High Jump and Hurdle Step

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Kahoots creados por mí mismo para las clases de Educación física en inglés.

Se busca que los

alumnos comprueben la asimilación de los contenidos prácticos antes del examen teórico.

1. Is the hurdle step an olympic modality?

a) No.
b) Yes, but only in the male modality
c) Yes, but only for women
d) Yes, in male and female modalities.

2. In the olympic games, we could see the hurdle step in the next modalities...
a) 30, 60 and 90 m races.
b) 60, 110 and 200 m races.
c) 60, 110, 400 and 3000 m races.
d) 60, 110, 200 and 1500 m races.

3. What are the hurdle step phases?

a) Approach, stop, flight and landing.
b) Approach, take off, flight and fall.
c) Approach, take off, flight and landing.
d) All the questions are wrong.

4. What is this hurdle step phase?

a) Take off.
b) Landing.
c) Flight.
d) Approach.

5. One characteristic of the approach phase is...

a) The tappering
b) That you jump with both feet
c) the tuppoling
d) All the answers are wrong.

6. What is this hurdle step phase (green man)?

a) Approach
b) Flight
c) Landing
d) Take off

7. One characteristic of the landing phase is....

a) Make contact with the floor very soon with the attack leg.
b) Make contact with the floor with the impulse leg first.
c) Make contact with the floor with both legs at the same time.
d) All the answers are wrong.

8. What is this hurdle step phase?

a) Approach
b) Landing
c) Take off
d) Flight
9. One characteristic of the flight phase is....
a) The attack leg extends toward the hurdle.
b) The impulse leg extends toward the hurdle.
c) The attack leg bends toward the hurdle.
d) All the answers are wrong.

10. What is this hurdle step phase?

a) Approach
b) Landing
c) Flight
d) Take off

11. One characteristic of the take off phase is...

a) The impulse is given by the right foot.
b) The impulse is given by the left foot.
c) We extend the impulse leg when taking off.
d) All the questions are wrong.

12. Is the high jump an olympic modality?

a) Yes, but only for men.
b) No.
c) Yes, but only for women.
d) Yes, with both male and female competitions.

13. What are the high jump phases?

a) Approach, stop, jumping and landing.
b) Approach, take off, jumping and fall.
c) Approach, take off, flight and landing.
d) All the questions are wrong.
14. What is this high jump phase?
a) Jumping.
b) Flight.
c) Approach.
d) Landing.

15. One characteristic of the high jump approach phase is...

a) You have to run in a straight line.
b) You have to run in curve.
c) You don´t have to run.
d) You need to do small jumps.

16. What is this high jump phase?

a) Take off
b) Flight
c) Approach
d) Landing

17. One characteristic of the scissors jump flight is...

a) The nearest leg to the rope is the first in surpassing it.
b) The most distant leg is the first in surpassing the rope.
c) We jump both legs at the same time.
d) All the questions are wrong.
18. What scissors phase is the first image (the left one)?

a) Landing
b) Approach
c) Take off
d) Flight

19. One characteristic of the scissors take off is...

a) You do it with the nearest leg to the rope.
b) You do it with the most distant leg to the rope.
c) You do it with both foot at the same time.
d) All the questions are wrong.

20. What is this scissors jump phase (last image) and his main characteristic?

a) Take off (most distant leg to the rope).

b) Flight (extends the nearest leg to the rope).
c) Approach (in curve).
d) Landing (contact the floor first with the attack leg).

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