Wang 2012 Open Spaces
Wang 2012 Open Spaces
Wang 2012 Open Spaces
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To cite this article: Zhifang Wang , Joan I. Nassauer , Robert W. Marans & Daniel G. Brown (2012)
Different Types of Open Spaces and Their Importance to Exurban Homeowners, Society & Natural
Resources: An International Journal, 25:4, 368-383, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2011.571231
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Society and Natural Resources, 25:368–383
Copyright # 2012 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0894-1920 print=1521-0723 online
DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2011.571231
Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas
A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA
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School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Institute for Social Research, Taubman College of Architecture and
Urban Planning, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Exurban residential settings are relevant for understanding how societal desires for
open space impact landscapes and their ecosystem services. In a 2005 image-based
web survey of 468 exurban homeowners in southeast Michigan, we investigated
how exurban home-buying choices may be related to having open space nearby,
and we measured homeowners’ relative preferences for seven different types of
open spaces characterized by different ecosystem services. Our study confirms that
nearby open space is important to exurban homeowners, but it suggests that home-
owners are somewhat heterogeneous in their preferences for different types of open
spaces. They generally prefer forests, lakes, and streams, but their preferences for
wetlands, prairies, playgrounds, and golf courses vary somewhat with education,
age, or having children. In addition, homeowners for whom open space was less
important when they bought their home had somewhat different preferences. We
discuss the implications for protecting ecosystem services in planning, design,
and development.
Different Types of Open Spaces in Exurbia 369
lower levels of ecosystem services but are generally understood to be attractive when
located within residential subdivisions (Andersson et al. 2007; Sorace and Visentin
In this study, we operationalized attractiveness as stated preference, following a
long tradition of measuring preference as a global affective response to the appear-
ance and associated perceived characteristics of landscapes (Hansen and DeFries
2007; Kaplan and Kaplan 1989; Zube et al. 1975). Stated preference can be
considered a psychological precursor to behaviors that reveal economic values
(Adamowicz et al. 1994; Schaeffer 2008), and revealed preference studies have con-
cluded that certain open space types in certain development contexts are associated
with higher prices for nearby homes. Stated preference provides a complementary,
more complete measure.
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landscape preference (though not specifically open space preference), but conclusions
have not been consistent. Preference sometimes varies with respondent age, gender,
or education, but most studies have found no significant difference in landscape pre-
ferences related to these characteristics (Lyons 1983; Matsuoka and Kaplan 2008;
Nassauer 1995a).
The data used in this study were drawn from an April 2005 image-based web survey
of 494 southeast Michigan exurban homeowners who lived within 207 ZIP codes
where local governments use large lot zoning and do not provide sewer and water
services. This was a targeted convenience sample. All respondents were volunteers
who had agreed to receive invitations to participate in web surveys (SurveySpot: E-mail invitations to participate in the survey were
targeted to volunteers who were self-identified homeowners or had a high income
(>US$200,000=year), because high-income persons are likely to be homeowners
but are less likely to respond to requests to participate in web surveys.
The survey instrument was approved by the University of Michigan Institutional
Review Board, and the invitation identified the University of Michigan as conduct-
ing the survey. In addition, the image-based web questionnaire was designed to emu-
late the experience of ‘‘shopping’’ for a home and yard. It included many images of
houses, yards, and neighborhoods that were highly salient to exurban homeowners.
Data were collected from 512 respondents, all of whom self-identified as home-
owners. We reviewed all completed questionnaires to identify ‘‘race-through respon-
dents’’ (18 of 512 respondents), those who completed the questionnaire in a very
short time and also answered our validity check items inconsistently. We then
removed these invalid cases from our data.
Despite our efforts to target our sample, design a salient and engaging instru-
ment, and remove invalid cases, our study does not provide solutions for other sam-
ple bias and coverage errors that can happen in web surveys (Cook et al. 2000; Lee
2006). Web samples raise different problems than traditional survey sampling tech-
niques. Most obviously, they exclude people who do not use the web. However, gen-
eralizability is of less concern if web use is widespread among the population of
interest (Sills and Song 2002). According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 61.7% of
U.S. households used the Internet by 2007, and exurban households were more likely
372 Z. Wang et al.
Home-Buying Choices
To address our first research question, we used items addressing the importance of
different factors in respondents’ decisions to move to their current home. These 13
items (Table 2) using a 4-point importance scale (1: ‘‘not at all important’’ to 4: ‘‘very
important’’) replicated items in the 2001 Detroit Area Survey (DAS) (Fernandez
et al. 2005; Marans 2003; Vogt and Marans 2004).
Figure 1. Preferences for different types of open spaces (two images for each type).
Analysis Techniques
To address our first research question, we replicated the technique Fernandez et al.
(2005) used in analyzing data for the Detroit area. We employed a principal compo-
nent factor analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation (factors with eigenvalues greater
than 1.00 and alpha coefficients greater than 0.70) to generate meaningful themes
among the 13 variables. Statistical analyses were executed in SPSS13.0 for Windows.
Using descriptive statistics, we also compared the 13 variables’ relative importance in
home-buying choice. For our second research question, we used pairwise compari-
sons of the observed set of stated preferences using t tests. For our third research
question, we first used background characteristics to define respondent groups,
and then compared their preferences for different open space types by t test and
analysis of variance between groups (ANOVA) (F test). We used a post hoc Tukey’s
test to identify significant differences among specific groups. Finally, we generated
each respondent’s comparative ranking of the different open space types and used
Kendall’s tau C to test for differences in the ranking of each type across groups.
In a second analysis for this question, we used K-means cluster analysis of the open
space factor scores (from our first research question) to cluster respondents into
Different Types of Open Spaces in Exurbia 375
groups that placed different levels of importance on open space in their home-buying
choice. Then we used the same statistical tests as above to compare these groups’
preferences for different types of open spaces.
Importance of Open Space in Home-Buying Choices
We found that having open space nearby was important to home-buying choices in
exurban southeast Michigan. We described factors derived from our PCA analysis as
open space, neighborhood design and cost, social concern, and school and rec-
reational opportunities (Table 2). Variables loading on the factor neighborhood
design and cost were most important in homeowner decisions, followed by variables
loading on the factor open space. Quality of schools also was relatively important.
Other variables were rated far less important than neighborhood design=cost, open
space, and good schools.
Table 3. Paired sample t test of open space preferences of all respondents (n ¼ 468)
t Statistics
Open space
types Mean SD Forests Lakes Streams Prairie Wetlands Golf courses
Forests 6.32 0.99
Lakes 6.27 1.09 0.84
Streams 6.22 1.10 1.75 1.02
Prairie 5.61 1.31 13.38a 9.30a 9.30a
Wetlands 5.28 1.43 15.33a 15.44a 15.85a 4.65
Golf courses 4.14 1.50 23.52a 23.97a 22.26a 14.59a 10.92a
Playground 4.12 1.77 26.30a 26.33a 24.93a 16.35a 12.14a 0.23
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Indicates significant differences with p < .05.
covers. Multiple t tests comparing ratings of different types of open spaces demon-
strated that exurban homeowners’ most preferred open space types were forests,
lakes, and streams, somewhat preferred open space types were prairie and wetlands,
and golf courses and playing fields were least preferred overall (Table 3).
Background Golf
characteristics (n) Forests Lakes Streams Wetlands Prairie Playground courses
High school 6.34 6.27 6.38 5.42 5.82a 3.89 3.62a
College degree 6.35 6.29 6.21 5.25 5.63b 4.17 4.17b
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Post-college 6.15 6.27 6.16 5.33 5.25c 4.31 4.43b
F statistics 1.29 0.02 0.96 0.45 3.841 1.65 4.401
Kendall’s tau C 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.05 0.121 0.01 0.111
Age (years)
<40 (140) 5.96a 6.14a 5.91a 4.94a 5.46 4.37 4.02a
b b
40–60 (276) 6.45 6.42 6.39b 5.48b 5.75 4.04 4.04a
c c
>60 (48) 6.27 5.94 6.29b 5.21c 5.19 4.02 4.94b
1 1
F statistics 12.10 4.04 11.351 5.191 2.52 1.73 4.171
Kendall’s tau C 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.161 0.131
Having children under 18 years of age
No (251) 6.41 6.37 6.32 6.37 5.61 3.95 4.09
Yes (217) 6.21 6.06 6.22 6.06 5.60 4.36 4.16
t Statistics 4.831 9.991 1.03 9.291 0.00 8.881 0.18
Kendall’s tau C 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.141 0.05 0.191 0.01
Note. F statistics compare mean ratings and Kendall’s tau C statistics compare relative
ranking of open space types for each characteristic; superscript 1 indicates significant differ-
ences with p < .05. Values with different letter superscripts (a, b, c) within a column are stat-
istically different (alpha ¼ .05; Tukey’s post hoc comparisons).
K-means cluster analysis divided respondents into three groups according to their open
space factor score in PCA analysis. Homeowners with a mean factor score of 1.03 were
classified as putting very high importance on open space in their home-buying choice
(‘‘high importance’’), those with a mean factor score of 0.02 were classified as putting
neutral importance on open space (‘‘neutral importance’’), and the remaining home-
owners, with mean factor scores below 1.82, were classified as finding open space
relatively unimportant (‘‘low importance’’). Groups of homeowners who had placed
different importance on open space in their home-buying choice had different ratings
for nearly all open space types except the more obviously manipulated landscapes,
playing fields, and golf courses (Table 5), which had the lowest mean ratings by all
groups. In contrast, homeowners grouped by education, age, or having children were
heterogeneous in their preferences for playing fields and golf courses. Among impor-
tance groups, ranked preference for different open space types was significantly differ-
ent for lakes and wetlands but not the other open space types.
378 Z. Wang et al.
Table 5. Preference for open space types by respondent groups that placed different
importance on living near open space when they bought their home (one-way
Overall, knowing about how the importance of having open space nearby influ-
enced the choice of a home may help to anticipate heterogeneity in preferences for
different types of open spaces, especially in anticipating exurban homeowners’ pre-
ferences for open space types that provide high levels of ecosystem services. It may be
useful to continue to explore open space importance clusters as indicators of hetero-
geneity in open space preference. Education, age, and having children at home are
more helpful for anticipating heterogeneity in preferences for playing fields (more
preferred by homeowners with young children) and golf courses (more preferred
by older and well-educated homeowners).
Our study has many implications for the role of open space in exurban development,
particularly planning and management of public open spaces at the neighborhood or
regional scale (Grose 2009). Our finding that open space is important in choosing a
home is consistent with previous studies and replicates a key conclusion from data
drawn from the 2001 Detroit Area Study (Fernandez et al. 2005). However, our con-
clusion is different from studies that sampled within urban areas (Vogt and Marans
2004; NAR 2001; Nelessen 2002); these concluded that location relative to urban fea-
tures (nearness to shops, nearness to work, etc.) is more important than open space.
Our different results may indicate distinct characteristics of exurban residents, who
may place greater importance on nearby open spaces and natural environments than
do residents from across an urban area.
While we found relative preferences for most open space types to be consistent
across different homeowner groups, we also found evidence of some heterogeneity
based on life stages and different levels of education. Compared with others, people
Different Types of Open Spaces in Exurbia 379
with children at home have higher preferences for living near playing fields but lower
preferences for wetlands, perhaps because parents need places for children to play
but may perceive wetlands as less safe for children (Field et al. 2005). Our finding
that people over 60 or with more education had greater preferences for golf courses
nearby might be explained by the fact that these groups play golf more frequently
than others (NGF 2004). However, our most relevant finding for land planning that
protects ecosystem services may be that all exurban groups prefer forests, lakes, and
streams over other open space types.
We also found significant differences in preference ratings among homeowners
who placed different importance on open space in their home-buying choice, but
we found few statistically significant differences in their rankings of open space
types. This result may shed light on a more fundamental interaction among natural
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and human systems. Considering preference ratings (F statistic), people for whom
nearness to open space was more influential in a very important life choice, their
home, had higher absolute preferences for open space types that do not appear to
be highly manipulated, including prairies and wetlands. In contrast, people for
whom nearness to open space was less important when choosing a home had lower
absolute preferences for forests, streams, lakes, prairies, and wetlands. Only open
space types that appear to be highly manipulated (playing fields and golf courses)
are rated similarly (low) by all these groups. Considering how each of the open space
importance groups ranked the seven open space types (Kendall’s tau C statistic), all
groups ranked forests, lakes, and streams high, consistent with many previous stu-
dies. However, homeowners who placed little importance on open space nearby
ranked lakes higher significantly more than did other groups. Forests, lakes, and
streams in southeast Michigan have high potential ecosystem services, and our
results suggest these ecosystems enhance the value of nearby residential property
as well. We conclude that along with the well-known market premium for homes
near lakes, exurban homeowners’ strong preferences for forests and stream ecosys-
tems nearby also suggest a market premium.
Playing fields and golf courses, more obviously manipulated landscapes, were
least preferred by nearly all groups in both analyses. Some past research also has
shown that playing fields are less preferred. Nevertheless, playing fields are widely
recognized as important for recreation, and having such facilities nearby may pro-
mote public health. Our study suggests that the location and total area of playing
fields within a community should be strategically determined to meet community
needs, especially the needs of families with young children, but also balanced against
community preferences for recreation in many types of open spaces, including for-
ests, lakes, streams, and wetlands. Most groups’ lower preference for golf courses
nearby contradicts the popularity of golf community developments. Many people
who live in golf communities are not golfers, but they appreciate golf courses for
the aesthetic value of the permanent open space provided by the courses (Mulvihill
et al. 2001). Our research suggests that other open space types that provide greater
ecosystem services than golf courses might have even greater aesthetic value for
many nearby homeowners.
Planning for wetlands and prairie as part of exurban development patterns can
be challenging because many homeowners may not find these ecosystem types parti-
cularly attractive. This result is consistent with findings from previous studies, which
suggest that the effects of wetlands on perception and property values vary, partially
depending on wetland types. Prairies and wetlands provide valuable natural
380 Z. Wang et al.
ecosystem services in southeast Michigan. Since not all exurban homeowners prefer
to live near wetlands and prairie, future exurban development should rely on careful
design to present these ecosystems as attractive in order to protect them. Especially
for these open space types, design may dramatically affect preference. In addition,
regulations and codes can be used to preserve these ecosystems, and environment
education efforts should be strengthened to increase residents’ appreciation of ben-
eficial ecosystems as well as their support for protection (Gobster 1995).
Exurban development is the result of a complex mix of landscape characteristics,
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human desires, market forces, and policy choices. The goal of this study was not
to attract more people to exurban locations by giving them the kinds of open spaces
they prefer, but rather to anticipate and influence exurban landscape change if the
strong trend toward exurban development continues and as existing exurban devel-
opment is retrofit by future occupants. Exurban development is by definition exten-
sive, and, compared with other forms of settlements, its relative influence on
landscapes is disproportionately great. Ironically, the low densities that make exur-
ban landscapes undesirable with respect to travel and service costs also heighten
opportunities for design and planning to protect and enhance ecosystem services
within the exurban landscape matrix. Looking closely at possible convergence
between homeowner preferences and open space types that are characterized by
different levels of ecosystem services is one perspective that may build planning
arguments for achieving the larger public good, greater ecosystem services, even in
the midst of exurban development.
Our study demonstrates that open space plays an important role in preferences
for living in exurban locations in southeast Michigan. While different groups’ rela-
tive preferences for different types of open space are generally similar, their absolute
preferences are more heterogeneous, relating to life stage and education, as well their
perspective on the importance of open space. In general, natural-appearing open
space types (forests, streams, lakes, wetlands, and prairie) are preferred over more
obviously manipulated landscapes, such as golf courses and playing fields.
Exurban development creates tension between the desire to have open space
nearby and the loss of open space for development. Both the ecological health of
metropolitan areas and the long term availability of open space experiences depend
on planning exurban development to maintain desirable open space patterns and
experiences. Our research suggests that maintaining forests, lakes, and streams as
part of the public open space system in exurbia can simultaneously satisfy home-
owners’ preferences and enhance ecological quality. Careful design of wetlands
and prairies is essential to protect these extremely valuable ecosystems that are
not always seen as attractive. Golf courses and playing fields should be strategically
prioritized and sited.
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