1002 Full Paper
1002 Full Paper
1002 Full Paper
13 International Conference on
Steel, Space and Composite Structures
31 January - 2 February 2018, Perth, Australia
Composite steel-concrete trusses can be considered as one of the most economical systems
for building, especially for greater spans, commonly to the 20 m. The structural elements of this
composite type can be used for even greater spans up to the 30 m, which allows better use of
internal space without restricting columns. The trusses are appropriate also to meet the
requirements for building height limitation, the need to run complex electrical, heating, ventilating,
and communication systems.
Also composite steel bridges, whose carriageway deck is supported on a filigree steel truss
structure and slim piers, are particularly preferable especially to ordinary concrete bridges.
Primarily considering the technical and architectural aspects as well as compromi se between
protections of the landscape on the one hand and hard transports necessities on the other. Thus
a composite truss bridge, with its speedy assembly engineering, can be a structural type which is
both economically and aesthetically attractive. To create the interaction between steel parts and
concrete, it is necessary to prevent the relative slip at the steel -concrete interface using the shear
connectors. Nowadays, different types of shear connectors are used. In our investigation, shear
connection is developed using the welded headed studs.
University of Zilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia
Jan Bujnak and Petra Bujnakova
local effect of a concentrated longitudinal force and the distribution of the longitudinal shear force
into local shear flow between steel section and concrete slab.
Primarily therefore the degree of connection effect has been theoretically studied. Especially
the connector diameter impact, the top chord section influence and the material characteristics of
steel and concrete were analysed pondering over the stiffness and the resistance of the beams
and the shear forces in the connectors.
Figure 1 shows a typical portion of a studied composite sample, taken from the references
Machacek & Cudejko , consisting of a concrete deck (1500×80 mm) and a steel truss beam, whose
the top chord was designed as ½ IPE 220, the bottom chord a rectangular hollow section RHS
60×60×4 and the web members were from RHS 50×50×3. During the analytical phase of this
composite truss, the finite-element-based software CAST3M was used to evaluate the structural
integrity of the system. Serious considerations had to be given to proper representation of the
geometric characteristics. To ensure a full composite action, shear headed studs connectors (Φ = 19
mm) were provided at the interface between the concrete slab and the truss top chord to resist
interface shear. Therefore, it was important during the initial modelling stages to take into account the
node positions as key locations of interest. Thus the model with a higher degree of refinement could
be assembled such that important results could be obtained at these zones. Proper type and shape of
the elements had also to be considered since different mesh size could sometimes cause significant
variations in results. The resulting computer model was used to evaluate the structural system for
actions, represented by a series of load cases applied to the structural model. An example of
application of the loads is presented also in Figure 1.
The analysis was performed with the characteristic values of material properties and obvious
assumptions on elastic-plastic stress-strain diagrams of steel (S355) and concrete (C25/30),
commonly used in practice. The non-linear behaviour of the shear connection was modelled using
beam elements uniformly distributed with a regular spacing equal to 100 mm along the span and
located between the neutral axis of the top chord and the concrete slab as in Bujnak´ thesis . The
analytical expression of the evolution of the load – slip curve is given by equation:
Pi = Pmax (1- e- 0.709si ) (1)
with the Ollgaard´ formula of for stud shear capacity
First of all the influence of the connectors size considering numerous theoretical values of
shank diameter varying from 0.1 to 100 mm on truss beam stiffness was analysed. These values
represent the progression of the degree of shear stud connection in the truss from no connection
to full interaction. It was recognized that the usual diameter of 19 mm is quite sufficient to obtain
a full connection. Moreover, the composite effect obtained by the shear connector diameter
variation can increase even twice the stiffness of the truss with no connection in comparison to
the composite truss beam with full connection.
The results of the next investigation focused on the effect of the top chord section on
distribution of the shear forces in the frequently used 19 mm diameter connectors along the
beams are shown in Figure 2a for different top chord sections. This phenomenon is influenced by
the ratio of geometry and resistance between the connector and the top chord section. Thus, it is
Jan Bujnak and Petra Bujnakova
necessary to optimize this ratio. Otherwise, the connectors in the panel area would transfer the
predominant portion of shear forces in comparison to the obvious zones on the chord between
the nodes.
Figure 2: Effect of the top chord section and concrete strength on the shear force distributions
The influence of the material characteristics of concrete and structural steel on the distribution
of shear forces in the connectors was analysed in the additional parametrical study. The concrete
strength is an input value in one of the formulae used to calculate the shear resistance of headed
studs. Therefore, the greater value of concrete strength can provide a better shear force transfer
in the connection. However the concrete strength does not affect significantly the shape of shear
force distribution on connectors as shown in Fig. 2b. Impact of steel strength of truss material on
the shear force distribution in the connectors is small and can be neglected.
Jan Bujnak and Petra Bujnakova
stud connectors at each flange using automatic welding procedure. Six studs were welded at
each flange of steel members SP3, SP4 and SP5. The longitudinal distances between the
connectors differed, too. The spacing parallel to the loading direction was 250 mm in SP1 and
SP2, 60 mm in SP3 and SP4, and 40 mm in SP5. Transversal spacing was160 mm, with
exception of SP5 reduced to 32 mm.
According to standard procedure of Eurocode 4 ,, the load was applied in increments of 20 kN
from 0 to 100 kN (40% of the expected failure load), then returned to 12 kN ( 5% of the expected
failure load). Later loading was repeated 25 times between 12 kN and 200 kN. At each load
increment, readings of the slip between the steel beam and the concrete were recorded. During
this cycling loading the specimens remained in good condition, the slabs and the steel beam
worked well together, the cracks had not yet been developed at that time. At the end of the 25th
cycle, loading was changed from load control to slip control. The slip controlled load continued up
to the failure at the speed of 1mm/2 min. At the load of 300 kN, the interface between steel and
concrete was delaminated and the slip of 1 mm was achieved. The cracks began to appear in the
slabs. The test ended with the shear of the connectors approximately at this load lev el.
For finite element modelling, nonlinear analysis software ATENA was selected. It is capable
to simulate the real behaviour of concrete structures including concrete cracking, crushing and
reinforcement yielding. The three-dimensional linear four-node tetrahedral isoperimetric elements
were used to model the entire specimen. Because of symmetry, only a quarter of the push -out
configuration was modelled. Figure 4 shows the mesh used to represent a quarter of the push-out
test specimen. The element size was 0.05 m for the elements of concrete slab and steel beam
and 0.005 m for the shear connectors head and shank. The circular shapes of the stud
connectors head and shank were approximated by a hexagon.
Figure 5 shows a comparison between the load-slip curves obtained experimentally and
numerically using the finite element method. The load per stud was recorded from fifteen
specimen tests, starting from SP1 to SP5, illustrated by corresponding group of li nes I-1 to V-3,
respectively. The curve obtained from numerical modelling is called FEM in Fig. 5. Theoretical
and experimental values of forces as well as slip confirm a good agreement between the test and
the numerical model in the range of practically applied loading. The supplementary comparison of
results can be judged also as rather good, considering the extremely complex behaviour of
material grouping and welding procedure. The current move towards generating design data by
using numerical models in place of experiments calls for careful attention to random variables. By
considering experiments, random variables are usually represented implicitly, leading to a scatter
in the results. Therefore, there is a need to further review the use of numerical mo del for
Jan Bujnak and Petra Bujnakova
producing reliable design data. Since local connection in truss beams is sensitive to the choice of
the stud location and properties as well as geometric characteristics in these composite structural
elements, it would be particularly important to ensure that the variation of input parameters is
accounted for.
The experimental measurement on the first truss specimen is illustrated in Figure 7. Strains
are recorded in both chords and web members of the girders as well as concrete slab by system
of sixteen strain gauges. The details of observed locations in cross sections are designated as T1
to T16. During the testing the end slips of concrete slab have been measured using displacement
sensors. The deflection transducers P22 and P24 are placed on the girders ends, in the middle
P23 and near the quarter part of a simple span. Data received from the strain gauge package are
Jan Bujnak and Petra Bujnakova
digitized and sent to the notebook. This computer is used to communicate with the measurement
system for commands regarding data acquisition, calibration, initialization, downloading and
Jan Bujnak and Petra Bujnakova
Figure 9: Shear failure of connectors at the edge zone and in less stressed interior span area
Jan Bujnak and Petra Bujnakova
Forms of natural vibration and corresponding frequency values were determined . The dynamic
analysis was executed using Autodesk finite numerical model. As example, the first five bending
shapes of the structure are shown in Figure 12. The corresponding numerical values are listed in
Table 1. Primarily theoretical frequencies in this table correspond to the infinitely stiff connection
at the steel concrete interface. Then, the more realistic values relate to the experimentally
determined actual rigidity, specified by a factor k = 54 MN/m are given in the third column. Also, it
can be concluded that frequencies are decreasing progressively due to gradual damage
propagation in the truss concrete deck.
At the end of loading, this frequency depletion varies from 8 to 20 %. Evidentially, the decrease
ratio to the initial values for higher free vibrations is greater, probably due to damping and
boundary effects.
FEM Experiment
Form Virgin state Virgin 10% 20% 40% 60% 80%
kv ® Ą k v = 54MN / m state [55kN] [100kN] [200kN] [400kN] [500kN]
1 53,4 39,31 39,0 37,56 37,46 36,12 36,12 36,12
2 79,4 71,02 72,0 66,45 65,0 62,12 62,12 62,0
3 108,2 114,77 111,2 108,4 107,0 102,6 102,6 101,1
4 148,2 152,06 158,9 153,1 144,5 143,0 141,6 132,0
5 180,7 182,13 195,0 193,6 193,6 189.3 186,4 177,7
6 223,3 225,47 216,7 216,7 216,7 212,4 206,6 204,0
7 326,8 346,44 302,0 300,5 300,0 294,7 283,2 273,0
8 429,3 406,13 388,0 387,2 385,7 375,6 355,4 335,2
9 518,6 537,40 502,7 501,3 501,3 494,1 485,4 466,6
10 630,2 653,00 585,0 573,5 573,5 567,8 524,4 505,0
Table 1: Comparison of free vibration frequencies from finite numerical model and test
Propagation time and velocity of waves are reliable parameters in ultrasonic diagnostic of
structural materials, especially by means of longitudinal type of waves with highest transmission
velocity. An average value of velocity can be obtained by measuring wave time propagatio n
between sending and receiving points. Usually sender and receiver are located perpendicularly at
opposite side of a tested specimen providing a shortest and quickest running route. A micro-
cracking in the concrete can modify the original velocity c L0 using scalar damage parameter at the
reduced value c L as follows
cL = 1 - w cL 0 (3)
Jan Bujnak and Petra Bujnakova
In every unloaded stage, similarly as during dynamic testing, velocity propagation of ultrasonic
waves with frequency of 54 kHz among selected concrete deck points was recorded as shown in
Figure 13. This measurement was repeated three times. Beside two points at the opposite deck
surfaces, the adjacent points and in addition also two postponed points were taken into
consideration. The average velocity determined from registered times are listed in the Table 2.
The results indicate the velocity decrease about 30% especially for skew wave movement. For
the shortest transversal wave paths between points on opposite sides, the average velocity
variations were less significant. The main reason is that cracks started developing and then rising
in the crosswise direction of the truss, so matching the wave paths as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13: Localization of measuring points and visible cracks during testing
The presented procedure may identify damaged concrete zones due to stress actions. Moreover,
the obtained results allow predicting degree and cracking location in the truss deck before
appearing at its surface. In the case of tested truss, the cracks became observable only after the
third loading stage as shown in Figure 13.
The influence of different parameters of the steel-concrete composite truss on its behaviour
was investigated by elastic and plastic analysis. The parametric studies showed that the top
chord sections have no significant effect on the flexural stiffness and the load carrying capacity of
the composite trusses, because they are usually located very near to the neutral axis of the
composite member. However, the top chord section has an important influence on values of the
shear forces in the connectors. In fact, the ratio between the characteristics of the shear
connector and the top chord section governs the distribution of shear force along the beam. It is
necessary to optimize this ratio and to develop the rules for predicting the distribution of shear
forces in the connectors for various ratios of shear connectors and top chord sections. In this way
a more efficient use of the connectors can be achieved. The influence of material characteristics
of the structure components presented the next subject of the study. It was found that concrete
strength affect the connector resistance, but has no significant effect on the redistribution of
shear forces in the connectors. Similarly, the steel strength of the truss has littl e influence on the
shear forces in connection.
The experimental program of standard push-out examinations as well as bending test of
composite truss beam were executed to investigate real behaviour of the composite truss with
connection only above the nodes. The promising finite element models were developed, using
solid elements and local damage evolution of concrete. The aim is to take account of the local
Jan Bujnak and Petra Bujnakova
phenomena such as the plastic deformation between the connectors and the top chord on all the
length, including the panel points.
Dynamic and ultrasonic non-destructive investigation methods represent effective tools for
identification of inner non-evident imperfection also in the case of composite trusses. Deck
cracking could be predicted in selected concrete part from beginnin g of truss loading and started
to be observable after the third stage.
The paper presents results of the research activities supported partly by the Slovak Cultural
and Educational Grant Agency; grant No. 019ŽU-4/2016.
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