Chennai BOQ

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Project 120+120 MLD STP Kodungaiyur


S. No. Item of work Unit Rate

1 Earthwork in excavation for all types of soil including stacking upto a lead of 50m, including Dewatering of
surface water all types of soils
0-1.5m cum
1.5- 3.0m cum
3.0- 4.5m cum
4.5-6.0m cum
6.0-7.5m cum
Beyond 7.5 m cum
2 Excavation in highly weathered rock cum
3 Excavation in Moderatly weathered rock cum
4 Excavation in hard rock cum
a) Backflling with stacked/excavated earth cum
(excluding rock) in layers from upto a lead of 100m including consolidating /compacting each deposited layer
by ramming and watering to the required density as per the specifications of the contract agreement,
dressing , mandatory tests etc. all complete for raising upto FGL
b) Supply of good soil for plantation. cum
c) Backflling with borrowed earth (excluding rock) in layers from upto a lead of 50m including consolidating cum
/compacting each deposited layer by ramming and watering to the required density as per the specifications
of the contract agreement, dressing , mandatory tests etc. all complete for making FGL,plinth filling

6 Disposal of excavated earth / rock

a) Upto a lead of 100 M in the existing plant cum
b) Upto a lead of 10 kM cum
c) Upto a lead of 15 kM cum
7 Rubble soling below Building floors of quality as specified in clause 2.8.23 of Volume 2, Part A of 230 thk cum
including spreading, compaction etc. all complete as per the drawings/ Specs/ CA
8 Providing and laying polyethylene sheet of having minimum mass of 1 kg/sqm of make approved by Engineer sqm
as per requirement of IS 3370.
9 Providing and laying of Plain Cement Concrete nominal Mix of specified grades and thickness for foundation
of buildings, inside and foundations of water retaining structures, bedding and haunch of hume pipes,
channels, all pipes and conduits below stuctural plinth, pathways, roadways and in PCC filling, including
centring ,shuttering vibrating, ramming, curing etc. all complete
a) M10 for Blinding and levelling concrete for buildings and other works cum
b) M20 for Blinding and levelling concrete for water retaining structures cum
10 1200 mm wide Plinth protection comprising of PCC M-15 grade of average thickness 75 mm, laid over a layer SQM
of compacted brick bats of average thickness 75 mm with brick edging at outer edge for all buildings and tank
11 Providing and laying in position, machine batched, machine mixed, machine vibrated design mix cement
concrete of specified grade for reinforced cement concrete work including transporting and pumping, adding
the admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS 9103 to accelerate, retard the setting of concrete,
improve workability without impairing the strength and durability required as per Client's specifications, but
excluding the cost of centring shuttering and reinforcement.
a) M20 for encasing of pipe below structural plinth and road works ( Minimum thickness 150 mm) cum
b) M25 for all buildings cum
c) M35 with SRC for all water retaining structures cum
12 Providing and laying screed Concrete of Gr M20 design mix of 50 mm av thickness to req slopes and finished cum
smooth to suit the unit requirements in floor, roof, sunshades etc incl hacking/scarifying base concrete
surface, surface preparation with cement grading as per Client specifications incl staging,curing etc all
13 Providing and laying DPC, 50mm thk in M15 with 10 mm downgraded coarse aggregate ,approved water SQM
proofing component conforming to BIS 2645 ,incl vibrating, formwork, curing, finishing etc all complete,
including supply of Cement as per the tender specifications.
14 Reinforcement Steel
a) Supplying ,HYSD bars of grade Fe 415 CRS with fusion bonded epoxy coating of minimum 175 micron to MT
300 micron maximum as per BIS code 1786-1985 & other relevant specifications of the Client (from main
producers such as SAIL, TISCO,and RATHI TOR only)
b) Cutting, bending, binding, loading ,unloading, placing of above reinforcemnt as per BIS code 1786-1985 & MT
other relevant specifications of the Client incl staging etc all complete including PVC coated binding wire.

15 Providing and fixing of Straight formwork incl necessary supports, scaffolding and staging etc.and any other SQM
condition as per the client specification
16 Providing and fixing of Circular/ Curved formwork incl necessary supports, scaffolding and staging etc.and SQM
any other condition as per the client specification
17 Bricks Masonary Works
a) Providing and laying Brickwork in CM 1:6, of thickness 230 mm & above in bldgs, manholes,storm water CUM
drains etc with bricks with minimum compressive strength of 10N/mm2 and other specifications of tender
including staging, curing etc all complete
b) Providing and laying Brickwork in CM 1:3, of thickness 115 mm with 2 no. 6 mm dia MS dia bars at every third SQM
course in bldgs, manholes etc with bricks of minimum compressive strength of 10 N/mm2 and other
specifications of tender incl staging, curing etc all complete.
18 Plastering works
a) Providing 20mm thk cement plaster in CM 1:4 in all units and facilities,on outside & inside masonary face SQM
,incl staging, curing etc all complete as per tender and CPWD specifications
b) Providing12mm thk cement plaster in CM 1:4 in all units and facilities,on inside masonary face ,incl staging, SQM
curing etc all complete as per tender and CPWD specifications.
c) Providing 6mm thk cement plaster in CM 1:3 in ceiling of all units and facilities ,incl staging, curing etc all SQM
complete as per tender and CPWD specifications
19 Painting works
a) Supply and application of cement paint on external masonary surfaces as per Client specifications incl SQM
staging, etc all complete.
b) Supply and application of 3 coats of dry Distemper on internal masonary surfaces as per Client specifications SQM
incl staging, etc all complete.
c) Supply and application of white wash on Ceilings of buildings. SQM

d) Supply and application of luster paint on Ceilings of buildings. SQM

e) Supply and application of oil paint on Ceilings of buildings. SQM

f) Supply and application on exposed face of concrete tanks walls above ground 3 coats of cement based SQM
paint of approved quality as per Client specifications incl staging, etc all complete.
g) Supply and application of Coal tar epoxy on inner face of water retaining structure of minimum 120 Micron SQM
20 Flooring,Skirting,Dado
a) Supply and application of 12 mm IPS ( metallic hardener) over 40 mm PCC M15 with panels not exceeding SQM
0.9 m x 0.9 m created by providing and fixing aluminium strips 2 mm thick
b) Cement plaster skirting 18 mm thick and 150 mm high in all areas with IPS flooring.
c) Fiber reinforced 2 mm thick vinyl flooring SQM
d) Vitrified glazed tiles 600 x 600 mm or any suitable size for flooring of Administrative Building/SCADA Building/ SQM
Laboratory as per tender specifications or as per CPWD specifications.
e) Supply and fixing of 0.3 meter high dado from floor in Vitrified glazed tiles in Admin building as per CPWD/ RMT
Tender specification.
f) 6 mm thick Acid resistant tiles on acid proof mortar in chemical building & battery room SQM
g) Supply and fixing of 1.8 meter high dado from floor in Acid resistant tiles 6 mm thick in acid proof mortar in RMT
Chemical Building & Battery room.
h) Supply and application of Cement chequered tiles, minimum 20mm thick laid on 1:3 cement mortar bedding to SQM
be provided on top of all walkways (Light shade using white cement) and staircases located outside the
building structures in open.
i) Supply and fixing of white anti skid tiles for toilet floors of approved make as per tender SQM
j) 1.8 m high dado of white anti skid tiles in toilets RMT
21 Roof Water Proofing treatment
a) Providing and laying six courses bitumen felt waterproofing treatment for draining out the SQM
rainwater with minimum roof slope of 1:120, on top of 40mm thick. sloping screed of CC (M15) minimum
b) Supply and fixing of CI rainwater downtakes 100 mm Diameter with CI bell mouth and grating with RM
necessary clamps, bends, khurras etc with lead joints to be encased with Cement Concrete M15 in chase of
22 Providing and fixing SS304 handrail with 3 horizontal rails and post spaced at 1.2 m c/c , height of hand rail RM
1.2 m , to be anchored in RCC below.
23 Vertical cat ladder of SS 304 of 6 m height NOS
24 Supply, Fixing of Annodised Aluminium section with tinted glass , including rubber
a) Doors SQM
b) Windows SQM
c) Ventilators SQM
25 Supply, Fixing of doors /windows/ vantilators of Mild steel as per BIS:1038
a) Doors SQM
b) Windows SQM
c) Ventilators SQM
26 Steel Rolling Shutters
a) Supply & fixing of MS Steel Rolling Shutters made of 80 x 1.25mm MS laths interlocked SQM
together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks
mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements
for inside and outside locking with mechanical device chain and crank operation for
operating rolling shutters
27 Water Bars
a) Supply and fixing PVC Surface type kicker bar,230X8 thk, at locations as specified in approved drawings of RM
ISI marked approved make, splicing etc all complete.
b) Supply and fixing ribbed PVC water bar in walls and suspended/roof slabs of water retaining structures, 200 RM
mm. wide 6mm thick at locations as shown in the drawings and as per tender specifications.
28 Expansion joints with Joint Sealant Compound
a) For wall- 25mm thk with 115 mm wide water bar and infill with shalitex board 25mm thk. Both side of RM
expansion joint shall be filled with polysulphide sealant 20 x 12mm. All other specifications shall be as per the
tender specifications
b) For base slab- 25mm thk with 230mm wide water bar and infill with shalitex board 25mm thk. Expansion joint RM
shall be filled with polysulphide sealant 20 x 12mm at the top . All other specifications shall be as per the
tender specifications
29 Structural Steel Work (Including Supply ,erection, fixing and , sand blasting and synthetic paint over primer
coat) :(for digester plates painting shall be as per item d/e/f )
a) Structural steel kerb angles, insert plates, monorails , gantry etc. including shot blasting, primer appclication MT
and painting as tender specifications
b) Structural steel plate for digester dome including supply ,fabrication ,lifting , placing sand blasting etc.all MT
complete but excluding painting .
c) Rolled Sections to support dome for digester including supply ,fabrication ,lifting , placing ,painting as per MT
tender etc all complete
d) Permacor 160.02 40 µm epoxy primer and Epiter TF130 600 µm solvent-free epoxy finishing coat on inside SQM
face of digester dome with 10 year imperviousness guarantee
e) EDA Primer 30 µm epoxy primer and Bioperl 600 µm solvent-free epoxy finishing coat on inside face of SQM
digester dome plate with 10 year imperviousness guarantee
f) Tar epoxy polyamine coating 275 micron dry film thickness on inside face of digester dome plate with 10 year SQM
imperviousness guarantee
30 Providing and fixing 8mm thick chequerd plate SQM
31 600 dia manhole cover of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) and frame (HD – 20 grade designation) of No
suitable size conforming to IS 12592 with ms ring welded all around with hooks
32 Roads and path ways (supply , watering,compaction , application testing all complete to be included in rate)

a) Type 1 Road width 3.75 m with layers as under Sqm

Bottom layer 100 mm thick WMM,
Seperation membrane 125 micron thick with minimum 300 mm overlap .
Intermediate150 mm M15 layer
Top Layer 150 mm thick M30
b) Construction of 0.875 m wide shoulder on compcated subgrade with CC curb of size 600 mm x 300 mm x 100 Sqm
mm thick for entire length
c) Supply and construction of Pathways of 1200 mm width with top layer of 60 mm thick interlocking tiles with CC Sqm
curb of size 600 mm x 300 mm x 100 mm thick for entire length on both sides, including compaction by rolling
etc all complete
33 Pipe drains at road crossing
a) 450mmdia NP-3 class hume pipe RM
b) 750mmdia NP-3 class hume pipe RM
34 16 m.m.sq. PVC encapsulated Rungs. Nos.
a) Temporary Site Office of 80 m^2 (Porta cabin ) as per clause 1.21.3 of Volume – 2, Section: XI, Part 1 NOS.
b) Suez Site office with facilities as per clause 1.21.3 of Volume – 2, Section: XI, Part 1 (PORTA CABIN ) SQM

c) Suez closed Godown (shed type structure with gate) SQM

d) Suez Open storage space with fence . SQM
e) Vehicle Parking Shed as per clause number 2.30.12 of Volume 2 Section X Part 2 page number 272supply Nos
erection , construction all complete.
f) Rain Water Harvesting System as per clause number 2.30.13 of Volume 2 Section X Part 2 page number 272 Nos
design , approval , supply erection, construction all complete.
36 MS entrance gates 5 m wide x 2.1 m high including supply fixing , painting all complete as per tender Nos
37 Precast perforated cover slabs of RCC M20
a) 300 MM X 300 MM X75 MM Nos
b) 500 MM X 300 MM X75 MM Nos
38 Fencing as per tender specification around digesters and digester control building & gas holders, substation rmt

39 Boundary wall has to be constructed at the site around the plant, with a steel gate of suitable size. RCC pillars RMT

1 The rate for the materials quoted here should be inclusive of all testing as per standard parctice and tender requirements.
2 The water and electricity is also to be included for all above items of works.
3 All material supplied shall be as per tender specification.
4 The Boq is tentetive and may vary based on final designs.
5 Rates shall be valid for 120 days minimum.
6 Provide basic rates conidered for rates as mentioned under,
iPozzolona Portland Cement confirming to IS 1489 as per tender clause
iiBricks for Masonary work of minimum crushing strength 7.5 N/sqmm
iiiCoarse Agreegate of Various sizes
6 mm
10 mm
20 mm
iv Fine agreeegtae
v 8 mm thick Chequered Plate
vi Structural Steel
Qty Amount








Rolling shutters of approved make, made of 80 x 1.25mm MS laths interlocked

0 together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks
0 mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements
0 for inside and outside locking with mechanical device chain and crank operation for

operating rolling shutters exceeding 10.00 Sqm including spring hooks, providing and
0 fixing necessary 25.3 cm long wire springs grade No.2 and MS top cover 1.25 mm

rolling centres formed from cold rolled steel strips. The thickness of the steel strip
0 shall not be less than 0.90mm for shutters upto 3.50m width and not less than 1.20mm

0 for shutters above 3.50m width. Each lath section shall be continuous single piece

without any welded joint.






0.0 Boundary wall has to be constructed at the site around the plant, with a steel gate of
0.0 suitable size. RCC pillars

per bag of 50 kg
1000 nos


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