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1st Chapter
1-2 NeuroMeasure 5 User’s Manual
1. Overview
(1) Summary
- Operator-oriented Software : Realizes one-step operation through icons and function keys.
- Computer-aided Virtual Test & Inspection : Secures device stability through a simulation
and collision check by the use of a virtual measuring instrument and a probe, and
CAD(Computer Aided Design) – the latest CAT(Computer Aided Testing) system enabling a
measurement program creation and verification without a direct device operation.
- Various Relation Calculations : Able to create far more powerful, multiple configurations
and express results with the support of approximately 700 kinds of relation calculations.
Overview 1-3
- Interactive Program Support : Gives support to an interactive program through the use of
DMIS HLL(High Level Language).
- File Menu : Provides related functions to File Save and File Open including Project Save,
sending out measured values and Print.
- Edit Menu : Provides multiple editing functions including Edit Headword, Search, Select,
current screen copy, and configuration file editing.
- View Menu : Provides related functions to NeuroMeasure overall screen views such as
Graphic View, Report View, Data View, toolbars of all kinds, and graphic option setting.
- CAD Menu : Provides CAD-related general functions of CAD Open, CAD Save, Create
Primitive, Move model, and Reverse Surface Normal regarding all kinds of CAD
commercially in use.
- Probe Menu : Provides multiple functions related to the operation and calibration of a
probe including the Set Reference Position, Create a Probe Group, Recalibrate and
- Alignment Menu : Provides overall functions necessary for setting the coordinate system
including Level, Rotate, Translate, Move Alignment, Offset Distance, Step Plane Alignment,
and Best Fit.
- Feature Menu : Provides powerful functions for the measurement of 8 basic features of
Point, Line, Plane and Circle and the others, as well as 9 extended features, Curve and
- DMIS Menu : Provides overall functions for DMIS records and runs, DMIS records, save,
text message, add comment, multimedia output and HLL(High Level Language) support.
- CMM Menu : Provides multiple functions necessary for measuring instrument operations
such as Absolute move, Relative Move, velocity and Moving directions , joystick direction.
- Report Menu : Provides powerful functions necessary for making a graphic report such as
formatting, Save, Add Page, Add Label, Delete, Align, and insert control point.
- Option Menu : Provides optional functions necessary for the measurements such as an
Excel Report, Excel Statistics and a calculator.
1-4 NeuroMeasure 5 User’s Manual
- An auto program is executed and NeuroMeasure installation program appears. (If the
NeuroMeasure installation program is not executed automatically, AutoSetup.exe among
CD-Rom files can be directly executed and installed.)
- If this is the first NeuroMeasure installation, select the [Require License File] in the center
of the installation program. Then a window for license information is displayed as shown
Overview 1-5
- Select the [Save Text] button at the bottom and save the license information, then
transmit the corresponding file to Dukin Co., Ltd. via e-mail or fax and get permission for
a license file for PC in use, so a normal installation should be possible.
- In case the license file has already been kept or re-installation is needed, direct
installation is possible without issuing a license file separately.
- When the license file has been ready, select the [Install] button(Fig. 1-1) and begin the
A. Select the [Install] and the [Require License File] configuration window appears as
shown in Fig. 1-3
B. Select the [Path] button and pick up the license file, then select the [OK] to see the
program begin the installation.
C. Read guidelines through during the installation program and continue with the
D. Unless any special problems are detected, select [Next(N) >] to proceed to the next
step, and when all the guidelines and option settings are complete, the [Install]
button is displayed. (See Fig. 1-7 for reference.)
1-6 NeuroMeasure 5 User’s Manual
Overview 1-7
1-8 NeuroMeasure 5 User’s Manual
Overview 1-9
- When the normal installation has completed, select the [Exit] from the NeuroMeasure
installation program to close the installation program.
- Simply apply the NeuroMeasure shortcut icon on the desktop to execute NeuroMeasure.
1-10 NeuroMeasure 5 User’s Manual
- Select one of option(Modify, Repair and Remove) and click [Next(N) >] to continue.
- NeuroMeasure default screen comes up and a ‘Homing’ window appears as shown below
in Fig. 1-12.
Overview 1-11
- If [Yes(Y)] is selected, the ‘Fine Home Position’ process is performed, and when the ‘Fine
Home Position’ is complete, a message ‘Fine Home Position has been completed.” comes
up as the preparations for measurements are finalized.
- When the measured value has not been saved, it will ask to save the results as Fig. 1-13.
- If [Yes(Y)] is selected, a Save window for the measured value appears, and once a file
name is typed, a file is saved and closed.
- If [Cancel] is selected, NeuroMeasure is not closed and instead returns to the state of
measurement preparations.
1-12 NeuroMeasure 5 User’s Manual
- Title Bar : Displays NeuroMeasure version and file names of measured values.
- Measuring Toolbar : Displays icons for features, Alignment, calculation distances and
- Default Screen : Convertible to graphic view, report view and data view, showing
measurement features, reports and others.
- Information Window and Various Trees : Displays information necessary for each window
such as an information window, probe/coordinate and cad tree…. Etc.
Overview 1-13
(2) Operation
- Move the mouse to let an arrow point to Menu and click on the left button of the
mouse, then the Menu is selected and executed at the same time.
- Hit the [Alt] key on the keyboard and [File] Menu is selected.
- Use the left and right arrow keys (← →) with the already-selected [File] Menu, select
the menu to use, and press the [Enter] key to execute the menu.
- When pressing abbreviated alphabet keys and numbers represented beside each
menu, they are executed immediately.
- For example, to select the [Create a Probe Group] menu, select ‘P’ and ‘X’ in order
and the menu ‘Create a Probe Group’ is performed.
- Screen Scrolling : Allows a screen to scroll wherever possible by pushing and shifting the
wheel button in the middle of a mouse.
- Screen Rotation : When pushing the wheel button in the middle of a mouse and the right
button of a mouse at a time, the main screen shows a red circle and a screen rotation
becomes possible. (See Fig. 1-16 for reference)
1-14 NeuroMeasure 5 User’s Manual
- Screen Zoom : A screen zooms in and out when scrolling up and down the wheel button
in the middle of a mouse.
- A screen scrolling and rotation can be performed even through the Graphic View in View
- When needing to select a feature from the main screen, press the Ctrl key on the
keyboard, push the left mouse button and dragging the screen, then the mouse pointer
Overview 1-15
turns yellow and dragging areas are displayed. (See Fig. 1-18 & Fig. 1-19 for reference.)
- When needing to select the feature included in the dragging areas and to exclude some
of the features, drag again and select the corresponding feature. Then, the feature
selected again among the currently-selected ones is disselected.
- Disselect the Ctrl key and select an empty space on the main screen, the disselection
process is complete.
A. Feature Toolbar
1-16 NeuroMeasure 5 User’s Manual
B. Alignment Toolbar
C. File Toolbar
Overview 1-17
- New - Export
- Save - Preview
D. Edit Toolbar
E. View Toolbar
- View Direction -X
F. CAD Toolbar
G. Probe/Alignment Toolbar
- Geometric Alignment
1-18 NeuroMeasure 5 User’s Manual
H. DMIS Toolbar
- Open - Stop
- Save - Record
- Run - Options
I. CMM Toolbar
J. Report Toolbar
K. Explanation Window
- Korean - Chinese
Overview 1-19
- English
L. Measurement Window
- Automatic Measurement.2