Professional Practice - Part 1 PDF
Professional Practice - Part 1 PDF
Professional Practice - Part 1 PDF
19 – 21 May 2014
Professional Practice
2 Professional Practice I
Section 2. Interpretation.
“professional engineering services” means engineering services and
advice in connection with any feasibility study, planning survey, design,
construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance and management
of engineering works or projects and includes any other engineering
services approved by the Board;
6 Laws and Regulations
Fiduciary interest & duty of care to Client Client
16 Concepts in Professionalism
Public Interest
Client’s Interest
Code of Conduct
Expert Knowledge
17 Concepts in Professionalism
Public Interest
Client’s Interest
Expert Knowledge
Code of Honour (Code of Professional Conduct)
A standard of conduct to uphold the status of the
Code of Conduct are of moral, ethical and personal in
nature and are universal across all professions.
Honesty Unbiased
Avoid conflict The Profession
of Interest Modesty
20 Concepts in Professionalism
Accidents Nuisance
“Rules of Equity’ (or doctrine of equity) is a set of legal principles in English law
parallel to English common law, acts as a supplement to strict rules prescribed by
laws so as to achieve principles of ‘natural justice’. Whereas remedy in Civil Law may
provide award for damages (frequently monetary), relief under equity include
injunctions or writs e.g. injunction directing a person to act or to refrain from acting
etc., writ of habeas corpus etc.
In law decisions are made with reference to strict rules of legal doctrines or statutes.
However in Equity, which its emphasis on fairness and ‘natural justice’, decisions are
based on general guides which in English law are the ‘rules of equity’.
26 Responsibility to Society/Public
Civil Action
The Bolam Test has since pass
THE BOLAM TEST into the body of Malaysian Law.
Dr Abdul Hamid Rashid v Jurusan Malaysian Consultants [1997] 3 MLJ 546
the court held that there was an implied term in the agreement that the fourth
defendant, by publicly proclaiming himself as a consulting civil engineer to
the general public, was expected to take reasonable care and skill in the
performance of his craft.
Steven Phoa Cheng Loon v Highland Properties Sdn Bhd & Ors [2000] 4 CLJ 508,
the condition of the land on which the building is to be built as well as those
in the vicinity must be considered and evaluated, particularly if it has potential
to adversely affect the building that is being planned.