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Finite Volume Method

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Finite Volume Method

According to Weisstein (2018), the finite volume method is a numerical method that

calculates value of the conserved variables averaged across the volume in partial differential

equation form. In application with water quality modelling, partial differential equations is

discretized into cells, inside which the pollutant concentration is conveniently evaluated. The

variation of the concentration is identified in the cell boundary, with the assumption that the value

lost by a cell is gained by the contiguous one. (Benedini, 2011).

A solution based on a finite volume calculates the concentrate of solute or suspended

sediment’s advection at each face of any control volume, by means of a modified form of the

highly accurate ultimate quickest scheme (Kashefipour & Roshanfekr, 2012).

The discrete forms of the terms when double integration is to perform in a one-dimensional

advection-dispersion equation (ADE) with respect to time and volume over the control volume,

using finite volume method can be written as follows (Kashefipour & Roshanfekr, 2012):

t  Δt
 
t V
 n 1

dVdt  SA i  SA i ΔV

t  Δt
 
V x
 n 1 n 1 n

dVdt  ψSQAi 1/2  ψSQAi 1/2  1  ψ SQAi 1/2  SQAi 1/2 Δt 
n 1

 n 1 n 1

Δt ψ S i  S i 1  QAi 1/2  S i  S i 1  QAi 1/2  
n 1 n 1


2 (1  ψ) S i  S i 1 n 1 QAin1/2

 S i  S i 1  QAi 1/2 
n 1 n 1
t  Δt  S
 
t V x
AD 1
dVdt 

  2 n 1 S i 1  S i  n 1 S i  S i 1   
n 1 n 1

ψ  A D1 i 1/2 
x i 1  x i
 A D1 i 1/2
 
x i  x i 1  
  (3)
 
Δt  
 2 n 1 S i 1  S i     

    
n n
n S S i 1
(1  ψ)  A D1 i 1/2 x  x  A D1 i 1/2 x  x 
2 i

  i 1 i i i 1  

t  Δt Q LSL
  t V Δx
dVdt  Q L S L AΔΔ (4)

1κASi 1/2  κASi 1/2 

n 1 n 1
t  Δt 
 V  S dVdt  S ΔVΔt   4 κASn  κASn ΔVΔt
d d
t t (5)
 i 1/2 i 1/2 

. Furthermore, the finite volume method is preferable to other methods as a result of the

fact that boundary conditions can be applied noninvasively. Finite volume methods are especially

powerful on coarse non-uniform grids and in calculations where the mesh moves to track interfaces

or shocks (Weisstein, 2018).

A finite volume solver for turbulent shallow water equations is presented on “Mathematical

modeling of a river stream based on a shallow water approach” by Churuksaeva and Starchenko

(2015). The applicability of the model was investigated thus, comparing between the numerical

solution and experimental results, the depth averaged model correctly represents flow patterns.

(Churuksaeva & Starchenko, 2015).

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