Belgrade and Pristina: Lost in Normalisation?: by Donika Emini and Isidora Stakic
Belgrade and Pristina: Lost in Normalisation?: by Donika Emini and Isidora Stakic
Belgrade and Pristina: Lost in Normalisation?: by Donika Emini and Isidora Stakic
Belgrade and Pristina: lost in
by Donika Emini and Isidora Stakic
25 June 2015 related agreements
25 August 2015
Parties agree on a EU-led project to renovate the bridge which
symbolically and ethnically divides the city.
Although it was expected to occur in 2016, there has been no
progress in opening the bridge. Crossing points in the north CIVIL REGISTRY BOOKS
remain problematic, while it took a further four years from
signing to agree on vehicle insurance and car registration plates. 2 July 2011
Parties agree on the scanning, copying and certifying of all
available civil registry status books. Serbia agrees to make
copies of the documents and hand them over to EULEX, which
is appointed to facilitate the process.
Over 14,000 civil registry books have been sent to Pristina. The
2 July 2011 Kosovo Civil Registry Agency, in cooperation with the Danish
Serbia successfully returned available civil registry status Refugee Council, has finished digitalising all certified copies
books to Kosovo authorities, process facilitated by EULEX. of civil registry books returned from Serbia to Kosovo.
In 2016, the government of Kosovo adopted a new draft law
for a new technical agency, the Kosovo Property Comparison
and Verification Agency. While in Serbia, the EU Delegation ACCEPTANCE OF UNIVERSITY DIPLOMAS
has financed the Serbian Republic Geodetic Authority (RGA) to
scan the cadastre documentation covered by the Dialogue 2 July 2011
Agreement. Around 40% of documents have been scanned. Parties agree on reciprocal recognition of university diplomas.
The European University Association (EUA) agrees to
undertake the process.
INTEGRATED BORDER/BOUNDARY MANAGEMENT There has been no progress to date.
23 February 2012
Parties agree to set up common crossing points using the EU
model of IBM. Parties agree to not display any state symbols
in order to remain as neutral as possible.
In 2012, Kosovo and Serbia agreed to open two IBM crossing REGIONAL REPRESENTATION AND COOPERATION
points (Jarinje and Merdare). The EU is investing €9.42 million
to fund three permanent border crossing points. 24 February 2012
The ‘Footnote Agreement’ guarantees regional representation
for Kosovo. Kosovo’s name to appear with an asterisk
referencing UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the ICJ
decision on Kosovan independence. Serbia agrees not to
ENERGY hinder Kosovo’s efforts to participate in regional initiatives.
8 September 2013 Kosovo has become part of some regional initiatives in the
Parties agree that the energy transmission authorities – KOSTT Western Balkans – mostly EU-led projects. In spite of this
from Kosovo and EMS from Serbia – sign an Agreement to agreement, Serbia has continued to block Kosovo’s participa-
regulate transmission operators. tion in regional initiatives. The non-recognition campaign was
also highlighted during Kosovo’s UNESCO membership bid.
The lack of an action plan has delayed the implementation of
the Agreement. This has also delayed interconnection projects
between Albania, Kosovo and Serbia in the framework of the
Berlin Process. A power grid dispute between Serbia and TELECOMMUNICATIONS
Kosovo led to a domino effect which caused digital clocks to
fall behind by 6 minutes in the majority of EU countries. 8 September 2013
Parties agree that the International Telecommunication Union
(ITU) will allocate the three-digit code – replacing the three
existing ones in Kosovo (from Serbia, Slovenia and Monaco).
Kosovo received the three-digit (+383) code in 2016 and the
process is expected to be complete by September 2018.
Data: Council of the European Union, EULEX, Government of Kosovo, Government of Serbia
25 August 2015
The parties agree to establish an association of the 10 Serb
majority municipalities in Kosovo. Municipalities to have full
competences in areas such economic development, health, ESTABLISHMENT OF FOUR SERBIAN MUNICIPALITIES
education, and urban and rural planning. IN THE NORTHERN PART OF KOSOVO
After debates between the opposition and the government of 19 April 2013
Kosovo, the Agreement has been sent to the constitutional The Dialogue legally establishes the municipalities of
court, which put the agreement on hold due to a lack of Mitrovica North, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic.
compliance with the constitution. Kosovo has conditioned the
establishment of the Association on progress in the justice This marked a critical step in the implementation of the
sector, the dissolution of parallel institutions, the dismantle- Brussels Agreement. Although the functioning of the four
ment of the Civil Protection Corps, and the renovation of the municipalities in the north remains fragile and influenced by
Mitrovica bridge. Serbia, which continues to support parallel institutions.
The Agreement foresees the integration of Serbian judges and
prosecutors into the Kosovo justice system, working in
related accordance with Kosovan law. The details include specific
agreements/ positions appointed on the basis of the ethnic composition of
components the municipalities in the north.
Agreements have only been partially imple- the ownership of the operation-distribution sys-
mented. While certain sections have been suc- tem. This dispute between Kosovo and Serbia
cessfully implemented – such as the integration resulted in problems in the electricity grid that
of former Serbian police officers into the Kosovo serves most of Europe, and is now being me-
police – others led to renegotiations. For exam- diated by Klaus Töpfer, a former German envi-
ple, the Agreement related to energy required ronment minister.9 Similarly, the Agreement on
further negotiation due to a disagreement over Freedom of Movement has been through several