Reviews: You Are What You Eat: Diet, Health and The Gut Microbiota
Reviews: You Are What You Eat: Diet, Health and The Gut Microbiota
Reviews: You Are What You Eat: Diet, Health and The Gut Microbiota
The past decade has marked an explosion of research or all of their previous weight over an intermediate to
focusing on the trillions of indigenous microorganisms long-term period4,5. Furthermore, dietary recommen-
residing within and throughout the human body, col- dations designed to tackle IBD6,7, IBS8, autoimmune
lectively termed the microbiota, and their interactions diseases9 and cancer10,11 are often based on inconclusive,
with the eukaryotic host. These previously ignored conflicting or non-existing medical evidence. The con-
prokaryotic members of the ‘human holobiont’ have spicuous gap between the large body of research and
been recognized to provide essential functions for host the lack of efficacious or conclusive guidelines thereof
physiology, including its metabolism, immunity and is a major source of confusion and frustration among
neuronal development, whereas aberrations in their con- dieters, which have given rise to potentially problematic
figuration or function have been suggested to contribute nutritional trends and unsupported practices.
to disease states1,2. Notably, unlike the host genome, the The evident interrelationships between diet and the
microbiome exhibits a great deal of plasticity and can microbiota and their collective effect on the host, only now
readily adjust to a large variety of environmental and beginning to be deciphered, might reconcile some of the
host-derived stimuli. Of these environmental factors, discrepancies that have been troubling nutrition research-
diet constitutes a pivotal determinant of gut bacterial ers and could explain some of the previously unintelli-
assembly and genes, thereby rendering it a potentially gible variability encountered in the response to diet, at
compelling target of manipulation. times observed in apparently similar conditions. In this
Human nutrition bears profound influences on both Review, we attempt to untangle some aspects of this tri-
Immunology Department,
individual and population-wide health. As such, nutri- partite diet–microbiota–host crosstalk by discussing each
Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel.
tional research stands at the centre of medical, economic, aspect separately and consequently attempt to assemble
Gastroenterology Unit,
cultural and social focus. The concept of “let food be thy meaningful and applicable conclusions, which could have
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical medicine” was coined by Hippocrates over 2,000 years direct translational implications. Owing to the vast body
Center, Sackler Faculty of ago, and health organizations worldwide have been striv- of literature, the main focus of this Review is the bacterial
Medicine, Tel Aviv University, ing to set standards for a ‘healthy diet’ that define the component of the microbiota; the role of the virome,
Tel Aviv, Israel.
recommended intake of micronutrients, macronutrients mycome and protozoa is illustrated briefly (Boxes 1,2).
These authors contributed and total calories. The WHO has issued dietary guide-
equally: Niv Zmora,
Jotham Suez.
lines for healthy weight management, yet obesity and Dietary modulation of the microbiota
its comorbidities continue to constitute a pandemic, The contribution of diet to modulating the microbiota
*e-mail: eran.elinav@ with increasing incidence in both adults and children3. and its crucial role in orchestrating the host–microbiota Although many weight-reducing strategies are efficient crosstalk is evident from the beginning of life, when
s41575-018-0061-2 in the short term, the majority of dieters regain most human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) participate in the
Box 1 | Diet and fungi, viruses and archaea sequelae in modernized societies can be attributed to
changing dietary trends in the past century2.
A fascinating yet largely unexplored facet of diet–microbiome–host interactions relates Dissimilarities in microbiomes of populations con-
to its non-bacterial members — viruses, fungi, archaea, protozoa and multicellular suming disparate diets can be robustly inferred from
parasites — and the complex network of interdependencies between kingdoms within studies in modern-urban versus agrarian cohorts and in
the gut microbiota. Although most data have accumulated in livestock and other
herbivores versus carnivores. Various mammalian line-
animals271,272, several associations have been made between long-term and short-term
dietary patterns and the fungi or archaea in the human gut273. Cross-kingdom ages have co-evolved with their microbiome assemblages
communication might occur through the host by means of malabsorption, inflammation that discriminate them by their dietary preferences,
or bleeding, or through syntrophism, whereby waste products of one microorganism rather than host phylogeny: bacterial communities
nourish another; for instance, yeast mannan can be utilized by the bacterium decrease in diversity from herbivores to omnivores to
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron274. carnivores and harbour typical microbial configur
The human virome displays a high degree of intrapersonal stability over time275. ations45,46. The gut microbiome of hunter-gatherers, as
Small-scale studies in humans revealed that divergence from the typical developmental well as of rural and agricultural populations around the
programme of the virome could be linked to malnutrition in neonatal life65 and that the world, showed increased bacterial richness compared
human virome can change following alterations in dietary fat, sugar and fibre content276. with those of modernized societies, suggesting that the
Another study in mice suggested that these changes are more pronounced in the
former requires a greater functional repertoire to maxi-
mucosa-associated virome than the luminal virome277. Nutritional insufficiency can exert
selective pressure on members of the virome to directly affect the host; for instance, mize their energy intake from dietary fibres than the lat-
selenium deficiency triggered genomic evolution in an avirulent strain of Coxsackievirus, ter, who consume mostly processed food, although such
which enabled it to cause myocarditis in mice278. Moreover, dietary modulation of the causality needs to be formally validated47–53. However,
viral repertoire can influence the host through integration of bacteriophage microbiome obtained from non-industrialized agricul-
chromosomes into bacterial genomes, thereby altering the composition276 and tural populations tended to be uniform in composition,
functionality279,280 of the bacterial microbiota. Thus far, this mechanism has been shown whereas microbiome obtained from urban populations
to affect bacterial virulence factors; however, its capacity to alter bacterial metabolism was more diverse52, an observation that could be attrib-
and its downstream effects on the host merit further research. uted to increased dispersal of faecal material in the rural
population or to a larger variety of food products in the
inhibit bacterial growth through the nuclear farnesoid menus in the urban population.
X-activated receptor (FXR; also known as NR1H4)37. Microbiota assemblages are highly plastic and
Dietary constituents might also disrupt protective responsive to some, but not all, dietary interventions.
functions of the intestinal barrier in ways that could In humans, consumption of a diet composed entirely
affect the host–microbiome interface and prompt dys- of animal products triggers enrichment in bile-
biosis, contributing to inflammatory processes and tolerant bacteria (Alistipes, Bilophila and Bacteroides)
conferring downstream implications on the host. For and depletion in Firmicutes that metabolize plant
instance, the use of selected emulsifiers in processed polysaccharides (Roseburia, Eubacterium rectale and
foods can erode the host’s protective epithelial mucous Ruminococcus bromii)43. Metagenomic and metabolo-
layer and lead to dysbiosis-mediated low-grade inflam- mic analyses confirmed the observed trade-off between
mation and the promotion of the metabolic syndrome protein fermentation and degradation in protein-rich,
in experimental models38. Additionally, diets rich in fat39, animal-based diets as opposed to carbohydrate fer-
Western-style diets40 or diets low in fibre41 were also sug- mentation and amino acid biosynthesis in plant-based
gested to disrupt barrier function in mice, which might diets43,46. Additionally, microbiome gene richness has
be improved by fibre supplementation40,42; these diets been reported to be positively correlated with the con-
will be further discussed later. sumption of fruits, vegetables and fish in humans with
overweight or obesity54. In mice, high-fat diet (HFD) or
Passive transfer. Some members of the microbiota, high-fat, high-sugar ‘Western’ diet (HFHSD) consump-
including lactic-acid producing bacteria, Candida and tion has been associated with a decrease in Bacteroidetes
Penicillium fungi and plant viruses43, can be foodborne levels and an increase in Firmicutes and Proteobacteria
and therefore passively transferred and introduced into in a dose-dependent manner, regardless of the genotype
the indigenous gut microbial ecosystem by the diet. It has studied55–57. The compositional change was accompan
been proposed that the colonization of food-derived gut ied by a functional change, as an HFHSD prompted
microbiota was dependent on the pre-existing composi- increased sucrose metabolism, urea metabolism, mem-
tion of the microbiota, in both rats and humans, as some brane transport systems, metabolism of cofactors and
bacterial communities were more ‘permissive’ to alloch- vitamins and protein folding, sorting and degrada-
thonous bacteria colonization whereas others were more tion58,59. Conversely, less drastic and short-term dietary
‘resistant’44, although additional work is required to gen- interventions failed to induce major microbiome alter-
eralize the microbial factors that mediate permissiveness ations, some contrary to popular beliefs. For instance,
and resistance. only minute differences were observed in human gut
bacteria composition after short-term (two 1-week inter-
Dietary contents as modulators vention periods; n = 20) consumption of industrial white
A major aspect by which diet influences the microbiota bread versus artisanal sour-dough-leavened bread60.
is its contents — namely, the macronutrients and micro- Larger cohorts exposed to this intervention for longer
nutrients that make up consumed meals. This aspect of periods of time are merited to exclude more subtle or
nutrition has been broadly investigated as it is believed chronic microbial effects. Likewise, 6–12 g of psyllium
that the striking surge in metabolic diseases and other fibre did not alter the gut microbiota in children with
IBS (6-week intervention periods; n = 33)61, fructans microbiome than in the group receiving microbiomes
did not prompt changes in the microbiome composi- from the healthy siblings. Administration of a thera-
tion in wild-type mice62 and a high-cholesterol diet did peutic food to the conventionalized mice, composed
not trigger dysbiosis in LDL-receptor-deficient mice63. of peanut paste, sugar, vegetable oil and milk fortified
These results are important to improve understanding of with vitamins and minerals, attenuated this phenotype
the true and range of effects of nutritional constituents and altered faecal microbiota assembly, although it was
on the microbiota61. still distinct from the healthy configuration64. By using a
The absence of nutrients has a profound effect on machine-learning algorithm, severe acute malnutrition
the microbiota and host. The study of populations in could be predicted in Bangladeshi children by calculat-
developing countries has suggested that malnutrition is ing the degree of microbiota immaturity or the diversion
often a ‘two-hit process’, which requires both perturbed from a healthy microbiota composition, and the same
microbiome and dietary inadequacy64. Stunted growth measure could be used to evaluate the efficacy of nutri-
in a paediatric population in Malawi was associated with tional intervention66. Likewise, it has been suggested
reduced levels of HMOs in maternal breast milk. When that the idiopathic entity ‘environmental enteropathy’
faeces from infants with stunted growth were trans- (or tropical sprue), which is prevalent in developing
planted into germ-free (GF) mice fed a Malawian diet, countries, also results from dysbiosis occurring in a
the growth impairment was replicated in various organs. susceptible host67. Furthermore, specific nutritional defi-
Dietary supplementation with sialylated bovine milk ciencies were also reported to influence the microbiome
oligosaccharides rescued the growth-restricted pheno- (discussed later).
type in mice and piglets12. Similarly, Malawian twin pairs On the other end of the spectrum, populations in
discordant for kwashiorkor harboured different micro- developed countries tend to consume diets that are low
biome64 (including virome65) consortia, and their trans- in fibre. Low fibre intake in mice induced an increase in
plantation into GF mice fed a Malawian diet resulted in Firmicutes and a decrease in Bacteroidetes15. Similarly,
greater weight loss in the group receiving a ‘kwashiorkor’ in humans, microbiota obtained from African children,
who consumed high amounts of plant polysaccharides,
exhibited a low abundance of Firmicutes and a high
Box 2 | Diet and parasitic infections
abundance of Bacteroidetes, predominantly Prevotella,
Diet might aid in the containment of parasitic infections281,282 or in modulating their compared with Italian children, whose diet was charac-
severity. For instance, combinations of an elemental diet and infection by the nematode terized by a paucity of dietary fibre and who harboured
Nippostrongylus brasiliensis or the protozoa Giardia muris, but not each of them increased levels of Enterobacteriaceae, predominantly
separately, resulted in deleterious clinical outcomes and increased histological changes Shigella and Escherichia47. Furthermore, gnotobiotic
to the mouse gut mucosa283, and a high-protein diet improved the course of nematode
mice transplanted with synthetic microbiota, which
infection in ruminants284. Dietary constituents have been proposed to evoke host
immune and metabolic transcriptional responses, such as for cinnamaldehyde and
included 14 human commensals, showed that switch-
jejunal infection with Ascaris suum in pigs285. However, a more intriguing relationship ing between fibre-rich to fibre-free diets resulted in
between protozoa or multicellular eukaryotes and the host is mediated by the bacterial striking alterations in the gut microbial composition41.
microbiota. This association was reported long before the microbiome field entered the In the absence of dietary fibres, mucus-d egrading
genomic revolution and encompasses various members of the parasitome, including bacteria (Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides
protozoa such as Entamoeba286 and Blastocystis287 and worms such as Schistosoma288,289 caccae) increased in abundance at the expense of fibre-
and helminths290–292. This bidirectional interaction extends beyond the gastrointestinal degrading species (Bacteroides ovatus and Eubacterium
tract, as parasites residing in the biliary tree have been shown to trigger intestinal rectale). These taxonomical changes corresponded to
bacterial dysbiosis293; conversely, gut bacterial assembly has been associated with transcriptional changes, as upon dietary fibre deficiency
protection against the acquisition of malaria infection294, possibly by triggering a
mucin-degrading bacteria exhibited increased expres-
protective immune response through molecular mimicry295. Similarly, the gut
microbiota can confer resistance or susceptibility to malaria infection in mice, and this
sion of mucin-degrading CAZymes41. Furthermore, as
phenotype can be transferred to GF mice by faecal microbiota transplantation or by mentioned earlier, the absence of fibre in the diet can
probiotic treatment with Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium spp.296. Preliminary attempts selectively adapt the transcriptional responses of some
to utilize this parasite–bacteria crosstalk to the benefit of the host have already been members of the gut microbiota, such as Bacteroides
proposed; for instance, prebiotic inulin supplementation in malnourished mice with thetaiotaomicron, to forage on the host mucus glycans23,
giardiasis triggered microbiota alterations, increased antibody production against the thereby extending the consequences of this nutritional
protozoa and attenuated the disease phenotype297. deficiency from the microbiota to the host.
Evidence suggests that helminth infections can drive gut bacterial compositional and
functional shifts, especially at the gastrointestinal site of infection298, and hence Diet quantity as a microbial modulator
modulate the metabolism of nutrients, such as carbohydrates, amino acids and
The quantities of food consumed can affect the gut micro-
vitamin D299,300. Furthermore, through dysbiosis, parasites can dampen inflammatory
responses in the host300–302. Indeed, infection of mice with the helminth
biota. Calorie restriction — a dietary regimen based on
Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri mediated an immunomodulatory effect by altering reduced food intake in the absence of malnutrition —
the microbiome and increasing short-chain fatty acid production. Transfer of the can trigger changes to the microbiota composition and
aforementioned bacterial microbiome assembly into antibiotic-treated or GF mice to serum and urinary metabolic profiles in mice, both
protected them against allergic asthma303. These findings warrant additional research to on HFDs and low-fat diets68,69. In humans, short-term
uncover whether cross-kingdom immunomodulatory interactions can be harnessed to carbohydrate restriction (24–164 g per day for 4 weeks)
modulate other systemic inflammatory responses, such as the metabolic syndrome. This resulted in a decrease of butyrate-producing bacteria
new avenue of research is exceptionally engaging in light of inverse associations, which and consequently butyrate70, and a calorie-restrictive
have been found between Schistosoma infection and diabetes in Chinese populations304 regimen (10–40% reduction in energy intake for
and lymphatic filariasis and diabetes in Indian populations305.
10 weeks) led to alterations in microbiome composition,
24 h
Relative abundance
Fig. 1 | temporal dietary modulation of the gut microbiota. Diet influences the gut bacterial structure and function
throughout the human lifespan. Microbiota alterations mirror adaptations to nutritional shifts at different time frames:
diurnal oscillations correspond to sleep–wake and feeding–fasting cycles; major alterations in food composition and
quantities (in this case low-fibre, high-fat or high-protein diet) trigger transient shifts to the microbiota, which persist
longer than the duration of the dietary perturbation; and long-standing dietary practices drive indolent changes to the
gut microbiota. The blue line indicates the degree of resemblance of the microbiota configuration at a certain time point
to an arbitrary homeostatic configuration during adulthood (β-diversity). The red line indicates the faecal microbial
richness (α-diversity). Background colours indicate typical taxa abundances during each phase. Note that owing to high
variability in the microbiota assembly among humans and discrepancies between studies, these microbiota patterns are
only conceptual and do not aim to provide a precise representation at a personalized level.
including a decrease in Blautia coccoides and an increase longer exposure periods (Fig. 1). At the highest resolu-
in Bacteroides71. A longer 1-year intervention led to tion, host daily circadian rhythms of sleep–wakefulness
an increase in faecal Bacteroidetes and a decrease in and feeding–fasting cycles are accompanied by marked
Actinobacteria relative abundances, which were not ini- compositional and functional gut microbiome changes,
tially apparent at early time points72. Although not fully with absolute abundance oscillations observed in
elucidated, it is plausible that these particular changes members of the three major phyla, Bacteroidetes,
modulate the numerous health-promoting and lifespan- Firmicutes and Proteobacteria, and in levels of bacte-
promoting effects associated with calorie-restricted diets73. rial metabolites in the stool and the circulation77–81. The
As one example, faecal A. muciniphila abundance was cor- microbiome diurnal rhythmicity is dictated by host tran-
related with improved metabolic outcomes upon calorie scriptional oscillations and feeding times in both mice
restriction intervention in humans with overweight or and humans77,81. A series of experiments in mice, noc-
obesity74. As limiting the quantity of nutrients in the diet, turnal animals that normally feed during night hours,
and more specifically energy intake, is a popular weight- showcased that time-restricted feeding during the light
loss strategy, taking into account microbial features, such phase provoked a phase shift of ~12 h in microbiota
as gene richness54,75 or a ‘post-obesity microbiome signa- rhythms. Conversely, circadian clock knockout muta-
ture’76, might complement the current nutritional toolbox tions and diet-induced obesity attenuated these micro-
to better contend with the obesity epidemic. bial circadian rhythms, which were partially remedied
by imposing time-restricted feeding.
Temporal diet effects Some dietary shifts have the potential to modify
Temporal effects of diet on microbiome composition the gut microbiota composition and function within
and function can take place on multiple timescales, the course of days, although the exact time frame might
ranging from the diet inducing daily microbiome fluc- be person-specific, such as the case of dietary fibre
tuations through nutrition-related effects observed supplementation: in some individuals, microbiome
within days of exposure to chronic changes noted after alterations were observed as early as 1 day82, 2 days83,
or 3–4 days84,85 following supplementation, whereas in primates97 and mice98–100 consuming an HFD (further
in others no effects could be noted 3 days84, 1 week60, discussed below).
3 weeks85 or even 12 weeks86 after such consumption.
Likewise, David et al. reported no statistically sig- Complex dietary interactions
nificant compositional alterations after participants Diet is inseparable from a plethora of host and environ
switched to a fibre-rich, plant-based diet for 5 days. mental settings in which it is consumed. As such, it
By contrast, switching to an animal-based diet rap is often difficult to separate physiological effects that
idly altered the microbiome composition and func- are caused by a diet-a ltered microbiota from those
tion, which was reversible upon cessation and might that are directly caused by the diet and from those in
have been attributed to very low intake of fibre or ele- which microbiota alterations are merely a bystander or
vated intake of dietary fat and animal protein43. This secondary effect. Unlike in vivo animal experiments,
observation was also replicated in mice colonized which are performed in genetically similar settings
with a human microbiota, which displayed shifts and involve normalization of diet in a well-controlled
in microbiota composition, metabolic pathways and environment, humans vary considerably in their genetic
gene expression just 1 day after switching from a plant- makeup, are exposed to numerous exogenous factors
based polysaccharide diet to an HFHSD15. Interestingly, and their diets often consist of a large diversity of nutri-
although some of the changes in mice are reversible ents. This multitude of variables can have synergistic
upon dietary switch, other taxa and microbial func- or opposing outcomes on the gut microbiota, thereby
tions were more persistent58, thereby playing a part in making it difficult to anticipate the net effect of dietary
exacerbated weight regain upon repeating cycles of interventions on the gut microbiota and downstream
diet-induced weight loss and gain76. Energy-restricted on the human host.
weight-loss diets can affect the microbiome compo- Some micronutrients or their deficiencies were found
sition in a time frame ranging from a few days 87 to to trigger distinct patterns of microbiota structural
several weeks following initiation54, depending on the alterations in humans, mice, rats and piglets. Noteworthy
individual’s microbiome gene richness. Importantly, examples include iron101–104, magnesium105, zinc106,107, sele-
in the absence of dietary perturbations, the human nium108, nitrite or nitrate109, vitamin A30, vitamin D31,32,110
microbiota composition is considered stable88–90. The and flavonoids111,112. Other compounds manifested
rural Hadza community in Tanzania is characterized properties counteracting those of modern diets, emer
by seasonal and cyclic shifts in microbiome compo- ging as potential candidates for the prophylaxis, diagno-
sition, reflective of differential nutrient availability sis and treatment of diet-induced obesity and metabolic
and dietary patterns in the dry versus wet seasons50. syndrome. For example, cranberry extract increased
Microbiomes of individuals living in industrialized the abundance of A. muciniphila in mice consuming
societies do not exhibit such variations and, interest an HFHSD and ameliorated the metabolic syndrome
ingly, they have very low representation for taxa that phenotype113.
fluctuate in the Hadza microbiome50. Geographical variations have been speculated to
Long-term alterations in microbiome configurations mask or modulate dietary influences. One study sug-
are noted with respect to maturation and ageing and can gested that the aforementioned variability between her-
evolve over years14,91. The drastic shifts in nutrition dur- bivores and carnivores did not stem from dietary but
ing infancy drive corresponding structural and func- from global environmental influences, as healthy human
tional adaptation to infants’ indwelling gut bacteria, as vegans and omnivores sampled in an urban environ-
the neonate microbiome harbours lactose, galactose and ment in the USA did not show marked differences in
sucrose uptake and utilization pathways, whereas carbo their microbiota configuration and host metabolome114.
hydrate fermentation and vitamin biosynthesis path- By contrast, the diet of African Americans is charac-
ways, which characterize the adult microbiome, appear terized by a high content of animal fat and protein and
only upon the introduction of solid food by the end of the low fibre content compared with that of South Africans
first year of life92,93. Later in life, microbiome alterations and is associated with increased colon cancer risk.
are both substantially driven by and have a causative Performing a dietary switch between these geograph-
role in age-associated systemic inflammatory pro- ically distinct groups induced shifts in the microbiome
cesses in old (18–22 months of age) mice94, includ- composition, function, secreted metabolites and prolif-
ing increased levels of circulating pro-inflammatory erative and inflammatory markers115. In line with this
cytokines and macrophage dysfunction. These alter- observation, the absence of distinction between vegans
ations are highly modifiable by diet; therefore, the and omnivores in the USA might stem from these self-
microbiota in elderly humans shows a great degree of reported categories being too general and insufficiently
interindividual variation and could serve as a marker of informative of diet contents; an analysis of samples in
frailty14,95. Interestingly, dietary regimens can also have the American Gut Project published in 2018 indicated
cross-generational consequences, as the lack of dietary that the diversity of plants consumed in the diet enables
fibre reduced gut bacterial diversity in mice, which better microbiome separation than reductive dietary
could be restored over a single generation, whereas categories such as veganism116.
shortage in dietary fibre over several generations Nonetheless, in the geographical context, it is still
resulted in permanent reduction of bacterial richness, important to consider that dietary recommendations
rendering some microbial taxa irreversibly extinct96. beneficial in modern populations can sometimes be det-
Similar cross-generational dysbiosis was also observed rimental in developing ones. A prominent example of
• Caloric intake
Increase? • Weight
GPR41 ↑ Ghrelin
Saturated fat ↑ Intestinal
food ↑ Dysbiosis
↑ LPS+ bacteria ↑ UCP1 and ↑ energy expenditure Flavonoid-rich
Brown adipose
tissue Blood vessel
Lecithin and
L-carnitine Liver ↑ GSIS
and IR ↑ Triglycerides
Adipose tissue TLR4
Choline ↑ CCL2, ↑ macrophages and ↑ WAT size
Dysbiosis CD14
cAMP Gut Activation
TMA Intestinal gluconeogenesis
Atherosclerosis Endotoxaemia, ↑ glycaemia and ↑ insulinaemia
↑ Adiposity
↑ Energy harvest ↓ Glucose tolerance
Butyrate Non-caloric artificial sweetener LPS
SCFAs Fermentation
Dietary fiber
Interactions that protect against MetS Interactions that promote MetS Systemic effects Metabolism
Fig. 2 | Microbiota–diet interactions in the metabolic syndrome. Common dietary components are metabolized
by the gut microbiota to produce metabolites (for example, dietary choline and trimethylamine (TMA)) that modulate
host metabolism (e.g. in atherosclerosis). In parallel, diet modifies the composition of the microbiota and consequently
the landscape of microbial-associated products, of which some are linked to a beneficial or detrimental effect on the
host (for example, fat, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and endotoxaemia). Some of the interactions are localized to the gut
(for example, fibre, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and intestinal gluconeogenesis), whereas others have a systemic
effect (for example, fat, acetate and insulin resistance (IR)). Orange lines indicate interactions that promote the metabolic
syndrome (MetS), and green lines indicate interactions that protect against the MetS. Dashed lines indicate systemic
effects. CCL2, CC-chemokine ligand 2; FMO, flavin-containing mono-oxygenase; GPR41, G protein-coupled receptor 41;
GSIS, glucose-stimulated insulin secretion; TLR4, Toll-like receptor 4; TMAO, trimethylamine N-oxide; UCP1, mitochondrial
brown fat uncoupling protein 1; WAT, white adipose tissue.
Several studies from the past few years point to an the host. In contrast to several aforementioned benefi-
important role of fibre in promoting intestinal barrier cial reports142,150, in at least one example fibre-derived
function. Protection against pathogens is impaired butyrate was associated with tumorigenesis in a genet-
when animals are fed a low-fibre diet owing to a switch ically susceptible mouse model of colorectal cancer
of the gut microbiota nutrient source from fibre to the deficient in both the Apc gene and the mismatch repair
host mucus. This process leads to erosion of the mucous gene Msh2. In this setting, butyrate promoted tumori-
layer, which disrupts barrier function and enables lethal genesis by inducing stem-cell-like characteristics in the
colitis when mice are infected with the mucosal patho intestinal crypts, potentially leading to stem cell gener
gen Citrobacter rodentium41. Although supplementing ation and self-renewal151. This observation remains to be
the low-fibre diet with purified fibres (such as inulin) did validated in humans.
not abrogate Citrobacter susceptibility, purified fibres
might mitigate the detrimental effects of a diet rich in Fat
fat on the gut barrier and consequently on host health For decades, high intake of dietary fat was discouraged
in a mechanism that involves either fibre-mediated owing to a presumed association with cardiovascular
promotion of bacteria critical for mucus function40 diseases (CVDs) and obesity. A meta-analysis of pro-
or IL-22 induction42. spective cohort studies published between 1981 and
Interestingly, the interaction between fibre and 2007 did not supported such an association152; conse-
the gut microbiota might not always be beneficial to quently, the latest version of dietary guidelines issued
in 2015 by the US Departments of Agriculture and promote TH1-mediated colitis in genetically suscepti-
Health no longer call for a reduction in total fat intake ble mice161. Saturated fat can also contribute to colitis
but rather for optimization of fat types in the diet, and by promoting taurine conjugation of bile acids by the
specifically reduced intake of saturated and trans fats153. host and thereby expanding the abundance of Bilophila
This recommendation is supported by mechanistic stud- wadsworthia, which utilizes them as terminal electron
ies demonstrating that the quantity and the source of fat receptors and produces hydrogen sulfide or second-
can have differential effects on the host and that some ary bile acids, potentially leading to intestinal barrier
of these fat-mediated effects are transmitted through disruption and consequently immune cell infiltration161.
changes induced in the gut microbiome. A gut micro- Reports on the interaction between dietary fat, obesity
biota modified by a diet rich in fat is characterized by and SCFAs contradict the aforementioned positive effects
over-representation of LPS-expressing bacteria, lead- of SCFAs in the context of fibre intake. In their seminal
ing to elevated levels of LPS in the circulation of both study, Turnbaugh et al. have reported an increased capa
mice57 and humans154, a pro-inflammatory state that city for energy harvest from food by the microbiome of
is termed ‘metabolic endotoxaemia’. LPS then signals obese mice. In this proposed mechanism, fermentation
through Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)155 and CD14 (ref.57) of indigestible carbohydrates results in the production of
in haematopoietic cells to promote weight gain and adi- the SCFAs acetate, propionate and butyrate162, a process
posity, elevation of inflammatory markers in white also demonstrated in humans with obesity163. These
adipose tissue (WAT) macrophages and insulin resist- SCFAs can serve as energy sources in the colon (butyrate)
ance. In parallel, metabolic endotoxaemia is also asso- or peripheral tissues (acetate and propionate), among
ciated with increased gut permeability, and reduced multiple other metabolic and immune modulatory roles2,
expression of genes encoding for tight junction pro- and it is hypothesized that this process also leads to more
teins could be the cause 156; all the aforementioned available energy for the host and therefore weight gain
alterations were reversible upon antibiotic treatment156. and adiposity. Coincidently, in humans consuming a diet
Interestingly, these adverse effects seem to be specific to rich in saturated fat and in HFD-fed mice, elevated levels
saturated fat; mice fed a lard-rich diet are characterized of faecal SCFAs158 were accompanied by reduced faecal
by blooms of Bacteroides, Turicibacter and Bilophila spp., energy content, suggesting that dietary fat can contribute
which promote WAT inflammation as well as adiposity to obesity through increased energy harvest164. However,
and insulin insensitivity in a manner dependent on mye- it is important to note that the lower faecal energy con-
loid differentiation primary response protein MyD88 tent could also be a result of increased energy expendi
(MYD88), TIR domain-containing adapter molecule 1 ture or decreased food intake, which is not always
(TRIF; also known as TICAM1) and CC-chemokine reported, although there is currently no direct evidence
ligand 2 (CCL2)157. By contrast, mice fed unsaturated fish implicating SCFA-induced increased energy harvest with
oil were characterized by expansion of Bifidobacterium, weight gain. Furthermore, a high-fibre diet, which also
Akkermansia and Lactobacillus spp. and did not demon- increases the levels of SCFAs, is associated with reduced
strate metabolic impairments. Replication of the meta weight gain in humans165, and SCFA supplementation
bolic phenotype in GF mice transplanted with these protects mice from HFD-induced obesity166.
distinct microbial compositions suggested a role for In addition to their proposed association with
the gut microbiota in mediating the differential effects increased energy harvest, the SCFA acetate can con-
of fat type on the host health157. In human individuals tribute to metabolic syndrome through effects on the
at risk of the metabolic syndrome (n = 22 in a 24-week gut–brain axis. Perry et al.167 reported that HFD-fed rats
trial), switching from a diet rich in saturated fat to an iso have elevated plasma and faecal levels of microbiota-
caloric diet rich in unsaturated fat did not affect micro derived acetate, which activates the parasympathetic
biota composition but did reduce total bacteria counts158. nervous system to overproduce insulin in response to
More direct comparisons are needed to understand the glucose and elevates the levels of the hunger-associated
differential effect of fat type on the human microbiota. hormone ghrelin, resulting in a vicious cycle in which
In addition to metabolic implications, the gut micro- fat promotes overfeeding and in parallel disrupts glucose
biota could also link fat consumption to an increased homeostasis. This finding is in contrast to the aforemen-
propensity for intestinal inflammation in the host. This tioned report by Frost et al., in which acetate activity
aspect was noted in wild-type HFD-fed mice but not in the mouse hypothalamus repressed appetite140. The
in TLR4-deficient HFD-fed mice, suggesting a role multiple mechanisms by which dietary fat interacts with
for Gram-negative commensal microorganisms and the microbiota to promote metabolic outcomes are sum-
associated LPS in mediating this dietary-metabolic marized in Fig. 2. Notably, additional works are required
phenotype39. In addition to over-representation of LPS- to resolve multiple conflicts regarding the role of SCFAs
expressing bacteria, the HFD-associated microbiome is in the metabolic syndrome and their interaction with
sometimes associated with decreased levels of the SCFAs fibre versus dietary fat.
butyrate and retinoic acid (RA)159, which both contrib- Interestingly, the disruptive effect of fat on the micro-
ute to gut homeostasis and regulating the homing and biome crosses generations, as the offspring of HFD-
differentiation of dendritic cells and Treg cells144,160. Thus, fed primates97 or mice98,99 also harbour a dysbiotic gut
the depletion of butyrate and RA by HFD results in microbiome. In mice, this inherited microbiome was
exacerbation of chemically induced colitis in mice159. associated with reduced gut immunity, increased sus-
In addition to promoting colitis by repression of Treg cells, ceptibility to infections, and development of allergies and
fat-altered microbiota can also activate dendritic cells to autoimmun ity in an LPS-dependent m echanism98,
as well as with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and composition, elevated synthesis of TMA and TMAO
steatohepatitis99. In both primates and mice, feeding the and increased atherosclerosis, which were inhibited by
offspring with a low-fat diet did not completely reverse antibiotic treatment. Omnivore humans challenged with
these effects. Likewise, maternal HFD feeding was sug- l-carnitine had higher TMAO levels than vegans or vege
gested to be associated with increased susceptibility to tarians, which was also blocked by antibiotic treatment.
dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis in mouse In both mice and humans, specific members of the gut
offspring100. Nevertheless, parental HFD feeding is also microbiota were associated with the ability to transform
associated with altered epigenetic signatures99. As some l-carnitine to TMA or TMAO, with a common associ-
of the studies did not discuss this aspect and others have ation with Prevotella in both organisms170. In addition
not demonstrated an uncoupling of epigenetic-related to atherosclerosis, microbial production of TMAO was
consequences from microbiota-related consequences, also associated in humans with platelet hyper-reactivity
the extent to which the inherited microbiome has a and associated risk of thrombosis171.
causative and epigenetic-independent role in the detri- Processed meat has also been associated with
mental effects observed in the offspring remains to be colorectal cancer risk in humans owing to the produc-
determined. Future studies with antibiotic treatment tion of carcinogenic heterocyclic amines in the pro-
of the offspring might be insightful for the role of the cess of charring172,173. Lactic-acid-producing bacteria
microbiome in these cross-generational phenotypes. (such as Lactobacillus) can directly bind heterocyclic
The dietary saturated long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) amines and therefore potentially protect the host from
palmitate was also associated with aggravated cen- the induction of DNA damage and neoplasia accord-
tral nervous system autoimmunity in a mouse model ing to experimental evidence174. Red meat is also rich
of multiple sclerosis, in part owing to a reduction in in haem, which is associated with colonic cytotoxicity
microbiota-produced SCFA levels (specifically propio and hyperproliferation175. Interestingly, a haem-rich diet
nate), which are protective in this model168. Importantly, in mice leads to a bloom of mucin-degrading bacteria
in a different mouse model of autoimmune osteomyel such as A. muciniphila, leading to impaired intestinal
itis, saturated fat had a protective role owing to HFD- barrier function due to degradation of the mucous
mediated microbiome modulations, repressing microbial layer175. Consumption of red meat has also been linked
groups that were shown to promote inflammasome- with colon and gastric cancers owing to its association
mediated and caspase-8-mediated maturation of IL-1β with elevated endogenous production of carcinogenic
and osteomyelitis169, an effect attributed by the authors N-nitroso compounds176. Comparison of N-nitroso
to Prevotella. compounds in GF versus conventionalized rats consum-
To conclude, available evidence suggests that satur ing nitrate suggested that the gut microbiota is respon-
ated fat modifies the microbiome to promote detri- sible for N-nitroso compound production177, potentially
mental effects that are partially inheritable, resulting in through enzymatic activity of nitrate reductase.
context-specific risk of the metabolic syndrome, colitis Thus, specific members of the gut microbiota might
or central nervous system autoimmunity, by altering the protect against or mediate the health consequences of
immune landscape in the gut or systemically, increas- metabolites associated with red and processed meat con-
ing energy harvest from food and modifying levels of sumption, although many of these associations lack a
SCFAs. Additional studies, especially in humans, are proof of causation and merit further studies.
required to resolve conflicting reports regarding the
ability of dietary fat to increase or decrease SCFA levels Food additives
and how these changes might affect satiety. Importantly, One of the major alterations to human diet during the
current data indicate that the type of fat157, and multiple past decades is the consumption of processed foods,
additional factors such as disease susceptibility161 and which often contain synthetically produced or natural
presence of specific commensals that interact with fat169, additives, such as preservatives, sweeteners, emulsifiers
should be considered. and fortifying agents. These additives are usually con-
sidered by food regulators as safe on the basis of pub-
Animal protein and processed meat lished scientific evidence at the time of approval178. With
Red and processed meat are commonly associated with advances in our ability to study the microbiome and its
an increased risk of developing CVD, with the suspected interactions with diet and disease, it will also be impor-
culprits often cited as saturated fat and cholesterol owing tant to determine whether any of these compounds
to an established link between hyperlipidaemia and interact with the resident microorganisms and what the
hypercholesterolaemia and CVD152. Nevertheless, insuf- consequences of such interactions would be.
ficient evidence is available supporting a role for dietary Dietary emulsifiers are added to many foods (such
intake of fat in this link to CVD152, suggesting that other as industrially produced ketchup) to maintain an emul-
factors or nutrients could be involved (Fig. 2). Red meat is sion of oil and water. Chassaing et al. reported that low
specifically rich in l-carnitine, which is metabolized by quantities of two common emulsifiers, carboxymethyl-
the gut microbiota to trimethylamine (TMA)170. TMA is cellulose and polysorbate-80, promote a dysbiotic micro-
in turn transported by the portal circulation to the liver biota, which induces low-grade inflammation, metabolic
and converted into trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) syndrome and colitis in mice38. When the responses to
by flavin mono-oxygenases. TMAO is associated with these compounds were analysed in culture with a human
promoting atherosclerosis and, indeed, mice chroni- gut microbiota, elevated levels of bioactive flagellin were
cally fed with l-carnitine had an altered gut microbiota measured, stemming from either dysbiosis or altered
bacterial gene expression179. Moreover, transplant of Similarly, supplementing the diet with manganese
these modified human microbiota into GF mice reca- increased bacterial colonization of the heart and the
pitulated many of the phenotypes observed in mice fed lethality of Staphylococcus aureus infection in mice,
with emulsifiers179. Another emulsifier that could inter- potentially owing to utilization of manganese by the
act with the microbiota to affect human health is phos- bacterium to protect from reactive oxygen species and
phatidylcholine (a type of lecithin). As with l-carnitine neutrophil killing193.
and other choline moieties, lecithin is transformed by
the gut microbiota to TMA and consequently increases the Plant-derived bioactive nutrients
levels of TMAO and the risk of CVD180. In addition to fibre, plants contribute many bioactive
Another commonly consumed group of food additives compounds to the human diet. The polyphenols are a
are non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NAS), which are pro- large and diverse group of compounds, several of which
moted as a common weight-loss strategy to limit the num- have been associated with beneficial health claims.
ber of calories consumed in the diet by switching foods For example, supplementation of HFD-fed mice with
and drinks containing calorie-rich sugars with non-caloric polyphenols derived from either grapes 194 or cran-
sweet substitutes. Studies on the efficacy of this approach berries113 reduced the inflammatory and obesogenic
demonstrate mixed and conflicting results, in both obser- effects of the diet, which was associated with a bloom in
vational studies in humans and interventions in rodents: A. muciniphila. Despite these and multiple other associ-
some demonstrate a beneficial role for NAS in weight ations, it is difficult to dissect the health effects of poly
loss, whereas others report the counterintuitive effect of phenols in humans, and especially flavonoids, owing to
NAS in promoting weight gain and other associated meta- considerable interindividual variation in the response
bolic derangements. These opposing findings are reviewed to the compounds, which could stem from differences in
elsewhere181 and could be reconciled, at least in part, by the gut microbiota195. Identifying the bacteria that inter-
considering a role for some microbiome configurations act with polyphenols and the mechanisms is therefore
in mediating the effects of NAS on metabolism. an important step in understanding their effect on the
Several studies have reported both dysbiosis and dis- host. An important role for flavonoids, in close associa-
ruption of metabolic homeostasis in rodents consuming tion with microbiota alterations, was described in mice
NAS such as saccharin182–184, sucralose185,186, aspartame187,188, undergoing repeated dieting cycles76. HFD-fed mice had
cyclamate189, neotame190 and acesulfame-potassium191 a marked depletion in gut levels of the flavonoids
(Fig. 2). Functional analyses performed either on the apigenin and naringenin due to low dietary availability
gene content of the altered microbiome or its secreted and an expansion of flavonoid-degrading commensals.
metabolites suggest that the NAS-induced dysbiosis led Switching HFD-fed mice to a normal polysaccharide
to the metabolic phenotypes, and for saccharin, a direct diet normalizes their metabolic parameters, but not
link was established by replicating glucose intolerance in their gut microbiota composition, which persistently
naive GF mice transplanted with faecal microbiota from degraded these flavonoids, resulting in low levels. As the
saccharin-drinking mice or naive microbiota modified successfully dieted mice were re-fed an HFD, the low
in vitro by saccharin182. flavonoid levels served as a ‘microbiome memory’ to fur-
Interestingly, in two rodent studies182,187 on different ther aggravate the metabolic effects of HFD by affecting
NAS (saccharin and aspartame), consumption was asso- brown adipose tissue heat production. Supplementing
ciated with increased levels of acetate and propionate, dieting mice with dietary apigenin and naringenin pre-
suggesting an increased energy harvest capacity of the vented the exacerbated weight regain by replenishing
NAS-altered gut microbiota. In a small-scale interven- their ability to regulate energy expenditure. Thus, an
tion trial in humans, disrupted glucose homeostasis interaction between the microbiota and a diet low in
after saccharin consumption was evident in some, but flavonoids or flavonoid supplementation can exacer-
not all, of the participants, pertaining both to their pre- bate or protect against the detrimental health effects of
exposure and saccharin-induced alterations in their an HFD. As weight loss-and-gain cycles are common in
microbiome composition (6-day supplementation of humans, it will be important to determine whether this
120 mg saccharin per day, n = 7)182. Although large-scale mechanism is shared across mammals.
replication of these findings in prospective randomized Examples of other plant compounds modified by
trials is mandated, it suggests that opposing outcomes the gut microbiota to a form that is associated with
regarding the health consequences of NAS consumption health benefits include the hydroxycinnamates caffeic,
stem from differences in the microbiomes of the partici coumaric and ferulic acids, present as ester conjugates
pants and that by identifying the microbiome suscepti- in plants and considered in their free chemical form to
bility signature, we can distinguish between individuals be anti-inflammatory and antioxidative compound196.
who might benefit from substituting caloric sweeteners Members of the Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and
with NAS and those who should avoid them. Escherichia genera are able to liberate these compounds
from their conjugated plant form197, influencing indi-
Minerals vidualized levels of these bioactive compounds 197.
Supplementing the diet with iron is a common approach At the same time, the gut microbiota degrades other-
to prevent and treat anaemia, particularly in infants. wise toxic plant-derived compounds such as oxalate,
However, bacteria and especially some pathogens are which is abundant in several greens, nuts, berries and
efficient iron scavengers192. Iron supplementation could tea and forms calcium oxalate crystals that might lead to
therefore result in dysbiosis and bloom of pathogens103,118. renal stone formation198. Of the bacteria that catabolize
oxalate, Oxalobacter formigenes is a key player, and low nutrient be beneficial or detrimental? Will exogenous
abundances of this taxon are associated with elevated bacteria be able to colonize the niche? Although the
concentrations of urinary oxalate and increased risk of complexity of these questions might seem demotivat-
urinary tract stones in humans198. ing, we will discuss how these can be resolved to bene
fit from the promise of microbiota-modifying dietary
Dietary-based microbiota therapies approaches.
The numerous studies associating dietary regimens,
gut microbiota changes and health led to a plethora of Prebiotics
interventions aimed at promoting a ‘healthy microbiota’ Prebiotic dietary interventions — typically referred to
and pursuing a ‘healthy diet’. Although several dietary as non-digestible food ingredients or substances that
approaches might be universally beneficial or detrimen- stimulate the growth or activity of health-promoting
tal, diet–microbiota–host crosstalk is emerging to be bacteria colonizing the large intestine214 — have been
highly complex, with multiple components presenting proposed as a means of driving gut microbiota shifts
both beneficial and detrimental effects in different clini- to benefit the host. The administration of fermentable
cal contexts (Table 1). Thus, the search for a ‘magic bullet’ dietary fibre in the form of inulin, oligofructose, FOS
beneficial dietary intervention strategy could be limited or galacto-oligosaccharide has been extensively studied
and confounded by the many factors affecting dietary and generally suggested to increase the abundance of
responses at the individual level. For example, evidence Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus spp. in human stool
from mouse models suggests that limiting saturated fat (with Bifidobacterium spp. being associated with an
in the diet improves the metabolic syndrome56,57,157,167, increase in SCFAs) across several age groups and med-
IBD39,159,161 and multiple sclerosis168 but could adversely ical conditions215,216. However, it is important to con-
affect the features of osteomyelitis by promoting blooms sider the limitations of the available evidence, as study
of Prevotella and associated inflammatory responses169. populations and methodologies varied greatly, and the
Possible beneficial effects mediated by dietary com- aforementioned effects were not always reproducible
pounds such as polyphenols or NAS on prevention and only occasionally translated into clear clinical out-
of the metabolic syndrome113,181 might depend on an comes in humans, such as immunomodulatory effects217,
individual’s gut microbiota composition195 and in some metabolic effects218 or protection against enteropatho-
instances could even be associated with elevated risk of genic infections219,220. Notably, the response to prebiotics
the metabolic syndrome182. Consuming fibre has been in humans has been suggested to be person-specific221
shown to be beneficial for combating the metabolic and dependent on the initial gut microbiota compo-
syndrome in humans by multiple potential mecha- sition222,223. Moreover, easily accessible stool sampling
nisms, including preventing weight gain and improving might recapitulate, at least to some extent, the large
insulin sensitivity199, but in at least one mouse model intestinal lumen while under-representing the mucosal
(ApcMin/+Msh2−/− animals) fibre aggravated colorectal microbiota, an ecosystem at the intersection between
cancer151. The abundance of Prevotella has been asso- the microbiota and the host224.
ciated with IBD (in mice200 and humans201), osteomye Other prebiotic agents have been identified and tested
litis (in susceptible Pstpip2cmo mice169) and rheumatoid in both mice and humans for their capacity to modulate
arthritis (in humans202) but can be beneficial for glu- the microbiota and benefit the host. For instance, whole-
cose tolerance in humans and mice84. Experimental grain barley and brown rice (60 g per day of either or
evidence has shown that supplementation of A. mucin- a mixture of both) improved faecal bacterial diversity,
iphila203 or its associated molecules204 could be benefi- increased the Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes ratio and the
cial in preventing features of the metabolic syndrome, abundance of Blautia, attenuated postprandial peak
but its elevated abundance might promote colitis205 or blood glucose levels and decreased plasma IL-6 levels
colorectal cancer175. The Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes ratio in healthy individuals (n = 28)225. A diet based on vege-
has been shown to increase206–208, decrease163 or have no table and fruit juice (6 bottles daily for 3 days) decreased
change209–211 in individuals with obesity versus those who the abundance of faecal Firmicutes and Proteobacteria,
are lean. SCFAs are associated with beneficial effects on increased Bacteroidetes and Cyanobacteria and induced
the host in a range of conditions136,140,147,148,212, but some functional changes suggestive of beneficial metabolic
detrimental effects were also noted162,167,187. properties in healthy volunteers (n = 20)226. Nopal, a cac-
Given this complexity, several layers of precision tus used in Mexican traditional medicine, and berberine,
should be considered when aiming to promote health a component of a Chinese herb, have been suggested to
by altering the diet or gut microbiota (Fig. 3). One con- modulate gut microbiota composition, promote SCFA
sideration is the desired health benefit: is the goal to pre- production and lead to an improved metabolic pheno-
vent a specific disease or to treat an active one? Does the type in rats28,227. Other microbiota-modifying prebiotics
individual have a genetic or congenital predisposition to include oligosaccharides203,228–230, conjugated linoleic
this disease213? Equally important are dietary considera- acid231 and milk sphingomyelin232, which have been
tions: how will the supplemented or subtracted nutrient suggested to enhance metabolism in HFD-consuming
interact with the rest of the diet? Might the dietary inter- mice. Surprisingly, some commonly prescribed medi-
vention introduce exogenous bacteria that could have cations might also serve as prebiotics (for instance, the
a detrimental interaction with the current diet? These antidiabetic drug metformin increased the proportion
questions are coupled with microbiota considerations: of A. muciniphila in diet-induced obese mice233 and
will the interaction of the microbiota with the selected individuals with type 2 diabetes234), potentially owing to
an increase in the number of mucin-producing goblet individualized menus2. These diets should not only be
cells233 and alluding to a microbiota-dependent mecha- personalized in terms of constituents and their quan-
nism for its anti-diabetic properties. Notably, the defini- tities, but also ideally take other considerations, such
tion for ‘prebiotics’ has been revised, emphasizing their as the temporal, geographical and medical context,
implication on microbial ecology and functional features into account. The evolution of precision diets started
relevant to the host physiology rather than focusing on with the identification of a single or a few microbiota-
the specific activity of selective bacteria235. related variables that modify the outcomes of dietary
interventions. For instance, reduced microbial gene
Probiotics richness was found to be inversely correlated with the
Dietary supplementation with probiotic bacterial efficacy of diet-induced weight loss and weight stabil
strains aims at replenishing the gut with advantageous ization interventions in individuals who were over-
commensal bacteria, which grant favourable metabolic weight or obese (n = 49)54; the initial assembly of the
properties to the host. This multibillion dollar industry gut microbiota predicted enrichment of specific taxa
has been adopted worldwide by food manufacturers and in response to dietary interventions in men who were
suggested to confer health benefits for various condi- overweight (n = 14)85. Healthy individuals (n = 20) who
tions, including the metabolic syndrome236, gastrointes- improved their glucose metabolism following the con-
tinal infections237,238 and IBD239. However, many aspects sumption of barley-kernel-based bread harboured a
of probiotic therapy remain controversial, and in most high Prevotella:Bacteroides ratio in their faecal micro-
cases probiotics have not been reproducibly shown to biota before supplementation84, and healthy individuals
induce health benefits in humans compared with pla- who exhibited impaired glucose tolerance following the
cebo in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and meta- consumption of artificial sweeteners harboured a dis-
analyses on antibiotic-associated diarrhoea240, asthma241 tinct microbiota composition before the initiation of the
and Crohn’s disease242. Moreover, many of the findings intervention and developed more pronounced dysbio-
related to probiotics are associative, lack insights into the sis than non-responders (n = 7)182. With the advent of
underlying mechanism and have been performed in ani- advanced big data analytical methods, it is now possible
mal models or in vitro conditions with limited human to decipher multivariate interactions and propose pre-
studies. As such, no single probiotic has been approved cision interventions. As such, a statistical model based
by the FDA for medical purposes243. on mice harbouring a ten-member bacterial community
One limitation in the utilization of probiotics is that and exposed to perturbations in four defined ingredi-
strains used by the industry and approved by regula- ents (protein, fat, polysaccharide and simple sugar)
tory agencies are often characterized by low virulence, could predict more than half of the variation in micro-
which are chosen based on their lack of effect on the biota species abundance attributed to diet248. Similarly,
taste of food and their capability of surviving in dairy a simple model based on specific faecal taxa abundances
products or pills and are universally provided as a ‘one- and the host genotype could reliably predict susceptibil
size-fits-all’ intervention244. Hence, albeit less popular, ity to choline deficiency-induced fatty liver in healthy
commensal-based interventions might also be con- women (n = 15)249.
sidered as probiotics and can potentially surpass the Collectively, precision diets should be constructed
commonly used strains with regard to some health according to personalized parameters such as age,
benefits. For example, treatment with A. muciniphila203 gender, location, metabolic status, initial gut bacterial
or B. thetaiotaomicron245 has successfully reversed sev- assembly and function and food preferences, among
eral components of the metabolic syndrome in HFD- many others. Indeed, the glycaemic response to bread
consuming mice. A. muciniphila could also serve as a in healthy humans was found to be dependent on indi-
prognostic and diagnostic tool for the assessment of vidual parameters to a greater extent than on the type
dietary interventions, as individuals who were over- of bread consumed (n = 20)60, rebutting the prevailing
weight or obese with a higher abundance of this taxon axiom that ‘healthiness’ is an inherent property of the
showed greater improvement in insulin sensitivity and food consumed and therefore some foods are univer-
other features of the metabolic syndrome in response to sally ‘healthier’ than others60. A study in 800 healthy
a calorie restriction intervention (n = 49, 1,200–1,500 kcal individuals250 proposed to incorporate similar individ-
per day for 6 weeks)74. An alternative or a complemen- ual parameters in dietary planning by implementing
tary approach could be strain mixtures, which might be a machine-learning algorithm, which was fundamen-
more effective than some single-strain preparations246. tally based on structural and functional microbiome
In light of the great variations in microbiome config- features, and demonstrated that it could accurately
urations among humans, the current universal probi- predict postprandial glucose responses to various
otics approach seems debatable and an individualized types of food, surpassing the widely used current gold
approach is warranted247. standard models of carbohydrate counting or calorie
counting. Moreover, a short-term dietary intervention
Personalized nutrition based on personally predicted postprandial glucose
Given the multiple variables affecting the intricate inter- responses could successfully maintain normoglycae-
relationships between the host, its resident microbiota mia in healthy individuals. Notably, applying person-
and their responses to diet, it is apparent that one diet ally tailored diets was associated with shifts in the gut
cannot fit all, and the commonly used notion of person- microbiota composition following 1 week of inter-
alized medicine should also be practised when devising vention, thus meriting periodic reassessments of the
individualized parameters and adjustment of the dietary (for example, dysglycaemia, immunomodulation and
regimen accordingly (n = 26)250. increased gastrointestinal motility)251. Demonstrating
a direct effect of a nutrient on the gut microbiota might
Challenges in research be achieved by co-culturing in vitro in a complete host-
Given the complexity and the myriad of personalized free environment, which can be controlled for multi-
factors affecting dietary–microbiome–host interactions, ple environmental factors to mimic the conditions in
it is crucial to consider the factors that complicate the various regions of the gut and their luminal and
interpretation of knowledge and present challenges in mucosal microbial assemblages using biofilm reac-
its integration into public health policies and dietary tors and chemostats252. One such approach, termed
recommendations. M-SHIME, was used to demonstrate a direct effect
of dietary emulsifiers on the human microbiome179.
Association versus causation Although these host-f ree systems can demonstrate
A dietary intervention that is associated with micro direct interaction between a nutrient and the micro-
biome alterations and any kind of downstream pheno- biota, they cannot demonstrate causality in a given
type in the host does not necessarily imply that the diet phenotype by themselves. Transplanting the in vitro
altered the microbiome and that the microbiome is the modulated cultures into GF mice might therefore com-
cause for the phenotype. For example, diet might have plement these approaches and substantiate causality
a direct effect on the host and a discrete effect on the by recapitulating the phenotype observed in animals
microbiome that does not contribute to the host pheno exposed to the nutrient itself 179,182. Gastrointestinal
type. Alternatively, microbiome alterations can result organoids253 or more elaborate gut organ cultures that
from changes in the host physiology rather than being preserve tissue architecture254 provide an opportunity
the cause of such change. Although earlier descriptive to study mechanistic interactions between environ-
works serve as an important starting point for future mental stimuli, microorganisms and the host in a more
research, they are limited in their contribution for tightly controlled and variable-limited system. GF mice
understanding complex interactions, especially when serve as a gold standard for determination of causality,
conducted in heterogeneous human populations. either by failing to replicate a diet-related phenotype
Several approaches can shed light on a direct or in the absence of microorganisms or by reproducing
positive link. Albeit still descriptive, complementing a phenotype in a GF mouse transplanted with micro-
compositional analyses with functional approaches biota from a diet-fed donor. By feeding the recipient
such as shotgun sequencing and metabolomics can mice with a control diet or the same diet fed to the
help in deciphering potential mechanisms by which donors, one can potentially identify direct effects of
the microbiome is contributing to the phenotype. the microbiota on the host versus those requiring an
Abolishing a phenotype by antibiotic treatment sug- interaction between the microbiome and the diet, as
gests a role for the gut microbiota; however, the effect in the case of malnutrition64. Administering single spe-
on the microbiota is often crude and does not enable cies or even microorganism-associated metabolites can
pointing out the specific bacteria that contribute to further refine experiments in GF mice. However, GF
the phenotype, and antibiotics can have unexpected experiments have their own limitations, as is discussed
effects on the host that are unrelated to the microbiota later. Thus, an integrated microbiota-centred approach
• Priming of the microbial niche • Local effects on the host mucosal barrier
• Direct interaction with the microbiota • Systemic effects on the host metabolism
and immune system
• Timing
Use microbiota properties to • Quantity
assess permisiveness and/or • Contents
resistance to dietary intervention, - Macronutrients - Probiotics Use host properties
prognostic markers and response and micronutrients - Allochthonous to assess well-being and
to intervention - Prebiotics microbes disease progression
Fig. 3 | therapeutic principles in utilizing the food–microbiota axis. Diet interacts with the human ‘holobiont’ in a
person-specific way. Obtaining multiple parameters from the host and its resident microbiota can assist in devising
precision dietary interventions, which encompass food quantities, contents and timing. These interventions might be used
for prophylactic or treatment purposes in a variety of medical conditions, as well as assessing prognosis, predicting the
likelihood of the dietary intervention to succeed and monitoring the clinical response to the intervention. This paradigm
shift in nutrition from ‘generalized’ to ‘personalized’ merits periodic reassessments of host and microbiota parameters,
as they are susceptible to constant change following the dietary intervention itself or due to other environmental factors.
aiming at achieving a mechanistic understanding of a affected HFD consumption, as HFD is a strong determi-
dietary and microbiota-mediated effect on the host nant of gut microbiota composition even independently
would optimally combine several complementary com- of obesity55. Monitoring such differences can be achieved
putational, experimental, in vitro and in vivo systems. using metabolic cages, which can control for additional
Table 1 in the Supplementary Information highlights important parameters such as liquid intake (especially if
findings in which a causative role for the microbiota the drinking water is laced with antibiotics or nutrients)
was experimentally demonstrated and those that show and energy expenditure. Furthermore, in both model
an association that requires further validation. animals and human trials, dietary interventions are
often extreme and do not reflect common human life-
Designing the dietary intervention style and intake. Although such protocols enable a con-
One of the biggest challenges when comparing nutri- venient and often quick route for establishing a proof of
tional interventions is the disparity between the applied concept, their findings should be replicated in realistic
protocols. In animal models, standardization is becom- settings so that applicable conclusions to human health
ing more common, as researchers utilize commercial, can be drawn.
reproducible and open-source diets, enabling compari Nutrition research in humans is naturally further
son of both the macronutrients and micronutrients complicated. Case–control studies, such as some of
between studies. However, earlier works utilized non- those that suggested a link between dietary fat and CVD,
standardized protocols, in which complete information are prone to both recall and selection bias, and should
regarding the diet contents is often unavailable, and these only provide the basis for further research and not
should be interpreted with caution until their validation used as definitive answers to nutritional questions as
using more uniform dietary interventions. Nevertheless, they indicate association and not causation. RCTs are
even the standardized diets in animal studies do not preferable but likewise can feature important limita-
necessarily represent an ideal model, as often overabun- tions. In RCTs, the dietary intervention is often added
dance of a nutrient comes at the expense of another; for (or omitted) to the standard diet of the individual, which
example, HFDs typically contain less carbohydrates and might vary considerably, thereby affecting the outcome
fibre255. Thus, some of the effects attributed to the fat of the intervention. Designing a complete diet is ideal
moiety in HFD might in fact be due to a paucity of fibre. but rarely feasible for extended periods of time owing to
Although these diets could serve as a convenient tool non-compliance and the inability to control the entire
for screening, it would be advisable to follow up with diet of individuals outside institutional settings. Thus,
experiments focused on the specific nutrient of interest. researchers should control for the intake of calories,
Moreover, differential intake of nutrients between macronutrients and micronutrients, preferably using
groups can also stem from differential chow consump- real-time food diaries that are less prone to recall bias
tion by the animals due to palatability or the effect of the than food frequency questionnaires. As compliance to
diet on satiety regulation255,256. This caveat is important the dietary regimen can be suboptimal, when possible,
in many studies demonstrating an HFD-counteracting it is advisable to monitor the levels of a signature metab-
phenotype without reporting whether the treatment olite in biological samples from treatment and control
groups. Blinding is often a challenge in human dietary GF mice serve as the best available model to study
interventions and might lead to lifestyle differences causal effects of the microbiota on the host health, yet
between groups during intervention. This aspect can be this comes at the price of several important distinctions
partially addressed by the use of activity logs (for exam- between GF and colonized specific pathogen-free mice.
ple, physical activity). These limitations and the need To name a few, GF mice require dietary supplementa-
to control for many parameters often result in smaller tion with vitamins B and K; have less body fat but higher
cohorts and shorter exposures, which should be taken cholesterol levels; and feature increased food intake,
into account when interpreting results43,84,85,182,226,249. decreased basal metabolic rate, longer intestinal transit
time, altered intestinal morphology and function and
Human versus animal models considerably enlarged caeca260. In addition, they fea-
Experiments in rodents enable controlled nutritional ture defects in the development of gut-associated lym-
settings in overcoming the aforementioned challenges phoid tissues and in antibody production and fewer and
encountered in humans. However, mice are distinct smaller Peyer’s patches and mesenteric lymph nodes.
from humans in several important diet–microbiome Additional differences between GF and colonized mice
aspects257. The first relates to the structure and func- are reviewed elsewhere260,261. One useful approach in that
tion of the intestine and to the anatomical sites where context involves comparison between GF mice and con-
some nutrients are metabolized. In mice, fermentation ventionalized GF mice rather than specific pathogen-
of indigestible food components occurs in the caecum, free mice as a better-controlled comparison that might
whereas in humans, the caecum is much smaller and limit the bias stemming from congenital GF defects.
fermentation occurs in the colon, which, unlike that of
the mouse, is subcompartmentalized257. This discrep- Microbiome characterization protocols
ancy also highlights a difference in the colonic micro- The interest in microbiome, diet and health inter
bial communities and the region in which SCFAs are actions predates next-generation sequencing (NGS), and
produced. Goblet and Paneth cells, which have a role as such, many reports utilized gel-based methods, PCR,
in maintaining host–microbiota equilibrium, are dis- fluorescence in situ hybridization or cultures to charac-
tributed differently between the two organisms. Paneth terize the microbial population. The limitations of these
cells are exclusively found in the small intestine in mice methods should be considered when comparing between
but are also found in the caecum and proximal colon in studies. Currently, researchers setting up an NGS pipe-
humans. Goblet cells are abundant in the mouse prox- line for microbiome characterization face a line of deci-
imal colon and their numbers decrease at the base of sions that can introduce biases and different results for
the crypt distally, whereas in humans they are abundant the same sample, including: sample collection, handling
throughout the large intestine257. and storage262; microbial DNA purification protocol263;
Although many bacterial genera are shared between 16S ribosomal DNA amplicon sequencing versus shotgun
the two organisms, they differ in their relative abun- metagenomics264; the 16S variable region to amplify265; the
dance. One of the strategies used to address this dis- polymerase and PCR conditions266; and multiple decisions
crepancy is the humanized gnotobiotic mouse model15, during in silico sequence processing and data mining267,268.
in which GF mice are transplanted with human micro- When comparing publications, one should be aware of
biota; however, even in this model some members of the potential biases introduced by these choices. Costea
the human microbiota do not colonize the transplanted et al. have reported that, in shotgun sequencing pipe-
mouse15. These limitations notwithstanding, the mouse lines, differences due to the DNA purification protocols
does constitute an important dietary model relevant had the largest effect on variations in results stemming
to human physiology in many aspects. For example, from the same samples (compared with library prepara-
microbiota from both humans with obesity 258 and tion and sample storage) and have therefore compared
obese mice162 can promote weight gain in a recipient GF multiple protocols to suggest those that are the most
mouse, and obesity is associated with reduced bacterial reproducible263. Similar standardization is encouraged for
diversity in both organisms56,207. However, validation of other steps of the microbial DNA analysis pipeline.
any strain-specific effects, when noted in mice, is meri
ted in human studies. In Table 1 in the Supplementary Relative versus absolute abundance
Information, we list observations that were demonstrated Diet-related microbiota alterations are often reported to
in humans versus those that were shown only in an induce changes in relative abundance, whereas the abso-
animal model. lute abundance of seemingly involved bacterial strains is
Even when comparing studies performed on mice, rarely reported. Care must be taken when interpreting
one should be cautious when different genotypes were such results, as an increase in the relative abundance of
involved, as even different genotypes of wild-type mice a bacterial group might signify no change in its absolute
harbour distinct microbiome configurations, and this is abundance but rather a decrease in other members of
even more apparent when experimenting with geneti- the microbiota. This constraint can be overcome using
cally altered mouse models259. Although diet has been statistical algorithms, such as a log-ratio analysis269,
shown to be dominant over genotype in terms of its effect or using workflows that combine sequencing-based
on microbiota composition58, only a limited number of relative abundances with microbial quantities derived
diets have been studied in depth in this context, and it is from methods such as flow cytometry270. Alternatively,
possible that some diets might interact differently with once a potential bacterium of interest has been iden-
distinct microbiota configurations. tified through relative abundance analysis, directly
quantifying absolute abundance (for example, using of nutrients that can be recommended for the general
selective culture conditions where applicable or using public or of bacteria that can be utilized as probiotics. In
strain-specific quantitative PCR primers) could address parallel, some of these conflicts could arise from actual
this issue. In addition, if secreted bacterial metabolites biological variation. Although the need for precision
are suspected to mediate the phenotype, their quan- and personalization when applying dietary therapeu-
tification can bypass the need to determine absolute tics for distinct disease conditions might seem intuitive,
abundance changes. interindividual variation in the response to the same
nutrient is only just being appreciated. This emerging
Conclusions field bears the potential to revolutionize the perception
Taken together, the field of nutrition is currently of nutrition from uniform food-intrinsic guidelines to
plagued with many non-evidence-based practices and flexible person-specific and context-specific recom-
recommendations — some gleaned from misinterpreted mendations, which are designed to prevent or correct
or insufficient scientific research and others stemming metabolic derangements and even ameliorate inflam-
from commercial interests or as the result of arbi- matory and neoplastic processes. Such conceptual
trary statements. General dieting schemes often result change might shift the standard modus operandi from
in failure and disappointment at the personal level the traditional universal approaches to ones involving
and a constant increase in the incidence of obesity and the integration of numerous individual parameters
the metabolic pandemic at the population level, urg- by utilizing an array of advanced bioinformatic tools
ing the public to waver between short-lived trends. capable of processing big data, enabling planning of
The advent of microbiota research and the increasing therapeutic strategies while taking the patient’s prefer-
body of evidence pointing to its tight interactions with ences into account (Fig. 3). This individualized approach
dietary habits and interventions and its salient role in might pose new challenges to dietary planning, as some
food metabolism have introduced a potentially attrac- nutritional programmes devised to address specific
tive new target for dietary manipulation. Nevertheless, maladies could hinder or conflict with other health
the number of conflicting reports substantially ham- considerations. Additionally, as the gut microbiome
pers the translation of diet–microbiome–host research is amenable to change, dietary interventions could
into clinical use. Focusing on only studies that have trigger structural and functional alterations in the gut
demonstrated causation, or those studied in humans bacteria, which might merit periodic reassessments
rather than only in animal models, eliminates some of of the individual parameters and adjustment of the
these conflicts, although some nutrients or bacteria are dietary regimen accordingly. Nevertheless, this uncharted
still reported as both beneficial and detrimental (see territory could create an exciting opportunity to har-
Table 1 and Supplementary Table 1). With the shift in ness our endogenous gut microbial members in ration-
the microbiota field towards more mechanistic works, alizing and optimizing the health benefit conferred
one can expect that standardization of both micro by human nutrition.
biome analysis and dietary intervention protocols will
resolve some of the conflicts to facilitate identification Published online xx xx xxxx
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