (Fixed) 15-02-2019 Graduate degree Dairy holders in
Lab, at engineering/technology/veterinary
Experimental 12:00 Noon science.
Dairy NDRI, Desirable Qualification:
Karnal. (Revolving Experience in Quality Assurance
Fund) work in milk and milk products
both chemically and
microbiologically will be preferred.
4. DBT Indo-UK SRF Upto National Essential Qualification: Post
Collaborative 01 (One) Sept. 2021 Referral Graduate Degree in any one of
Project “DOSA- Rs. 28,000/- per Center for following discipline/Subject; Dairy
Diagnostics for month + HRA Milk Quality Microbiology/ Food Microbiology/
One health and and Safety, FSQA/Agricultural Microbiology
user Driven NDRI, /General Microbiology/ Life
Solutions for Karnal Sciences with specialization in
AMR (DOSA)” On Microbiology /Biotechnology/Bio-
under Dr. Naresh on Engineering (Biotechnology) with
Kumar, PS & PI, 18-02-2019 NET qualification with 2 years of
DM Division, at research experience.
NDRI, Karnal. 10:00 A.M OR
Graduate Degree in any one of the
above discipline/Subject; in
Professional Course with four years
duration with NET qualification and
2 years of research experience.
Post Graduate Degree in Professional
Course in any one of the above
discipline/Subject; with 2 years of
research experience.
Desirable: One year experience in
the field of food safety and quality
assurance, sample collection and
isolation of dairy associated
pathogens and determination of
antimicrobial susceptibly test(AST)
with phenotypic/genotypic methods;
Development of biosensor,
Microfluidics based devices for
detection of antimicrobial residues
and microbial contaminants .
Candidates having Good knowledge
of statistics and proficiency in
computer application particularly in
use of MS office excel and
FMS/MIS/ERP software will be
given preference.
5. ICAR-INFAAR Young Upto National Essential Qualification: Post
Research Project Professional-II 31-03-2019 Referral Graduate Degree holders in Dairy
under Dr. Naresh 01 (One) Center for Microbiology/ Food Safety and
Kumar, PS & PI, Rs. 25,000/- Milk Quality Quality Assurance/ Microbiology/
DM Division, Per Month and Safety, Biotechnology/Applied Science
NDRI, Karnal. (Fixed) NDRI, with specialization in
Karnal Microbiology/ Biotechnology.
on Graduate Degree holder in
18-02-2019 Engineering/Technology/Veterinary
at Sciences with specialization in
11:00 A.M Microbiology/ Biotechnology.
6. NAHEP Young Upto National Essential Qualification: Post
Research Project Professional-II 31-03-2021 Referral Graduate Degree holders in Dairy
“Incentivizing 01 (One) Center for Microbiology/ Food Safety and
Dairy Education Rs. 25,000/- per Milk Quality Quality Assurance/ Microbiology/
through month (Fixed) and Safety, Biotechnology/Applied Science
Innovative NDRI, with specialization in
Learning Karnal Microbiology/ Biotechnology.
Approaches” On OR
(IDP) under Dr. 18-02-2019 Graduate Degree holder in
Naresh Kumar, PS, at Engineering/Technology/Veterinary
DM Division 12:00 Noon Sciences with specialization in
NDRI, Karnal Microbiology/ Biotechnology.
7. ICAR Young Young National Essential Qualification: Post
Professional Professional-II Referral Graduate Degree holders in Dairy
Scheme under 01 (One) Center for Microbiology, Food Safety and
Non-Plan for Rs. 25,000/- Milk Quality Quality Assurance/ Microbiology/
National Referral Per Month and Safety, Biotechnology/Applied Science
Centre for Milk (Fixed) NDRI, with specialization in Microbiology
Quality and Safety, For One Year Karnal / Biotechnology.
Microbiology On OR
Section (BSL-3) 18-02-2019 Graduate Degree holder in
DM Division at Engineering/Technology/Veterinary
under Dr. Naresh 12:00 Noon Sciences with specialization in
Kumar, PS, DM Microbiology/ Biotechnology.
Division, NDRI,
Karnal. (Institute
8. DST Research JRF Upto Dairy Essential Qualification: Post
Project 01(One) 16-07- 2020 Extension Graduate Degree in any branch of
“Improving Rs. 25000/- per Division, Animal Science /Dairy Science/Life
Livelihood of month + HRA NDRI, Science with NET qualification.
rural women for 1st and 2nd Karnal. OR
through Dairy year, Rs. on Graduate Degree in any one of the
based secondary 28,000/- per 20-02-2019above discipline/Subject in
Agriculture” month for 3rd at Professional Course with NET
under Dr. K. year. 10:30 A.Mqualification.
Ponnusamy, PS & OR
PI, Dairy Post Graduate Degree in
Extension Professional Course in any one of
Division, NDRI, the above discipline/Subject.
Karnal. Desirable Qualification: Preference
will be given to candidates having
Post Graduate degree in Dairy
Technology/Food Technology/
Agriculture Extension/ Agriculture
Economics. Candidates having
good knowledge in field work.
9. NAHEP Young Upto DM Essential Qualification: M.Sc/
Research Project Professional-II 31-03-2021 Division M.Tech in any one of the following
“Incentivizing 04 (Four) NDRI, disciplines /subject: Dairy
Dairy Education Rs. 25,000/- per Karnal Technology/ Dairy Chemistry/Dairy
through month (Fixed) On Microbiology/Dairy Engineering/
Innovative 21-02-2019 Food Technology/Food
Learning at Engineering/ Food Science and
Approaches” 10:30 A.M. Nutrition/Food Safety & Quality
(IDP) under Dr. Assurance/Animal
S.K. Tomar, PS & Biotechnology/Animal
IDP/Coordinator Biochemistry.
Project, DM Graduate Degree holder in
Division, NDRI, engineering/technology/veterinary
Karnal. sciences.
10. DBT Research JRF Upto Animal Essential Qualification: Post
Project “Field 01 (One) 20-03-2019 Biochemistry Graduate Degree in any one of
Application of Rs. 25000/- per Division, following discipline/ Subject;
Salivary Fern month + HRA NDRI, Animal Biochemistry/ Biochemistry/
Pattern based Karnal Animal Biotechnology/
Estrus Detection on Biotechnology/ Veterinary
in Buffaloes using 22-02-2019 Biochemistry/ Livestock Production
Foldscope” under at & Management, Veterinary
Dr. Suneel Kumar 10:30 A.M Gynecology & Obstetrics/Animal
Onteru, Sr. Genetics & Breeding/Animal
Scientist & PI, Physiology/Life Science or any
ABC Division, discipline of Life Sciences with NET
NDRI, Karnal. qualification.
Graduate Degree in any one of
above discipline/ Subject of
Professional Course with NET
Post Graduate Degree in any one of
above discipline/ Subject of
Professional Course.
Desirable: Desired to work with
buffaloes in the field conditions,
handling buffaloes, communication
skills with farmers, basic microscopy
techniques and ability to work in
11. DBT Research Project Upto Animal Essential Qualification:
Project Assistant August, Biochemistry Graduation in Science with one year
“Mitochondrial 01(One) 2021 Division, working experience.
DNA Haplotypes Rs. 15,000/- per NDRI,
as Candidate month (Fixed) Karnal
Biomarkers for on
Prediction of 22-02-2019
Reproductive at
Efficiencies in 11:30 A.M.
Buffalo” under Dr.
Sadeesh E.M,
Scientist (SS),
Division, NDRI,
12. DBT BTISnet JRF One Year ABTC Essential Qualification: Post
Scheme under Dr. 01(One) NDRI, Graduate Degree in any one of
J.K. Kaushik, PS Rs. 25000/- per Karnal following discipline/ Subject;
ABTC NDRI, month + HRA on Bioinformatics /Computational
Karnal. 25-02-2019 Biology/Computer Science &
at Engineering with NET qualification
10:30 A.M. (supported by master dissertation
Graduate Degree in professional
course any one of above discipline/
Subject; with NET qualification.
Post Graduate Degree in
Professional Course in any one of
above discipline/ Subject;
(supported by master dissertation
Desirable Qualification: The
candidate should have experience in
one or more areas like
computational/ structural
bioinformatics /NGS data analysis
/Proteomics data analysis/large
scale phylogenetic analysis.
Data Entry One Year ABTC Essential Qualification: Graduate
Operator NDRI, degree in Computer-Applications/
01(One) Karnal Sciences/ Engineering with at least
Rs. 18,000/- per on CGPA of 6.5 or equivalent percent
month fixed 25-02-2018 marks. The candidate should have
at knowledge of Windows/Linux
11:30 A.M. operating systems, Spreadsheets,
SQL, NET or PHP developer tools.
Desirable: Proficiency in written
English language.
Traineeship For a period ABTC Essential Qualification: Candidates
02 (Two) of six Division, should have completed M.Sc. /
Rs. 10,000/- months only NDRI, M.Tech degree in
fixed per month Karnal Bioinformatics/Computational
on Biology OR Computer Science
25-02-2019 /Application with specialization in
at Bioinformatics/ Computational
02.30 P.M Biology (supported by master thesis
or project report) with CGPA of at
least 6.5 or equivalent percent
Studentships For a period ABTC Essential Qualification::
02 (Two) of six Division, Candidates should be pursuing
Rs. 10,000/- months only NDRI, M.Sc./M. Tech in
fixed per Karnal Bioinformatics/Computational
month on Biology with CGPA of at least 7.0
25-02-2019 or equivalent percent marks in the
at first two semesters or 1st year.
02.30 P.M Note: The successful candidates can
carry out Master dissertation
research work during 4th semester.
13. XII Plan SRF Upto ABRC, Essential Qualification M.V.Sc/
Scheme 02 (Two) 31-03-2020 NDRI, M.Sc degree in any one of
Incentivizing Rs. 25000/- per Karnal following discipline/Subject;
Research on month + HRA On Veterinary Gynecology and
“Semen Sexing in for 1st and 2nd 27-02-2019 Obstetrics/Animal
Cattle” under Dr. year, Rs. at Biotechnology/LPM/Animal
T.K. Mohanty, PS 28,000/- per 10:30 A.M. Biochemistry/ Animal Genetics
& PI, ABRC, month for 3rd /Animal Physiology/Life Sciences
NDRI, Karnal. year. with 4 years/5 years of Bachelor’s
degree. Candidates having post
graduate degree in Basic Sciences
with 3 years Bachelor’s degree and
2 years Master’s degree should have
NET qualification.
Desirable: Experience of working
in the area of semen biology,
reproduction or large animal
14. NAHEP Young Upto ABRC Essential Qualification:
Research Project Professional-II 31-03-2021 NDRI, Postgraduate OR Graduate degree
“Incentivizing 01 (One) Karnal in Computer Science Engineering
Dairy Education Rs. 25,000/- per On (CSE)/ Information Technology
through month (Fixed) 27-02-2019 (IT)/Veterinary Science.
Innovative at Desirable: Very good
Learning 11:30 A.M. communication skill in English
Approaches” (Written & Spoken). Proof of
(IDP) under Dr. knowledge in office procedures,
T.K. Mohanty, Govt. rules, noting drafting,
Incharge, ABRC, tabulation, account keeping.
NDRI, Karnal Thorough command on working
with computer handling MS Office,
Excel, Data Sheet, Internet etc.
15. ICAR Young Young Upto One ABTC, Essential Qualification: Post
Professional Professional-II Year NDRI, Graduate degree in Animal
Scheme for 01 (One) Karnal Biotechnology/ Biotechnology/
National Referral Rs. 25,000/- On Agriculture Biotechnology.
Centre for Milk Per Month 02-03-2019 OR
Quality and Safety, (Fixed) At B.Tech degree in Instrumentation/
(ABTC), under Dr. 10:30 A.M. Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical
A.K. Mohanty, PS, Engineering.
16. DBT Research Field Assistant Upto ABTC, Essential Qualification: Graduate
Project 02 (Two) May, 2021 NDRI, Degree in Science (Biology/
“Development of Rs. 12,000/- per Karnal Chemistry) with one year working
early pregnancy month (Fixed) On experience.
diagnostic assay 02-03-2019 Desirable: Knowledge of preparation
through discovery at of buffers, laboratory reagents,
of biomarkers in 11:30 A.M. Expertise in handling of laboratory
cattle and buffalo” equipment and preparation of SOPs.
under Dr. A.K. Candidate should have expertise of
Mohanty, PS & PI, working in cattle years, handling
experimental animals, doing sample
ABTC, NDRI, collection (Blood, urine, milk and
Karnal. saliva), Laboratory cleaning and other
maintenance activities. Knowledge of
use of common computer programmes
like MS Office, Word, Excel and
Power Point. Good skills in Hindi &
English language. Preparation of office
documents and general office work.
17. ICAR Young Young Upto DE&SM Essential Qualification: M.Tech
Professional Professional-II One Year Division OR B.E/B. Tech in Computer
Scheme for 01 (One) On Science/Information Technology
University Rs. 25,000/- 06-03-2019 /Computer Science & Engineering.
Management Per Month at Desirable Qualification:
System for Post (Fixed) 10:30 A.M. Experience in development and
Graduate for NDRI, maintenance of software
Education “(MS- Karnal. applications
PGE)” under Dr.
R.R.B. Singh, JD
(A), NDRI, Karnal.
18. NAHEP Young Upto DM Essential Qualification: M.Sc/
Research Project Professional-II 31-03-2021 Division M.Tech in any one of the following
“Incentivizing 01 (One) NDRI, disciplines /subject: Dairy
Dairy Education Rs. 25,000/- per Karnal Technology/ Dairy Chemistry/Dairy
through month (Fixed) On Microbiology/Dairy Engineering/
Innovative 08-03-2019 Food Technology/Agricultural
Learning at Structure & Process Engineering/
Approaches” 10:30 A.M. Food Engineering/ Food Science
(IDP) under Dr. and Nutrition/Food Safety &
A.K. Singh, PS, Quality Assurance/Livestock
DT Division, Products Technology.
NDRI, Karnal. OR
Graduate Degree in Dairy
Technology/Food Technology
/Food Processing
19. ICAR SRF Upto DCP Essential Qualification: Post
Research Project 01(One) 31-03-2019 Division, Graduate degree in any one of the
“National Rs. 25000/- per NDRI, following disciplines/ subjects
Innovations on month + HRA Karnal Animal Physiology/Animal
Climate Resilient On Reproduction/ Biochemistry/Animal
Agriculture” 14-03-2019 Biotechnology /Animal Science with
(NICRA) under at 4 years /5 years of Bachelor's
Dr. (Ms.) Anjali 10:30 A.M degree. Candidates having post
Aggarwal, PS & graduate degree in Basic Sciences
PI, DCP Division, with 3 years Bachelor's degree and 2
NDRI, Karnal. years Master's degree should have
NET qualification.
Desirable: Experience in cell
culture, proteomics and
bioinformatics, cell and molecular
biology, Gene & Protein expression
analysis etc.
Young DCP Essential Qualification: MCA /
Professional-II Division, Master’s degree in IT from
01 (One) NDRI, recognized university.
Rs. 25,000/- per Karnal OR
month (Fixed) On B. Tech degree in Information
14-03-2019 Technology.
at Desirable: Experience in web
11:30 A.M designing, Photoshop, Coral draw.
20. DBT Research JRF Upto DM Essential Qualification: Post
Project 01(One) Nov., 2021 Division, Graduate Degree in any branch of
“Surveillance of Rs. 25000/- per NDRI, Dairy Microbiology/Animal
dairy products for month + HRA Karnal. Biochemistry/Biochemistry/Animal
Antibiotic on Biotechnology/Biotechnology/Veteri
resistant zoonotic 16-03-2019 nary Biochemistry/Life Science or
bacterial at any discipline of Life Sciences with
pathogens under 10:30 A.M NET qualification.
field conditions” OR
under Dr. Raghu Graduate Degree in any one of the
Hirikyathanahalli, above discipline/Subject of
DM Division, Professional Course with NET
NDRI, Karnal. qualification.
Post Graduate Degree in
Professional Course in any one of
the above discipline/Subject.
21.DBT Research JRF Upto DCP Essential Qualification: Post
Project 01 (One) 22-01-2020 Division, Graduate Degree in any one of the
“Development of Rs. 25,000/- per NDRI, following disciplines/subjects
Phytopharmaceuti month + HRA Karnal Animal Physiology /Animal
cal product for On Biotechnology /Animal
Bovine Mastitis” 19-03-2019 Biochemistry /Veterinary Sciences/
under Dr. A.K. at Life Sciences with NET
Dang, PS & PI, 10:30 A.M qualifications.
DCP Division, OR
NDRI, Karnal. Graduate Degree in above
Professional Course with NET
Post Graduate degree in above
Professional Course.
Desirable Qualification::
Candidates having experience/
working knowledge in livestock
experimentation/ conducting trials.
Exposure/working experience in
ELISA/Lateral Flow immunoassay
and good knowledge of cell culture,
PCR etc.
22 DBT Research JRF Upto ABTC Essential Qualification: Post
Project “ 01(One) 03-08-2019 NDRI, Graduate Degree in Basic Science
Deciphering the Rs. 25000/- per Karnal with NET qualification or Graduate
circulating month + HRA On Degree in Professional Course with
miRNAs from 23-03-2019 NET qualification or Post Graduate
terminal stage pre- at in Professional Course.
implantation 10:30 A.M Desirable: Candidates having good
embryos and knowledge in Molecular Biology
placentomes for Techniques. Preference will be
early detection of given to candidates having research
pregnancy in experience of working in any
buffalo” under Dr. established laboratory.
T.K. Datta, PS &
23. Emeritus RA Upto DT Essential Qualification: Ph.D
Scientist Scheme 01 (One) 29-12-2019 Division, degree in any one of discipline/
“Teaching of Rs. 40000/- per NDRI, Subject Dairy Technology/Dairy
Dairy Technology month + HRA Karnal Engineering/Dairy Microbiology/
courses and as applicable On Dairy Chemistry/ Food
preparation of for 25-03-2019 Technology/Dairy Science &
Instruction Ph. D and Rs. at Technology.
Manual on 38000/- per 10:30 A.M OR
“Cheese and month + HRA M.Sc/M.Tech degree in any one of
Cheese Processing as applicable above mentioned disciplines
Technologies” for Master /subject with 4 years/5 years of
under Dr. S.K. Degree with 2 Bachelor’s degree having 1st
Kanawjia, years division or 60% marks or equivalent
Emeritus Scientist, experience overall grade point average, with at
DT Division, least two years of research
NDRI, Karnal. experience as evidenced from
Fellowship/ Associateship/ Training
/other engagements.
Desirable Qualification:
Proficiency in use of MS Office and
internet and writing of technical
articles in English.
24. NAHEP Office Assistant Upto Dr. D. Essential Qualification: Graduate
Research Project 04 (Four) 31-03-2021 Sundaresan, from a recognized University with
“Incentivizing Rs. 15,000/- per NDRI, minimum 50% marks.
Dairy Education month (Fixed) Auditorium Desirable: Communication skill in
through Karnal English (Written & Spoken).
Innovative On Knowledge in office procedures,
Learning 04-04-2019 Govt. rules, noting, drafting,
Approaches” at tabulation, account keeping.
(IDP) under Dr. 10:00 A.M. Thorough command on working
S.K. Tomar, PS & with computers handling MS
IDP/Coordinator Office, EXEL, Data Sheet, Internet
PI/NAHEP Sub- etc.
Project, DM
Division, Karnal.
25. MoFPI SRF Upto DM Essential Qualification: Post
Research Project 01(One) 19-12-2020 Division Graduate degree in any one of the
“Development of Rs. 25000/- per NDRI, following disciplines/ subjects
Immunomodulator month + HRA Karnal Dairy Microbiology/ Microbiology/
y On Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Food
Exopolysaccharide 08-04-2019 Science / Food Technology with 4
s Containing at years /5 years of Bachelor's degree.
Healthy 10:30 A.M Candidates having post graduate
Fermented Dairy degree in Basic Sciences with 3
Foods” under Dr. years Bachelor's degree and 2 years
Pradip Behare, Master's degree should have NET
Scientist, DM qualification.
Division, NDRI, Desirable: Experience in handling
Karnal. lactic culture/probiotic
cultures/microbial cultures and
exposure in small animal
Age Limit:
40 year for Men and 45 years for Women in case of RA on the date of Interview.
35 year for Men and 40 years for Women in case of SRF on the date of Interview.
30 year for Men and 35 year for Women in case of JRF on the date of Interview.
21 to 45 Young Professional-I&II.
21 to 45 years on the date of Interview for Office Assistant.
21 to 35 years on the date of Interview for Project Assistant.
35 year for Men and 40 years for Women in case of Field Assistant on the date of Interview.

(Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC and PHC as per GOI/ICAR rules)

The above positions are purely temporary and will be filled in on Contractual basis. The
selected candidate shall have no right/claim for regular appointment at this Institute, as the
engagement is co-terminus with the Project/Scheme. Interested candidates may attend Walk-in-
Interview on the dates as indicated against each project/scheme alongwith original certificates and
typed bio-data with one set of attested copies of each their certificates with passport size photograph.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
All eligible candidates are advised to be present at least 30 minutes before scheduled time
on the date of interview for completing necessary formalities. Canvassing in any form will disqualify
the candidates.

Note: (1) Those candidates who are already working in any project/scheme/organization Should
bring “No Objection Certificate” from his present employer.
(2) On the date of Walk-In-Interview required Degree Certificate should be in hand.
(3) The experience will be counted after acquiring the basic minimum qualifications.
(4) AS per ICAR OM No. Agril Edn.6/27/2014-HRD dated 9th October, 2015, the Ph.D
degree holders are eligible for both RAs/SRFs.

Application format: Name, Fathers Name, Date of Birth, Full Present and Permanent address with
Telephone Numbers and email address, Category: General/SC/ST/OBC, Qualification details with
percentage marks from matriculation/high school onwards (starting from the highest qualification
first), Previous Experience, if any, self declaration regarding truthfulness in the application,
signature with date and place.

Asstt. Administrative Officer

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