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Submitted by:

Guided by:

(year 2015-016)



This is certify that the winter project has been prepared by RADAIYA
SRUJAL (BBA059) under my guidelines and supervision. This project embodied
the result of her work and is standard expected from a candidate for the degree
of BBA..

The report submitted towards the partial fulfillment for the of the requirement
for the degree of BBA has been found satisfactory.


Dr. P.R. Patel Dr. Govind Dhinaiya


I hereby declare this winter project submitted to shree J.D.G.

commerce college & shree swami atmanand saraswati college
of management, surat. In fulfillment of BBA (bachelor of
business administration)degree is result of my own work carried
out during January 2015 to February 2015.

This report is entirely an outcome of my own effort and previously

submitted to any other university or institute for any other
examination and other purpose by any other person.


Place: Surat (BBA059)


I take this opportunity to firstly thank my college, for giving me this

opportunity to this project. It has been a learning experience in the market
and knowing how actually a business can be developed and run.

I feel great pleasure to express my feeling to our principal Dr. P.R. Patel and
also thankful to my academic guide Dr. Govind dhinaiya for giving the
valuable guidance and suggestion for successful completion of the project.
And also all other teaching staff of shree J.D.G. commerce college & shree
swami atmanand saraswati college of management who has made me
eligible to stand at this stage.

In this project the great emphasis is given to comparison of different mutual

fund scheme. I wish and express my heart full to the project guide for the
guidance and suggestion throughout the project, without which we would
not have been able to complete this project successfully.

I extend my thanks to all my friend for their moral support and

encouragement. Last but not least we thank my parents and relative who
inspired us always to do the best.

This project is very challenging opportunity for me to update myself. So, I

would like to give thanks to everyone who help me directly or indirectly in
preparing these projects.



Mutual fund are institution that collects money from several source
individual or institution by using units, invest them on their behalf with
predetermined investment objective and manage the same all for a fee. So in
today world the mutual fund playas very important role.

The first chapter included the overall data related to the mutual fund with
general meaning, concept of mutual fund.

The second chapter included the main objective to select this topic is to
compare income scheme of mutual fund of the 5 company in India. give an
idea about of mutual fund that is which mutual fund is better for
investment on the basis of risk and return.

For this research, would use the 5 company on different income scheme of
mutual fund & company SENSEX data would use for the this research.

In this fifth chapter included data analysis with use of sum and interpreted
in simple way like alpha & beta, sharp’s ratio, Jensen ratio would be used to
show the how many risk associated with income scheme of mutual fund &
beta describes the relationship between the income scheme of mutual fund
company return and the company sensex return.

In last chapter finding in find out the research that income scheme of
mutual fund have subjected investors to much less risk over time. From all
research it can be concluded that all the 5 companies have the value of
alpha positive & negative that means some companies have profitability or
nonprofitablity as compare to its level of risk.

At the end of research, researcher has concluded that on the basis of risk
level HDFC mutual fund is better mutual fund for invest compare to other

mutual fund. And on the basis of return level UTI mutual fund is better
mutual fund for invest compare to other mutual fund.



Certificate I

Declaration II

Acknowledgement III

Executive summary IV

1 Theoretical background 1

2 Company profile 20

3 Literature review 29

4 Research methodology 33

5 Data analysis 36

6 Finding 47

7 Conclusion 48

8 Bibliography

9 Annexure

The Indian financial system based on four basic components like
Financial Market, Financial Institutions, Financial Service, Financial
Instruments. All are play important role for smooth activities for the transfer
of the funds and allocation of the funds. The main aim of the Indian
financial system is that providing the efficiently services to the capital
market. The Indian capital market has been increasing tremendously during
the second generation reforms. The first generation reforms started in 1991
the concept of LPG. (Liberalization, privatization, Globalization)
Then after 1997 second generation reforms was started, still the it’s
going on, its include reforms of industrial investment, reforms of fiscal
policy, reforms of ex- imp policy, reform of public sector, reforms of
financial sector, reforms of foreign investment through the institutional
investors, reforms banking sectors. The economic development model
adopted by India in the post independence era has been characterized by
mixed economy with the public sector playing a dominating role and the
activities in private industrial sector control measures emaciated form
time to time. The last two decades have been a phenomenal
expansion in the geographical coverage and the financial spread of our
financial system.
The spared of the banking system has been a major factor in
promoting financial intermediation in the economy and in the growth
of financial savings with progressive liberalization of economic policies,
there has been a rapid growth of capital market, money market and
financial services industry including merchant banking, leasing and
venture capital, leasing, hire purchasing. Consistent with the growth of
financial sector and second generation reforms its need to fruition of the
financial sector. It’s also need to providing the efficient service to the
investor mostly if the investors are supply small amount, in that point of
view the mutual fund play vital for better service to the small investors. The
main vision for the analysis for this study is to scrutinize the performance of
five star rated mutual funds, given the weight of risk, return, and assets
under management, net assets value, book value and price earnings ratio.

Mutual fund is the pool of the money, based on the trust who
invests the savings of a number of investors who shares a common
financial goal, like the capital appreciation and dividend earning. The
money thus collect is then invested in capital market instruments such as
shares, debenture, and foreign market. Investors invest money and get the
units as per the unit value which we called as NAV (net assets value).
Mutual fund is the most suitable investment for the common man as it
offers an opportunity to invest in diversified portfolio management, good
research team, professionally managed Indian stock as well as the
foreign market, the main aim of the fund manager is to taking the scrip that
have under value and future will rising, then fund manager sell out the
stock. Fund manager concentration on risk – return trade off, where
minimize the risk and maximize the return through diversification of
the portfolio. The most common features of the mutual fund unit are low
cost. The below I mention the how the transactions will done or working
with mutual fund.


As defined by the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI), an apex body
of all registered asset management companies, “Mutual Fund is a trust
that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common
financial goal. Anybody with an investible surplus of as little as a few
thousand rupees can invest in mutual fund units according to their stated
investment objective and strategy.” According to Securities and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Regulations 1996, “Mutual Fund means
a fund established in the form of a trust to raise monies through the
sale of its units to the public or a section of the public under one or more
schemes for investing in securities, including money market
instruments.” As defined by the mutual Fund Book of Investment Company
Institute of the U.S., “A mutual fund is a financial service organization that
receives money from shareholders, invests it, earns returns on it, attempts

to make it grow and agrees to pay the shareholder for the current value of
his investment.”
Mutual fund is a special type of institution that acts as an investment
conduit. It is a professionally managed investment organization that
pools the money of many individual investors having similar investment
objectives. The money thus collected is invested by the fund manager in
different types of securities as shares, debentures, money market
instruments and so on, depending upon the objective of the scheme.
Income earned and capital appreciations thus realized by the schemes
are shared by its unit holders in proportion to the number of units owned
by them. Therefore, mutual fund is an investment institution, which
assembles the savings of individuals and institutions and conduit these
savings in corporate securities. Thus it endows the individual
investors, with an opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally
managed portfolio at a relatively low cost.
Mutual funds mobilize savings, particularly from the small and household
sectors, for investment in capital and money market. Basically, these
institutions professionally manage the funds of individuals and institutions
that may not have such high degree of expertise and sufficient time to deal
with the complexities of different investment avenues, legal provisions
associated and impulse and vicissitude of financial markets.


“Mutual funds are collective savings and investment vehicles where

saving of small (of sometimes big) investors are pooled together to invest for
their benefit and returns distributed proportionately”.
“A mutual fund is an investment that pools your money with the
money of an unlimited numbers of other investors. In return, you and the
other investors each own shares of the fund. The fund’s assets are invested
according to an investment objective in to the fund’s portfolio of
Aggressive growth funds seek long-term capital growth by investing
primarily in stocks of fast-growing smaller companies or market segments.
Aggressive growth funds are also called capital appreciation funds”.


Wide variety of Mutual Fund Schemes exists to cater to the needs such as
financial position, risk tolerance and return expectations etc. The table
below gives an overview into the existing types of schemes in the


An open-ended fund offers its units to the investors for sale and repurchase
at all the times at a price based on the net asset value (NAV) per unit. AMFI
booklet has described NAV as the market value of the asset of the scheme
minus its liabilities. It’s per unit value is obtained by dividing the amount of
the market value of the fund’s assets (plus accrued income minus fund’s
liabilities) by the number of units outstanding. Thus, the holders of the
units in such funds can buy or redeem units from the fund itself at any


Close-ended funds offer a fixed number of units for a fixed period of
subscription to the investors as declared in their initial public offer (IPO).
After subscription period is over, these funds do not allow investors to buy
or redeem units directly from the fund house. However, many close-ended

funds get themselves listed on stock exchange(s) and enable investors to buy
or sell units of these schemes in the same fashion as for the shares of a
company. The fund’s units may be traded above the NAV, called ‘selling at a
premium’, or below, called ‘selling at a discount’.


These embrace the features of both open-ended and close-ended funds.
These funds may be traded on stock exchange or may be open for sale or
redemption during predetermined intervals at NAV related prices. Legally,
interval funds are classified as closed-end funds, but they are very different
from traditional closed-end funds in two ways. First, their shares typically
do not trade on the secondary market. Instead, their shares are subject to
period repurchase offers by the fund at a price based on net asset value.
Second, they are permitted continuously offer their shares at a price based
on the fund’s net asset value. An interval fusil make periodic repurchase
offers to its shareholders, generally every three, six, or tweellmonths, as
disclosed in the fund’s prospectus and annual report.


The objective of a growth fund is to achieve capital appreciation over
medium to long term. These schemes normally invest a majority of their
funds in equities and are willing to bear short term decline in value for
possible future appreciation. Around 80-90 percent of corpus of these funds
is invested in equity and equity linked instruments and the balance in debt
and money market securities. These schemes are not for investors seeking
regular income or needing their money back in the short term but are
suitable for long term investors seeking capital appreciation and ready to
bear a medium to high level of risk. These are also known as “nest eggs” or
“long haul” investments. Fidelity Equity Fund, HSBC Dynamic Fund,
Quantum Long-Term Equity Fund are some examples of growth mutual
funds in India.
The aim of the balanced funds is to provide both capital appreciation and
periodic returns over a long period of time. These funds have reasonable mix
of equity and bond in their portfolio by investing both in shares and fixed
income securities in the proportion as indicated in their offer documents.
Normally a balanced fund invests 60 percent out of its net assets in equity
and 40 percent in fixed income securities, money market instruments and
cash. Their risk profile is medium to high. These are also called “income–
cum–growth” funds and are ideal for investors seeking for a combination
of regular income and moderate growth. HDFC Balanced Fund, UTI
Balanced Fund, Tata Balanced Funds are some of the examples of these
funds in India.


Income funds provide regular and steady income to its investors. These
funds generally invests in fixed income securities such as government
securities, bonds, corporate debentures, money market instruments, cash
and cash equivalent while at the same time maintains a small exposure to
the equity markets. Such funds are less risky as compared to equity
schemes as they are not affected by the fluctuations in equity markets. Risk
profile of income funds is generally from low to medium however,
opportunities of capital appreciation are also limited.


Money market mutual funds provide easy liquidity, preservation of capital
and moderate income by investing in safer short term instruments such as
treasury bills (T-bills), certificates of deposits, commercial papers and
interbank call money. These funds provide high liquidity on low risk.
Returns on these schemes fluctuate according to the interest rates
prevailing in the market. Money market funds are ideal for corporate as well
as individual investors as a means to park their surplus funds for short
periods or awaiting a more favorable investment alternative. AIG India
Liquid Fund, DSP Black Rock Liquidity Fund, ICICI Prudential Liquid Plan,

Tata Money Market Fund and UTI Money Market fund are some of the
examples of these funds.

Gilt funds, as conveniently called are mutual fund schemes dedicated
exclusively to investments in government securities. Government securities
mean and include central government dated securities, state government
securities and treasury bills. These funds endow with the investors, safety of
their investments made in government securities and reaps better returns
than direct investments in these securities through investing in a variety of
government securities yielding varying rate of returns. The first gilt fund in
India was set up in December 1998. Gilt funds can be both short term and
long term, and depending on their investment horizon, investors can choose
between them.



Sector funds invest in a specified sector of the economy or in a specified

industry only as information technology, oil and gas companies or in
specified products. They carry the risk and return associated with these
industries. Major disadvantage from investment in these funds is that being
sector specific, they lack in diversification and their risk profile is also high.
Sector funds are suitable for investors who have already decided to invest in
a particular sector or segment. Baroda Pioneer Banking and Financial
Services Fund, Reliance Media and Entertainment fund, SBI Magnum Sector
Funds Umbrella–Pharmacy, JM Telecom Sector Fund, UTI Auto Sector Fund
are some of the sector funds in India.


Tax Saving Funds in India offer rebates in taxes to its investors under the
Income Tax Act, Section 88. They are also known as equity-linked savings
schemes (ELSS). Tax Saving Funds in India usually carry a lock-in-period of
three years. Therefore, these funds are not concerned about factors such as
the pressures of redemption, performance during a short timed. and thus
keep in view the long term goal. Fund manager of the Tax Saving Funds in
India invests money in instruments that are related to equity.


An exchange traded fund is an open ended fund that tracks an index like an
index fund, but trades like a stock on an exchange just like the shares of an
individual company. Unlike the share of a company, each unit of an ETF
represents a portfolio of stocks. Therefore, these funds are similar to a unit
of an open-ended mutual fund but with a big difference.


A Load Fund is one that charges a percentage of NAV for entry in to or exit
from these funds. That is, investors pay a charge each time they buy or sell
units in the fund. This charge is used by the mutual fund for marketing and
distribution expenses. For example, suppose the NAV per unit is Rs. 10. If
the entry as well as exit load is 1%, then the investors who buy would be
required to pay Rs. 10.10 and those who offer their units for repurchase to
the mutual fund will get only Rs. 9.90 per unit. Load charges must be taken
into consideration while making investment as these affect the
yields/returns. A no-load fund is one that does not charge for entry or exit.
It means the investors can enter the fund/scheme at NAV and no additional
charges are payable on purchase or sale of its units.

Index Funds
Index Funds replicate the portfolio of a particular index such as the BSE
Sensitive index, S&P NSE50 index (Nifty), etc These schemes invest in the

securities in the same weight age comprising of an index. NAVs of such
schemes would rise or fall in accordance with the rise or fall in the index,
though not exactly by the same percentage due to some factors known as
"tracking error" in technical terms. Necessary disclosures in this regard are
made in the offer document of the mutual fund scheme.


Mutual funds have designed to provide maximum benefits to investors,
and fund manager have research team to achieve schemes objective.
Assets Management Company has different type of sector funds, which
need to proper planning for strategic investment and to achieve the market

Portfolio Diversification
Mutual Funds invest in a well-diversified portfolio of securities which
enables investor to hold a diversified investment portfolio (whether the
amount of investment is big or small). Professional Management Fund
manager undergoes through various research works and has better
investment management skills which ensure higher returns to the investor
than what he can manage on his own.

Less Risk
Investors acquire a diversified portfolio of securities even with a small
investment in a Mutual Fund. The risk in a diversified portfolio is
lesser than investing in merely 2 or 3 securities.Low Transaction Costs
Due to the economies of scale (benefits of larger volumes), mutual
funds pay lesser transaction costs. These benefits are passed on to the

An investor may not be able to sell some of the shares held by him very
easily and quickly, whereas units of a mutual fund are far more liquid.

Choice of Schemes
Mutual funds provide investors with various schemes with different
investment objectives. Investors have the option of investing in a
scheme having a correlation between its investment objectives and their
own financial goals. These schemes further have different plans/options .

Funds provide investors with updated information pertaining to the
markets and the schemes. All material facts are disclosed to investors as
required by the regulator.

Investors also benefit from the convenience and flexibility offered by
Mutual Funds. Investors can switch their holdings from a debt scheme to
an equity scheme and vice-versa. Option of systematic (at regular intervals)
investment and withdrawal is also offered to the nvestors in most open-
end schemes.

Mutual Fund industry is part of a well-regulated investment environment
where the interests of the investors are protected by the regulator. All
funds are registered with SEBI and complete transparency is forced.


The mutual fund not just advantage of investor but also has disadvantages
for the funds. The fund manager not always made profits but might creates
loss for not properly managed. The fund have own strategy for investment
to hold, to sell, to purchase unit at particular time period.

Costs Control Not in the Hands of an Investor

Investor has to pay investment management fees and fund distribution costs
as a percentage of the value of his investments (as long as he holds
the units), irrespective of the performance of the fund.
No Customized Portfolios
The portfolio of securities in which a fund invests is a decision taken by the
fund manager. Investors have no right to interfere in the decision making
process of a fund manager, which some investors find as a constraint in
achieving their financial objectives.
In accordance with the provisions of the Indian Trust Act, 1882 every
mutual fund shall be constituted in the form of a trust. SEBI Guidelines,
1992 spell out in clear terms the establishment norms for mutual funds. It
contemplated a three tier system for managing the affairs of mutual
funds. The three constituents are the sponsoring company, the trustees
and the assets management company (AMC). These three constituents were
incorporated in SEBI Regulations, 1996 for the management of mutual
funds. Apart from these three, Custodians and transfer agents are two
more important constituents of mutual funds.

Sponsor of a mutual fund is akin to the promoter of a company as he
gets the fund registered with SEBI. Under SEBI regulations, sponsor is
defined as any person who acting alone or in combination with another body
corporate establishes the mutual fund. Sponsor can every trustee should

be a person of integrity, ability and standing. SEBI has also defined the
rights and obligations of trustees. Under their rights, trustees appoint
AMC with the prior approval of SEBI. They approve each of the schemes
floated by AMC in consultation with the sponsors. They have the right to
obtain from the AMC, such information as they consider necessary to
fulfill their obligations. Trustees can even dismiss AMC with the approval of
the SEBI and in accordance with the regulations. Under their obligations,
trustees must ensure that the transactions of mutual funds are in
accordance with the trust deed and its activities are in compliance
with SEBI regulations. They must ensure that AMC has all the procedures
and systems in place, and that all the fund constituents are appointed.
Also, they must ensure due diligence on the part of AMC in the
appointment of business associates and constituents. Trustees must
furnish to SEBI, on half-yearly basis a report on the activities of the AMC.

Under the Indian trust act 1882, a sponsor creates mutual fund trust,
which is the main body in creation of mutual funds. Trustees may be
appointed as an individual or as a trustee company with the prior approval
of SEBI. As defined under the SEBI regulations, 1996, trustees mean board
of trustees or Trustee Company who hold the property of mutual fund for
the benefit of the unit holders. A Trustee acts as the protectors of the unit
holders’ interests and is the primary guardians of the unit holders’ funds
and assets. Sponsor executes and registers a trust deed in favor of trustees.
There must be at least 4 members in the board of trustees and least two
third of them need to be independent. For example, HDFC Trustee Company
Limited is the Trustee of HDFC Mutual Fund vide the Trust deed dated June
8, 2000. It has five board members, of whom three are independent. To
ensure fair dealings, mutual fund regulations require that trustee of one
mutual fund cannot be a trustee of another one, unless he is an
independent trustee in both the cases, and has approval of both the boards.
AMC, its directors or employees shall not act as trustees of any mutual
fund. Trustees must be the person with experience in financial services and

every trustee should be a person of integrity, ability and standing. SEBI has
also defined the rights and obligations of trustees. Under their rights,
trustees appoint AMC with the prior approval of SEBI. They approve each of
the schemes floated by AMC in consultation with the sponsors. They have
the right to obtain from the AMC, such information as they consider
necessary to fulfill their obligations.
Asset Management Company is the body engaged to run the show of a
mutual fund. The sponsor or trustees appoint AMC to manage the affairs of
the mutual fund to ensure efficient management. SEBI desires that AMC
must have a sound track record in terms of net worth, dividend paying
capacity, profitability, general reputation and fairness in transactions. AMC
is involved in basically three activities as portfolio management, investment
analysis and financial administration. Therefore, the directors of AMC
should be expert in these fields. SEBI’s regulation for AMC requires that it
should have a net worth of at least Rs. 10 crore at all times and that a
company can act as an AMC of one mutual fund only. Also, at least 50
percent of the members of the board of an AMC have to be independent and
these can be the director of another AMC also. Its chairman should be an
independent person.


SEBI requires that each mutual fund shall have a custodian who is
independent and registered with it. SEBI regulations provide for the
appointment of a custodian by trustees of the mutual fund who are
responsible for carrying on the activities of safe keeping of securities and
participating in any clearing system on behalf of mutual fund. Custodian is
not permitted to act as a custodian of more than one mutual fund without
the prior approval of SEBI. They should be independent of the sponsors.
As for example, ICICI Bank is a sponsor of ICICI Prudential Mutual
fund. It is also a custodian bank. But it cannot offer its services to ICICI
Prudential Mutual fund, because it is a sponsor of this fund.

The appointment of any agency as custodian depends upon its track record,
quality of services, experience, transparency, computerization and other
infrastructure facilities. Custodians primarily perform securities settlement
functions. However, some also offer fund accounting and valuation
services. The responsibilities of custodian include delivering and
accepting securities and cash, to complete transactions made in the
investment portfolio of mutual funds. Custodians also track and keep
payouts and corporate actions such as bonus, rights, offer for sale, buy
back offers, dividends, interest and redemption on the securities held by the
fund. They also look after that the discrepancies and failure must be timely
resolved. The appointment of any agency as custodian depends upon its
track record, quality of services, experience, transparency,
computerization and other infrastructure facilities. Custodians primarily
perform securities settlement functions. However, some also offer fund
accounting and valuation services. The responsibilities of custodian
include delivering and accepting securities and cash, to complete
transactions made in the investment portfolio of mutual funds.
Custodians also track and keep payouts and corporate actions such as
bonus, rights, offer for sale, buy back offers, dividends, interest and
redemption on the securities held by the fund. They also look after that the
discrepancies and failure must be timely resolved. as redemption, purchase
and switches. Banking the payment instruments such as drafts and
cherubs given by investors and notifying the AMC is also done by them. R&T
send statutory and periodic information to investors and process
payouts to investors in the form of dividends and redemptions.

Registrar and transfer (R&T) agents are responsible for creating and
maintaining investor records kept in numbered account called folios and
servicing them. They accept and process investor transactions and also
operate investor service centre (ISCs) which acts as an official points for
accepting investor transactions with a fund. As for example, Computer Age
Management Services (CAMS) is the R&T agent for HDFC mutual fund. R&T

functions include issuing and redeeming the units and updating the unit
capital account. R&T perform creating, maintaining and updating the
investors’ records and enabling their transactions suchas redemption,
purchase and switches. Banking the payment instruments such as drafts
and cheques given by investors and notifying the AMC is also done by them.
R&T send statutory and periodic information to investors and process
payouts to investors in the form of dividends and redemptions.



UTI was established in 1963 through an act of parliament. It was set up
by RBI and functioned under its regulatory and administrative control. In
1978, UTI was delinked from RBI and the Industrial Development Bank
of India (IDBI) took over the regulatory and administrative control in
place of RBI. The first scheme launched under UTI was Unit Scheme
64 in June 1964. After Unit Scheme 64, between 1971 and 1987, UTI
introduced seven more schemes targeted for different segments of the
investor. The asset under management of UTI had increased from Rs.
246.7 million in 1964-65 to Rs. 45,636.8 million in 1986-87.


The monopoly of UTI came to an end in 1987 when Government of India
permitted commercial banks in public sector to set up subsidiaries
operating as trusts to perform the functions of mutual funds. The first
non-UTI mutual fund was State Bank of India Mutual Fund established
in June, 1987 followed by Can bank Mutual Fund (Dec., 1987),
Punjab National Bank Mutual Fund (Aug., 1989), Indian Bank Mutual
Fund (Nov., 1989), Bank of India Mutual Fund (June, 1990), Bank of
Baroda Mutual Fund (Oct., 1992). Life Insurance Corporation of India
(LIC), established its mutual fund in June 1989 while General Insurance

Corporation of India (GIC), had set up its mutual fund in December 1990.
These mutual funds enlarged the investor community and investible funds.
From 1987 to 1992-93, Indian mutual fund industry expanded seven times
in terms of asset under management. At the end of1993, the mutual fund
industry had assets under management of Rs. 4,70,040 millions


FUNDS) A new era started in Indian Mutual Fund industry with the
entry of private sector funds in 1993, which provided Indian investors a
wider choice of fund families. Also, this was the year in which first mutual
fund regulations came into being under which all mutual funds, except UTI
were to be registered and governed. The erstwhile Kothari Pioneer (now
merged with Franklin Templeton) was the first private sector mutual
fund registered in July 1993.
Introduction of private sector mutual funds also opened a way for foreign
asset management companies to set up joint venture with domestic mutual
funds. The period of rapid expansion of mutual funds was also marked by a
decline in stock prices. The market conditions resulted in an attrition of
NAVs. The discounts on the prices of quoted schemes to NAVs widened.
Investors’ confidence suffered and their perception became poor [99].
Besides legality and ethics, profitability as well as performance of
mutual funds started eroding. On sight inspections and close
monitoring of mutual funds by SEBI brought to light several abuses,
common violations of regulations and unhealthy business relations and
thus, the regulations 1996 and the Union Budget of 1999 had a far
reaching impact on mutual funds industry and its investors. The number
of mutual fund houses went on increasing, with many foreign mutual
funds setting up funds in India. Industry has also witnessed several
mergers and acquisitions in this time period. At the end of January
2003, there were 33 mutual funds with total assets of Rs. 1,21,8050
millions. The Unit Trust of India with Rs. 44,5410 millions of assets under
management was still a way ahead of other mutual funds.

In February 2003, following the repeal of the Unit Trust of India Act 1963
UTI was bifurcated into two separate entities. One was the Specified
Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India with assets under management of Rs.
29,8350 millions as at the end of January 2003. The second was UTI
Mutual Fund, sponsored by SBI, PNB, BOB and LIC. It has been registered
with SEBI and functions under the Mutual Fund Regulations. With this, the
current phase of consolidation and growth of Indian mutual fund industry
had started. Indian mutual fund industry has witnessed impressive growth
with their number of schemes increasing from 1 in 1964 to 1309 in 2012 ,
with 44 players i.e., mutual fund companies in the market. The total assets
under management had also increased from Rs. 250 million in March, 1965
to Rs. 66,47,920 million in March, 2012.

Reliance Mutual Fund, a part of the Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group
is the No. 1 Mutual Fund in India. Reliance Mutual Fund offers investors a
well rounded portfolio of products to meet varying investor requirements.
Reliance Mutual Fund has a presence in over 100 cities across the country,
an investor base of over 3.9 million and manages assets over Rs. 67,598
Crores as on August 31, 2007. Reliance Mutual Fund constantly endeavors
to launch innovative products and customer service initiatives to increase
value to investors.

Reliance Mutual Fund schemes are managed by Reliance Capital Asset

Management Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Reliance Capital Ltd.
Reliance Capital Ltd. is one of India’s leading and fastest growing private
sector financial services companies, and ranks among the top 3 private
sector financial services and banking companies, in terms of net worth.
Reliance Capital Ltd. has interests in asset management and mutual funds,
life and general insurance, private equity and proprietary investments, stock
broking and other financial services.

HDFC Asset Management Company Ltd (AMC) was established under
the Companies Act, 1956, on December 10, 1999, and was approved to act
as an Asset Management Company for the HDFC Mutual Fund by SEBI
vide its letter dated July 3, 2000. The registered office of the AMC is
situated at Ramon House, 3rd Floor, H.T. Parekh Margi, 169, Back
bay Reclamation, Church gate, Mumbai 400 020.

The sponsors of HDFC Mutual Fund are Housing Development Finance

Corporation Limited and Standard Life Investments Limited. Both have
contributed sum of Rs. one lakh each to the trustee in the corpus of the

HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited, promoted by HDFC was the first life
insurance company in the private sector to be granted a Certificate of
Registration (on October 23, 2000) by the Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority to transact life insurance business in India.

Standard Life Investments was launched as an investment management

company in 1998. It is the dedicated investment management company of
the Standard Life group and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Life
Investments (Holdings) Limited, which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary
of Standard Life plc.

HDFC Asset Management Company Ltd (AMC) was established under the
Companies Act, 1956, on December 10, 1999, and was approved to act as
an Asset Management Company for the HDFC Mutual Fund by SEBI vide its
letter dated July 3, 2000. The registered office of the AMC is situated at

Ramon House, 3rd Floor, H.T. Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation,
Churchgate, Mumbai 400 02

Birla Sun Life Asset Management Co Ltd Established in 1994, Birla Sun Life
Asset Management Company Limited (BSLAMC), investment manager for
Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund, is a joint venture between the Adyta Birla
Group and Sun Life Financial Inc, a leading international financial services
organization from Canada.

Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund is the fourth largest Fund house in India based
on domestic average assets under management as published by AMFI for
the quarter ended March 31, 2014. Unimpressive mix of reach, a wide range
of product offerings across equity, debt, balanced as well as structured asset
classes and strong investment performance has helped the company garner
close to 2 million investor scheme accounts (as of March 31, 2014). BSLAMC
offers investors a range of comprehensive investment options, which
includes diversified and sector specific equity schemes, hybrid funds and a
wide range of debt and treasury products. Its offerings also include Portfolio
Advisory Services for High Net worth Individuals as well as offshore funds
for Non-Resident Indians.

Aditya Birla Financial Services Group (ABFSG) has built a significant

presence across its verticals, viz life insurance, asset management, NBFC,
private equity, broking, wealth management & distribution and general
insurance advisory services.

Sun Life Financial is a leading international financial services organization

providing a diverse range of protection and wealth accumulation products
and services to individuals and corporate customers. Chartered in 1865,
Sun Life Financial and its partners today have operations in key markets
worldwide, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom,

Ireland, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China and
Bermuda. As of March 31, 2011, the Sun Life Financial group of companies
had total assets under management of Canadian $ 469 billion.

ICICI Asset Management Company Limited (I-AMC), a company registered
under the Companies Act, 1956, was established by ICICI as its wholly
owned subsidiary, to act as the Investment Manager of the ICICI Mutual
Fund vide the Investment Management Agreement dated September 3,
1993. Consequent to a review of long-term business strategy of the AMC, it
was decided to further strengthen commitment to the individual investor
segment. As a part of this Scheme, Prudentially. (formerly known as
Prudential Corporation plc.) of the UK (Prudential) was inducted as the new
joint venture partner.

Prudential plc is a leading international financial services group providing

retail financial products and services and fund management to many
millions of customers worldwide. As a group Prudential plc has, as of 31
December 2002, overGBP155 billion of funds under management, more
than 12 million customers and over 15,000 employees, worldwide.

The AMC will manage the schemes of the Fund, including the Scheme
mentioned in this Offer Document, in accordance with the provisions of
Investment Management Agreement, the Trust Deed, the Regulations and
the objectives of each of the schemes.

Prudential ICICI Trust Limited, a company incorporated under the

Companies Act, 1956 is the Trustee to the Fund vide Trust Deed dated
August 25, 1993 as amended from time to time. Prudential plc, through its
wholly owned subsidiary, Prudential Corporation Holdings Limited, U.K.
holds 55% of the shares of the Trustee, whereas the balance
45%shareholding of the Trustee company is being held by erstwhile ICICI

and is under a process of being transferred to Citibank Ltd and its Group

UTI Mutual Fund is sponsored by Bank of Baroda, Punjab National Bank,
State Bank of India and the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). The
Sponsors have entrusted a sum of Rs10,000/- to the Trustee as the initial
contribution towards the corpus of the Mutual Fund.

UTI – The Division and Repeal of the Unit Trust of India Act, 1963 (UTI Act)
In terms of The Unit Trust of India (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act
2002 (hereafter referred to as the Act), interlaid, all the Schemes / Plans of
the erstwhile Unit Trust of India stood transferred to and vested in UTI
Trustee Company Private Limited, the Trustee Company of UTI Mutual Fund
and the Administrator of the Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India
with effect from the appointed day i.e. 1stFebruary 2003. UTI Mutual Fund
has been structured in accordance with The SEBI (Mutual Funds)
Regulations, 1996. Comprising a three tier structure namely UTI Mutual
Fund, UTI Trustee Company Pvt. Ltd., (the Trustee Company to UTI Mutual
Fund) and UTI Asset Management Company Ltd., (the Investment Managers
to UTI Mutual Fund).

The Investment Management Agreement shall contain such clauses as are

mentioned in the Fourth Schedule of SEBI (MF) Guidelines, 1996 and such
other clauses as are necessary for the purpose of making investments. The
Trustees shall have a right to obtain from UTI AMC such information as is
considered necessary by the Trustees.

The scheme particulars have been prepared in accordance with Securities

and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations 1996, as amended
till date, and fled with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The

units being offered for public subscription have not been approved or
disapproved by SEBI, nor has SEBI certified the accuracy or adequacy of
this KIM.

Chakrabarti and Harsha Rungta (2000), undertook research on “identify
and evaluate the performance of mutual funds” with focus on private sector
equity funds. The study identified main objective that the risk-return
characteristics of selected major equity-based private mutual funds
companies. The study concludes that inference of the study reveals that
there is no one-to-one correspondence between performance by return and
performance by risk-adjusted returns .

Mishra (2001) undertook research on “24 public sector sponsored mutual

funds”. The study identified main objective that performance was evaluated
in terms of rate of return, Treynor, Sharpe and Jensen's measures of
performance. The study also addressed beta's instability issues. Under to
study the research collected data the period, April 1992 to December 1996.
The study concluded dismal performance of PSU mutual funds in India, in
general, during the period, 1992-96.

Sapar & Narayan(2003) undertook research on “269 open ended schemes of

mutual funds” in a bear market using relative performance index, risk-
return analysis, Treynor's ratio, Sharp's ratio, Sharp'smeasure, Jensen's
measure, and Fama's. The results obtained advocate that most of the
mutual fund schemes in the sample outperformed the investor's
expectations by giving excess return over expected return based on premium
for systematic risk and total risk.

Nalini Prava Tripathy (2004) undertook research on “31 tax planning

schemes of mutual fund in India”. The study identified main objective
thatpaper examined the performance ixia terms of six performance
measures and the results indicate that the fund managers have not been
successful in reaping returns in excess of the market. Under to study the
research collected data the period 1994-1995 to 2001-2002.

Deepak Agrawal (2007), undertook research on “overview of mutual fund

activity in India”. The study identified main objective that revealed that the

performance of the Mutual Fund Industry in India is affected by saving and
investment habits of the people on one hand and on the second side, the
confidence and loyalty of the fund Manager. He also analyzes data at both
the fund-manager and fund-investor levels.

Bodla and Sunita(2007) undertook research on “merging Trends of Mutual

Funds in India: A Study Across Category and Type of schemes”. The study
identified main objective that the growth of Indian mutual fund industry in
terms of increase in number of schemes and funds mobilized. The result
shows that the total schemes have grown to above 1200 and the total
purchases during 2006 crossed Rs. 3.5 lakh crores. The study concludes
that analysis has been carried across nature, type and sector of the
schemes. The private sector funds and joint ventures have outperformed the
public sector funds.

Sathya Swaroop Debasish (2009) undertook research on “23 schemes

offered by six private sector mutual funds and three public sectors of
mutual funds”. The study identified main objective that based on risk-return
relationship models and measure it over the time period of 13 years. Under
to study the research collected data the period April 1996 to March 2009.
The analysis has been made on the basis of mean return, beta risk, co-
efficient of determination, Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio and Jensen Alpha. The
study concludes that overall analysis wind ups Franklin Templeton and UTI
being the best performers and LIC, Birla Sun Life and HDFC mutual funds
screening below-average performance when measured against the risk-
return relationship models.

Treynor and Mazuy (2010), evaluated the performance of 57 fund

managers n terms of their market timing abilities and found that, fund
managers had not successfully outguessed the market. The results
suggested that, investors were completely dependent on fluctuations in the
market. The study adopted Treynor's 1965) methodology for reviewing the
performance of mutual funds.

Deepak Agrawal (2011), in his paper provides an overview of mutual fund
activity in India”. He also analyzes data at both the fund-manager and fund-
investor levels. The 26 study revealed that the performance of the Mutual
Fund Industry in India is affected by saving and investment habits of the
people on one hand and on the second side the confidence and loyalty of the
fund manager.

Sharpe (2011), undertook research on “34 open-ended mutual funds”. The

study identified main objective that the developed a composite measure that
considers return and risk evaluated the performance. Under to study the
research collected data the period 1944-63. He concluded that the average
mutual fund performance was distinctly inferior to an investment in the
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)

Smith and Tito (2011), undertook research on “overview of mutual fund”.

The study identified main objective that reviewed three widely used
composite measures of investment performance and examined their inter-
relationships and put forward another alternative measure which was then
compared empirically. While ranking the funds on the basis of ex-post
performance, the alternative measure produced little difference in
performance. In contrast, when performance comparisons were made with
the market. The study concludes that differed significantly. In view of this,
the alternative measure suggested by them was referred to as the modified
Jensen measure.

Kalpesh P Prajapati and Mahesh K Patel (2012) undertook research on

“evaluated the performance of Indian mutual funds”. The study identified
main objective that using relative performance index, risk-return analysis,
Treynor's ratio, Sharp's ratio, Sharp's measure, Jensen’s measure and
Fame’s measure. The data collection 1st January 2007 to 31stDecember,
2011. The study concludes that most of the mutual funds have given
positive return during the period of study

Shivani Inder and Shikha Vohra (2012), undertook research on “evaluates
the long run performance of the selected index fund schemes” The study
identified main objective that analysis of the performance of these funds on
the basis of the risk-return for the period of 6 years. The results indicate
that index funds are just the followers of market. Under to study the
research collected data the period January, 2005 to December, 2011. The
study concludes that They try to capture market sentiments, good as well as
bad, and thus perform as the market performs.

Treynor Index (2012), A third performance measure is the Treynor index.

This is calculated in the same manner as the Sharpe index, using excess
returns on the fund, but the excess return on the fund is scaled by the beta
of the fund, as opposed to the funds' standard deviation of returns.

Annapoorna and Gupta(2013), undertook research on “evaluate the

performance of the average returns on mutual fund schemes”. The study
identified main objective that the mutual fund scheme ranked 1 by CRISIL
and compare these returns with SBI domestic term deposit rates. The study
concludes that Bearing in mind the interest of retail investors simple
statistical techniques like averages and rate of returns are used.


 A research shall conduct research will help to know that the investor
invest in which mutual fund scheme to earn maximum income.
 That also helps to know what level risk involve in different scheme.




1] Primary objective:-
 TO compare different mutual fund income scheme.

2] Secondary objective:-
 To find risk and return level of different mutual fund.


 Exploratory research design

 Descriptive research design
 Causal research design

An exploratory research design focused on the discovery of ideas and is

generally based on secondary data.


 Risk
 Return


I have use secondary data of the income scheme

of mutual fund.

Book of investment management

w.w.w yahoofinance.com
w.w.w ICICI .com
w.w.w reliancemutual.com
w.w.w UTImf .com


1] Sampling unit:-
I have use take five companies from India.
Reliance mutual fund
UTI mutual fund
ICICI mutual fund
HDFC mutual fund
Birla sun life mutual fund

2] Sample size:-
I have study 5 company of income scheme of mutual fund.

3] Sample techniques:-
I have use non probability sampling technique for
convenience sampling.


BETA :- beta measures the volatility of the fund is value relative to

the volatility of fund. The beta coefficient indicates the percentage change by
one percentage points the formula of beta is as follows.

β = N∑XY - (∑X)(∑X)
N(∑X²) - (∑X)²

ALPHA :- alpha measure the return of the fund value the breather the
alpha the better return has the investment yield compared with other
investment objective with the some market risk.

α = Ȳ - β X̄

The researcher shall also use the percentage Sharpe’s performance index,
Jensen’s performance index, and average tools.


1. he result is basic on very few sample units which can not represent all

2. The analysis is based on historical data and that indicates past

performance which may not be indicates the future performance.



β = N∑XY - (∑X)(∑X)
N(∑X²) - (∑X)²

= 1201 (- 0.241797) - (0.387126)(0.150495)

1201(0.2705167²) - (0.3871) ²

= -0.21797 - 0.150495

= -0.392292

= - 0.001208


From the above calculate β it can be interpretation that the RELIANCE

mutual fund value of beta is -0.001208 that means 1% change in market
return which leads to -0.001208 in UTIRELIANCE mutual fund return.


β = N∑XY - (∑X)(∑X)
N(∑X²) - (∑X)²

= 1201(0.01492729) – (0.3871)(0.787376)
1201(0.2705167²) - (0.3871) ²

= 17.927675 - 0.297071

= 17.63.604

= 0.05429


From the above calculate β it can be interpretation that the HDFC mutual fund
value of beta is 0.05429 that means 1% change in market return which leads to
0.05429 in HDFC mutual fund return.


β = N∑XY - (∑X)(∑X)
N(∑X²) - (∑X)²

= 1201 (0.0694782) - (0.387126)(0.328769)

1201(0.2705167²) - (0.3871) ²

= 83.4433182 - 0.12.7275

= 83.3160432

= 0.256562


From the above calculate β it can be interpretation that the BIRLA SUN LIFE
mutual fund value of beta is 0.25562 that means 1% change in market return
which leads to 0.25562 in BIRLA SUN LIFE mutual fund return.


β = N∑XY - (∑X)(∑X)
N(∑X²) - (∑X)²

= 1201 (- 0.00086353) - (0.387126)(0.38732)

1201(0.2705167²) - (0.3871) ²

= -1.03709953 - 0.138322

= -2.17542153

= - 0.003619


From the above calculate β it can be interpretation that the ICICI mutual fund value
of beta is -0.003619 that means 1% change in market return which leads to -
0.003619 in ICICI mutual fund return.


β = N∑XY - (∑X)(∑X)
N(∑X²) - (∑X)²

= 1201 (0.0090984) - (0.387126)(0.5228069)

1201(0.2705167²) - (0.3871) ²

= 10.9271784 - 0.202392

= 10.7247864

= 0.033025


From the above calculate β it can be interpretation that the UTI mutual fund value
of beta is 0.033025 that means 1% change in market return which leads to
0.033025 in UTI mutual fund return.



α = Ȳ - β X̄

= 0.000324 – (- 0.001208)(0.000322)

= 0.000324]


Here the value of alpha is positive that is 0.000324. A positive value of alpha is a
healthy sing and would yield profitable return


α = Ȳ - β X̄

= 0.000656 - 0.05429 (0.000322)

= 0.0006385


Here the value of alpha is positive that is 0.0006385. A positive value of alpha is a
healthy sing and would yield profitable return.


α = Ȳ - β X̄

= 0.000274 – 0.256562(0.000322)

= 0.0001914


Here the value of alpha is positive that is 0.0001914. A positive value of alpha is a
healthy sing and would yield profitable return.


α = Ȳ - β X̄

= 0.000323 – (-0.003619)0.000322

= 0.0003242


Here the value of alpha is positive that is 0.0003242. A positive value of alpha is a
healthy sing and would yield profitable return.


α = Ȳ - β X̄

= 0.000435 - 0.033025 (0.000322)

= 0.0004244


Here the value of alpha is positive that is 0.0004244. A positive value of alpha is a
healthy sing and would yield profitable return.



St = Rp - Rf

= 0.388748 – 0.088

= 20.0272


St = Rp - Rf

= 0.787976 – 0.088

= 46.6122


St = Rp - Rf

= 0.328769 – 0.088

= 16.0331


St = Rp - Rf

= 0.38732 – 0.088

= 19.9321


St = Rp - Rf

= 0.5522807 – 0.088

= 28.953


The larger the, better the fund has performed. Thus, HDFC mutual fund
ranked as better fund because its index 0.466122 greater than other mutual
fund and HDFC MUTUAL FUND had a higher return of 0.0006385 compare to
other mutual fund.



Rp = α + β(Rm - Rf)

= 0.00032404 + (-0.001208) (0.387126 – 0.088)

= 0.00032404 + (-0.0003613)

= - 0.000037304


Rp = α + β(Rm - Rf)

= 0.0006385 + 0.05429 (0.387126 – 0.088)

= 0.0006385 + 0.016239

= 0.01687805


Rp = α + β(Rm - Rf)

= 0.0001914 + 0.256562 (0.387126 – 0.088)

= 0.0001914 + 0.007674

= 0.00786584


Rp = α + β(Rm - Rf)

= 0.0003242 + (-0.0003619) (0.387126 – 0.088)

= 0.0003242 + (-0.000108254)

= 0.0002159


Rp = α + β(Rm - Rf)

= 0.0004244 + 0.033025 (0.387126 – 0.088)

= 0.0004244 + 0.009873

= 0.01030302


The larger the st, better the fund has performed. Thus, UTI mutual fund
ranked as better fund because its index 0.01687805 greater than other
mutual fund and HDFC MUTUAL FUND had a higher return of 0.01688
compare to other mutual fund.

All the end of the report the researcher calculated the risk return of reliance
mutual fund, UTI mutual fund, HDFC mutual fund, Birla sun life mutual
fund, ICICI mutual fund. On the bases of these the researcher take decision
related in which mutual fund amount should invested that’s why the
researcher earning high profit.

Comparison of mutual fund

Reliance mutual fund 0.033025 0.0004244

UTI mutual fund 0.05429 0.0006385

HDFC mutual fund 0.256562 0.0001914

Birla sun life mutual -0.003619 0.0003242


ICICI mutual fund -0.001208 -0.001208

So on the basis of risk HDFC MUTUAL FUND is better compare to other

mutual fund understudy that is 0.256562, because risk level of this mutual
fund is comparatively less. Beta less than it means that the security will be
less volatile than the market, so among all RELIANCE MUTUAL FUND
funds have less risk than other. If the risk level is low return level is also

So on the basis of return level is UTI prudential mutual fund better compare
to other mutual fund understudy that is 0.0006385 because retune level of
these mutual funds is comparatively more than the other hand. And in this
investor get more return so, investor must to take more risk.

AT the end of research, researcher found when any person want to select
mutual fund on the bases of risk and return then the person also calculate
the beta and alpha though which they get an idea which mutual fund is
good in terms of risk and return which is good in terms of return.

The researcher makes comparison of reliance mutual fund, HDFC mutual

fund, ICIC I mutual fund, Birla sun life mutual fund, and UTI mutual fund.
On the basis of risk level reliance mutual fund is better compare to other
because risk level of these mutual funds is less than other.

On the basis of return level HDFC mutual fund is better compare to other
mutual fund because return level of these mutual funds is comparatively
more than the other. If investors want to get maximum return than the
investor should select UTI mutual fund if investors want to get at minimum
level of risk than the investors select.

Htpt:www.researchersworld.com /vo3/issue3/vol3_issue3_3/paper_7pdf
31/12/2015 46.78 108.47 77.84 44.93 127.1285 25,980.86
30/12/2015 46.79 108.37 77.42 44.95 126.7183 26,123.87
29/12/2015 46.78 108.69 77.74 44.92 126.8931 26,075.68
28/12/2015 46.81 108.74 77.65 44.97 126.8864 25,858.52
24/12/2015 46.8 108.22 77.09 44.96 126.0439 25,893.84
23/12/2015 46.72 108.09 77.1 44.9 125.7935 25,697.66
22/12/2015 46.69 107.15 76.33 44.87 125.0637 25,731.07
21/12/2015 46.78 107.46 76.81 44.96 125.4417 25,425.32
18/12/2015 46.88 106.58 76.14 45.09 124.6237 25,764.67
17/12/2015 46.85 107.13 76.91 45.06 125.3779 25,596.63
16/12/2015 46.71 106.3 75.99 44.94 123.8192 25,402.47
15/12/2015 46.67 105.77 75.5 44.92 123.3193 25,186.68
14/12/2015 46.77 105.29 75.03 45.02 122.7867 24,935.60
11/12/2015 46.73 105.41 74.64 44.98 122.5121 25,281.77
10/12/2015 46.74 105.9 75.37 44.99 123.3511 25,136.71
9/12/2015 46.72 105.47 74.69 45 122.7363 25,299.34
8/12/2015 46.8 106.42 75.56 45.11 123.8651 25,488.42
7/12/2015 46.77 107.07 76.21 45.08 124.9026 25,746.03
4/12/2015 46.92 107.36 76.36 45.24 124.9549 25,810.06
3/12/2015 46.81 107.82 77.14 45.15 125.7679 26,123.86
2/12/2015 46.83 108.24 77.81 45.18 126.4063 26,239.39
1/12/2015 46.71 108.44 78.05 45.07 126.6975 26,201.27
30/11/2015 46.74 108.39 77.88 45.11 126.5154 26,142.53
27/11/2015 46.86 108.32 77.93 45.23 126.4242 26,003.20
26/11/2015 46.89 107.57 77.38 45.27 125.9207 25,769.81
24/11/2015 46.84 107.37 76.87 45.22 125.5866 25,785.61
23/11/2015 46.88 107.53 77.05 45.24 125.8752 25,945.14
20/11/2015 46.97 107.53 77.1 45.34 125.6975 25,856.13
19/11/2015 46.95 107.4 77.01 45.34 125.6975 25,640.34
18/11/2015 46.97 106.48 75.88 45.36 124.421 25,837.71
17/11/2015 47 107.45 76.95 45.39 125.4134 25,897.88
16/11/2015 47.02 107.22 76.66 45.41 125.1907 25,580.15
13/11/2015 46.89 107.03 76.2 45.3 124.412 25,724.09
10/11/2015 46.8 106.78 76.47 45.21 124.4626 25,934.90
9/11/2015 46.93 107.68 77.74 45.34 125.824 26,094.09
6/11/2015 46.95 107.44 78.13 45.35 125.9539 25,809.00
5/11/2015 47.02 107.39 78.17 45.42 126.4647 26,284.01
4/11/2015 47.07 108.45 78.99 45.47 127.3005 26,557.80
3/11/2015 47.08 108.71 79.02 45.48 127.6336 26,704.02
2/11/2015 47.01 108.48 78.94 45.42 127.3777 26,660.71
30/10/2015 47.02 108.47 79.08 45.43 127.2162 26,641.69
29/10/2015 47.1 109 79.53 45.48 127.8275 26,878.48
28/10/2015 47.07 109.52 80.15 45.45 128.2205 27,083.70
27/10/2015 47.04 110.17 80.79 45.44 128.891 27,131.71
26/10/2015 47.1 110.13 81.03 45.48 129.0085 27,291.06
23/10/2015 47.1 110.35 81.38 45.49 129.0761 27,575.04
21/10/2015 47.11 110.19 80.94 45.51 128.8892 27,466.64
20/10/2015 47.1 110.45 80.99 45.48 129.2009 27,312.35
19/10/2015 47.11 110.39 81.13 45.47 129.3023 27,402.90
16/10/2015 47.12 109.85 80.83 45.47 128.6194 27,305.62
15/10/2015 47.09 109.37 80.18 45.45 127.8975 27,062.80
14/10/2015 47.07 108.81 79.49 45.42 127.481 26,842.19
13/10/2015 47.04 108.78 79.7 45.41 127.4099 26,760.32
12/10/2015 47.13 108.82 79.82 45.49 127.5136 26,874.29
9/10/2015 47.11 109.13 80.29 45.44 127.9798 27,242.60
8/10/2015 47.06 108.4 79.73 45.39 127.5555 26,974.92
7/10/2015 47.1 108.84 80.17 45.42 127.9807 27,116.86
6/10/2015 47.14 109.02 79.9 45.43 127.8803 26,966.86
5/10/2015 46.96 109.12 79.59 45.28 127.8886 26,976.66
1/10/2015 47.01 107.53 77.97 45.33 126.478 26,379.42
30/09/2015 46.75 107.41 77.96 45.07 126.3508 26,344.19
29/09/2015 46.39 106.44 76.93 44.74 125.1539 25,986.52
28/09/2015 46.39 106.15 76.46 44.73 125.147 25,496.38
24/09/2015 46.39 106.63 77.16 44.72 125.5189 25,922.71
23/09/2015 46.38 106.28 76.99 44.72 125.1875 25,798.05
22/09/2015 46.42 105.79 76.6 44.75 124.5875 25,526.53
21/09/2015 46.41 106.94 78.26 44.73 126.1109 26,274.37
18/09/2015 46.18 106.65 78.29 44.53 125.8989 26,107.98
16/09/2015 46.14 105.81 77.47 44.49 124.1446 26,130.36
15/09/2015 46.14 105.44 76.78 44.49 123.7854 25,884.05
14/09/2015 46.07 106.04 77.21 44.43 124.2433 25,908.34
11/9/2015 46.05 105.36 76.39 44.4 123.2927 25,706.87
10/9/2015 46.09 105.17 76.42 44.44 123.0767 25,793.77
9/9/2015 46.05 105.34 76.69 44.41 123.3247 25,522.96
8/9/2015 45.96 104.25 75.47 44.33 121.7396 25,682.87
7/9/2015 46.05 103.21 74.16 44.4 120.4764 24,972.01
4/9/2015 46.09 104.45 75.08 44.45 121.8551 25,302.98
3/9/2015 46.09 106 76.75 44.45 123.9148 25,772.58
2/9/2015 46.06 105.21 75.71 44.44 123.0282 25,614.69
1/9/2015 45.96 105.56 76.36 44.34 123.6454 25,891.95
31/08/2015 45.97 107.1 78.18 44.33 125.6509 26,127.04
28/08/2015 45.99 107.57 78.46 44.35 125.9531 26,469.42
27/08/2015 45.86 107.11 77.98 44.24 125.1747 26,542.84
26/08/2015 45.77 105.55 76.46 44.14 123.4681 26,137.03
25/08/2015 45.6 106.04 77.33 44.01 124.2586 26,063.27
24/08/2015 45.86 105.25 76.59 44.24 123.0659 25,916.26
21/08/2015 45.97 110.41 81.42 44.32 129.4869 26,730.40
20/08/2015 45.95 110.86 82.14 44.31 130.252 27,440.10
19/08/2015 45.91 112.41 83.35 44.26 131.7467 27,959.19
18/08/2015 45.89 112.1 83.07 44.24 131.3684 27,851.81
17/08/2015 45.83 111.63 83.17 44.18 131.0614 27,949.13
14/08/2015 45.68 111.21 83.6 44.03 131.5401 28,093.54
13/08/2015 45.68 109.57 82 44.02 129.6441 27,668.06
12/8/2015 45.68 109.75 81.91 44.03 129.5084 27,635.25
11/8/2015 45.62 110.85 83.04 43.97 130.8288 27,880.76
10/8/2015 45.62 111.47 83.64 43.95 131.3886 28,193.26
7/8/2015 45.54 111.41 84.04 43.9 131.7002 28,250.78
6/8/2015 45.53 111.67 84.26 43.89 131.595 28,327.11
5/8/2015 45.61 111.38 84.05 43.97 131.2966 28,291.88
4/8/2015 45.58 110.8 83.57 43.93 130.556 28,138.04
3/8/2015 45.51 110.78 83.79 43.85 130.4817 28,225.04
31/07/2015 45.53 110.2 83.73 43.86 129.9254 28,089.09
30/07/2015 45.5 108.89 82.65 43.84 128.9949 27,814.51
29/07/2015 45.36 108.37 82.2 43.69 128.1792 27,685.82
28/07/2015 45.32 107.81 81.86 43.67 127.3998 27,540.46
27/07/2015 45.35 107.65 82.09 43.68 129.1379 27,630.21
24/07/2015 45.28 108.96 83.66 43.62 129.1379 28,117.65
23/07/2015 45.24 109.73 84.33 43.59 129.8566 28,390.50
22/07/2015 45.23 109.68 84.73 43.58 130.0615 28,540.97
21/07/2015 45.23 109.15 83.71 43.57 129.0269 28,159.42
20/07/2015 45.19 109.77 84.46 43.54 130.0257 28,381.82
17/07/2015 45.19 109.88 84.5 43.52 129.7224 28,544.28
16/07/2015 45.21 109.77 84.49 43.54 129.5231 28,480.92
15/07/2015 45.13 109.19 83.65 43.46 126.3694 28,259.70
14/07/2015 45.33 108.8 82.91 43.65 126.3307 28,022.14
13/07/2015 45.34 108.55 82.99 43.67 125.0157 27,986.92
10/7/2015 45.36 107.8 82.02 43.69 124.3903 27,739.32
9/7/2015 45.33 107.47 81.68 43.66 123.4138 27,705.36
8/7/2015 45.35 107.44 81.98 43.68 122.7817 27,681.49
7/7/2015 45.17 108.6 83.44 43.51 122.4055 28,031.45
6/7/2015 45.12 108.69 83.59 43.46 122.3614 28,220.11
3/7/2015 45.06 108.38 83.17 43.4 126.3694 27,857.20
2/7/2015 44.96 108.08 82.74 43.28 126.3307 27,973.12
1/7/2015 44.86 108.1 82.85 43.16 125.0157 28,100.38
30/06/2015 44.97 107.17 82.11 43.27 124.3903 27,823.65
29/06/2015 44.99 106.63 81.6 43.31 123.4138 27,627.39
26/06/2015 45.14 107.63 82.19 43.48 122.7817 27,451.07
25/06/2015 45.22 107.71 82.42 43.57 122.4055 27,880.72
24/06/2015 45.25 107.68 82.05 43.59 122.3614 27,660.22
23/06/2015 45.28 108.04 82.34 43.59 122.2186 27,852.32
22/06/2015 45.06 107.8 82.07 43.39 123.726 27,760.11
19/06/2015 44.8 106.78 80.83 43.16 122.6766 27,427.19
18/06/2015 44.66 106.22 80.28 43.03 122.6778 27,207.76
17/06/2015 44.74 105.28 79.48 43.12 123.6398 26,916.99
16/06/2015 44.66 104.58 79.06 43.02 123.5807 26,815.41
15/06/2015 44.74 104.34 78.72 43.1 123.6337 26,586.86
12/6/2015 44.87 104.17 78.35 43.23 125.0407 26,498.67
11/6/2015 44.96 104.2 78.18 43.33 127.0271 26,340.32
10/6/2015 44.89 105.47 79.74 43.26 126.8902 26,959.98
9/6/2015 44.92 104.66 78.76 43.3 125.6233 26,517.32
8/6/2015 44.92 104.71 78.96 43.29 125.695 26,510.29
5/6/2015 45.09 105.46 79.65 43.46 125.5139 26,814.31
4/6/2015 45.2 105.52 79.79 43.58 125.8907 26,819.82
3/6/2015 45.5 105.47 79.76 43.87 126.4399 26,940.64
2/6/2015 45.51 106.33 80.64 43.87 126.3679 27,230.68
1/6/2015 45.44 108.03 82.56 43.8 126.2996 27,890.73
29/05/2015 45.39 107.96 82.57 43.74 125.9379 27,770.79
28/05/2015 45.38 107.12 81.43 43.73 125.8863 27,553.03
27/05/2015 45.43 107.12 81.57 43.79 124.9219 27,619.31
26/05/2015 45.42 106.89 81.62 43.78 124.5441 27,447.40
25/05/2015 45.39 107.18 81.98 43.74 124.4442 27,633.66
22/05/2015 45.4 107.53 82.83 43.76 123.4948 27,893.25
21/05/2015 45.34 107.38 82.46 43.69 125.3057 27,849.54
20/05/2015 45.18 107.6 82.54 43.53 124.1458 27,885.36
19/05/2015 45.1 107.39 81.98 43.43 122.7641 27,749.30
18/05/2015 45.12 107.19 82.05 43.47 123.7619 27,663.08
15/05/2015 45.07 106.62 80.96 43.44 126.1189 27,416.97
14/05/2015 45.14 106.22 80.59 43.49 126.0779 27,233.90
13/05/2015 45.23 105.82 80.71 43.54 124.3134 27,290.17
12/5/2015 45.01 104.86 79.64 43.33 124.6749 27,023.71
11/5/2015 45.16 106.4 81.59 43.47 123.843 27,502.91
8/5/2015 45.32 104.85 80.29 43.64 123.843 27,249.42
7/5/2015 45.47 103.89 78.94 43.77 124.8667 26,814.38
6/5/2015 45.4 104.99 79.32 43.74 126.2501 26,721.34
5/5/2015 45.5 107.09 81.56 43.83 126.4298 27,473.36
4/5/2015 45.58 107.07 81.63 43.92 126.8466 27,561.32
30/04/2015 45.54 105.9 80.18 43.86 126.8466 27,204.63
29/04/2015 45.52 106.17 80.75 43.84 128.4003 27,242.05
28/04/2015 45.59 105.92 81.21 43.91 129.5312 27,242.05
27/04/2015 45.59 104.95 80.51 43.92 130.0454 27,395.71
24/04/2015 45.54 106.51 81.41 43.86 130.5101 27,215.61
23/04/2015 45.51 107.87 82.31 43.82 129.9621 27,565.49
22/04/2015 45.49 108.38 82.64 43.82 129.8309 27,804.58
21/04/2015 45.47 108.11 82.12 43.8 129.2213 27,977.27
20/04/2015 45.48 108.35 82.81 43.82 129.2213 27,756.68
17/04/2015 45.44 109.69 84.38 43.78 129.0116 27,860.51
16/04/2015 45.45 110.81 85.36 43.78 128.2694 28,525.65
15/04/2015 45.48 111.06 85.8 43.82 126.9577 28,682.97
13/04/2015 45.44 111.11 86.61 43.77 125.5257 28,876.23
10/4/2015 45.48 110.59 86.1 43.79 125.4004 29,087.25
9/4/2015 45.66 110.51 86.08 43.98 126.8337 28,955.13
8/4/2015 45.55 109.98 85.46 43.89 126.9184 28,955.13
7/4/2015 45.43 109.42 84.94 43.81 127.0944 28,889.27
6/4/2015 45.32 109.29 84.92 43.72 127.5424 28,858.42
1/4/2015 45.3 108.43 84.21 43.67 128.4533 28,601.49
31/03/2015 45.34 107.46 83.28 43.72 128.9245 28,582.33
30/03/2015 45.41 107.41 83.31 43.75 128.9879 28,351.94
27/03/2015 45.43 106.06 81.86 43.77 128.9334 27,954.86
26/03/2015 45.43 105.49 81.88 43.77 128.4423 27,954.86
25/03/2015 45.42 106.74 83.72 43.79 128.9056 28,069.85
24/03/2015 45.35 107.01 83.86 43.7 128.9056 27,655.79
23/03/2015 45.38 107.53 83.9 43.75 129.1222 27,649.78
20/03/2015 45.34 108.17 84.12 43.7 129.0428 27,937.62
19/03/2015 45.32 108.94 84.66 43.68 130.5735 28,216.09
18/03/2015 45.47 109.6 85.18 43.84 130.4358 28,209.33
17/03/2015 45.39 109.66 85.54 43.76 131.3482 28,317.29
16/03/2015 45.44 109.05 84.68 43.77 130.7622 28,465.44
13/03/2015 45.49 109.12 84.82 43.81 129.7867 28,805.22
12/3/2015 45.59 110.13 86.08 43.88 128.1017 28,766.87
11/3/2015 45.68 109.28 85.34 43.95 128.8164 28,595.00
10/3/2015 45.49 109.32 85.46 43.77 128.8305 28,546.31
9/3/2015 45.55 109.51 85.87 43.8 128.8547 29,134.93
5/3/2015 45.58 110.59 87.66 43.81 129.6792 28,798.61
4/3/2015 45.53 110.11 87.31 43.78 129.9837 28,725.75
3/3/2015 45.58 110.83 88.05 43.84 129.8624 28,924.06
2/3/2015 45.53 110.16 87.57 43.79 129.2966 29,316.54
27/02/2015 45.54 108.2 86.41 43.83 129.459 29,436.77
26/02/2015 45.54 106.72 84.84 43.84 128.3153 29,436.77
25/02/2015 45.51 107.52 85.51 43.79 126.6541 29,937.27
24/02/2015 45.52 107.5 85.49 43.78 126.6541 29,500.19
23/02/2015 45.53 107.95 85.41 43.8 125.8694 29,533.42
20/02/2015 45.41 108.74 86.19 43.69 126.9739 28,865.12
19/02/2015 45.45 108.81 86.8 43.72 127.6838 29,051.90
18/02/2015 45.47 108.69 86.54 43.73 128.2055 29,115.32
16/02/2015 45.47 108.29 85.97 43.72 128.7113 29,016.55
13/02/2015 45.52 108.52 85.93 43.77 128.8896 29,316.58
12/2/2015 45.53 107.62 85.02 43.75 128.8804 29,446.21
11/2/2015 45.49 106.87 84.2 43.7 130.0265 29,434.91
10/2/2015 45.54 106 83.61 43.71 129.8113 29,136.07
9/2/2015 45.65 105.31 83.21 43.86 129.7605 29,170.77
6/2/2015 45.5 106.5 84.54 43.72 129.2012 29,170.77
5/2/2015 45.44 107.18 85.02 43.67 128.6516 28,888.99
4/2/2015 45.47 107.61 85.16 43.67 128.2784 28,650.25
3/2/2015 45.41 108.12 85.46 43.65 128.0883 28,450.26
2/2/2015 45.39 108.57 85.87 43.63 127.0321 28,122.48
30/01/2015 45.37 108.62 85.99 43.6 126.3054 28,566.50
29/01/2015 45.4 109.62 87.35 43.65 125.9531 28,892.21
28/01/2015 45.25 109.68 87 43.5 124.3481 28,912.38
27/01/2015 45.2 109.74 86.99 43.45 124.4814 29,129.85
23/01/2015 45.24 109.33 86.25 43.5 124.3573 29,217.40
22/01/2015 45.12 109.09 85.54 43.43 124.0271 29,143.63
21/01/2015 44.74 108.84 85.21 43.07 123.6168 29,801.60
20/01/2015 44.74 108.48 84.89 43.08 122.412 29,516.49
19/01/2015 44.65 107.73 83.48 42.96 122.6533 29,565.72
16/01/2015 44.48 107.17 83.12 42.81 125.2336 29,451.65
15/01/2015 44.46 107.13 82.93 42.77 125.3236 29,189.45
14/01/2015 44.42 105.76 80.83 42.74 124.2775 29,189.45
13/01/2015 44.31 105.87 81.04 42.63 124.1553 28,957.79
12/1/2015 44.34 105.84 81.29 42.65 123.6319 28,843.09
9/1/2015 44.37 105.42 80.91 42.67 123.3182 28,324.85
8/1/2015 44.46 104.76 80.41 42.75 122.5296 28,249.84
7/1/2015 44.5 103.81 79.14 42.76 122.1573 28,056.61
6/1/2015 44.45 103.8 79.38 42.74 122.8398 27,831.16
5/1/2015 44.29 106.01 81.84 42.55 123.3369 27,432.14
2/1/2015 44.16 106.37 82.02 42.43 122.7487 27,611.56
1/1/2015 44.22 105.46 80.93 42.49 121.9313 27,523.86
31/12/2014 44.27 105.3 80.91 42.55 120.253 27,358.30
30/12/2014 44.18 104.63 80.59 42.47 120.528 27,478.30
29/12/2014 44.19 104.12 80.57 42.5 122.5296 27,530.26
26/12/2014 44.3 103.49 80.13 42.56 122.1573 27,733.12
24/12/2014 44.2 103.09 79.9 42.47 122.8398 27,479.87
23/12/2014 44.18 103.38 80.79 42.45 123.3369 27,292.55
22/12/2014 44.67 103.74 81.35 42.96 122.7487 27,053.86
19/12/2014 44.69 103.37 80.39 42.96 120.253 26,724.01
18/12/2014 44.57 102.63 79.76 42.82 120.253 27,181.18
17/12/2014 44.38 101.01 78.51 42.65 120.528 27,136.28
16/12/2014 44.38 100.91 78.89 42.65 126.409 27,598.96
15/12/2014 44.26 102.64 80.35 42.53 125.6637 27,796.34
12/12/2014 44.18 103.05 80.4 42.42 125.3637 27,711.96
11/12/2014 44.06 103.36 81.07 42.3 125.8321 28,134.22
10/12/2014 44.04 103.81 81.68 42.29 124.8746 28,433.00
9/12/2014 44.07 103.37 81.54 42.29 124.6602 28,604.50
8/12/2014 43.74 104.37 82.49 41.99 124.4665 28,616.93
5/12/2014 43.58 105.54 83.46 41.82 125.5432 28,472.32
4/12/2014 43.37 105.71 83.71 41.65 126.409 28,522.46
3/12/2014 43.36 105.32 83.45 41.63 125.6637 28,748.22
2/12/2014 43.33 104.51 83.33 41.62 125.3637 28,490.71
1/12/2014 43.29 103.95 83.63 41.6 125.8321 28,397.80
28/11/2014 43.29 103.92 83.95 41.6 124.8746 28,321.58
27/11/2014 43.25 102.82 83.04 41.54 124.6602 28,520.76
26/11/2014 43.24 102.63 82.87 41.53 124.4665 28,413.01
25/11/2014 43.23 102.77 82.75 41.53 125.5432 28,100.10
24/11/2014 43.25 103.23 83.4 41.53 123.4118 28,100.84
24/11/2014 43.15 103.23 83.4 41.44 123.1694 28,193.90
21/11/2014 43.04 102.79 82.9 41.32 122.8112 28,209.03
20/11/2014 43.08 102.61 82.18 41.36 122.4701 28,018.68
19/11/2014 43.19 102.4 82.01 41.48 122.2665 27,949.54
18/11/2014 43.14 102.77 82.43 41.43 121.8452 28,048.56
17/11/2014 43.18 102.24 82.48 41.49 120.664 27,958.64
14/11/2014 43.11 101.36 82.09 41.42 119.858 27,911.25
13/11/2014 43.14 101.43 81.77 41.45 123.4118 27,919.45
12/11/2014 42.9 101.75 82.03 41.24 123.1694 27,902.71
11/11/2014 42.78 101 81.83 41.08 122.8112 27,907.19
10/11/2014 42.63 100.29 81.65 40.93 122.4701 27,943.04
7/11/2014 42.51 100.73 81.59 40.82 122.2665 27,439.06
5/11/2014 42.47 100.52 81.6 40.79 121.8452 27,098.94
3/11/2014 42.41 100.14 81.45 40.72 120.664 27,017.44
31/10/2014 42.24 99.56 81.42 40.57 119.858 26,788.73
30/10/2014 42.18 98.41 79.91 40.53 119.858 26,959.57
29/10/2014 42.12 97.76 79.17 40.49 118.9064 26,889.51
28/10/2014 42.02 97.4 78.57 40.39 118.9825 26,782.57
27/10/2014 42.04 97.1 78.21 40.41 118.8895 26,552.45
22/10/2014 41.95 96.8 78.26 40.35 118.1383 26,434.16
21/10/2014 41.86 96.13 77.6 40.28 117.4088 25,950.00
20/10/2014 41.76 95.51 77.14 40.19 116.6855 26,260.35
17/10/2014 41.72 94.8 76.19 40.12 116.212 26,537.42
16/10/2014 41.84 94.5 75.9 40.27 117.8268 26,275.07
14/10/2014 41.73 95.98 77 40.16 117.7411 26,551.74
13/10/2014 41.59 95.97 77.19 40.02 117.4661 26,394.37
10/10/2014 41.52 95.72 76.95 39.95 118.5229 26,229.67
9/10/2014 41.58 96.4 77.94 39.99 117.4464 26,487.51
8/10/2014 41.64 95.37 76.77 40.03 117.9004 26,681.47
7/10/2014 41.54 95.57 76.84 39.89 119.0749 26,610.71
1/10/2014 41.55 96.43 77.77 39.91 119.0948 26,694.41
30/09/2014 41.55 96.21 77.96 39.91 118.9927 26,429.30
29/09/2014 41.59 96.25 77.9 39.95 118.4086 26,808.66
26/09/2014 41.54 95.76 78.02 39.86 117.7592 26,817.94
25/09/2014 41.53 94.94 77.46 39.85 119.0191 27,244.98
24/09/2014 41.37 95.86 78.35 39.69 119.3316 27,008.12
23/09/2014 41.33 96.52 78.5 39.67 120.8165 27,139.39
22/09/2014 41.31 98.03 79.76 39.64 120.6365 26,573.89
19/09/2014 41.26 97.83 79.5 39.6 120.5351 26,627.21
18/09/2014 41.25 97.85 79.44 39.57 119.0126 26,854.90
17/09/2014 41.17 96.87 78.09 39.49 118.6448 26,998.07
16/09/2014 41.21 96.76 77.67 39.54 120.2204 27,048.15
15/09/2014 41.25 98.45 78.74 39.56 120.1862 27,143.22
12/9/2014 41.18 98.54 79.37 39.49 120.0137 27,230.94
11/9/2014 41.14 98 79.18 39.46 119.6246 27,316.43
10/9/2014 41.15 96.98 79.26 39.48 120.0061 27,145.12
9/9/2014 41.12 97.21 79.83 39.44 119.8278 27,127.26
8/9/2014 41.08 97.2 80.03 39.4 118.8981 27,164.95
5/9/2014 41.06 96.43 79.18 39.37 118.5214 27,128.06
4/9/2014 41.06 95.93 79.26 39.37 118.5635 26,888.21
3/9/2014 40.99 96.18 79.43 39.33 117.7659 26,733.18
2/9/2014 41 95.49 79.13 39.32 117.0663 26,620.18
1/9/2014 41.09 95.09 78.6 39.4 115.8934 26,553.24
28/08/2014 41.12 94.21 77.88 39.43 115.8769 26,349.87
27/08/2014 41.15 94.38 77.71 39.43 115.5969 26,490.31
26/08/2014 40.93 93.5 77.39 39.28 115.4777 26,419.53
25/08/2014 40.89 93.52 77.41 39.23 115.6319 26,322.66
22/08/2014 40.78 94.04 77.49 39.13 115.3301 26,496.29
21/08/2014 40.66 93.55 77.27 39.02 115.0998 26,482.56
20/08/2014 40.71 92.68 77.11 39.06 114.7514 26,123.69
19/08/2014 40.62 92.66 77.32 38.95 114.1298 25,948.30
18/08/2014 40.62 92.28 77.09 38.96 113.2141 25,861.47
14/08/2014 40.61 91.12 76.29 38.97 112.5835 25,703.78
13/08/2014 40.73 90.61 75.77 39.09 112.8488 25,476.87
12/8/2014 40.99 91 75.61 39.32 112.2526 25,406.87
11/8/2014 40.96 90.74 74.62 39.29 111.8396 25,668.71
8/8/2014 41.01 90 74.07 39.35 112.8685 25,892.55
7/8/2014 40.97 90.97 74.85 39.32 113.0669 25,817.84
6/8/2014 41.05 91.19 75.07 39.37 113.638 25,631.68
5/8/2014 41.1 91.68 75.8 39.42 113.0086 25,753.92
4/8/2014 41.18 91.19 75.18 39.5 112.2529 26,105.89
1/8/2014 41.16 90.63 74.38 39.49 113.2504 26,005.14
31/07/2014 41.08 91 75.55 39.4 113.5858 26,173.47
30/07/2014 41.01 90.85 76.24 39.32 112.9545 26,257.14
28/07/2014 40.88 90.7 75.82 39.19 113.5109 26,188.50
25/07/2014 40.9 90.97 76.16 39.22 114.255 26,130.26
24/07/2014 40.87 91.57 76.55 39.17 114.0847 25,784.48
23/07/2014 40.83 91.63 76.2 39.14 113.7938 25,776.54
22/07/2014 40.73 91.36 75.93 39 113.3 25,558.48
21/07/2014 40.77 91.06 75.11 39.07 113.0526 25,540.92
18/07/2014 40.85 91.01 74.91 39.15 112.7254 25,322.17
17/07/2014 40.91 90.8 74.68 39.23 112.2461 25,100.90
16/07/2014 40.9 90.17 74.5 39.22 111.3784 25,093.16
15/07/2014 40.97 89.18 73.54 39.27 110.5469 25,488.86
14/07/2014 40.99 88.12 72.84 39.28 110.6679 25,513.74
11/7/2014 40.95 88.33 72.88 39.27 111.9505 25,615.28
10/7/2014 40.93 89.52 73.92 39.24 112.0258 26,166.92
9/7/2014 40.77 89.85 74.09 39.12 113.0526 26,039.67
8/7/2014 40.72 90.5 74.45 39.06 112.7254 25,844.80
7/7/2014 40.75 92.25 76.05 39.08 112.2461 25,875.75
4/7/2014 40.79 92.02 75.71 39.11 111.3784 25,660.57
3/7/2014 40.77 91.75 75.28 39.1 110.5469 25,469.94
2/7/2014 40.67 91.83 75.34 39.03 110.6679 25,179.55
1/7/2014 40.75 90.97 74.46 39.07 111.9505 25,132.08
30/06/2014 40.84 90.77 74.23 39.17 112.0258 25,217.69
27/06/2014 40.85 89.69 73.24 39.19 112.6785 25,421.49
26/06/2014 41 89.52 73.09 39.33 114.9807 25,115.83
25/06/2014 40.92 89.86 73.83 39.27 114.6041 25,108.09
24/06/2014 40.97 89.91 73.94 39.32 114.305 25,237.54
23/06/2014 41.05 89.06 73.13 39.39 114.3926 25,327.09
20/06/2014 41.09 88.73 73.63 39.41 113.3319 25,565.19
19/06/2014 41.05 89.29 73.98 39.38 113.2329 25,189.46
18/06/2014 41.07 89.42 74.32 39.4 112.1539 25,239.50
17/06/2014 41.11 89.45 74.97 39.42 112.6785 25,677.05
16/06/2014 41 88.22 74.01 39.29 114.9807 25,597.21
13/06/2014 40.84 88.16 74.07 39.05 114.6041 25,650.62
12/6/2014 40.78 89.22 75.06 38.96 114.305 25,706.35
11/6/2014 40.63 88.92 74.81 38.74 114.3926 25,543.60
10/6/2014 40.63 89.03 75.1 38.68 113.3319 25,204.95
9/6/2014 40.57 88.87 75.08 38.55 113.2329 24,828.38
6/6/2014 40.5 88.21 74.37 38.47 112.1539 24,909.03
5/6/2014 40.52 87.16 73.29 38.45 111.6017 24,729.22
4/6/2014 40.48 86.62 72.58 38.39 111.8168 24,368.96
3/6/2014 40.52 85.94 72.71 38.47 111.8129 24,300.99
2/6/2014 40.38 85.61 72.12 38.26 111.1444 24,523.13
30/05/2014 40.29 84.02 70.83 38.15 110.8134 24,591.61
29/05/2014 40.16 83.86 70.91 38.02 111.1461 24,748.10
28/05/2014 40.12 83.99 71.77 37.97 111.4867 24,913.89
27/05/2014 40.11 84.03 71.64 37.95 111.9522 24,535.14
26/05/2014 40.15 84.01 72.04 37.99 111.1395 24,415.42
23/05/2014 40.12 84.43 72.11 37.93 111.2804 24,404.48
22/05/2014 40.18 83.45 71.26 38 112.4834 24,555.31
21/05/2014 40.13 82.65 71.05 38 112.3255 24,340.32
20/05/2014 40.09 82.2 71.26 37.95 112.5432 24,271.54
19/05/2014 40.03 81.22 71.12 37.9 112.7326 23,809.42
16/05/2014 40.07 80.15 70.59 37.93 111.8171 23,897.88
15/05/2014 40.12 79.32 69.69 37.94 110.8074 23,729.78
14/05/2014 39.99 79.71 69.58 37.8 109.92 23,031.11
13/05/2014 39.95 79.34 69.57 37.72 109.2876 22,374.98
12/5/2014 39.94 78.62 68.67 37.71 108.7457 22,382.14
9/5/2014 39.86 78.2 67.16 37.63 107.7493 22,488.96
8/5/2014 39.82 77.31 65.22 37.59 107.3464 22,512.23
7/5/2014 39.83 77.11 65.16 37.56 107.9519 22,412.80
6/5/2014 39.83 77.52 65.78 37.54 107.694 22,493.59
5/5/2014 39.73 77.24 65.63 37.46 108.1333 22,517.63
2/5/2014 39.66 77.05 65.57 37.24 108.425 22,654.28
30/04/2014 39.5 76.73 65.58 37.06 107.0325 22,717.59
29/04/2014 39.49 77.1 65.79 37.06 105.9726 22,892.50
28/04/2014 39.45 77.25 66.26 37 105.8739 22,783.65
25/04/2014 39.38 77.14 66.44 36.87 105.1235 22,771.24
23/04/2014 39.33 77.06 67.04 36.81 103.7476 22,644.75
22/04/2014 39.28 76.76 66.8 36.8 102.562 22,327.76
21/04/2014 39.27 76.57 66.83 36.79 102.7492 22,486.73
17/04/2014 39.34 76.1 66.44 36.97 102.3787 22,698.09
16/04/2014 39.38 75.2 65.42 37.09 101.5852 22,642.05
15/04/2014 39.54 75.69 65.99 37.38 100.4321 22,729.46
11/4/2014 39.53 76.01 66.42 37.37 99.0484 22,389.21
10/4/2014 39.49 76 66.61 37.31 98.8578 22,355.56
9/4/2014 39.5 75.88 66.63 37.35 99.0677 22,522.46
7/4/2014 39.48 74.77 65.64 37.32 99.0117 22,598.19
4/4/2014 39.46 75.05 65.65 37.32 98.948 22,550.58
3/4/2014 39.38 75.15 66.02 37.26 102.3787 22,455.23
2/4/2014 39.33 75.23 66.19 37.18 101.5852 22,423.14
1/4/2014 39.34 74.27 65.88 37.19 100.4321 22,273.44
31/03/2014 39.3 74.11 65.71 37.11 99.0484 22,116.23
28/03/2014 39.27 73.83 65.62 37.06 98.8578 22,134.71
27/03/2014 39.29 73.26 65.11 37.12 99.0677 21,948.31
26/03/2014 39.29 72.86 64.74 37.11 99.0117 21,827.50
25/03/2014 39.24 72.7 64.65 37.08 98.948 21,823.52
24/03/2014 39.18 72.7 64.6 36.97 98.8405 21,797.61
21/03/2014 39.09 72.39 63.71 36.92 99.2908 21,872.68
20/03/2014 39.09 71.97 63.61 36.91 99.5177 21,849.65
19/03/2014 39.04 72.17 64.01 36.81 99.7988 21,648.05
18/03/2014 39.03 72.1 63.94 36.77 100.0831 21,736.61
14/03/2014 38.99 71.92 63.84 36.73 100.0104 21,793.32
13/03/2014 39.01 71.86 63.71 36.77 100.1906 21,918.83
12/3/2014 38.91 72.13 63.96 36.66 99.7127 21,819.19
11/3/2014 38.94 72.3 63.91 36.7 98.6494 21,539.44
10/3/2014 38.94 72.36 64.15 36.68 99.2486 21,336.32
7/3/2014 39.03 72.44 64.03 36.79 99.4505 21,280.36
6/3/2014 39.02 72.48 62.81 36.79 99.2837 20,947.00
5/3/2014 39.01 72.08 62.09 36.78 99.0149 21,079.27
4/3/2014 38.96 71.63 61.81 36.75 97.9267 20,995.39
3/3/2014 38.96 71.22 61.03 36.72 97.8238 20,869.61
28/02/2014 38.89 71.29 61.56 36.65 98.2778 20,877.72
26/02/2014 38.96 70.89 61.22 36.77 98.6494 20,695.48
25/02/2014 39.08 71 60.87 36.92 99.2486 20,600.58
24/02/2014 39.2 70.8 60.73 37.06 99.4505 20,661.07
21/02/2014 39.15 70.45 60.43 37.01 99.2837 20,643.85
20/02/2014 39.17 69.9 59.81 37.06 99.0149 20,457.56
19/02/2014 39.16 69.85 60.39 37.03 97.9267 20,438.87
18/02/2014 39.18 69.55 60.15 37.04 97.8238 20,265.13
17/02/2014 39.07 69.25 59.63 36.89 98.2778 20,478.67
14/02/2014 39.03 69.36 59.35 36.8 98.6494 20,449.83
13/02/2014 38.99 69.09 58.87 36.82 99.2486 20,400.94
12/2/2014 39.07 69.46 59.7 36.94 99.4505 20,429.16
11/2/2014 39.12 69.14 59.47 36.99 99.2837 20,441.04
10/2/2014 39.16 68.7 59.38 37.08 99.0149 20,286.09
7/2/2014 39.21 68.64 59.46 37.14 97.9267 20,241.12
6/2/2014 39.35 68.2 59.2 37.36 97.8238 20,050.99
5/2/2014 39.41 68.58 59.09 37.37 98.2778 20,479.03
4/2/2014 39.5 68.42 58.89 37.45 98.6175 20,544.64
3/2/2014 39.56 68.42 58.9 37.5 98.1756 20,491.74
31/01/2014 39.35 68.65 59.73 37.31 97.9816 20,784.04
30/01/2014 39.38 67.9 59.57 37.35 97.7381 20,721.17
29/01/2014 39.31 68.25 60.05 37.25 96.7355 20,899.03
28/01/2014 39.13 68.44 60.13 37.01 96.3965 21,289.15
27/01/2014 39.01 68.34 60.22 36.88 96.319 21,319.69
24/01/2014 38.94 69.23 61.51 36.79 96.2898 21,251.65
23/01/2014 38.85 69.73 62.29 36.7 95.559 21,237.96
22/01/2014 38.88 69.81 62.22 36.73 95.1648 21,083.53
21/01/2014 38.88 69.54 61.97 36.71 95.3238 21,236.65
20/01/2014 38.76 69.47 61.87 36.58 95.1472 21,366.91
17/01/2014 38.73 68.85 61.42 36.57 94.787 21,091.46
16/01/2014 38.72 69.58 61.99 36.54 94.7412 21,115.00
15/01/2014 38.76 69.44 62.01 36.57 95.0527 20,850.54
14/01/2014 38.68 69.16 61.24 36.46 95.0119 20,760.72
13/01/2014 38.56 69.41 61.54 36.39 95.3765 20,755.73
10/1/2014 38.62 69.07 60.53 36.44 95.1176 20,767.42
9/1/2014 38.6 69.19 60.53 36.44 94.3602 20,845.77
8/1/2014 38.57 69.42 60.6 36.49 93.3439 20,913.79
7/1/2014 38.63 69.08 60.49 36.48 92.9304 20,819.58
6/1/2014 38.68 69.36 60.78 36.5 92.1422 21,179.91
3/1/2014 38.54 69.35 60.97 36.35 92.6503 21,222.19
2/1/2014 38.36 69.08 61.06 36.14 92.44 27,404.19
1/1/2014 38.4 69.69 61.89 36.18 92.1844 27,178.77
31/12/2013 38.36 69.52 61.9 36.14 92.0975 21,177.77
30/12/2013 38.52 69.3 61.77 36.29 92.0261 21,260.15
27/12/2013 38.52 69.36 62 36.3 91.3196 21,114.49
26/12/2013 38.52 69.23 61.67 36.29 91.8475 21,051.00
24/12/2013 38.46 69.17 61.58 36.25 91.4676 21,127.66
23/12/2013 38.57 69.07 61.74 36.35 91.0348 21,080.54
20/12/2013 38.68 68.91 61.64 36.48 90.8378 20,792.37
19/12/2013 38.68 68.06 60.57 36.48 90.5903 20,959.80
18/12/2013 38.71 68.01 61.1 36.49 91.3693 20,568.70
17/12/2013 38.73 67.48 60.3 36.54 91.2683 20,732.44
16/12/2013 38.68 67.43 60.46 36.46 91.2343 20,714.26
13/12/2013 38.72 67.08 60.6 36.53 91.3266 20,867.17
12/12/2013 38.73 67.57 61.27 36.54 90.955 21,101.05
11/12/2013 38.63 67.76 61.97 36.42 90.8016 21,191.27
10/12/2013 38.6 67.79 62.22 36.36 90.5465 21,293.58
9/12/2013 38.56 67.83 62.49 36.28 90.5309 21,416.67
6/12/2013 38.6 67.52 61.5 36.31 91.2109 20,955.74
5/12/2013 38.65 67.28 61.31 36.38 90.3795 20,992.25
4/12/2013 38.69 66.96 60.53 36.4 90.919 20,839.45
3/12/2013 38.54 67.11 60.94 36.26 91.0231 20,857.85
2/12/2013 38.43 66.99 61.09 36.12 91.2018 20,771.27
29/11/2013 38.55 66.66 60.69 36.27 92.392 20,558.93
28/11/2013 38.26 66.19 59.87 35.95 93.1757 20,522.36
27/11/2013 38.43 66.1 59.54 36.11 93.2209 20,449.00
26/11/2013 38.4 66.05 59.56 36.1 92.9867 20,604.27
25/11/2013 38.63 66.06 60.11 36.33 92.8726 20,326.66
22/11/2013 38.72 65.44 58.95 36.44 92.2868 20,316.58
21/11/2013 38.84 65.42 59 36.58 93.0674 20,579.26
20/11/2013 38.84 65.89 60.22 36.61 93.2073 20,857.01
19/11/2013 38.93 66.16 61.01 36.68 92.7745 20,870.16
18/11/2013 38.98 65.91 60.87 36.7 92.9396 20,570.59
14/11/2013 38.97 65.38 59.57 36.65 92.2014 20,351.39
13/11/2013 38.76 64.78 58.88 36.5 92.2365 20,248.52
12/11/2013 38.84 64.84 59.17 36.54 92.5231 20,510.31
11/11/2013 38.84 65.24 59.76 36.53 92.3632 20,596.40
8/11/2013 38.78 65.5 60.36 36.5 92.5584 20,785.20
7/11/2013 38.8 65.48 60.81 36.5 92.6176 20,896.13
6/11/2013 38.81 65.92 61.08 36.51 92.6259 21,004.54
5/11/2013 38.88 66.02 61.45 36.57 93.4999 21,134.10
1/11/2013 38.76 65.53 61.98 36.44 93.4633 21,158.81
31/10/2013 38.62 65.04 61.88 36.27 93.2798 21,000.60
30/10/2013 38.81 64.43 61.42 36.45 93.4604 20,944.14
29/10/2013 38.97 64.4 61.12 36.63 93.1301 20,593.49
28/10/2013 39.05 63.67 59.94 36.7 92.754 20,696.51
25/10/2013 39.02 63.83 60.38 36.68 92.7275 20,725.52
24/10/2013 38.97 63.93 60.55 36.61 92.2496 20,766.05
23/10/2013 38.54 63.83 60.68 36.12 91.0669 20,875.31
22/10/2013 38.57 63.91 60.92 36.12 91.4604 20,863.15
21/10/2013 38.45 63.74 60.94 35.99 90.671 20,915.76
18/10/2013 38.26 63.34 60.79 35.85 90.5718 20,486.78
17/10/2013 38.17 62.76 59.39 35.78 90.5188 20,579.56
15/10/2013 38.18 63.1 59.77 35.74 91.0973 20,722.90
14/10/2013 38.13 63.52 60.01 35.7 91.5458 20,534.61
11/10/2013 38.02 63.29 59.85 35.53 91.5487 20,535.90
10/10/2013 37.99 62.89 59.12 35.51 92.0041 20,228.76
9/10/2013 38.03 62.43 58.99 35.56 91.1598 19,918.20
8/10/2013 38.45 61.73 58.21 36.26 90.9217 20,094.21
7/10/2013 39.04 61.54 57.99 36.99 90.4255 19,880.94
4/10/2013 38.62 61.25 58.01 36.44 90.662 19,870.00
3/10/2013 38.48 61.03 58.04 36.39 90.8462 19,585.79
1/10/2013 38.44 60.24 56.77 36.34 90.2718 19,452.05
30/09/2013 38.34 59.81 56.33 36.2 89.508 19,643.89
27/09/2013 38.32 60.17 57.29 36.22 89.177 19,951.73
26/09/2013 38.4 60.34 57.78 36.34 89.1696 19,853.66
25/09/2013 38.37 60.34 57.7 36.31 89.704 19,947.43
24/09/2013 38.23 60.11 57.9 36.2 88.8269 19,820.03
23/09/2013 38.43 59.97 57.88 36.37 88.7562 20,060.82
20/09/2013 38.37 60.66 59.08 36.26 89.62 20,616.35
19/09/2013 38.09 61.26 60.11 35.95 89.9382 20,354.73
18/09/2013 38.22 60.22 57.98 35.91 89.8081 19,865.99
17/09/2013 37.88 59.83 57.5 35.58 88.6837 19,721.90
16/09/2013 37.82 59.91 57.39 35.55 87.9405 19,977.38
13/09/2013 37.56 60.09 57.48 35.42 88.2498 19,744.54
12/9/2013 37.94 60.02 57.47 35.78 88.6589 20,046.05
11/9/2013 38.52 60.36 58.1 36.56 89.0716 19,999.77
10/9/2013 38.5 59.92 57.93 36.54 89.3247 19,448.39
6/9/2013 38.61 59.14 55.81 36.6 89.6316 19,072.02
5/9/2013 38.37 58.95 54.92 36.39 89.917 18,857.60
4/9/2013 37.38 58.17 53.48 35.19 90.0419 18,314.68
3/9/2013 36.85 57.32 52.43 34.63 89.5633 19,002.77
2/9/2013 37.4 58.16 54.46 35.36 88.9502 18,691.83
30/08/2013 37.9 57.53 53.68 35.88 88.6785 18,424.72
29/08/2013 38.07 57.2 53.07 36.12 87.5185 18,073.66
28/08/2013 38.35 56.59 51.89 36.4 87.9155 17,851.44
27/08/2013 38.7 56.8 51.9 36.74 88.0394 18,460.72
26/08/2013 38.61 57.76 53.75 36.67 88.145 18,602.56
23/08/2013 38.56 57.72 53.7 36.57 88.6278 18,386.53
22/08/2013 38.65 57.31 53.09 36.7 88.4459 17,896.84
21/08/2013 38.51 56.92 52.04 36.52 88.1054 18,545.44
20/08/2013 38.74 57.23 53.01 36.78 86.9405 18,142.83
19/08/2013 38.51 57.27 53.14 36.52 87.2 18,587.38
16/08/2013 38.55 58.05 54.05 36.68 87.4763 19,297.11
14/08/2013 38.8 59.31 56.35 36.85 87.1313 19,299.42
13/08/2013 38.8 59.02 55.93 36.85 86.7136 18,895.26
12/8/2013 38.68 58.42 55.05 36.69 86.259 18,898.94
8/8/2013 38.42 58.09 54.6 36.43 85.7249 18,687.30
7/8/2013 38.8 57.85 54.16 36.78 85.3724 18,758.53
6/8/2013 39.06 57.73 54.38 36.99 85.1274 19,127.10
5/8/2013 39.33 58.5 55.9 37.28 85.0928 19,178.06
2/8/2013 39.27 58.55 55.7 37.17 83.8742 19,399.55
1/8/2013 39.04 58.72 56.19 36.93 83.4855 19,443.29
31/07/2013 38.98 59.06 56.33 36.94 84.2939 19,304.07
30/07/2013 40.14 58.94 56.47 38.37 84.5697 19,577.75
29/07/2013 40.17 59.62 57.21 38.42 84.3499 19,714.42
26/07/2013 40.26 59.89 57.75 38.53 84.2204 19,892.47
25/07/2013 40.17 60.29 57.95 38.42 84.3502 20,062.00
24/07/2013 40.12 60.6 58.77 38.4 85.3717 20,200.20
23/07/2013 40.06 61.31 59.63 38.36 86.3086 20,249.98
22/07/2013 40.18 61.4 59.17 38.52 84.4024 20,096.71
19/07/2013 40.26 61.55 59.15 38.57 84.0021 20,213.45
18/07/2013 40.08 61.61 59.23 38.42 83.7065 19,999.51
17/07/2013 40.23 61.06 58.54 38.6 83.7887 19,928.95
16/07/2013 40.24 61.27 58.4 38.61 83.7918 19,788.09
15/07/2013 40 62.2 59.11 38.3 84.3414 19,926.10
12/7/2013 39.98 61.88 58.87 38.36 83.9105 19,898.69
11/7/2013 40.17 61.49 58.16 38.53 82.4154 19,468.46
10/7/2013 40.19 61.01 56.91 38.62 81.6453 19,482.66
9/7/2013 40.36 61.14 57.31 38.77 80.4457 19,399.37
8/7/2013 40.36 60.68 56.86 38.78 79.3885 19,418.98
5/7/2013 40.73 60.9 57.39 39.16 81.1598 19,568.79
4/7/2013 40.71 60.77 57.06 39.16 80.3404 19,256.12
3/7/2013 40.75 60.34 56.39 39.19 79.8086 19,347.11
2/7/2013 40.57 61.16 57.24 39.02 78.6381 19,573.93
1/7/2013 40.53 61.22 57.62 38.99 78.9523 19,352.48
28/06/2013 40.58 60.68 57.08 39.04 80.5537 19,093.18
27/06/2013 40.59 59.66 55.54 39.07 80.397 18,716.11
26/06/2013 40.7 59.48 54.6 39.19 79.8648 18,662.37
25/06/2013 40.82 59.63 54.81 39.3 78.9697 18,602.25
24/06/2013 40.88 59.85 54.63 39.36 79.6552 18,714.06
21/06/2013 40.88 60.64 55.37 39.38 79.6381 18,695.80
20/06/2013 40.9 60.85 55.25 39.37 80.7729 19,069.20
19/06/2013 40.76 61.85 56.88 39.29 82.625 19,224.09
18/06/2013 40.74 61.66 56.79 39.26 82.3868 19,329.17
17/06/2013 40.8 61.61 57.14 39.37 81.6689 19,249.90
14/06/2013 40.83 61.33 56.72 39.38 81.1639 18,959.83
13/06/2013 40.94 60.76 55.68 39.45 80.677 18,897.49
12/6/2013 40.94 61.23 56.24 39.45 80.4638 19,103.96
11/6/2013 40.92 61.32 56.52 39.44 81.7683 19,382.22
10/6/2013 40.84 62.1 57.4 39.35 81.6531 19,530.35
7/6/2013 40.86 62.39 57.42 39.38 82.1 19,522.31
6/6/2013 40.89 62.76 57.81 39.36 82.3249 19,503.68
5/6/2013 40.84 62.66 57.81 39.31 82.3775 19,532.42
4/6/2013 40.74 62.63 57.77 39.28 83.1306 19,605.68
3/6/2013 40.7 62.62 57.97 39.25 83.5367 19,859.22
31/05/2013 40.59 62.41 58.41 39.17 83.5617 20,186.67
30/05/2013 40.42 62.72 59.66 38.98 84.2754 20,066.94
29/05/2013 40.15 62.77 59.39 38.76 85.1913 20,202.51
28/05/2013 40.1 62.82 59.49 38.71 85.0314 20,056.28
27/05/2013 40.05 62.63 59.2 38.66 85.1649 19,750.67
24/05/2013 39.82 62.17 58.23 38.49 85.0386 19,765.32
23/05/2013 39.69 61.94 58.06 38.37 84.3835 19,971.37
22/05/2013 39.62 62.83 59.32 38.25 84.5372 20,150.69
21/05/2013 39.57 63.13 59.49 38.18 85.6364 20,227.17
20/05/2013 39.62 63.59 59.92 38.24 85.2176 20,277.76
17/05/2013 39.57 63.8 60.21 38.18 84.6394 20,267.60
16/05/2013 39.51 63.52 60.04 38.12 83.8055 20,167.93
15/05/2013 39.51 63.3 59.83 38.1 83.9429 19,798.18
14/05/2013 39.46 62.48 58.35 38.07 83.5196 19,715.80
13/05/2013 39.48 62.36 58.21 38.02 84.029 20,073.41
10/5/2013 39.4 62.82 59.31 37.91 83.8491 19,911.08
9/5/2013 39.32 62.64 58.81 37.85 83.375 20,015.86
8/5/2013 39.23 62.58 59.01 37.71 84.4979 19,950.22
7/5/2013 39.16 62.51 58.76 37.63 84.7842 19,697.33
6/5/2013 39.1 62.19 58.15 37.58 84.0576 19,571.66
3/5/2013 38.99 61.9 57.94 37.45 82.4629 19,707.95
2/5/2013 38.9 62.17 58.36 37.38 81.9581 19,459.33
30/04/2013 38.9 61.72 57.71 37.36 81.9914 19,492.83
29/04/2013 38.85 61.63 57.48 37.3 82.0023 19,306.67
26/04/2013 38.76 61.37 57.18 37.22 83.2499 19,376.00
25/04/2013 38.71 61.61 57.58 37.19 83.3722 19,192.11
23/04/2013 38.67 61.52 56.86 37.16 84.7551 19,210.26
22/04/2013 38.6 61.62 56.84 37.1 84.5126 18,989.78
18/04/2013 38.6 61.24 56.36 37.11 84.7751 18,695.34
17/04/2013 38.55 60.77 55.49 37.04 84.4484 18,773.45
16/04/2013 38.6 60.65 55.5 37.05 83.6441 18,356.32
15/04/2013 38.56 60.3 54.37 37.01 82.0023 18,196.09
12/4/2013 38.6 60.03 54.01 37.03 83.2499 18,275.66
11/4/2013 38.6 60.35 54.61 37.03 83.3722 18,577.52
10/4/2013 38.65 60.16 54.28 37.07 84.7551 18,355.14
9/4/2013 38.69 59.82 53.7 37.13 84.5126 18,481.47
8/4/2013 38.71 60.05 54.15 37.15 84.7751 18,455.80
5/4/2013 38.69 60.16 54.25 37.13 84.4484 18,493.67
4/4/2013 38.6 60.29 54.45 37.05 83.6441 18,731.38
3/4/2013 38.62 61.06 55.38 37.07 82.0023 19,034.00
2/4/2013 38.68 61.38 56.08 37.12 83.2499 18,863.82
1/4/2013 38.66 60.87 55.67 37.11 83.3722 18,890.81
28/03/2013 38.61 60.65 55.47 37.05 84.7551 18,702.46
26/03/2013 38.61 60.11 55.09 37.04 84.5126 18,645.09
25/03/2013 38.56 60.11 55.01 37 84.7751 18,894.13
22/03/2013 38.54 60.23 55.19 36.97 84.4484 18,784.93
21/03/2013 38.48 60.29 55.23 36.9 83.6441 18,926.21
20/03/2013 38.52 60.72 55.58 36.97 84.1878 19,026.46
19/03/2013 38.63 61.45 56.05 37.07 84.5629 19,345.91
18/03/2013 38.62 61.96 56.92 37.03 85.6371 19,282.63
15/03/2013 38.64 62.08 57.27 37.06 85.9067 19,570.01
14/03/2013 38.63 62.29 57.62 37.05 86.2008 19,367.26
13/03/2013 38.61 62 57.05 37.04 86.1388 19,511.97
12/3/2013 38.62 62.51 57.66 37.05 86.2108 19,675.81
11/3/2013 38.55 62.73 57.93 36.98 86.1894 19,679.88
8/3/2013 38.54 62.67 57.96 36.96 84.1878 19,478.67
7/3/2013 38.56 62.32 57.17 36.98 84.5629 19,222.05
6/3/2013 38.51 62.01 56.73 36.96 85.6371 19,254.20
5/3/2013 38.45 61.64 56.4 36.93 85.9067 18,943.62
4/3/2013 38.47 61.05 55.57 36.95 86.2008 18,920.90
1/3/2013 38.47 61.29 55.77 36.95 86.1388 18,876.68
28/02/2013 38.41 61.08 55.52 36.9 86.2108 19,264.80
27/02/2013 38.32 61.89 56.52 36.82 86.1894 19,090.32
26/02/2013 38.28 61.62 56.19 36.8 86.3895 19,290.66
25/02/2013 38.25 62.13 57.09 36.77 87.2859 19,365.33
22/02/2013 38.29 62.31 57.05 36.81 87.1513 19,341.90
21/02/2013 38.29 62.75 57.07 36.8 87.4425 19,549.05
16/01/2013 38.33 62.76 58.6 36.84 87.006 19,717.94
15/01/2013 38.41 62.38 59.14 36.9 86.3106 19,523.70
14/01/2013 38.38 62.27 58.84 36.86 85.9961 19,496.25
11/1/2013 38.32 62.4 58.13 36.82 87.3775 19,449.83
10/1/2013 38.35 62.9 58.31 36.81 87.4844 19,626.81
9/1/2013 38.39 62.92 58.32 36.84 87.9541 19,601.69
8/1/2013 38.38 62.85 58.64 36.84 88.3407 19,489.87
7/1/2013 38.38 62.85 58.5 36.85 88.1279 19,517.59
4/1/2013 38.4 62.96 58.78 36.86 88.1271 19,577.19
3/1/2013 38.33 63.24 58.72 36.81 87.008 19,589.44
2/1/2013 38.47 63.31 58.58 36.88 86.8691 19,860.97
1/1/2013 38.52 63.49 58.19 36.94 87.7477 19,907.21
31/12/2012 38.34 63.91 57.74 36.8 87.14 19,422.59
28/12/2012 38.28 64.12 57.78 36.76 86.65 19,364.08
27/12/2012 38.22 64.02 57.43 36.67 86.73 19,479.84
26/12/2012 38.19 64.25 57.78 36.65 86.44 19,302.47
24/12/2012 38.17 64.46 57.3 36.61 86.83 19,278.00
21/12/2012 38.07 64.55 57.19 36.59 86.98 19,394.55
20/12/2012 37.99 63.99 57.88 36.5 87.15 19,511.41
19/12/2012 37.9 64.71 58.01 36.44 86.98 19,429.91
18/12/2012 37.88 64.91 57.71 36.43 87.5 19,293.01
17/12/2012 37.7 65.22 57.33 36.26 87.4 19,290.92
14/12/2012 37.6 65.06 57.56 36.18 86.87 19,217.96
13/12/2012 37.57 65.05 57.27 36.15 87.16 19,403.66
12/12/2012 37.54 64.79 57.65 36.11 86.68 19,432.54
11/12/2012 37.49 65.26 57.74 36.07 86.6 19,466.29
10/12/2012 37.45 65.12 57.84 36.03 87.37 19,442.19
7/12/2012 37.44 64.7 57.84 36.03 87.36 19,514.88
6/12/2012 37.44 64.82 58.07 36.02 87.09 19,475.09
5/12/2012 37.45 64.95 57.77 36.03 86.89 19,397.98
4/12/2012 37.45 65.01 57.65 36.03 86.86 19,277.58
3/12/2012 37.42 65.04 57.48 36 86.7 19,342.83
30/11/2012 37.38 64.93 57.56 35.96 86.61 19,229.70
29/11/2012 37.34 64.83 57.05 35.92 85.75 18,873.63
27/11/2012 37.35 64.74 56.08 35.93 84.91 18,616.55
26/11/2012 37.36 64.37 55.2 35.95 84.16 18,574.36
23/11/2012 37.34 63.91 55.11 35.93 87.09 18,543.95
22/11/2012 37.32 63.74 55.13 35.9 86.89 18,510.94
21/11/2012 37.32 63.49 55 35.9 86.86 18,379.90
20/11/2012 37.29 63.56 54.58 35.87 86.7 18,422.69
19/11/2012 37.26 63.26 54.59 35.84 86.61 18,349.53
16/11/2012 37.24 63.12 54.61 35.8 85.75 18,491.49
15/11/2012 37.17 63.56 55.18 35.74 84.91 18,590.07
12/11/2012 37.17 63.62 55.71 35.75 84.16 18,728.95
9/11/2012 37.14 63.54 55.75 35.71 83.95 18,691.02
8/11/2012 37.1 63.35 56.25 35.66 83.98 18,832.75
7/11/2012 37.12 63.26 56.49 35.69 83.81 18,779.74
6/11/2012 37.15 63.07 56.16 35.73 83.45 18,802.82
5/11/2012 37.16 63.32 55.95 35.74 83.49 18,739.97
2/11/2012 37.16 63.29 55.9 35.75 83.6 18,749.37
1/11/2012 37.15 63.51 55.37 35.73 83.98 18,692.15
31/10/2012 37.14 63.48 55.08 35.72 84.25 18,487.90
30/10/2012 37.09 63.5 54.87 35.68 84.3 18,436.79
29/10/2012 37.08 63.21 55.54 35.65 84.58 18,642.01
26/10/2012 37.1 63.08 55.53 35.68 84.7 18,656.00
25/10/2012 37.08 62.75 55.94 35.67 84.43 18,715.35
23/10/2012 37.08 62.54 55.82 35.67 84.25 18,712.41
22/10/2012 37.05 62.13 56.07 35.65 84.43 18,803.62
19/10/2012 37.03 61.75 55.75 35.63 83.96 18,655.93
18/10/2012 37.04 61.38 56.11 35.64 83.55 18,768.00
17/10/2012 37.01 61.11 55.5 35.6 83.23 18,653.60
16/10/2012 37.09 61.08 55.38 35.68 83.91 18,667.72
15/10/2012 37.16 60.87 55.78 35.73 83.86 18,784.75
12/10/2012 37.14 60.65 55.67 35.71 84.37 18,690.99
11/10/2012 37.12 60.83 56.01 35.69 84.23 18,727.10
10/10/2012 37.13 61.16 55.45 35.71 84.52 18,627.37
9/10/2012 37.13 61.43 55.96 35.7 84.25 18,699.19
8/10/2012 37.12 61.65 55.69 35.68 84.62 18,796.25
5/10/2012 37.09 61.59 56.41 35.64 84.04 18,969.19
4/10/2012 37.05 62.04 56.81 35.62 83.81 19,115.89
3/10/2012 37 62.15 56.26 35.57 84.05 18,939.75
1/10/2012 36.97 61.75 56.14 35.54 83.92 18,841.49
28/09/2012 36.96 61.64 55.98 35.54 84.2 18,784.64
27/09/2012 36.96 61.92 55.47 35.53 83.5 18,704.98
26/09/2012 36.95 61.58 55.6 35.51 83.93 18,659.75
25/09/2012 36.93 61.31 55.71 35.49 83.8 18,644.54
24/09/2012 36.89 61.02 55.67 35.46 83.35 18,708.01
21/09/2012 36.9 61.59 55.88 35.47 83.9 18,756.31
20/09/2012 36.87 61.88 54.6 35.4 83.44 18,411.20
18/09/2012 36.84 62.18 55.04 35.38 83.21 18,292.22
17/09/2012 36.81 62.22 55.13 35.34 82.93 18,514.72
14/09/2012 36.72 62.32 54.79 35.27 82.13 18,619.90
13/09/2012 36.68 62.13 53.4 35.26 82.12 18,284.75
12/9/2012 36.68 62.48 53.36 35.25 82.19 18,023.95
11/9/2012 36.68 61.97 52.96 35.22 83.35 17,916.13
10/9/2012 36.62 61.85 52.68 35.14 83.9 17,711.80
7/9/2012 36.6 62.19 52.5 35.12 83.44 17,780.93
6/9/2012 36.57 62.22 51.5 35.09 83.21 17,575.79
5/9/2012 36.52 62.25 51.37 35.06 82.93 17,320.73
4/9/2012 36.5 61.75 51.84 35.03 82.13 17,359.96
3/9/2012 36.49 62.18 51.65 34.99 82.12 17,378.68
31/08/2012 36.46 61.96 51.7 34.96 82.19 17,465.60
30/08/2012 36.47 62.41 52.21 34.97 82.24 17,557.62
29/08/2012 36.45 62.73 52 34.94 82.26 17,433.50
28/08/2012 36.39 62.44 52.46 34.89 80.85 17,651.14
27/08/2012 36.43 62.38 52.62 34.92 81.37 17,676.13
24/08/2012 36.4 62.09 52.98 34.89 81.39 17,769.44
23/08/2012 36.35 61.57 53.26 34.84 80.82 17,790.25
22/08/2012 36.34 61.58 53.24 34.82 79.76 17,856.29
21/08/2012 36.29 61.52 53.32 34.77 79.93 17,827.25
17/08/2012 36.32 61.38 52.8 34.81 79.53 17,705.14
16/08/2012 36.32 61.34 52.77 34.81 79.21 17,701.20
14/08/2012 36.32 60.51 52.94 34.81 78.97 17,752.22
13/08/2012 36.3 60.83 52.59 34.79 78.09 17,631.64
10/8/2012 36.26 60.46 52.33 34.75 77.89 17,551.69
9/8/2012 36.24 59.97 52.36 34.72 78.22 17,515.42
8/8/2012 36.23 59.38 52.5 34.72 78.06 17,612.08
7/8/2012 36.21 59.45 52.48 34.7 78.17 17,638.53
6/8/2012 36.18 59.15 51.94 34.67 78.33 17,456.37
3/8/2012 36.16 58.98 51.29 34.64 78.16 17,313.05
2/8/2012 36.18 58.88 51.4 34.67 78.58 17,164.48
1/8/2012 36.18 58.14 51.53 34.67 78.73 17,245.68
31/07/2012 36.19 57.77 51.41 34.68 79.08 17,244.44
30/07/2012 36.22 58.12 51.13 34.7 79.45 17,186.61
27/07/2012 36.22 57.89 50.17 34.7 79.4 16,919.14
26/07/2012 36.21 57.79 49.62 34.7 79.61 16,860.16
25/07/2012 36.13 57.9 50.27 34.62 79.11 16,887.84
24/07/2012 36.1 57.69 50.46 34.59 79.13 16,899.01
23/07/2012 36.11 58.04 50.35 34.6 79.07 16,907.74
20/07/2012 36.08 58.42 51.21 34.57 78.65 17,047.73
19/07/2012 36.07 58.85 51.58 34.55 78.23 17,275.20
18/07/2012 36.16 58.99 51.33 34.65 78.22 17,288.34
17/07/2012 36.16 58.95 51.08 34.67 78.55 17,113.37
16/07/2012 36.16 59.08 51.12 34.67 78.51 17,176.93
13/07/2012 36.15 58.95 51.4 34.66 78.01 17,241.98
12/7/2012 36.15 58.96 51.48 34.68 77.53 17,269.20
11/7/2012 36.17 58.99 52.16 34.68 77.69 17,297.06
10/7/2012 36.1 58.6 52.55 34.63 77.71 17,553.97
9/7/2012 36.07 58.5 51.85 34.6 77.51 17,431.68
6/7/2012 36.08 58.56 52.27 34.61 77.13 17,449.93
5/7/2012 36.03 58.92 52.38 34.55 76.26 17,546.04
4/7/2012 36.04 58.98 52.13 34.58 75.89 17,478.16
3/7/2012 35.95 58.67 51.97 34.47 77.53 17,473.26
2/7/2012 35.94 58.35 51.88 34.46 77.59 17,457.95
29/06/2012 35.9 58.55 51.89 34.43 78.18 17,438.68
28/06/2012 35.88 58.63 50.61 34.41 78.52 17,134.61
27/06/2012 35.89 58.36 50.51 34.41 77.89 16,985.58
26/06/2012 35.86 58.21 50.31 34.37 78.39 16,975.76
25/06/2012 35.83 57.43 50.24 34.35 78.51 16,873.09
22/06/2012 35.84 57.69 50.56 34.36 78.26 17,038.77
21/06/2012 35.81 58.35 50.71 34.32 78.04 16,882.74
20/06/2012 35.78 58.55 50.27 34.29 77.93 16,855.60
19/06/2012 35.78 58.34 50.11 34.3 77.7 16,903.96
18/06/2012 35.79 58.86 49.71 34.3 76.39 16,681.89
15/06/2012 35.8 58.87 50.47 34.31 76.38 17,039.54
14/06/2012 35.81 58.74 49.64 34.31 76.24 16,701.28
13/06/2012 35.78 58.56 50.26 34.3 76.05 16,857.23
12/6/2012 35.76 58.75 50.22 34.28 76.25 16,865.72
11/6/2012 35.68 58.81 49.61 34.22 76.32 16,570.51
8/6/2012 35.68 58.8 49.69 34.2 75.85 16,804.89
7/6/2012 35.68 59.11 49.5 34.21 75.48 16,611.52
6/6/2012 35.8 59.25 48.96 34.31 75.09 16,578.01
5/6/2012 35.81 58.84 47.65 34.32 75.73 16,100.36
4/6/2012 35.86 59.14 47.52 34.36 75.01 16,065.37
1/6/2012 35.81 59.38 47.45 34.34 75.72 15,808.88
31/05/2012 35.75 59.04 48.26 34.28 75.65 16,217.48
30/05/2012 35.72 58.76 48.42 34.24 75.2 16,224.86
29/05/2012 35.72 58.46 48.81 34.23 75.3 16,391.90
28/05/2012 35.69 58.21 48.77 34.18 75.12 16,500.04
25/05/2012 35.66 57.35 48.14 34.18 74.73 16,289.82
24/05/2012 35.59 57.5 48.15 34.16 73.5 16,213.24
23/05/2012 35.52 57.41 47.24 34.1 73.37 16,033.90
22/05/2012 35.48 57.32 47.48 34.07 73.42 15,995.14
21/05/2012 35.35 57.46 47.93 33.95 74.26 16,344.34
18/05/2012 35.33 57.5 47.8 33.95 74.36 16,187.66
17/05/2012 35.32 57.11 47.59 33.94 74.9 15,868.07
16/05/2012 35.29 56.83 47.48 33.92 74.87 16,119.08
15/05/2012 35.29 56.69 48.31 33.92 74.28 16,132.68
14/05/2012 35.28 57.23 47.96 33.91 74.22 16,146.90
11/5/2012 35.27 56.81 48.18 33.91 73.34 16,318.36
10/5/2012 35.26 57.21 48.54 33.9 73.59 16,355.59
9/5/2012 35.24 57.23 48.63 33.89 73.83 16,515.62
8/5/2012 35.24 56.89 48.88 33.88 73.71 16,436.41
7/5/2012 35.23 57.04 50 33.87 73.5 16,915.71
4/5/2012 35.22 56.87 49.74 33.87 73.42 16,620.44
3/5/2012 35.2 56.52 50.73 33.83 74.18 17,066.84
2/5/2012 35.17 55.73 51.23 33.8 73.88 17,271.77
30/04/2012 35.2 55.6 51.32 33.81 74.24 17,370.93
27/04/2012 35.21 55.58 50.77 33.82 74.64 17,195.51
26/04/2012 35.2 56.25 50.76 33.82 74.51 17,145.39
25/04/2012 35.18 56.07 50.9 33.73 74.94 17,191.02
24/04/2012 35.16 56.48 51.11 33.72 75.9 17,225.54
23/04/2012 35.15 56.62 50.89 33.71 75.46 17,154.75
20/04/2012 35.13 56.18 51.79 33.68 76.46 17,347.76
19/04/2012 35.12 56.06 52.21 33.66 77.13 17,459.72
18/04/2012 35.1 55.78 51.89 33.65 77.27 17,432.89
17/04/2012 35.09 56 51.8 33.64 76.68 17,447.26
16/04/2012 35.1 56.18 51.18 33.68 76.71 17,200.97
13/04/2012 35.12 55.91 50.99 33.73 76.9 17,047.87
12/4/2012 35.15 56.03 51.67 33.74 77.36 17,232.56
11/4/2012 35.16 55.87 51.2 33.73 77.1 17,276.87
10/4/2012 35.17 56.37 51.36 33.77 78.03 17,125.96
9/4/2012 35.2 56.11 51.27 33.8 78.25 17,259.26
4/4/2012 35.14 56.25 52.15 33.77 77.96 17,407.66
3/4/2012 35.06 56.49 52.5 33.67 77.81 17,553.26
2/4/2012 35.05 56.52 52.11 33.65 77.06 17,576.21
30/03/2012 35.03 56.94 51.9 33.64 76.9 17,429.96
29/03/2012 34.95 57.73 50.78 33.57 77.45 17,117.41
28/03/2012 34.93 57.69 50.94 33.54 76.99 17,039.85
27/03/2012 34.9 58.31 51.42 33.5 77.32 17,234.48
26/03/2012 34.83 58.81 50.84 33.42 77.34 17,209.13
23/03/2012 34.8 58.88 51.77 33.4 78.26 17,377.59
22/03/2012 34.8 58.19 51.29 33.4 78.43 17,257.72
21/03/2012 34.81 58.21 52.63 33.38 77.93 17,586.06
20/03/2012 34.82 58.34 51.75 33.37 77.64 17,301.16
19/03/2012 34.85 58.54 51.58 33.44 76.31 17,308.89
16/03/2012 34.85 58.41 52.18 33.45 76.34 17,531.47
15/03/2012 34.77 59.01 52.8 33.44 76.71 17,656.81
14/03/2012 34.76 59.33 53.61 33.43 76.35 17,916.85
13/03/2012 34.76 59.29 53.28 33.43 77.22 18,003.15
12/3/2012 34.74 59.14 52.6 33.41 76.85 17,680.23
9/3/2012 34.72 58.85 52.33 33.39 78.17 17,772.10
7/3/2012 34.79 58.25 51.25 33.43 77.26 17,325.82
6/3/2012 34.88 58.7 51.26 33.52 77.01 17,127.18
5/3/2012 34.82 58.26 51.83 33.47 77.52 17,336.64
2/3/2012 34.83 58.44 52.6 33.48 78.14 17,598.42
1/3/2012 34.84 58.37 52.44 33.47 78.81 17,661.39
29/02/2012 34.86 58.94 52.88 33.51 78.47 17,714.62
28/02/2012 34.9 59.2 52.8 33.57 77.84 17,919.93
27/02/2012 34.9 58.71 51.86 33.56 77.53 17,545.11
24/02/2012 34.88 58.45 53.33 33.55 76.34 17,975.19
23/02/2012 34.88 57.43 53.85 33.55 76.41 18,079.01
22/02/2012 34.92 57.39 54.07 33.6 76.92 18,127.35
21/02/2012 34.92 57.78 55.07 33.59 77.53 18,490.87
17/02/2012 34.92 57.59 54.66 33.59 77.42 18,303.73
16/02/2012 34.89 58.25 54.25 33.57 78.08 18,331.20
15/02/2012 34.9 57.81 54.35 33.59 77.47 18,163.05
14/02/2012 34.87 58.75 53.22 33.57 76.41 18,000.30
13/02/2012 34.9 57.84 52.98 33.6 77.88 17,767.46
10/2/2012 34.88 57.63 52.88 33.58 78.22 17,761.70
9/2/2012 34.88 58.12 53.2 33.57 78.38 17,817.59
8/2/2012 34.87 58.61 52.75 33.58 79.92 17,647.80
7/2/2012 34.82 59.11 52.43 33.55 79.46 17,631.69
6/2/2012 34.83 59 52.67 33.53 78.98 17,813.74
3/2/2012 34.78 58.52 52.33 33.49 78.65 17,741.91
2/2/2012 34.8 58.23 51.77 33.5 77.48 17,444.25
1/2/2012 34.83 57.36 51.46 33.52 77.28 17,438.07
31/01/2012 34.84 57.33 51.09 33.52 77.34 17,179.64
30/01/2012 34.82 57.62 49.99 33.51 77.33 16,965.58
27/01/2012 34.85 58.13 51.14 33.47 76.89 17,138.04
25/01/2012 34.83 58 50.7 33.51 76.62 17,201.33
24/01/2012 34.62 58.33 50.4 33.34 76.81 17,068.85
23/01/2012 34.59 58.12 49.61 33.33 76.21 16,806.72
20/01/2012 34.55 56.86 49.63 33.29 75.59 16,667.02
19/01/2012 34.57 58.06 49.34 33.3 75.09 16,745.01
18/01/2012 34.53 58.3 48.72 33.27 74.58 16,573.87
17/01/2012 34.77 58.36 48.85 33.38 73.54 16,502.42
16/01/2012 34.75 59.65 47.94 33.37 74.59 16,270.87
13/01/2012 34.73 59.32 47.86 33.35 74.01 16,086.74
12/1/2012 34.7 59.12 47.53 33.32 73.51 16,144.57
11/1/2012 34.64 59.24 47.81 33.28 72.81 16,117.19
10/1/2012 34.63 58.36 47.71 33.21 72.77 16,222.37
9/1/2012 34.65 57.95 46.65 33.27 75.09 15,898.32
6/1/2012 34.57 57.7 46.77 33.22 74.58 15,840.22
5/1/2012 34.59 57.48 46.69 33.27 73.54 15,789.08
4/1/2012 34.62 57.24 46.69 33.3 74.59 15,893.07
3/1/2012 34.64 56.81 46.86 33.33 74.01 15,967.49
2/1/2012 34.54 56.82 45.59 33.21 73.51 15,640.56
30/12/2011 34.4 56.3 45.47 33.17 72.81 15,583.55
29/12/2011 34.31 56.01 45.71 33.13 72.77 15,658.94
28/12/2011 34.33 55.63 46.3 33.14 72.46 15,854.36
27/12/2011 34.21 55.15 46.74 33.08 71.85 15,983.98
26/12/2011 33.94 54.33 47.03 32.9 72.19 15,782.17
23/12/2011 33.97 55.18 46.39 32.9 71.53 15,863.43
22/12/2011 34.05 54.76 46.59 32.95 71.46 15,546.66
21/12/2011 33.99 54.3 46.2 32.91 71.01 15,487.75
20/12/2011 34.06 53.8 44.73 32.95 71.01 15,436.12
19/12/2011 34.17 53.88 45.41 33 70.89 15,440.10
16/12/2011 34.21 53.53 45.76 33.04 69.85 15,868.78
15/12/2011 34.26 53.17 46.71 33.09 69.74 15,739.05
14/12/2011 34.28 53.42 46.87 33.16 69.82 15,963.75
13/12/2011 34.2 52.75 47.24 33.13 69.81 15,778.62
12/12/2011 34.05 52.62 46.89 33 69.85 16,354.96
9/12/2011 33.85 52.29 47.91 32.84 68.57 16,258.44
8/12/2011 33.84 52.46 48.66 32.83 68.38 16,819.74
7/12/2011 33.94 52.29 49.85 32.9 68.44 16,830.04
5/12/2011 33.87 51.66 49.62 32.84 68.67 16,812.30
2/12/2011 33.75 51.55 49.74 32.69 69.23 16,493.98
1/12/2011 33.75 51.67 48.62 32.67 69.6 16,555.93
30/11/2011 33.61 51.63 47.56 32.58 69.1 15,868.96
29/11/2011 33.57 51.48 47.32 32.54 69.34 16,210.37
28/11/2011 33.38 50.6 47.78 32.35 69.12 15,890.80
25/11/2011 33.33 50.5 46.38 32.3 67.98 15,781.25
24/11/2011 33.25 50.49 46.86 32.23 68.64 15,715.81
23/11/2011 33.09 50.63 46.36 32.13 69.24 15,969.60
22/11/2011 33.07 50.9 47.37 32.13 70.15 15,995.69
21/11/2011 33.06 51.2 47.07 32.12 70.5 16,297.03
18/11/2011 33.08 50.83 48.32 32.12 70.96 16,387.70
17/11/2011 33.02 50.94 48.58 32.06 70.75 16,754.68
16/11/2011 32.98 50.66 49.55 32.04 71.91 16,872.30
15/11/2011 33 50.07 49.91 32.04 72.52 17,081.62
14/11/2011 32.97 50.72 50.73 32.01 73.71 17,348.52
11/11/2011 32.99 51.52 50.99 32.02 73.55 17,187.89
9/11/2011 32.85 52.11 51.49 31.92 73.75 17,641.98
8/11/2011 32.83 52.26 52.18 31.91 72.67 17,593.67
4/11/2011 32.75 52.57 52.14 31.85 71.78 17,674.70
3/11/2011 32.75 52.62 51.94 31.85 71.71 17,430.69
2/11/2011 32.74 53.31 51.86 31.85 72.16 17,347.70
1/11/2011 32.84 53.69 51.87 31.91 71.01 17,540.55
31/10/2011 32.87 54.46 52.53 31.93 71.07 17,806.21
28/10/2011 32.91 54.46 52.87 31.96 70.31 17,671.86
25/10/2011 32.88 54.29 51.24 31.93 71.46 17,336.34
24/10/2011 32.84 53.57 50.33 31.92 71.28 17,012.79
21/10/2011 32.87 53.09 49.86 31.93 72.39 17,011.06
20/10/2011 32.91 53.18 50.27 31.94 72.65 16,975.79
19/10/2011 33.03 53.45 50.72 32.01 73.39 16,911.85
18/10/2011 32.86 52.65 49.72 31.9 73.54 16,883.36
17/10/2011 32.85 52.57 50.51 31.89 74.69 16,817.38
14/10/2011 32.88 52.19 50.66 31.91 75.35 17,176.05
13/10/2011 32.84 52.76 50.11 31.9 75.98 16,836.83
12/10/2011 32.85 52.51 50.34 31.89 76.78 17,048.00
11/10/2011 32.82 53.02 49.11 31.87 76.53 16,660.43
10/10/2011 32.8 53.34 49.17 31.85 76.36 16,668.15
7/10/2011 32.85 53.84 48.27 31.86 76.48 16,270.07
5/10/2011 32.83 54.34 46.95 31.85 76.98 16,222.49
4/10/2011 32.81 55.17 47.14 31.84 75.03 15,967.72
3/10/2011 32.79 55.39 47.9 31.83 75.33 16,081.77
30/09/2011 32.93 55.86 48.81 31.93 75.7 16,255.97
29/09/2011 33.06 56.4 49.55 31.94 74.84 16,599.74
28/09/2011 33.08 56.48 48.85 31.94 74.94 16,387.91
27/09/2011 33.09 56.19 49.13 31.94 75.15 16,663.26
26/09/2011 33.18 56.07 47.8 31.98 74.09 16,289.32
23/09/2011 33.33 56.03 48.11 32.02 74.15 16,209.19
22/09/2011 33.35 56.15 48.64 32.05 72.58 16,222.37
21/09/2011 33.35 56.1 50.73 32.05 75.33 16,827.85
20/09/2011 33.34 55.17 50.8 32.02 75.7 17,128.83
19/09/2011 33.33 55.07 49.73 32.03 74.84 16,768.63
16/09/2011 33.28 54.92 50.24 32.02 74.94 16,865.93
15/09/2011 33.28 55.21 50.16 32.01 75.15 17,047.73
14/09/2011 33.27 55.48 49.54 32.01 74.09 16,837.76
13/09/2011 33.22 54.95 48.83 31.97 74.15 16,522.71
12/9/2011 33.25 55.51 48.88 32.01 72.58 16,618.17
9/9/2011 33.25 55.54 49.99 32.01 73.28 16,668.25
8/9/2011 33.28 55.45 50.93 32.03 74.26 17,189.75
7/9/2011 33.29 55.45 50.63 32.04 74.76 17,118.08
6/9/2011 33.27 54.74 50.04 32.01 74.39 16,922.31
5/9/2011 33.27 54.62 49.56 32.01 74.76 16,663.73
2/9/2011 33.26 54.03 49.8 31.98 73.6 16,678.34
30/08/2011 33.27 53.33 49.43 32.02 73.96 16,963.67
29/08/2011 33.3 53.53 48.65 32.02 74.39 16,585.10
26/08/2011 33.22 54.08 46.96 31.97 76.25 16,080.74
25/08/2011 33.24 54.65 47.9 31.95 75.87 16,155.55
24/08/2011 33.26 55.07 48.36 31.96 75.22 16,338.14
23/08/2011 33.25 54.99 48.95 31.95 75.75 16,490.78
22/08/2011 33.29 55.18 48.47 31.97 75.42 16,446.85
19/08/2011 33.31 54.53 47.95 31.96 74.86 16,155.99
18/08/2011 33.28 54.77 48.9 31.96 74.48 16,237.78
17/08/2011 33.27 55.06 50.02 31.95 74.43 16,910.27
16/08/2011 33.21 56.17 49.83 31.88 76.62 16,782.24
12/8/2011 33.18 55.98 50.21 31.87 76.47 17,015.99
11/8/2011 33.17 55.46 50.84 31.87 75.81 17,246.88
10/8/2011 33.18 55.61 51.06 31.85 75.51 17,056.61
9/8/2011 33.28 55.61 50.21 31.9 75.53 17,244.71
8/8/2011 33.25 55.28 50.64 31.86 75.27 16,517.87
5/8/2011 33.23 54.95 51.53 31.85 74.43 16,907.57
4/8/2011 33.1 54.98 52.7 31.79 72.89 17,350.37
3/8/2011 32.97 55.76 53.44 31.71 73.93 17,983.86
2/8/2011 32.85 56.15 53.93 31.66 74.49 17,970.19
1/8/2011 32.87 56.04 54.5 31.67 74.95 18,283.55
29/07/2011 32.84 55.6 54.16 31.65 74.33 18,352.23
28/07/2011 32.83 55.42 54.22 31.65 73.69 18,194.15
27/07/2011 32.8 55.33 54.8 31.62 74.79 18,300.55
26/07/2011 32.79 55.1 55.08 31.63 75.97 18,571.15
25/07/2011 32.75 54.64 56.12 31.58 76.06 18,898.19
22/07/2011 32.85 53.75 55.67 31.63 77.17 18,753.35
21/07/2011 33.01 54.46 54.76 31.74 77.46 18,565.04
20/07/2011 32.95 54.75 55.01 31.69 76.73 18,514.65
19/07/2011 33 55.01 55.47 31.7 77.18 18,756.31
18/07/2011 32.99 54.67 54.99 31.69 77.87 18,521.38
15/07/2011 33.03 54.37 55.14 31.71 79.06 18,592.19
14/07/2011 33.01 54.99 55.31 31.67 79.82 18,694.19
13/07/2011 32.97 55.69 55.17 31.66 80.19 18,563.69
12/7/2011 32.94 55.86 54.59 31.62 77.24 18,468.82
11/7/2011 32.87 56.12 55.46 31.58 80.94 18,534.11
8/7/2011 32.88 56.34 55.91 31.58 80.68 18,823.19
7/7/2011 32.8 56.6 56.58 31.53 80.74 19,084.06
6/7/2011 32.71 55.76 55.55 31.47 81.23 18,776.62
5/7/2011 32.7 56.29 55.63 31.47 81.37 18,730.29
4/7/2011 32.69 56.71 55.81 31.44 82.15 18,837.88
1/7/2011 32.67 57.17 55.56 31.43 81.5 18,896.24
30/06/2011 32.61 57.39 55.76 31.39 80.55 18,974.96
29/06/2011 32.62 57.75 55.29 31.38 80.81 18,741.10
28/06/2011 32.62 58.15 54.73 31.38 81.25 18,552.19
27/06/2011 32.63 58.02 54.55 31.39 80.81 18,493.59
24/06/2011 32.64 58.07 53.98 31.38 81.05 18,132.70
23/06/2011 32.64 58.52 52.49 31.36 81.04 17,804.94
22/06/2011 32.62 58.61 52.1 31.35 80.87 17,526.92
21/06/2011 32.62 58.97 52.03 31.35 80.21 17,659.37
20/06/2011 32.63 58.7 51.87 31.36 80.85 17,574.37
17/06/2011 32.62 58.23 52.96 31.35 81.07 17,925.17
16/06/2011 32.58 58.4 53.26 31.31 81.63 18,060.17
15/06/2011 32.55 58.78 53.74 31.28 80.75 18,060.11
14/06/2011 32.5 58.59 54.27 31.24 80.86 18,298.59
13/06/2011 32.55 58.51 54.1 31.25 80.95 18,276.78
10/6/2011 32.62 58.34 54.11 31.26 80.53 18,242.25
9/6/2011 32.61 58.09 54.39 31.23 80.53 18,390.41
8/6/2011 32.57 57.8 54.46 31.21 80.27 18,394.57
7/6/2011 32.56 58.18 54.73 31.18 79.8 18,448.40
6/6/2011 32.55 58.17 54.49 31.17 79.6 18,355.30
3/6/2011 32.55 58.61 54.35 31.14 78.77 18,344.27
2/6/2011 32.51 57.98 54.68 31.13 77.3 18,554.40
1/6/2011 32.48 57.77 55.01 31.11 77.08 18,425.85
31/05/2011 32.43 57.88 54.7 31.11 77.16 18,527.12
30/05/2011 32.38 57.62 53.85 31.12 78.25 18,266.61
27/05/2011 32.37 57.58 53.88 31.13 78.67 18,319.74
26/05/2011 32.35 57.41 53.25 31.16 79.11 18,105.61
25/05/2011 32.37 57.19 52.61 31.15 79.49 17,917.11
24/05/2011 32.38 57.07 53.05 31.16 79.27 17,976.36
23/05/2011 32.37 56.58 52.98 31.16 79.27 18,016.43
20/05/2011 32.38 55.92 53.95 31.16 79.39 18,269.06
19/05/2011 32.35 55.88 53.36 31.16 79.51 18,199.96
18/05/2011 32.36 56.14 53.3 31.16 79.65 18,166.64
17/05/2011 32.35 56.05 53.48 31.14 79.38 18,177.32
16/05/2011 32.35 56.76 54.05 31.13 79.36 18,374.45
13/05/2011 32.33 56.92 54.53 31.12 79.65 18,492.68
12/5/2011 32.35 57.15 53.94 31.11 79.98 18,362.45
11/5/2011 32.34 57.3 54.72 31.12 79.6 18,525.32
10/5/2011 32.34 57.06 54.5 31.13 78.81 18,572.61
9/5/2011 32.34 57.06 54.6 31.12 78.68 18,564.95
6/5/2011 32.33 57.26 54.6 31.11 77.86 18,628.63
5/5/2011 32.31 57.25 53.7 31.13 77.51 18,289.78
4/5/2011 32.33 57.05 54.43 31.14 77.93 18,484.71
3/5/2011 32.33 56.75 54.72 31.19 77.96 18,558.33
2/5/2011 32.37 56.74 56.17 31.18 78.85 18,979.31
29/04/2011 32.35 56.83 56.67 31.18 78.48 19,224.05
28/04/2011 32.35 57.01 57.11 31.19 78.5 19,292.57
27/04/2011 32.35 56.74 57.59 31.19 78.63 19,532.85
26/04/2011 32.35 56.26 57.98 31.18 79.21 19,610.71
25/04/2011 32.34 56.06 58.03 31.19 79.66 19,596.32
21/04/2011 32.33 55.73 58.14 31.2 79.11 19,538.52
20/04/2011 32.33 55.43 57.79 31.21 79.76 19,582.50
19/04/2011 32.34 55.52 56.69 31.21 79.33 19,274.21
18/04/2011 32.34 55.42 56.55 31.21 79.52 19,091.78
15/04/2011 32.34 55.77 57.58 31.22 79.4 19,389.74
13/04/2011 32.35 55.56 58.52 31.22 79.4 19,670.07
11/4/2011 32.35 55.48 57.21 31.23 79.4 19,187.01
8/4/2011 32.34 55.68 57.74 31.2 78.64 19,382.91
7/4/2011 32.39 55.83 58.19 31.19 79.37 19,602.81
6/4/2011 32.38 55.83 58.27 31.17 79.6 19,620.88
5/4/2011 32.34 55.61 58.46 31.14 80.69 19,698.61
4/4/2011 32.29 55.96 58.47 31.11 81.18 19,731.38
1/4/2011 32.25 55.8 57.68 31.09 81.18 19,473.93
31/03/2011 32.26 55.88 57.74 31.06 81.86 19,463.11
30/03/2011 32.26 55.57 57.32 31.02 82.2 19,339.75
29/03/2011 32.22 55.25 56.82 31 82.51 19,178.77
28/03/2011 32.16 55.46 56.32 30.97 82.43 18,949.57
25/03/2011 32.13 55.53 56.02 30.97 82.22 18,799.71
24/03/2011 32.12 56.04 54.71 30.97 82.09 18,480.69
23/03/2011 32.12 56.39 54.29 30.92 81.13 18,286.42
22/03/2011 32.13 56.66 53.64 30.92 81.05 17,972.04
21/03/2011 32.14 56.89 53.14 30.91 81.92 17,929.09
18/03/2011 32.15 56.68 53.23 30.9 82.52 17,984.72
17/03/2011 32.15 56.67 53.96 30.9 81.41 18,251.18
16/03/2011 32.13 56.61 54.57 30.89 81.89 18,227.16
15/03/2011 32.15 56.77 53.93 30.88 82.42 18,263.68
14/03/2011 32.14 56.27 54.8 30.87 82.13 18,113.79
11/3/2011 32.11 56.07 53.93 30.84 82.13 18,167.10
10/3/2011 32.11 56.51 54.41 30.83 81.97 18,248.11
9/3/2011 32.04 56.56 54.77 30.81 80.97 18,430.84
8/3/2011 32.04 56.02 54.69 30.8 80.73 18,522.80
7/3/2011 32.05 56.07 54.11 30.79 80.43 18,277.34
4/3/2011 31.98 56.14 54.83 30.78 79.95 18,361.65
3/3/2011 31.97 55.97 54.82 30.76 79.51 18,622.70
1/3/2011 31.91 55.77 54.72 30.76 79.37 18,318.32
28/02/2011 31.9 55.55 52.83 30.76 78.32 17,982.28
25/02/2011 31.91 55.07 52.55 30.75 77.9 17,811.08
24/02/2011 31.93 54.83 52.17 30.73 77.31 17,775.08
23/02/2011 31.91 54.56 53.89 30.71 76.79 18,135.12
22/02/2011 31.84 54.16 54.22 30.7 76.85 18,233.77
21/02/2011 31.85 53.9 54.76 30.69 77.5 18,390.72
18/02/2011 31.82 53.6 54.14 30.69 77.79 18,238.54
17/02/2011 31.82 52.99 55.03 30.67 77.17 18,564.08
16/02/2011 31.76 52.85 54.42 30.66 78.1 18,345.12
15/02/2011 31.77 52.64 54.37 30.66 77.47 18,273.06
14/02/2011 31.74 52.43 54.08 30.65 77.87 18,260.08
11/2/2011 31.72 52.51 52.69 30.64 78.22 17,940.16
10/2/2011 31.7 52.58 51.84 30.64 77.96 17,519.13
9/2/2011 31.69 52.71 52.11 30.64 77.35 17,603.29
8/2/2011 31.73 52.26 52.69 30.63 78.16 17,723.99
7/2/2011 31.74 52.51 53.51 30.63 78.11 18,141.51
4/2/2011 31.73 52.24 53.49 30.64 77.97 18,135.02
3/2/2011 31.74 52.65 54.82 30.64 76.3 18,450.07
2/2/2011 31.74 52.81 53.88 30.65 75.85 18,113.73
1/2/2011 31.73 52.72 53.73 30.63 75.55 18,216.91
31/01/2011 31.71 52.47 54.62 30.65 77.37 18,425.18
28/01/2011 31.65 52.82 54.71 30.66 77.77 18,226.21
27/01/2011 31.65 52.82 55.61 30.67 78.33 18,708.62
25/01/2011 31.68 52.87 56.43 30.68 77.9 19,086.69
24/01/2011 31.65 52.02 56.99 30.69 78.9 19,227.42
21/01/2011 31.66 51.72 56.54 30.69 78.36 19,095.69
20/01/2011 31.66 51.73 56.69 30.69 78.24 19,007.08
19/01/2011 31.67 52.52 56.47 30.71 78.25 18,892.43
18/01/2011 31.73 52.58 56.82 30.73 76.63 19,153.31
17/01/2011 31.68 52.92 56.12 30.72 75.57 18,983.20
14/01/2011 31.64 52.75 56.12 30.73 75.96 18,911.43
13/01/2011 31.65 53.22 57.09 30.73 76.9 19,198.04
12/1/2011 31.7 52.88 58.2 30.73 77.99 19,492.30
11/1/2011 31.75 52.62 57.14 30.76 78.26 19,353.34
10/1/2011 31.82 52.5 57.2 30.74 79.39 19,279.77
7/1/2011 31.81 51.44 58.62 30.76 78.56 19,714.42
3/1/2011 31.84 50.74 60.09 30.66 78.39 20,163.85

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