MV Dstribution Substation

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The physical structure of most power systems consists of

generation facilities feeding bulk power into a high-voltage bulk
transmission network, that in turn serves any number of
distribution substations. A typical distribution substation will
serve from one to as many as ten feeder circuits. A typical
feeder circuit may serve numerous loads of all types. A light to
medium industrial customer may take service from the distribution
feeder circuit primary, while a large industrial load complex may
take service directly from the bulk transmission system. All
other customers, including residential and commercial, are
typically served from the secondary of distribution transformers
that are in turn connected to a distribution feeder circuit.
Figure 6.1 illustrates a representative portion of a typical

The Electric Power System is usually divided into three

segments, which are generation, transmission, and distribution.
In a broad definition, the distribution system is that part of
the electric utility system between the bulk power source and the
customers’ service switches.


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A distribution system includes the following components

 Sub-transmission system;
 Distribution substations;
 Distribution primary feeders;
 Distribution transformers;
 Secondary circuits;

Some distribution system engineers define the distribution

system as that part of the electric utility system between the
distribution substations and the consumers’ service entrance.


Following diagram shows a Typical distribution substation



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Nature of a typical substation

 The voltage of the high side bus can be anywhere from 34.5
kV all the way to 345 kV and beyond.

 The average or preferred high side voltage level is

approximately 115 to 138 kV.

 The average substation consists of two transformers with an

impedance of approximately 10 percent (0.1 p.u.).

 The low voltage bus in a multiple transformer substation is

usually split (contains a normally open breaker or switch)
to alleviate circulating currents as well as reduce the
short circuit current seen by the system.

 Normally, Two or more feeders are connected to each bus

through a feeder breaker.

 On smaller substations where short circuit levels are lower,

a re-closer is sometimes used instead of a breaker.

 Short circuit levels at the terminals of the low voltage bus

are generally kept at 12 000 amperes or less although there
are many systems where much higher levels can be found.

3.1.1 Main Equipments in a typical Substation

 Power transformers
 Circuit breakers
 Current transformer
 Capacitor voltage transformer (CVT)
 Earthing Transformers
 Protective Relays


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Power transformers
A transformer has been defined by ANSI/IEEE as a static
electrical device, involving no continuously moving parts, used
in electric power systems to transfer power between circuits
through the use of electromagnetic induction. The term power
transformer is used to refer to those transformers used between
the generator and the distribution circuits and are usually rated
at 500 kVA and above. Power systems typically consist of a large
number of generation locations, distribution points, and
interconnections within
the system or with nearby
systems, such as a
neighboring utility. The
complexity of the system
leads to a variety of
transmission and
distribution voltages.
Power transformers must
be used at each of these
points where there is a
transition between
voltage levels.

Power transformers are selected based on the application,

with the emphasis towards custom design being more apparent the
larger the unit. Power transformers are available for step-up
operation, primarily used at the generator and referred to as
generator step-up (GSU) transformers, and for step-down
operation, mainly used to feed distribution circuits. Power
transformers are available as a single phase or three phase

Main parts of a power transformer

Conservator is a sort of drum, mounted on the top of
the transformer. A level indicator is fixed to it.
Conservator is connected through a pipe to the transformer
tank containing oil. This oil expands and contracts’
depending upon the heat produced and sob the oil level in
the conservator rises and falls. Pipes connected to the
conservator is left open to the atmosphere through a
breather so that the extra air may go out or come in.


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Breather is mounted on the top of the conservator tank
& it is a small cylindrical unit containing silica gel to
absorb moisture of air entering the conservator tank.

These are fitted for cooling the transformer oil. The
hot oil circulate through these unit where it becomes cool
due to the air touching.

Transformer windings are wound with rectangular, cable
paper insulated copper wires. There are two windings HV side
and LV side.


Tap changer is used for on load changing of the voltage
ratio. It is a three-phase unit located in one container,
which is placed in the transformer tank. Each phase
regulating winding is located at the star point of HV side
of transformer. Tap changer is controlled from a motor drive
unit, fixed to the transformer tank. Transformer voltage may
have to be constantly regulated and it is often very
inconvenient to cut off the power supply each time. On load
tap changer solve such problems, and are being used
increasingly as a means of offering better power supply
service as well as for general power receiving purposes.

This relay is situated in the pipe connected between
the transformer and the conservator. Relay is a gas actuated
relay which is meant for the protection of oil immersed
transformer from insulation failure, core heating or any
type of internal fault which may cause the heating of coil
beyond the specified temperature due to this faults either
alarm circuit or the trip circuit operate.


If is the transformer oil vapor pressure increase in
transformer tank a signal is came to relief valve and it is

Those meters measure oil temperature and winding
temperature and meters are set to fixed temperature.

Arching horns are situated top of the transformer it is
protected transformer by lightings.


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Electrical Characteristic parameters of a transformer

Rated power (Pn): the conventional apparent-power in kVA on
which other design parameter values and the construction of the
transformer are based. Manufacturing tests and guarantees are
referred to this rating
Frequency: for power distribution systems of the kind
discussed in this guide, the frequency will be 50 Hz or 60 Hz
Rated primary and secondary voltages: For a primary winding
capable of operating at more than one voltage level, a kVA rating
corresponding to each level must be given. The secondary rated
voltage is its open circuit value
Rated insulation levels are given by overvoltage-withstand
test values at power frequency, and by high voltage impulse tests
values which simulate lightning discharges. At the voltage levels
discussed in this guide, over voltages caused by MV switching
operations are generally less severe than those due to lightning,
so that no separate tests for switching-surge withstand
capability are made
Off-circuit tap-selector switch generally allows a choice of
up to ± 2.5% and ± 5% level about the rated voltage of the
highest voltage winding. The transformer must be de-energized
before this switch is operated
Winding configurations are indicated in diagrammatic form by
standard symbols for star, delta and inter-connected-star
windings; (and combinations of these for special duty, e.g. six-
or twelve-phase rectifier transformers, etc.) and in an IEC-
recommended alphanumeric code. This code is read from left-to-
right, the first letter refers to the highest voltage winding,
the second letter to the next highest, and so on:
Capital letters refer to the highest voltage winding
D = delta
Y = star
Z = interconnected-star (or zigzag)
N = neutral connection brought out to a terminal
Lower-case letters are used for tertiary and secondary windings
d = delta
y = star
z = interconnected-star (or zigzag)
n = neutral connection brought out to a terminal
A number from 0 to 11, corresponding to those, on a clock dial
(“0” is used instead of “12”) follows any pair of letters to
indicate the phase change (if any) which occurs during the
A very common winding configuration used for distribution
transformers is that of a Dyn 11 transformer, which has a delta
MV winding with a star-connected secondary winding the neutral
point of which is brought out to a terminal. The phase change
through the transformer is +30 degrees, i.e. phase 1 secondary
voltage is at “11 o’clock” when phase 1 of the primary voltage is
at “12 o’clock”.


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Circuit breakers

A circuit breaker is defined as “a mechanical switching

device capable of making, carrying and breaking currents under
normal circuit conditions and also making, carrying and breaking
for a specified time, and breaking currents under specified
abnormal circuit conditions such as a short circuit” Circuit
breakers are generally classified according to the interrupting
medium used to cool and elongate the electrical arc permitting
interruption. The types are:

 Oil circuit breaker

 Air blast circuit breaker
 Vacuum circuit breaker
 SF6 gas circuit breaker

Oil circuit breakers have been widely used in the utility

industry in the past but have been replaced by other breaker
technologies for newer installations. Two designs exist — bulk
oil (dead tank designs) and oil minimum breaker technology (live
tank design). Bulk oil circuit breakers were designed as single-
tank or three-tank mechanisms; generally, at higher voltages,
three-tank designs were dominant. Oil circuit breakers were large
and required significant foundations to support the weight and
impact loads occurring during operation. Environmental concerns
forcing the necessity of oil retention systems, maintenance
costs, and the development of the SF6 gas circuit breaker have
led to the gradual replacement of the oil circuit breaker for new

Oil circuit breaker development has been relatively static for

many years. The design of the interrupter employs the arc caused
when the contacts are parted and the breaker starts to operate.
The electrical arc generates hydrogen gas due to the
decomposition of the insulating mineral oil. The interrupter is
designed to use the gas as a cooling mechanism to cool the arc
and to use the pressure to elongate the arc through a grid (arc
chutes), allowing extinguishing of the arc when the current
passes through zero.


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Vacuum circuit breakers use an interrupter that is a small

cylinder enclosing the moving contacts under a high vacuum. When
the contacts part, an arc is formed from contact erosion. The arc
products are immediately forced to and deposited on a metallic
shield surrounding the contacts. Without anything to sustain the
arc, it is quickly extinguished.

Gas (SF6) circuit breakers generally employ SF6 (sulfur

hexaflouride) as an interrupting and sometimes as an insulating
medium. In “single puffer” mechanisms, the interrupter is
designed to compress the gas during the opening stroke and use
the compressed gas as a transfer mechanism to cool the arc and to
elongate the arc through a grid (arc chutes), allowing
extinguishing of the arc when the current passes through zero. In
other designs, the arc heats the SF6 gas and the resulting
pressure is used for elongating and interrupting the arc. Some
older two-pressure SF6 breakers employed a pump to provide the
high-pressure SF6 gas for arc interruption.


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SF6 Gas circuit breakers

typically operate at pressures
between six and seven
atmospheres. The dielectric
strength of SF6 gas reduces
significantly at lower
pressures, normally as a result
of lower ambient temperatures.
Monitoring of the density of
the SF6 gas is critical and
some designs will block
operation of the circuit
breaker in the event of low gas

Current transformer
A current transformer is a device for
measuring a current flowing through a power system
and inputting the measured current to a protective
relay system. Electrical power distribution
systems may require the use of a variety of
circuit condition monitoring devices to facilitate
the detection and location of system malfunctions.
Current transformers and current sensors are well
known in the field of electronic circuit breakers,
providing the general function of powering the
electronics within the circuit breaker trip unit
and sensing the circuit current within the
protected circuit. Ground fault circuit breakers
for alternating current distribution circuits are
commonly used to protect people against dangerous
shocks due to line-to-ground current flow through someone's body.
Ground fault circuit breakers must be able to detect current flow
between line conductors and ground at current levels. Upon
detection of such a ground fault current, the contacts of the
circuit breaker are opened to de energize the circuit. Current
transformers are an integral part of ground fault circuit
breakers. Current transformer assemblies are often positioned
between the line side of a trip unit of a circuit breaker and the
load side in order to monitor the current there between. Current
transformers in electrical substations measure the system
currents at predetermined measuring points of the switchgear with
a certain measurement inaccuracy. The measuring points are
typically located at all incoming and outgoing lines and possibly


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also within the system, e.g. for the busbar protection. The
current measurement signals are used for protective functions,
for monitoring the substation, for calculating performance data
for operating purposes or for consumption billing and for the
representation on a display. The output of the current
transformer provides a representation of the current flowing
through the assembly that is being monitored. Associated
monitoring and control instrumentation in combination with the
current transformer may provide critical system functions such as
overload protection and power usage monitoring.

Capacitor voltage transformer (CVT)-

A capacitor voltage transformer (CVT), or

capacitance coupled voltage transformer (CCVT)
is a transformer used in power systems to step
down extra high voltage signals and provide a
low voltage signal, for measurement or to
operate a protective relay. In its most basic
form the device consists of three parts: two
capacitors across which the transmission line
signal is split, an inductive element to tune
the device to the line frequency, and a
transformer to isolate and further step down the
voltage for the instrumentation or protective
relay. The device has at least four terminals: a
terminal for connection to the high voltage
signal, a ground terminal, and two secondary terminals which
connect to the instrumentation or protective relay.

CVTs are typically single-phase

devices used for measuring
voltages in excess of one hundred
kilovolts where the use of
voltage transformers would be
uneconomical. In practice,
capacitor C1 is often constructed
as a stack of smaller capacitors
connected in series. This
provides a large voltage drop across C1 and a relatively small
voltage drop across C2.

The CVT is also useful in communication systems. CVTs in

combination with wave traps are used for filtering high frequency
communication signals from power frequency. This forms a carrier
communication network throughout the transmission network.


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Earthing Transformers

In areas where earth point is not

available, a neutral point is created
using an earthing transformer. Earthing
transformer, having the zig-zag
(interstar) winding is used to achieve
the required zero phase impendence stage
which provides the possibility of
neutral earthing condition. In addition
an auxiliary windings can also be
provided to meet the requirement of an
auxiliary power supply.

Earthing transformers are usually oil immersed and may be

installed outdoor. As for connection, the earthing can be
connected directly, through an arc-suppression reactor or
through a neutral earthing reactor or resistor. In cases where a
separate reactor is connected between the transformer neutral
and earth, the reactor and the transformer can be incorporated
into the same tank.

Line Traps
High voltage transmission lines are
also used for transmitting carrier signals
between 30 kHz and 500 kHz for remote
control, voice communication, remote
metering & protection, and so forth, and
are often referred to as Power Line
Carrier (PLC) systems.
Line traps prevent
transmission of these high
frequency signals to unwanted
directions without loss of energy
at power frequency.
Line traps are series-
connected to the transmission
lines, and are designed to
withstand the rated power
frequency current and the short-
circuit current to which the lines
are subjected.


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3.1.2 Different MV service connections

Single-line service connection
The substation is supplied by a
single circuit tee-off from a MV
distributor (cable or line).In general,
the MV service is connected into a panel
containing a load-break/ isolating
switch-fuse combination and earthing
switches, as shown in Figure B11.
In some countries a pole-mounted
transformer with no MV switchgear or
fuses (at the pole) constitutes the
“substation”. This type of MV service is
very common in rural areas.

Protection and switching devices are

remote from the transformer, and
generally control a main overhead line,
from which a number of these elementary
service lines are tapped.

Ring-main service connection

Ring-main units (RMU) are normally

connected to form a MV ring main or
interconnector-distributor(2), such that
the RMU busbars carry the full ring-main
or interconnector current (see Fig. B12).
The RMU consists of three units,
integrated to form a single assembly,

 2 incoming units, each containing a load break/isolating

switch and a circuit earthing switch
 1 outgoing and general protection unit, containing a load-
break switch and MV fuses, or a combined load-break/fuse
switch, or a circuit-breaker and isolating switch, together
with a circuit-earthing switch in each case.

All load-break switches and earthing switches are fully

rated for short-circuit currentmaking duty.This arrangement
provides the user with a two-source supply, thereby reducing
considerably any interruption of service due to system faults or
operations by the supply authority, etc.
The main application for RMUs is in utility supply MV
underground-cable networks in urban areas.


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Parallel feeders service connection

Where a MV supply connection to two

lines or cables originating from the same
busbar of a substation is possible, a
similar MV switchboard to that of a RMU
is commonly used (see Fig. B13).
The main operational difference
between this arrangement and that of a
RMU is that the two incoming panels are
mutually interlocked, such that one
incoming switch only can be closed at a
time, i.e. its closure prevents the
closure of the other.On the loss of power
supply, the closed incoming switch must be opened and the
(formerly open) switch can then be closed. The sequence may be
carried out manually or automatically.
This type of switchboard is used particularly in networks of
medium-load density and in rapidly-expanding urban areas supplied
by MV underground cable systems.

3.1.3 Protection of transformer and circuits

General protection
The electrical equipment and circuits in a substation must
be protected in order to avoid or to control damage due to
abnormal currents and/or voltages. All equipment normally used in
power system installations have standardized short-time withstand
ratings for overcurrent and overvoltage. The role of protective
scheme is to ensure that this withstand limits can never be
exceeded. In general, this means that fault conditions must be
cleared as fast as possible without missing to ensure
coordination between protective devices upstream and downstream
the equipement to be protected. This means, when there is a fault
in a network, generally several protective devices see the fault
at the same time but only one must act.

These devices may be:

 Fuses which clear the faulty circuit directly or together
with a mechanical tripping attachment, which opens an
associated three-phase load-break switch
 Relays which act indirectly on the circuit-breaker coil


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Transformer protection

Stresses due to the supply network

Some voltage surges can occur on the network such as:

 Atmospheric voltage surges

Atmospheric voltage surges are caused by a stroke of
lightning falling on or near an overhead line.

 Operating voltage surges

A sudden change in the established operating conditions
in an electrical network causes transient phenomena to occur.
This is generally a high frequency or damped oscillation
voltage surge wave.

For both voltage surges, the overvoltage protection device

generally used is a varistor (Zinc Oxide).In most cases, voltage
surges protection has no action on switchgear.

Stresses due to the load

Overloading is frequently due to the coincidental demand of
a number of small loads, or to an increase in the apparent power
(kVA) demand of the installation, due to expansion in a factory,
with consequent building extensions, and so on. Load increases
raise the temperature of the wirings and of the insulation
material. As a result, temperature increases involve a reduction
of the equipment working life. Overload protection devices can be
located on primary or secondary side of the transformer.

The protection against overloading of a transformer is now

provided by a digital relay which acts to trip the circuit-
breaker on the secondary side of the transformer. Such relay,
generally called thermal overload relay, artificially simulates
the temperature, taking into account the time constant of the
transformer. Some of them are able to take into account the
effect of harmonic currents due to non linear loads (rectifiers,
computer equipment, variable speed drives…).This type of relay is
also able to predict the time before overload tripping and the
waiting time after tripping. So, this information is very helpful
to control load shedding operation.
In addition, larger oil-immersed transformers frequently
have thermostats with two settings, one for alarm purposes and
the other for tripping.
Dry-type transformers use heat sensors embedded in the
hottest part of the windings insulation for alarm and tripping.


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Internal faults

The protection of transformers by transformer-mounted

devices, against the effects of internal faults, is provided on
transformers which are fitted with air breathing conservator
tanks by the classical Buchholz mechanical relay (see Fig. B15).
These relays can detect a slow accumulation of gases which
results from the arcing of incipient faults in the winding
insulation or from the ingress of air due to an oil leak.
This first level of detection generally gives an alarm, but if
the condition deteriorates further, a second level of detection
will trip the upstream circuit-breaker.
An oil-surge detection feature of the Buchholz relay will
trip the upstream circuit breaker “instantaneously” if a surge of
oil occurs in the pipe connecting the main tank with the
conservator tank.
Such a surge can only occur due to the displacement of oil
caused by a rapidly formed bubble of gas, generated by an arc of
short-circuit current in the oil.
By specially designing the cooling-oil radiator elements to
perform a concerting action, “totally filled” types of
transformer as large as 10 MVA are now currently available.
Expansion of the oil is accommodated without an excessive
rise in pressure by the “bellows” effect of the radiator
elements. A full description of these transformers is given in
Sub-clause 4.4 (see Fig. B16).
Evidently the Buchholz devices mentioned above cannot be
applied to this design; a modern counterpart has been developed
however, which measures:

 The accumulation of gas

 Overpressure
 Over temperature

The first two conditions trip the upstream circuit-breaker,

and the third condition trips the downstream circuit-breaker of
the transformer.

Internal phase-to-phase short-circuit

Internal phase-to-phase short-circuits must be detected and

cleared by:
 3 fuses on the primary side of the transformer or

 An over current relay that trips a circuit-breaker upstream

of the transformer


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Internal phase-to-earth short-circuit

This is the most common type

of internal fault. It must be
detected by an earth fault relay.
Earth fault current can be
calculated with the sum of the 3
primary phase currents (if 3
current transformers are used) or
by a specific core current
transformer. If a great sensitivity
is needed, specific core current
transformer will be preferred. In
such a case, a two current
transformers set is sufficient (see Fig. B17).

Discrimination between the protective devices upstream and

downstream of the transformer

The consumer-type substation with LV metering requires

discriminative operation between the MV fuses or MV circuit-
breaker and the LV circuit-breaker or fuses.
The rating of the MV fuses will be chosen according to the
characteristics of the transformer.
The tripping characteristics of the LV circuit-breaker must
be such that, for an overload or short-circuit condition
downstream of its location, the breaker will trip sufficiently
quickly to ensure that the MV fuses or the MV circuit-breaker
will not be adversely affected by the passage of overcurrent
through them.
The tripping performance curves for MV fuses or MV circuit-
breaker and LV circuit breakers are given by graphs of time-to-
operate against current passing through them. Both curves have
the general inverse-time/current form (with an abrupt
discontinuity in the CB curve at the current value above which
“instantaneous” tripping occurs).

These curves are shown typically in

Figure B18.


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3.2.0 Distribution Line Protection Devices

Overhead distribution lines are generally to faults due to
high winds, lighting, falling tree, bird’s etc. Most faults are
transient in nature and the system would be ready for operation
again as soon as the fault has been interrupted by the system
protection. The fault current might have been caused by a falling
tree, which falls across the high voltage line .In many tree will
fall off the line again after a circuit breaker has de-energized
line. Alighting stroke will cause the same transient fault; a
flash over will cause a short circuit current to flow, but as
soon as this current is interrupted, the system is back to normal
Usually majority of the faults recoded in an overhead line
system is of a transient in nature. This is in contrast to a
cable network distribution system where most faults are of a
permanent nature.

 Drop Down Lift Off (DDLO)

A non-current-limiting
device interruption the
current by the melting of a
fuse element and an arc is
drawn inside a gas evolving
type. These may be recharged
with limited cost.
An expulsion fuses in a
holder, arranged in such a
way that the expulsion fuse
tube drops out of the
electrical circuit when the
fuse has operated. These are commonly used in the CEB
distribution network mainly for the protection of distribution
transformers and some cases for sectionalizing spur MV lines.


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 Air break Switch

A switch device, which is
normally, only used as a
disconnection, i.e. only
operated in a de energized
system. However a very
limiting making and breaking
and breaking performance.
Contact velocity at making is
operator dependent; an arcing
horn may give a high arcing
contact velocities at oppugn sufficient for the interruption of
load transformers.
The switch can in most cases be equipped with a load current
interrupting device. Still, the switch has only very limited
making performance .In the CEB, the ABS were installed in area
boundaries, interconnection points and on long spur line etc. to
facilitate isolation of section for fault location, maintenance
and repair works.

 Load Break Switch

The so-called “general purpose”

switch is according to standards
defined as follows; mechanical
switching device capable of making,
carrying the breaking currents under
normal. A circuit condition, which may
include specified operating overload
conditions, such as those of a short
circuit .It may also be capable of as
those of a short circuit. It may be capable to making but not
breaking of short circuit current. The load break switch contains


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some special arts .One of the interrupter head. It reduces their

formed When the switch is operate.

 Auto Recloser
Auto reclosers are self contaminated devises that make and
break the distribution system under normal at and fault
conditions. A basic feature of a
recloser is to reclose immediately
once the circuit under which it
served breaks due to temporary
fault. Recloser will lock out its
operation whenever it senses a
permanent fault clears before lock
out, recloser will reset for another
cycle of operation.
Before CEB has introduced auto
reclosers to the distribution system, only
DDLO’s are provided as the protective
But this needs some one to operate the
DDLO in order to isolate the line from the
power supply. Therefore by introducing auto
reclosers to distribution system, the speed
of fault clearing has improved and hence
which promotes the stability of the power
system. Because of these reasons the concepts
of auto reclosers entered as a time and money saving method [the
interruption period becomes less].
The minimum requirement for installing an auto recloser is
100 km 1 MVA. The reclosers are sensitive for over current, and
in modern types sensitive earth faults too.
There are three types of auto reclosers
available in medium voltage system in CEB.

 SF6 gas auto recloser


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 Oil auto recloser

 Vacuum auto recloser

The following CT ratios are available in CEB 33KV CT ratio

300/100/1, 11KV CT ratio 300/100/1.The main advantage of
Programmable type Auto Recloser is;

 This type is programmable and therefore different settings

can be given
 Availability of memory facility, data for later viewing can
be stored. This will includes the no of tripping occurred,
the no of occurred as over current and earth fault or
sensitive earth fault and the percentage of these failures .

The only thing is to maintain the pressure of the gas in

side at specified region given in the name plate.

The tripping period (dead time) for this type when

connecting in the distribution system are selected as follows;

1st tripping operation 0.25 sec.

2nd tripping operation 0.50 sec
3rd tripping operation 1.00 sec
4th tripping operation trip /lockout


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