Various sources
Sumber 1 - 2010
Spondyloarthritis (SpA), a family of inflammatory back diseases including ankylosing
spondylitis, is an important and underrecognized cause of chronic back pain in younger
patients who are likely to participate in sports and athletic activities. These diseases are
characterized by the presence of inflammatory back pain – lumbar or buttock/hip pain
lasting longer than 3 months associated with improvement with activity, worsening with
rest, relief with NSAIDs, and morning stiffness lasting longer than 30 minutes. There are
also characteristic radiographic findings involving the sacroiliac joints, vertebrae, and in
certain disease the peripheral joints. Exercise has long been recognized as a key
component of the therapy of SpA; yielding benefits in mobility, pain, stiffness,
functionality and depression. Sports also pose a risk to patients with SpA as these
patients are at high risk of spinal fracture and spinal cord injury.
Low back pain is one of the most common complaints for which patients present to
physicians, particularly those who participate in sports. An important and often under
recognized cause of low back pain is spondyloarthritis (SpA), a family of chronic,
inflammatory back diseases. This includes ankylosing spondylitis (AS), psoriatic arthritis
(PsA), reactive arthritis (ReA), the arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD), and undifferentiated spondyloarthritis (uSpA) (12). The SpA have an estimated
prevalence of up to 1.2%, with AS being the most common, affecting approximately 0.5%
of the U.S. population and 5% of patients with chronic low back pain (13, 24, 26). The
diagnosis of SpA is often delayed by 8-11 years from symptom onset due to the insidious
onset and delayed appearance of radiographic changes. This paper will review the
clinical presentation and key diagnostic features of SpA with a focus on ankylosing
spondylitis, the prototype of these diseases. The important role of exercise and sports
will be discussed with particular focus on benefits and special risks of sports.
Clinical Presentation
The hallmark of SpA is inflammatory back pain (Table 1). This pain is classically
characterized as a dull, low back or buttock/hip pain lasting longer than three months
with an insidious onset. Inflammatory back pain is associated with morning stiffness
lasting 30 minutes or longer, which responds readily to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs), is relieved with activity and worsened with rest (17, 22, 23, 26). A recent
study found the presence of back pain for at least three months with two of the following
four clinical features had a sensitivity and specificity of 70.3% and 81.2%, respectively,
for inflammatory back pain versus mechanical (noninflammatory) back pain, including
morning stiffness lasting at least thirty minutes, improvement with exercise but not rest
(asked as one question), alternating buttock pain and awakening because of back pain
during the second half of the night (22).
Age of onset < 35 years
Insidious onset
Morning stiffness lasting greater than 30 minutes
Improvement with exercise but not with rest
Alternating buttock pain
Awakens in second half of night
As the disease progresses, patients may develop limitation of spinal mobility, loss of
lumbar and cervical lordosis and kyphotic deformities of the spine. This limitation of
motion is initially due to axial inflammation and muscle spasm but is contributed to over
time by ossification of the ligamentous structures and ultimately ankylosis of the
sacroiliac joints, apophyseal joints and the outer fibers of the annulus fibrosis of the
intervertebral discs (17, 26).
Spinal mobility can be assessed by specific physical examination maneuvers. Flexion
can be assessed with the Schober test, which is performed by placing a mark at the level
of the iliac crest and another mark 10cm cephalad from this mark with the patient
standing completely upright. Then he or she is asked to bend maximally at the waist with
locked knees and try to touch the toes. The distance is then remeasured, with a change
of greater than 5 cm considered normal spinal mobility. Chest wall expansion can be
assessed by placing a tape measure around the chest at the level of the xiphosternal
junction with the arms over the head and asking the patient to maximally inhale and
exhale. The difference is the chest circumference at maximum inhalation and exhalation
is greater than 2.5 cm in a patient with normal chest expansion. Spinal extension is
assessed with occiput-to-wall measurement. The patient is asked to place his or her
heels and back against a wall and then asked to touch his or her head to the wall while
maintaining a normal chin position. The patient with normal extension will be able to
touch the wall (i.e., occiput-to-wall distance of 0cm.) Lateral flexion can be measured by
having the patient place his or her hand against the leg and slide the hand down the leg
while bending to the side without bending the knees. The distance from the floor to the
3rd digit is measured at the start and stop positions and should the difference should be
greater than 10cm in patients with normal lateral flexion (17, 22, 23).
Arthritis of the hips (and less commonly the shoulders) occurs in approximately 50% of
patients with AS. This may be manifested clinically as flexion deformities or joint
destruction of the hip with joint space loss, osteoporosis, and ankylosis (26). Hip
involvement is of particularly concern as it is associated with a markedly greater increase
in risk of more severe disease overall (26). Shoulder involvement can manifest as
chronic rotator cuff tears of the shoulder. Patients can also have arthritis of the joints of
the hands, feet, wrists and ankles, however joint involvement in SpA is more commonly
an asymmetric oligoarthritis of the lower extremities and particularly the knees
(16, 17, 19, 27). Patients with psoriatic arthritis frequently have peripheral arthritis as the
dominant manifestation. Early psoriatic arthritis may manifest as only peripheral arthritis
and ranges from oligoarthritis to a polyarthritis. More aggressive disease and a worse
prognosis is associated with peripheral polyarthritis at diagnosis (16). Inflammatory
arthritis of the DIP joint is found in 20%-30% of patients with early psoriatic arthritis and
may be helpful in initial diagnosis, as few other inflammatory arthritides affect the DIP
joint (16).
Enthesitis, inflammation of tendonous or ligamentous insertions onto bone, is one of the
most characteristic findings of the SpA. The most common sites of inflammation include
the Achilles tendon and the plantar fascial insertions, although involvement of the
ligamentous and tendinous insertions onto the pelvic bones is also encountered.
Dactylitis or “sausage digits”, which is fusiform swelling of the entire digit due to
inflammation and swelling of the flexor tenosynovium, is another typical finding of the
SpA (16, 17, 19, 24,27,29).
Skin involvement also occurs in SpA. Psoriasis is a sine qua non of psoriatic arthritis,
and can occur after the onset of arthritis in up to 20% of patients. A careful surveillance
of the skin should be performed including examination of the pinna, behind the ear, the
scalp, gluteal cleft, and areas of friction such as intertrigenous spaces. Nail changes,
consisting of pitting, ridging, hyperkeratosis and onycholysis occurs in 60%-80% of
patients with psoriatic arthritis, particularly when there is underlying inflammation of the
DIP joint (17, 16). Patients with reactive arthritis may have keratoderma
blennorrhagicum (pustular lesions of the palms and soles of the feet) or circinate balanitis
(coalescent plaques with a winding appearance) both of which histopathologically
resembles psoriasis. Erythema nodosum is also seen in patients with enteropathic
arthritis (and rarely reactive arthritis) (17, 19, 27,29).
SpA also affects the GI tract, eye, heart and lungs. Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's
disease and ulcerative colitis) and AS likely represent a spectrum of disease with purely
bowel disease at one end through enteropathic spondylitis to subclinical bowel
inflammation, which is seen in up to half of patients with AS. Flares of enteropathic
peripheral arthritis associated with IBD tend to occur with aggravation of the bowel
disease, whereas the axial disease tends to occur (and flare) independent of activity of
intestinal inflammation (17). Anterior uveitis, presenting as a painful red eye with
photophobia and blurred vision, is common to all the SpA (16, 17, 19, 24,26,27,29).
Cardiac manifestations, including conduction abnormalities and aortic valvular
insufficiency, occasionally are seen in patients with SpA, especially AS (17). The
spectrum of pulmonary involvement in AS ranges from a commonly seen restrictive
ventilatory disease due to limitation in chest wall movement from costovertebral joint
arthritis and fusion to an upper lobe predominant interstitial lung disease, and is
encountered in approximately 1% of patients with AS. Other complications of AS include
osteoporosis, spinal fracture, often accompanied by neurologic compromise, atlanto-
axial subluxation, cauda equina syndrome, secondary amyloidosis, sleep disturbance
and depression (17, 26).
Imaging studies play an important role in the diagnosis of the SpA. The most
characteristic radiographic finding is erosion, ankylosis and sclerosis of the sacroiliac
(SI) joints (Figure 1). The earliest changes are asymmetric blurring of the cortical margins
followed by irregular erosion and sclerosis of the joint margin. Pseudowidening of the
joint space then develops with fibrosis and bony ankylosis appearing in advanced
disease. Enthesitis of the ligamentous attachments to the iliac tuberosity produces a
whiskering appearance. The pubic symphysis also can be affected with erosions and
eventual fusion.
Plain radiographs of the spine show Romanus lesions (“shiny corners”) and squaring of
the vertebral body due to erosions at the attachments of the spinal ligaments early in
disease followed by syndesmophyte formation due to ossification of the outer layer of
the annulus fibrosis and eventual ankylosis of the spine, producing a “bamboo spine”
appearance. Syndesmophyte formation and ankylosis tends to progress throughout the
spine, although women often have cervical disease occurring independently of lumbar
involvement (17, 24, 25, 26).
Plain radiographs of the hands and feet are also helpful in the evaluation of the patient
with psoriatic arthritis or reactive arthritis. Radiographic changes of the peripheral joints,
including soft tissue swelling, erosions, periarticular osteopenia, periostitis and joint
space narrowing, are seen in 75% of patients with psoriatic arthritis. The erosions of
psoriatic arthritis can be aggressive leading to destruction of the articular surface of
proximal bone of the joint and “pencil in cup” appearance. These radiographic findings
are similar to rheumatoid arthritis but tend to be asymmetric and may involve the DIP
joints unlike rheumatoid arthritis. Reactive arthritis affects the peripheral joints,
predominantly in the lower extremities, whereas psoriatic arthritis equally affects lower
and upper extremities (16, 25).
Abnormalities on standard radiographs typically are not seen until up to 8-11 years after
disease onset leading to a significant delay in diagnosis and initiation of therapy. Earlier
radiographic changes can be detected with MRI and although with less specificity,
nuclear scintigraphy. Sacroiliitis can be detected by MRI earlier than plain radiographs.
Findings in early disease include bone marrow edema adjacent to the inflamed SI joint,
contrast enhancement, sclerosis and eventually erosions of the joint. MRI is limited by
expense and availability and currently there are no validated criteria for interpretation or
staging (though such are under development) (4, 14, 20). Scintigraphy can show
increased radiotracer uptake in inflamed joints including the SI joints but has poor
sensitivity and specificity for SpA (23, 24, 25, 26). Ultrasonography is a developing
technology which has been validated for detection of synovitis and enthesitis in
established psoriatic arthritis, though concerns persist about interobserver variability
Laboratory abnormalities in SpA are nonspecific and not as useful as the clinical
presentation for diagnosis of a specific disease. Patients often have nonspecific markers
of inflammation including elevated C reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate,
and normochromic normocytic anemia. These inflammatory markers do not correlate
well with disease activity, although are used in clinical trials. Nevertheless, better
biomarkers are needed. Patients with psoriatic arthritis have a low titer rheumatoid factor
in up to 10% of cases. This complicates diagnosis, as psoriatic arthritis can appear in
some cases clinically and radiographically similar to rheumatoid arthritis. Expert
evaluation is necessary for discrimination of these diseases (16, 17).
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) testing is the most useful laboratory study in
appropriately selected patients. HLA-B27 is involved in antigen presentation in the
immune system and is thought to be the key to the pathogenesis of the SpA through
abnormalities in antigen presentation (the “arthritogenic peptide” theory) and/or possibly
misfolding of the molecule, impaired intracellular bacterial killing. HLA-B27 is found in
90% of patients of European ancestry with AS, 60% with psoriatic arthritis, 70% with
reactive arthritis, and 70% with the spondylitis associated with IBD (21). Family members
of patients with AS who are HLA-B27 positive have a 16 fold increase in the risk of
developing AS themselves if they are also HLA-B27 positive compared to HLA-B27
positive individuals in the general population (26). Only 5% of individuals with HLA-B27
in the general population will develop AS, thus the presence of HLA-B27 alone does not
correlate well with occurrence of SpA. Therefore interpretation of HLA-B27 testing must
be done with consideration of the disease prevalence in a given patient population.
As stated above, the prevalence of the SpA in the general population ranges up to 1.2%.
This increases to 5% when considering patients with chronic low back pain. The
likelihood of a patient having an axial SpA increases further to 14% if the patient has
inflammatory back pain, compared to 2% of the patient does not have inflammatory back.
The finding of various clinical, radiographic and laboratory findings further alters the
probability of a patient having a SpA. Patients with inflammatory back pain and 2-3 of
these findings will have a probability of at least 90% of having an axial spondyloarthritis.
The most powerful findings are HLA-B27 positivity, characteristic MRI findings, anterior
uveitis, and family history of a SpA, psoriasis, IBD or anterior uveitis (22, 23).
A diagnostic algorithm has been proposed for general physicians to facilitate early
diagnosis and referral of patients with axial SpA (Figure 2). A patient with back pain
lasting greater than 3 months and meeting criteria for inflammatory back pain should
undergo HLA-B27 testing. If the patient is HLA-B27 positive, he or she should be referred
to a rheumatologist as the probability of the patient having SpA is approximately 59%. If
the patient has back pain lasting less than 3 months, does not meet the criteria for
inflammatory back pain, or has a negative HLA-B27 test, no further testing should be
done beyond each respective step unless compelling evidence of SpA being present as
the likelihood is less than 2%. This diagnostic algorithm is not applicable to non-white
patients due to the racial disparities in HLA-B27 frequency (22, 23). This approach was
recently validated in a prospective study of 350 referrals from orthopedic surgeons and
primary care physicians. Using this algorithm, a definitive diagnosis of axial SpA was
made in 45.4% with an additional 9.1% diagnosed with possible SpA (2).
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as indomethacin have long been
known to be effective in treating the spondyloarthritides. They have been shown to
decrease pain, joint tenderness, and improve measures of spinal mobility (26).
Conventional disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) including antimalarials,
gold, D-penicillamine, azathioprine have not been found to be effective for the treatment
of AS (26). Sulfasalazine and methotrexate are two exceptions. Sulfasalazine has been
found to be effective for the treatment of peripheral arthritis but not the axial disease (6).
The efficacy of methotrexate for AS is more controversial; a recent Cochrane review
found insufficient evidence to support a benefit of methotrexate treatment (5). Biologic
agents targeting tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) have emerged as potent additions to
the therapeutic armamentarium. Etanercept, infliximab, and adalimumab significantly
improve a patient's quality of life, spinal pain, and functionality that have been maintained
during long-term follow-up (3, 7, 31).
While TNF agents and NSAIDs can produce significant improvements in pain and
functionality, exercise continues to hold a central role in the treatment of AS. A collection
of exercises is available for patients from the Spondylitis Association of America
(www.spondylitis.org). (Table 2) In one study, patients with AS who performed these
exercises for eight weeks had significantly improved functional capacity and decreased
pain and depression scores (3). Patients who exercised at least 200 minutes per week
and at least five days per week were found to have modest but significant decrease in
pain and stiffness and less functional disability than those who exercised less. These
patients did a variety of exercises including back exercises, swimming, weight lifting and
walking (18). Patients who tried a different exercise protocol including back stretching
and aerobic exercises also had improvements in spinal mobility and exercise capacity
after 12 weeks (30).
Tabel 2
Spondyloarthritis is an important cause of low back pain. These diseases are initially
easily and frequently overlooked but can be identified early with careful consideration of
the history, particularly when the symptoms are consistent with inflammatory back pain.
Further evaluation with conventional radiographs, MRI and judicious testing for the HLA-
B27 serotype allows early identification and initiation of treatments with the potential to
relieve symptoms and limit disability. Exercise is an essential part of the treatment of
SpA and improves mobility, lessens pain, and improves functionality; however, patients
with a SpA are at higher risk of spinal fracture and should avoid sports associated with
spinal injuries.
Sumber 2 - 2011
Spondyloarthropathies (SpA) are a group of inflammatory arthritis that consist of
ankylosing spondylitis (AS), reactive arthritis, arthritis/spondylitis associated with
psoriasis (PsA) and arthritis/spondylitis associated with inflammatory bowel diseases
(IBD). The association with human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B27, peripheral joint
involvement predominantly of the lower extremities, sacroiliitis, spondylitis, enthesitis,
dactylitis, uveitis, enteric mucosal lesions and skin lesions are the shared manifestations
of the diseases[1,2]. Categorization of an individual patient into a subset of SpA can be
difficult due to the lack of well-defined criteria for the diagnosis[3]. The newly developed
Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS) classification criteria
proposes to classify the SpA according to leading clinical manifestations; predominantly
axial or predominantly peripheral, with or without associated psoriasis, IBD or preceding
The new developments in the clinical and scientific aspects of SpA were pursued by the
need for new strategies for definition of early diagnosis and outcome criteria for clinical
studies. There is a long delay, approximately 5-6 years, between the first occurrence of
the SpA symptoms and the diagnosis of the disease especially for female, juvenile onset
or HLA-B27 negative patients[6,7]. The major reason for this delay may be the low
awareness of AS among the physicians as well as a lack of well defined criteria for
identifying patients with inflammatory back pain (IBP) from chronic low back pain of
mechanical origin. Relatively late appearance of sacroiliitis on plain radiographs, due to
insidious nature of AS, is another reason for delay. Recent developments demonstrated
that inflammation of sacroiliac joints could be well visualized by magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) long before than radiographic changes take place[8].
What are the Classification Criteria?
Classification criteria serve to define disease groups for clinical and epidemiological
studies[9]. These sets of classification criteria combine different types of information like
symptoms, signs, laboratory findings, imaging, genetic factors and etiological agents.
Classification criteria should not contain too many false positives and should have high
specificity. Because of the inverse relationship, it has low sensitivity. In clinical studies,
classification criteria provide homogeneous patient groups which thus enable
comparisons. On the other hand, diagnostic criteria should have high sensitivity in order
to make a correct diagnosis; this means that it may contain false positives and may have
low specificity. Most of the rheumatic diseases do not have unique or specific diagnostic
tests and classification criteria have been developed to identify homogeneous patient
populations for clinical trials. It should be noted that most of the criteria sets in
rheumatology have been developed as classification criteria for clinical research but
unfortunately are widely used as diagnostic tools in daily practice. This is, for example,
the case with the formerly the American Rheumatism Association criteria (for the
classification of rheumatoid arthritis) and the European Spondylarthropathy Study Group
(ESSG) preliminary criteria for the classification of spondyloarthropathies[10].
Modified New York Criteria (mNY) for AS integrated features of the Calin’s criteria made
the definition of back pain in patients with AS: low back pain and stiffness more than 3
mo, improving with exercise but is not relieved by rest[16]. Various combinations of IBP
features were evaluated in 101 patients with AS and 112 patients with mechanical low
back pain by Rudwaleit et al[11]. Clinical features of back pain were: (1) morning stiffness
> 30 min; (2) age of onset; (3) no improvement by rest; (4) awakening because of the
pain in the second half of the night only; (5) alternating buttock pain; and (6) duration of
back pain. None of the single parameters differentiated AS from MLBP. Based on a good
balance between sensitivity, specificity and feasibility the Berlin criteria were proposed
with 70% sensitivity and 81% specificity (Table (Table11).
In 2009, thirteen internationally well-known rheumatologists, considered as experts in
AS/SpA and members of ASAS, participated in the development of new classification
criteria for IBP. They presented new ASAS IBP criteria without major differences from
formerly established IBP criteria (Table (Table1).1). ASAS IBP criteria have 77.0%
sensitivity and 91.7% specificity when at least four out of five parameters are present.
Calin criteria had a higher sensitivity but a lower specificity. Berlin criteria had a lower
sensitivity and a higher specificity with respect to newly developed criteria[12].
Mnemonic for ASAS IBP criteria (iPAIN: Inflammatory PAIN) has been recently
published[17] (Table (Table11).
Spectrum of Spondyloarthropaties
Ankylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis is the most common and most typical form of SpA. It is two to
three times more common in men than women. Ankylosing spondylitis usually begins
with back pain and stiffness at a young age but various presentations, such as peripheral
arthritis and enthesopathy may antedate back symptoms in some patients. Late onset
after the age of 45 is uncommon in AS however some patients may reasonably be
diagnosed late. Inflammatory low back pain is one of the presenting features but not
solely specific to AS. History of uveitis, positive family history for AS, impaired spinal
mobility or chest expansion supports the diagnosis[1].
Axial involvement is one of the characteristics of the disease and 90% of patients have
radiographic sacroiliitis during the course of the disease. The first classification criteria
for AS were proposed in 1963 at the European Congress of Rheumatology in Rome,
based on the clinical experience of rheumatologists. Later in 1966, thoracic pain and
uveitis were removed from the criteria set because of low specificity and low sensitivity.
This preceded the framework of New York criteria which was modified in 1984 by using
inflammatory back pain components reported by Calin et al[13]. A patient can be
classified as having definite AS if at least one clinical criterion (IBP, limitation of lumbar
spine or limitation of chest expansion) plus radiologic criterion (bilaterally grade 2 or
unilateral grade 3-4 sacroiliitis) are fulfilled[16]. These classification criteria are inevitably
used for the diagnosis of AS by most clinicians (Table (Table22).
All these criteria included presence of spinal/thoracic pain, restriction of spinal mobility
and radiological sacroiliitis. Restriction of spinal mobility and radiological sacroiliitis may
reflect structural damage and spinal/thoracic pain may reflect active inflammation and
structural damage as well. It is obvious that these criteria do not perform well in patients
with early/pre-radiographic phase of AS.
Axial spondyloarthritis
As mentioned above, sacroiliitis on plain radiographs takes years from the onset IBP and
the symptoms of IBP alone are not diagnostic in many patients.
Berlin criteria were developed to assist physicians for early diagnosis of SpA. In this
criterion set, the clinical, laboratory (HLA B-27) and imaging (MRI of sacroiliac joints)
features were included. The diagnosis of recent-onset axial SpA (pre-radiographic SpA)
can be established in patients who have clinical features without radiographic changes
but sacroiliitis on MRI. This study also analyzed the role of MRI as a diagnostic tool[24].
The performance of Berlin criteria has been tested and showed that the diagnostic
capacity in patients with axial undifferentiated SpA in the Chinese population was similar
to ESSG and Amor criteria[25].
In 2004, ASAS decided to improve current SpA criteria particularly to apply to patients
in the early disease stages. It was proposed that SpA patients with predominantly axial
symptoms but without radiographic sacroiliitis could be considered as patients with pre-
radiographic phase of AS. The need for an early diagnosis in all patients with AS and
axial SpA is put forward[26].
In 2009, ASAS developed two candidate criteria sets for classification of axial SpA that
include patients without definite radiographic sacroiliitis[27]. The candidate sets were
tested in the entire cohort of 649 patients from 25 centers in 16 countries. The new
criteria consisted of a ‘clinical arm’ and ‘imaging arm’ (Figure (Figure3).3). The entire set
had 82.9% sensitivity and 84.4% specificity and for the ‘imaging arm’ alone sensitivity
was 66.2% and specificity was 97.3%. The specificity of the new criteria was much better
than ESSG criteria modified by adding MRI and slightly better than Amor criteria modified
by adding MRI[27]. The sensitivity is almost the same for the three criteria set. ASAS
criteria are quite simple and easily applicable in daily clinical practice and a mnemonic
is proposed to facilitate its use[17] (Figure (Figure33).
Figure 3
Assessment in SpondyloArthritis international Society classification criteria for axial
spondyloarthritis and mnemonic for assessment of spondyloarthritis international society
classification criteria[4,17].1Sacroiliitis on imaging active (acute) inflammation ...
Peripheral spondyloarthritis
After the development of ASAS criteria for axial SpA, ASAS experts developed criteria
for patients with SpA with predominant peripheral manifestations and compared these
with ESSG and Amor criteria which were generated for the entire SpA group including
peripheral SpA[5]. Patients with peripheral manifestations including peripheral arthritis,
dactylitis and enthesitis and without back pain were included. The sensitivity of the
criteria was 77.8% and the specificity was 82.2% (Figure (Figure4).4). The new ASAS
classification criteria for peripheral arthritis would seem to perform better than ESSG and
Amor criteria.
Figure 4
Assessment in spondyloarthritis international society classification criteria for peripheral
spondyloarthritis or spondyloarthritis in general[5]. SpA: Spondyloarthropathies; IBP:
Inflammatory back pain; HLA: Human leukocyte antigen.
Spondyloarthritis in general
Spondyloarthropathies were formally classified in Amor criteria in 1990. Amor’s criteria
are a list of signs based on a scoring system of laboratory, radiologic and clinical features
and do not require an entry criterion[28] . The signs in the criteria contribute 1 point, 2
points or 3 points; a score of 6 or more classifies a patient as having SpA. Although
sacroiliitis is not mandatory for the diagnosis of SpA, it had the highest score (3 points)
and is considered to be very specific for SpA (Table (Table33).
Table 3
Amor criteria for the classification of spondyloarthropathies[28]
ESSG criteria were proposed in 1991. In ESSG criteria IBP and/or peripheral arthritis
are required as entry criteria. Patients with at least one entry criterion and one minor
criterion are classified as having SpA[29] (Figure (Figure5).5). The aim of ESSG criteria
is to include undifferentiated SpA which was not been proposed in Amor criteria. Both of
these criteria were considered to be helpful for the diagnosis of SpA and had a broader
definition of the spectrum however, they have low sensitivity particularly for the early
diagnosis of SpA. For example, some of the leading symptoms like uveitis may be
omitted by ESSG criteria but captured by Amor criteria.
Figure 5
European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group Criteria for the classification of
Both sets of criteria were evaluated in a multicenter cross-sectional study including 124
patients with SpA and 1964 controls. Overall performance of both sets was similar and
the performance was better in patients with a definite diagnosis[30]. These criteria were
evaluated for a Turkish population in 157 patients with SpA and in 127 patients with
various rheumatic diseases. Results showed that both criteria had a similar value for
classification of SpA and were comparable in terms of specificity and sensitivity[31].
In a newly published study, performance of ESSG criteria, ASAS criteria and mNY
criteria were compared in patients with SpA. The ASAS criteria had the highest sensitivity
compared to ESSG criteria and mNY criteria 98.4%, 83.6% and 71.9%, respectively[32].
In other studies of different ethnicities, lower sensitivity for mNY but similar sensitivity for
ESSG was reported[33-35].
Recently, the French Society of Rheumatology presented the DESIR cohort. Patients
were recruited if they had IBP more than 3 mo and less than 3 years. A total of 708
patients were recruited and the mNY criteria, Amor criteria, ESSG criteria and axial
ASAS criteria were fulfilled by 26%,77%, 76% and 67% at entry, respectively[36].
The diagnostic accuracy of the ESSG criteria, Amor criteria and the combination of them
was analyzed in 24 patients who were misdiagnosed as SpA. The ratio of the
misdiagnosed patients who fulfilled ESSG criteria, Amor criteria and combination were
45.8%, 16.7%, 16.7%, respectively. This study suggests that ESSG criteria may not be
absolutely secure for the diagnosis of SpA[37].
Performance of mNY criteria, ESSG criteria, Amor criteria and Berlin criteria in patients
with IBP of a maximum of 2 years duration was evaluated. Fourteen of the 68 patients
had AS according to mNY and all fulfilled three of SpA criteria sets. The highest
classification rate was found with the ESSG criteria (84%), followed by the Amor criteria
(71%) and the Berlin criteria (65%). The ESSG criteria were the most sensitive and the
mNY criteria for AS appeared to be most specific sets of criteria[38].
Psoriatic arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is defined as an inflammatory arthritis associated with cutaneous
psoriasis. Patients may have peripheral arthritis (oligoarthritis or polyarthritis), enthesitis,
dactylitis or sacroiliitis/spondylitis[39]. At the beginning of the century PsA was thought
to coincidentally occur with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis was
adopted as a distinct disease for the first time in 1964. The distinction between RA and
PsA was made based on the clinical and radiological features[40].
In 1973 Moll and Wright[41] reported a proposal for the classification of PsA. When a
patient with psoriasis has inflammatory arthritis and is negative for rheumatoid factor
(RF) PsA can be classified in five distinct clinical subsets as: (1) oligoarticular
asymmetric arthritis (< 5 tender and swollen joints); (2) polyarticular arthritis; (3) distal
interphalangeal joint predominant; (4) spondylitis predominant; and (5) arthritis mutilans
Over the passing years minor modifications have been made on these criteria. Gladman
et al[42] suggested that there is no need to insist on seronegativity for RF, since it can
be positive in healthy subjects and in their series, 12% of cases were RF (+) even when
the patients who had a characteristic sign of RA, like rheumatoid nodules and extra-
articular manifestations were excluded. It is also possible to differentiate seronegative
RA from PsA by using other antibodies, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide which has much
higher specificity than RF for the diagnosis of RA.
Psoriasis is a common disease affecting nearly 1%-2% of the population. In some forms
of arthritis coincidental psoriasis may also occur. Psoriasis may precede, simultaneously
occur or appear many years after the onset of arthritis. In latter cases patients may be
misdiagnosed with other types of arthritis like seronegative RA or reactive arthritis;
however, positive family history for psoriasis may be helpful in these cases. Patients with
arthritis should be carefully examined for existence of “hidden” psoriatic lesions which
may be located under the breasts, around the umbilicus or anus, over the hairline, nasal
cleft or nails[41].
Patients with PsA tend to have inflammatory axial involvement similar to AS. There are
several differences from the classical AS[41]: (1) asymmetrical sacroiliitis; (2) non-
marginal syndesmophytes; (3) asymmetrical syndesmophytes; and (4) more frequent
involvement of the cervical spine.
Bennett thought that Moll and Wright criteria tend to over diagnosing PsA and suggested
new criteria in 1979. In these new set of criteria, clinical and radiological features were
combined with synovial fluid analysis and histology. These criteria have not been widely
used in prospective studies since synovial fluid analysis and histology are not practical.
Psoriatic skin or nail involvement plus either peripheral joint or axial disease were
required[41]. Simplification of Bennett’s criteria has been made by Vasey and
ESSG criteria were also valid for PsA. For the first time skin or nail involvement was not
mandatory in these criteria. Cases in which arthritis precedes psoriasis are well
recognized and family history of psoriasis can help the diagnosis[29].
A definition of PsA based on enthesopathy has been proposed by McGonagle et al[43].
There is a significant problem with these criteria because of MRI requirements. It is not
practical to use MRI in epidemiological research. MRI appearance shows both features
of enthesopathy and synovitis and so the discrimination capacity would be markedly
attenuated in established disease. Fournie et al[44] proposed criteria from actual patient
data to diagnose PsA which requires a score of 11 points for diagnosis.
There are few studies that compare different criteria for the diagnosis of PsA. A study
which compared performance of the criteria revealed that the sensitivity of Vasey and
Espinoza, McGonagle and Gladman were 99% whereas Bennett and ESSG criteria were
significantly less sensitive. The specificity of the criteria was as high as 93% and 99%,
and there were no statistically significant difference between criteria. Fournie criteria
were the most difficult to use and Vasey and Espinoza, and Moll and Wright were the
easiest. Vasey and Espinoza, Gladman or McGonagle are the most accurate and
feasible in distinguishing RA from PsA[45].
The classification of psoriatic arthritis (CASPAR) study group is an international group of
investigators, all of whom have records of research in PsA. They proposed new data-
driven classification criteria for PsA and collected prospective clinical and radiological
data of 588 patients with PsA and 536 patients with other inflammatory arthritis, at least
half of them with RA (Figure (Figure6).6). The performance of the new criteria were also
compared to other existing data[46]. The sensitivity and specificity of the CASPAR
criteria in the original study were 91.4% and 98.7%, respectively. These criteria were
more specific but less sensitive than Vasey and Espinoza criteria.
Figure 6
Classification of psoriatic arthritis study group criteria for the classification of psoriatic
arthritis[46]. 1Current psoriasis is assigned a score of 2; all other features are assigned
a score of 1.
The main limitation of the CASPAR criteria is the applicability to recent-onset disease.
Very high sensitivity of CASPAR criteria in early and late PsA was also demonstrated in
a study[47]. This study analyzed patients referred to a special tertiary referral clinic and
did not have a control population. It seems likely that only patients with secure clinical
diagnoses are referred and enrolled into this clinic, possibly leading to an overestimation
of the sensitivity of the criteria[48].
Family history of psoriasis is the advantage of CASPAR criteria over Vasey and
Espinoza as well as Moll and Wright criteria. It is also possible to make a diagnosis of
PsA for patients who are RF positive and have polyarticular symmetric arthritis. The
CASPAR, as a simple and user-friendly criteria set, has high potential to be introduced
as the universal classification criteria for PsA[42].
References :
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2898732/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3302034/