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Journal of Chemical Sciences

Guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts

Brief guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts is given Figures

below; for detailed instructions, see Information for Authors at: All Figures including photographs should be numbered consecu- tively in Arabic numerals in the order of their appearance in the
Papers must present results of original work as a Regular Article text. Figure captions must be provided separately, below each
or Rapid Communication. Reviews of important fields and figure. Line drawings and structures should be made using suitable
Perspective articles in emerging areas will also be considered for software like ChemDraw, IsisDraw, etc. Lines must be sufficiently
publication. Authors must submit a covering letter explaining the thick for reduction to a half or third of the original size; 0.3 mm for
novelty of the work (and urgency for publication, in the case axes and 0.6 mm for curves are recommended.
of Rapid Communication), and suggest names of 2 or 3 referees. Symbols and Mathematical material
Submission of the manuscript will be deemed to imply that it has
Symbols and equations should be carefully checked by authors
not been published previously and is not under consideration for
for correctness, in the manuscript as well as in the .pdf file
publication elsewhere (either partly or wholly), and further that,
prepared by the Editorial Manager. Equations must be clear,
if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere. The jurisdiction
each one on a separate line, and well-separated from the text. All
for all disputes concerning submitted articles, published
equations must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
materials, subscription and sale will be at the courts/tribunals
Special characters (Greek letters, vector, tensor, matrix, etc.,
situated in the city of Bengaluru only.
symbols) should be checked carefully; for example, vectors must
Typescript be in bold. If special characters are used extensively then an
Manuscript should be prepared in grammatically correct English. explanatory table of Symbols on a separate page is
For a sample manuscript, see Information for Authors at the recommended.
URL above. The file should be prepared in Microsoft Word
(.doc or .docx) or LATEX with 2.5 cm margin on all sides and a
line spacing of 1.5. Figures and Tables with captions should be For examples, see Information for Authors at the URL above.
embedded at appropriate places in the text, distinctly separated References should be cited in the text as superscript number in
from the main text. Please consult editorial staff at order of appearance. References should be listed at the end of the
‘’, before submitting manuscript in any manuscript in serial order. References should be in the following
other format. See Sample Manuscript in Journal website. format.
(1) Title of the paper should be short and self-explanatory. Desiraju G R 1991 The C-H...O Hydrogen Bond in Crystals:
(2) Name(s) of all author(s) with initial(s), and the name and What is it? Acc. Chem. Res. 24 290
address of the institution where the work was carried out must be
Wagh R B, Gund S H and Nagarkar J M 2016 An eco-friendly
provided. Present address(es) of author(s) may be given if
oxidation of sulfide compounds J. Chem. Sci. 128 1321
different from the above. Email-id and phone number of the
corresponding author must be included. Lippert E, Luder W and Boos H 1962 In Advances in Molecular
(3) A Running Title (maximum 6 words) must be provided.
Spectroscopy A Mangini (Ed.) (Oxford: Pergamon) p. 443
Abstract For conference proceedings, etc., see the URL above.
All papers must have an Abstract of not more than 200 words. Supplementary Information (SI)
Presentation of numerical results should be avoided as far as
Authors are encouraged to submit extensive Data/Figures/Tables
possible. If the manuscript is accepted, a Graphical Abstract
and scanned copies of original spectra in Supplementary
consisting of text (maximum 50 words) and a suitable figure or
Information. For newly synthesized molecules, it is mandatory
equation is required (for examples, see Information for Authors
to submit scanned copies of one or more of the following
at the URL above).
spectra/reports, as applicable: NMR (1H, 13C) spectra; ESR spectra;
Keywords cif (converted to Microsoft Word file), CheckCIF files and CCDC
Up to 4 keywords must be provided. Please see Keywords deposition numbers, but NOT Fo/Fc Tables for crystal structure
Catalogue in the Journal website. analysis; mass spectra; elemental analysis reports; etc. Figures and
Text Tables in SI are to be labeled as S1, S2, etc. The content of SI
should be noted briefly in a paragraph in the manuscript after
Articles must be divided into the sections: Introduction,
Experimental or Theoretical/Computational, Results and
Discussion and Conclusions. Main sections should be numbered Appendices
1, 2 etc., sub-sections 1.1, 1.2 etc., and further as 1.1.1, 1.1.2, If included, should be labeled A, B, … with equations as A1, A2,
etc. Use of SI system of units and symbols is recommended. The B1, B2, etc.
above division of sections is not applicable to Reviews,
Proof: Authors should prepare the original/revised manuscript
Perspectives and Rapid Communications.
carefully and avoid corrections/alterations after acceptance.
Tables Proof will be sent as a .pdf file to the Corresponding Author.
All Tables must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals Corrections should be sent by email either as a text message
in the order of their appearance in the text. Tables should be self- listed serially with the relevant page, column, paragraph and line
contained and have a descriptive title. numbers or as annotated .pdf file.

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