Affidavit of Desistance - Estandarte

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Republic of the Philippines )

General Santos City ) S.S.



I, JAYNE BASTO, a Filipino Citizen, of legal age, with residence

at City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, under oath, hereby avers:

1. I am the Supervisor of EMR of Marbel Enterprises (herafter

referred to as EMR for brevity) a sole propreitorship business duly
organized and existing under Philippine laws with principal office
address at National HIghway, Barangay Morales, City of Koronadal,
South Cotabato.

2. EMR of Marbel Enterprises is a sole proprietorship business

owned by Edwin Robert M. Romero doing business under the name and
style of EMR of Marbel Enterprises. I am authorized by Edwin Robert M.
Romero to represent him under a Special Power of Attorney in the
Criminal Case No. 8617-25 entitled People of the Philippines, Plaintiff,
versus, Ryan M. Estandarte, Accused for Qualified Theft.

3. During the proceedings of the said case, EMR and the

accused, RYAN M. ESTANDARTE, had come up and executed a
Compromise Agreement as regards the civil aspect of Criminal Case
No. 8617-25.

4. During the course of the conciliation meetings, I have seen

the sincerity of the accused, RYAN M. ESTANDARTE in amicably
settling the Civil Aspect of the said case, with the end in mind that we
can all learn, heal and move on from this unfortunate incident.

Affidavit of Desistance; Jayne Basto 1

5. After going through the said proceedings sincerely and
respectfully; after much contemplation, mutual understanding and
forgiveness of both parties concerned in this case, I have decided to
desist, as I am hereby desisting, from further prosecuting the aforesaid
criminal case against RYAN M. ESTANDARTE before the Regional
Trial Court Branch 25 or any other court for that matter—to save the
company as well as the accused, from the unnecessary anguishes of a
full-blown court trial. Thus, I shall not anymore appear to testify in
court relative to the above-cited criminal case.

6. I have no objection to the dismissal of Criminal Case No.

8617-25 entitled People of the Philippines, Plaintiff, versus, Ryan M.
Estandarte, Accused for Qualified Theft which is currently pending
before the Regional Trial Court Branch 25 of Koronadal City.

7. I execute this Affidavit of Desistance to attest to the truth of

the foregoing facts and for all and whatever legal purposes that it may
serve the parties. I do so with full authority and of my own free will and
accord, knowingly and intelligently without being coerced, threatened
or intimidated.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this

_____________ at General Santos City

ID No.______________

Affidavit of Desistance; Jayne Basto 2

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ____________
at General Santos City. I hereby certify that I personally examined the
affiant and I am fully satisfied that he executed his statement
knowingly, freely and voluntarily and understood the contents thereof.

Affidavit of Desistance; Jayne Basto 3

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