In The Social Sciences (Pp. 95-124) - New York: Routledge
In The Social Sciences (Pp. 95-124) - New York: Routledge
In The Social Sciences (Pp. 95-124) - New York: Routledge
Lee Branum-Martin
Author Note: The research reported here was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences,
U.S. Department of Education, through grants R305D090024 (Paras D. Mehta, PI) and
R305A10272 (Lee Branum-Martin, PI) to the University of Houston. The initial data collection
was jointly funded by NICHD (HD39521) and IES (R305U010001) to UH (David J. Francis,
PI). The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not represent views of these funding
agencies. The author would like to thank Paras D. Mehta for his helpful guidance in writing this
chapter. The author would like to acknowledge helpful feedback from Yaacov Petscher and Pat
Taylor. Inquiries should be sent to Lee Branum-Martin, Georgia State University, Department of
Psychology, PO Box 5010, Atlanta GA 30302-5010.
1. Introduction
Multilevel models are becoming commonplace in education to account for the clustering
of students within classrooms. Multilevel models have been developed in numerous fields to
account for the clustering of observations within other units, such as repeated measures within
students, or classrooms within schools (see overview by Kreft & de Leeuw, 1998). In this
chapter, it is assumed that readers have a general familiarity with multilevel models. Practical
examples of how to fit multilevel models are numerous (West, Welch, & Gałecki 2007), with
one of the best and most cited being Singer (1998). An excellent conceptual introduction to
multilevel methods with connections to different historical traditions can be found in Kreft and
de Leeuw (1998). More complete technical accounts of multilevel models can be found in
Raudenbush and Bryk (2002), Goldstein (2003), and Snijders and Bosker (1999).
dependence among individuals nested within social clusters (Curran, 2003; Mehta & Neale,
2005). A structural equation model (SEM) is a highly flexible method for handling covariance
among variables (Bollen, 1989) Lomax, this volume). This chapter will exploit this overlap in
modeling covariance in both multilevel models and SEM through the use of applied examples.
Most approaches to multilevel models and SEM are tightly tied to a single version of equations,
diagrams, and software code, with the connections among these three representations often
becoming obscured to the user. In addition, some software contains inherent limitations to the
for fitting multilevel models which is based in SEM, has a natural connection to our substantive
notions of nested levels, and helps to make explicit how equations, diagrams, and software code
Multilevel Modeling 3
represent the same substantive phenomena we wish to test in our empirical models. The current
chapter does this by introducing xxM (Mehta, 2012), a package for the free statistical software, R
The purpose of the current chapter is to provide practical, step by step examples of fitting
simple multilevel models, with equations, diagrams, and code. Singer (1998) and West, Welch,
and Gałecki (2007) provided practical examples of multilevel models with code for SAS PROC
MIXED. Mehta and Neale (2005) provided code and technical details of a complete translation
between PROC MIXED and the more general approach of fitting a structural equation model
(SEM). The current chapter extends these previous sources in order to emphasize conceptual and
The current chapter will focus on two issues: (a) connections among the parameters
represented in equations, diagrams, and code, and (b) an introduction to the new but highly
extendable programming code of xxM. It is hoped that the current chapter may facilitate
connections between multilevel approaches (e.g., mixed effects vs. multilevel SEM) and
Three software packages will be used in this chapter: SAS PROC MIXED, Mplus 6.1,
and xxM. SAS PROC MIXED is a general purpose mixed effects program (Littell, Milliken,
Stroup, Wolfinger, & Schabenberger, 2006), coupled with the highly general data management
and statistics software, SAS (SAS Institute Inc., 2010). Mplus 6.1 fits numerous kinds of latent
variable and two-level models (B. O. Muthén, 2001, 2002; L. K. Muthén & Muthén, 2010). xxM
is a package for the free software, R (R Development Core Team, 2011). xxM is designed for
fitting SEMs with essentially no limit to the number of levels of nesting, including complicated
structures of cross-classification and multiple membership. Demonstrations and updates for xxM
Multilevel Modeling 4
can be found at A user’s guide can be downloaded from there with
several worked examples of multilevel models and the features of the program (see also Mehta,
this volume).
parameters in equations, diagrams, and code. To be sure, multilevel analysis opens conceptual
and statistical issues important for careful consideration. Some of these issues will be considered
here in the context of an applied data analysis. Generally speaking, multilevel models are used in
education for examining how scores vary across shared environments, such as how variation in
student reading or math scores might differ across classrooms or schools (or how repeated
measures may differ across persons, who also may share classrooms and schools). Such variation
at the cluster level is important to understand, since it could not only obscure student level
effects such as background characteristics or the influence of other skills (an issue of power or
appropriateness of standard errors), but cluster-level variation may also indicate environmental
effects (Raudenbush & Sampson, 1999). Some of these issues will be commented upon in the
following applied examples. Excellent overviews of the broader conceptual issues can be found
in introductory sources (Hox, 1995; Kreft & de Leeuw, 1998; Snijders & Bosker, 1999), with
detailed technical accounts for more advanced readers (Goldstein, 2003; Raudenbush & Bryk,
In order to keep the discussion applied, let us consider an example dataset of 802 students
in 93 classrooms (ignoring schools for the current example) measured in the spring of their first
grade year on reading passage comprehension. The measure was taken from the Woodcock
Multilevel Modeling 5
(Woodcock, 1991). The test is scored in W-units, a Rasch-based metric. A substantive question
for this dataset is “to what extent do classrooms vary in their English passage comprehension
scores. The classrooms have been sorted in order of ascending means. The horizontal line at W-
score 443 represents the overall sample mean across all students. Each box represents one
classroom, with a diamond representing the classroom mean, the middle line within each box
representing the classroom median, the upper and lower ends of the box representing the upper
Multilevel Modeling 6
and lower quartiles (25th and 75th centiles), and the whiskers extending to 1.5 times the range
between quartiles. Open circles represent student scores outside the whiskers.
Figure 1 represents the essential problem for nested data: clusters such as classrooms
differ in their average level of performance. If we were to randomly assign students to a reading
intervention versus regular instruction, variability due to classrooms would weaken power to
detect a true treatment difference (Raudenbush, Bryk, & Congdon, 2008; Raudenbush, Martínez,
& Spybrook, 2007; Spybrook et al., 2011). That is, we might worry that noisy variation among
classrooms might overwhelm our ability to find a true average treatment effect for students. Even
small amounts of cluster differences have been shown to reduce the power to detect mean
differences (Barcikowski, 1981; Walsh, 1947). This issue of increasing precision is a major
way: classrooms differ systematically. That is, students in a high-performing classroom are more
likely to score higher than students in a low performing classroom. If we put this lack of
independence another way, we can say that student scores in the same classroom are likely to be
related, perhaps due to the shared influence of their environment (i.e., partly due to instruction,
partly due to selection or assignment to particular teachers, as well as partly due to influence of
used in the model (predictors), student scores (residuals) are independent. In the case of clustered
data, as Figure 1 suggests, residual scores are not likely to be independent, unless classroom is
used in the model. Insofar as a multilevel model handles this dependence across students due to
classrooms, multilevel models are a model of covariance (Mehta & Neale, 2005). Because SEM
Multilevel Modeling 7
is a model of covariance, connecting the concepts between SEM and multilevel modeling can be
helpful to increase our understanding of the connections among our theories, data, and models.
Explaining this covariance and connecting SEM to multilevel models is one of the goals of this
Analyzing these data while ignoring classrooms would clearly leave out a sizeable
systematic factor. Alternatively, analyzing the means of each of 93 classrooms would vastly
reduce the amount of information. In a case where there are other variables, such as predictors,
the student level relations might be different than those at the classroom level. Collapsing across
levels might result in distorted estimates of the relations among variables—an ecological fallacy
(Burstein, 1980; Cronbach, 1976; Robinson, 1950; Thorndike, 1939). For the present case with a
investigate how much variability there is in passage comprehension due to students and due to
There is a long history of discussions and alternative models to account for multilevel
data (Kreft & de Leeuw, 1998; Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002). One approach would be to add a set
ANOVA model. Such propositions raise substantive issues regarding sampling as well as issues
regarding statistical estimation. If the classrooms in the data do not constitute a random sample
from a universe of possible classrooms—i.e., we wish to estimate their differences and not
generalize beyond this current set of classrooms, then fixed effects represented by dummy
indicators or an ANOVA may be appropriate. That is, the estimates are fixed because the sample
is fixed. However, if the sample is drawn at random from a universe of classrooms (or at least
Multilevel Modeling 8
plausibly so), and we can assume that the outcome variable is normally distributed (or distributed
appropriately according to the model we are using), then it can be efficient to estimate the overall
mean and variance, rather than to fit separate models for each classroom: we can estimate two
The most common and widely known model for the nesting of students within
classrooms is for a single outcome. Such models have been referred to as multilevel regression
models and mixed effects models, as they combine fixed with random regression coefficients
(Kreft & de Leeuw, 1998). For a single outcome, Y, with no predictors for i students in j
where Yij is the model-predicted outcome score for student i in classroom j, 0 j is the
regression intercept for classroom j, and eij is the deviation (residual—sometimes noted as rij) for
that student. The residuals are assumed to be distributed normally over students with mean zero
and variance 2. At level 2 for classrooms, the intercept is decomposed into two parts:
where 00 is the grand intercept (fixed), and the u0j is the random deviation from the
grand intercept for that classroom. These fixed and random components are the reason such
models are often referred to as “mixed effects models.” The random classroom deviations, u0j,
are assumed to be distributed normally with variance 00. Most readers will recognize that
Equation 3 compactly states that each individual score is the sum of a grand intercept, a
classroom deviation, and a student deviation. The distributional assumptions are worth
examining closer. At the student level, residual scores are assumed to be distributed normally1
with mean zero and variance 2, noted N[0, 2]. The mean is zero because these are deviations
from the overall model-predicted mean, 00. At the classroom level, classrooms deviate from this
grand mean with a mean of zero and variance 00, noted N[0, 00]. It can be confusing to
beginners that one variance is squared and the other is not (but some authors choose to use 2;
Snijders & Bosker, 1999). We will later change this notation in order to reinforce that these
parameters are both variances and to emphasize the connections with SEM.
Equation 3 can be represented graphically, with the helpful addition that variances are
shown in Figure 2. Standard rules of path tracing apply with a strict correspondence to each
parameter in Equations 1-3. That is, we can follow the arrows additively to calculate the model
predicted score for any given child in any given classroom. Additionally, the hierarchical
structure of the data and the equation for students nested within classrooms is visually reinforced
by vertical stacking.
Figure 2 is a full, explicit SEM representation using typical HLM notation. This
representation is useful to bring together Equations 1-3 along with their variance components, as
is typical in SEM. Figure 2 also reinforces the idea that random effects are latent variables,
usually represented in the Equations 1-3 with implicit (omitted) unit regression weight. That is,
these latent variables, u0j and eij, have fixed factor loadings (Mehta & Neale, 2005). We will
Other distributions can be used, and there are extensive diagnostics which can be used to test these assumptions
(Hilden-Minton, 1995).
Multilevel Modeling 10
Figure 2: Diagram of a univariate two level model for students within classrooms (typical
notation, with full, explicit representation).
From an SEM perspective, we also notice that 0 j is a phantom variable: a latent variable
with no variance. In this sense, it serves only as a placeholder in the notation (no separate values
are estimated in the model). We have included it here only for explicit correspondence to the
typical equations.
More importantly, however, we may wish to fit different kinds of models for students and
teachers. In the same way that mixed effects models can be represented by equations at each
level, we introduce a few changes in order to open interesting possibilities later. First, we
separate the levels into two sub-models (one for students and one for classrooms) and explicitly
link them. Second, following SEM notation at the classroom level, we adopt as our symbol for
latent classroom deviations, with mean and variance . Third, at the student level, we use
Figure 3 shows the results of these changes, making it correspond closely to standard
SEM. The most important parameters, the variances of the random effects ( and ) are shown
Figure 3: Diagram of a univariate two level model for students within classrooms
classroom 1
(level 2) grand intercept
(latent mean)
classroom variance
j classroom deviation
1 cross-level link
(level 1) Yij outcome score
eij student deviation
residual variance
In this model, we are interested in estimating three parameters: the latent mean across
classrooms (), the variance of classroom deviations (), and the variance of the student
residuals (). The cross-level link is fixed at unity and not estimated (and as we will see, is
usually handled automatically by software). For the sake of completeness, now we can compact
the mean structure and rewrite Equation 3 using SEM notation from Figure 3:
where the values of j are distributed N [] and eij are distributed N[0, ]. The first
term, 1 j, shows the linking of each student score, Yij, by a unit weight design matrix: each
student gets counted in their respective classroom. Thus, each student can be thought of as a
Multilevel Modeling 12
variable indicating the latent classroom mean, with a fixed factor loading of unity (Mehta &
Neale, 2005). Each classroom has a latent mean, j , with grand mean2, with variance .
Additionally, the individual residual, eij, is shown with an explicit unit link. These
parameters for this model () respectively represent those from conventional mixed effects
models (2), such as those in HLM, PROC MIXED, or other multilevel representations
(Mehta & Neale, 2005). We have chosen to represent the unit links explicitly in order to invoke
the notion of a factor loading from SEM: random effects in multilevel models are latent variables
in SEM.
In order to understand the connection between Equation 4 and Figure 3, it can be helpful
to visualize the data structure implied by the model. We will then illustrate this model in an
expanded, explicit way to demonstrate how a multilevel model is a model of covariance. First,
Each outcome score in italics shows the individual student scores, Yij, where the
subscripts indicate the student (i) and respective classroom (j). Then, in matrix form, Equation 4
would match to the dataset of six students in three classrooms in the following way:
Alternatively, we could represent Equations 1 and 2 with classroom deviations in SEM notation (following Figure
2). Depending on the context, one representation may be better than the other for interpretation or communication
purposes (they are mathematically equal). Here, we choose the compact version of j centered around .
Multilevel Modeling 13
[ ] [5]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
Equation 5 is the matrix version of Equation 4 and shows the outcome scores on the left
side (Yij). On the right side, the full matrix of unit links for each classroom’s deviation (j) is
actually a i × j design matrix, allocating each block of two students to their respective classroom
(Mehta & Neale, 2005). This matrix is usually constructed automatically by software, simply by
identifying the classroom cluster variable (e.g., teacher ID). The second matrix is a column
vector of latent variables to be estimated for each classroom. In this case, there is one latent for
each of the three classrooms. Finally, each student has a residual score, deviating from the model
prediction for the classroom. In the next sections, we will see how this model can be specified in
software script.
Figure 4: SEM diagram of two students each in three classrooms (expanded, multivariate
classroom 1
(level 2)
1 2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1
(level 1) Y11 Y21 Y32 Y42 Y53 Y63
1 1 1 1 1 1
e11 e21 e32 e42 e53 e63
Multilevel Modeling 14
Figure 4 completes the representation of Equation 5. Each classroom has a latent factor,
indicated by its students. At the top of Figure 4, a single mean is estimated to be common across
latent classroom factors (separate latent means are constrained equal)—classroom latent factors
deviate from this mean. Similarly, the variances of the classroom factors are constrained equal,
since we are interested in estimating the population variability from this sample of classrooms.
At the bottom of Figure 4, each student in the model from Equation 5 is represented
explicitly. Residual variances are constrained to a single value (), because the model assumes
that conditional on classroom factors, student scores behave as if drawn randomly from a
homogeneous population.
specific paths from three latent variables, one per classroom. This representation conforms to the
linking matrix from Equation 5, with blocks of ones in three columns. The factor loadings are
fixed to unity for each student within the respective classroom. The links between students not in
particular classrooms are constrained to zero and are therefore not shown in the diagram.
Figure 4 emphasizes that the multilevel latent variable for each classroom is a model of
covariance between persons. That is, because people’s scores within a classroom are expected to
covary due to their shared environment, the latent variable for each classroom is fit to them.
Conditional on the classroom latent variable, students are independent of each other. This is akin
to a model of parallel tests and in this way, people in a univariate multilevel model act as
variables from a single level, multivariate model (Mehta & Neale, 2005).
The representation in Figure 4 can be extended to any number of persons per classroom
and any number of classrooms. However, this expanded version can be quite cumbersome to
specify. It is shown here only to emphasize that SEM as a model of covariances, multilevel
Multilevel Modeling 15
regression is a special case of SEM (Curran, 2003; Mehta & Neale, 2005), and also to clarify the
role of the cross-level linking matrix as a matrix of factor loadings. Subsequently in this chapter,
It is worth noting that this same shift from univariate to multivariate layout is
conceptually the same shift used for multiple time points within persons, allowing individual
growth models to be fit as latent variables in SEM (McArdle & Epstein, 1987; Mehta & West,
Let us return to the sample of 802 first grade students in 93 classrooms. In SAS PROC
Code comment
proc mixed data=PCWA method=ML; name of dataset and estimation method
class teacher; teacher ID as classification variable
model PC = / solution; outcome with no predictors
random intercept / subject=teacher; intercept is random at teacher level
Similar to the examples provided in Singer (1998), this code specifies that teacher is a
classification variable for the clustering of students in classrooms. The model statement gives
the regression equation in which passage comprehension, PC, is specified without predictors.
The solution portion of the model statement requests the estimate of the fixed effect: the
latent mean across classrooms (). The residual variance () is estimated implicitly by default.
statement produces the variance component () of the random effect (intercept, j) implicitly by
The first main result of this PROC MIXED code are the covariance parameter estimates:
Multilevel Modeling 16
These show that the variance () across classroom intercepts (teacher) = 89.8343 and
the residual variance () = 410.00. If we add these variance components, the total variance of the
model is 499.8 (89.8 + 410.0). An important concept in multilevel models is the intraclass
correlation, or proportion of variability due to clustering. The ICC is simply the ratio of cluster
level variance over total variance (89.9 / 499.8 = 0.18). In this case, the model suggests that 18%
The second important part of the output shows the fixed effect of the intercept (the latent
mean, as 444.00 W-score units. This implies that in a perfectly average classroom, we would
expect the classroom mean to be 444 W-score units. If we take the square root of the variance
components above, then classrooms have an SD of 9.5 W-score units around this mean and
In Mplus (L. K. Muthén & Muthén, 2010), the same model from Figure 3 would be
Code comment
TITLE: Model 1 Passage Comprehension;
DATA: FILE IS PCWA.txt; name of data file
VARIABLE: NAMES = teacher student PC ; variable names for columns in file
CLUSTER = teacher; cluster identification is teacher
USEVARIABLES = PC; variable to be used in model
ANALYSIS: TYPE = TWOLEVEL; two-level model
ESTIMATOR = ML; estimator chosen to match MIXED
PC; within classroom variance
PC; between classroom variance
[PC]; latent mean (freely estimated by default)
In the Mplus specification, the DATA source and VARIABLEs are named. The
CLUSTER variable, teacher, is specified. The analysis type is TWOLEVEL, which allocates
students to their classroom. The MODEL command specifies potentially different models for the
WITHIN classroom portion (students), and the BETWEEN classroom portion (classrooms),
using the percentage sign to delineate these sections. At the %WITHIN% level, specifying the
outcome, PC, estimates a variance for that variable (). At the %BETWEEN% level, specifying
that same variable estimates a between classroom variance () for that variable. The overall
mean () is estimated implicitly by default, but we have chosen here to mark it explicitly (square
Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value
Within Level
PC 409.866 21.643 18.938 0.000
Between Level
PC 444.011 1.290 344.235 0.000
PC 90.459 21.754 4.158 0.000
The loglikelihood of this model was identical to the MIXED result. The output is divided
in the same way as the input, with the WITHIN level containing the residual variance, =
Multilevel Modeling 18
409.866, and the BETWEEN level containing the classroom variance, = 90.459. The latent
mean = 444.011. Standard errors (S.E.), Wald ratios (Est./S.E.), and p-values are printed by
default. The differences of less than a unit in the two variance estimates between PROC MIXED
and Mplus are negligible, given that the outcome has a standard deviation of more than 22 W-
The above univariate model can also be specified in xxM (Mehta, 2012), a package for
the free software, R (R Development Core Team, 2011). There are three stages to fitting a model
in xxM: setup, matrix specification, and estimation. Each of these three stages will be presented
in turn.
In setting up an xxM model, we name the model and then name the submodels and their
connections. As noted in Figure 3, the level 1 model is for students and level 2 is for classrooms.
For the current model of a random intercept model for English passage comprehension, we can
name the model “EngPC” and define the two levels of student and teacher. Each level requires a
separate dataframe (this is the R term for a dataset: a table of rows for observations and columns
for variables).
The xxmModel function creates an R object with placeholders for student and teacher
submodels. The “c( )” operator in R concatenates objects—in this case, a list of submodel
names are created. Accordingly, we need to read the dataset into R, creating separate dataframes
(i.e., data files) for each level. There are a number of methods for importing and exporting data
Multilevel Modeling 19
in R (see sources in Appendix A). Next, we need to specify what these submodels are. The
Code comment
EngPC <- xxmSubmodel(
model = EngPC, model to which this submodel belongs
level = “student”, name of this submodel
parents = “teacher”, levels to which this submodel is connected
ys = “PC”, outcome variable(s)
xs = , predictors (none)
latent = , latent variables (none)
data = student) name of R dataframe for this submodel
This code adds a Submodel to the model object, EngPC. Each of these seven submodel
parameters is required, separated by commas. The model and level are named. The “parent” of
this submodel, which represents the higher order clustering unit, is defined as “teacher.” This
notes to xxM that a linkage will later be provided for students nested within teachers—in this
sense, teachers are the model object “parents” of the students. There is a single dependent
variable, named as the ys. There are no predictors or latent variables at the student level, so xs
and latent variables are left blank. Finally, the dataframe is named student, to match the
Code comment
EngPC <- xxmSubmodel(
model = EngPC, model to which this submodel belongs
level = “teacher”, name of this submodel
parents = , this submodel is not nested within another level
ys = , outcome variables (none)
xs = , predictors (none)
latent = c(“int”), latent variable named for intercept ()
data = teacher ) name of R dataframe for this submodel
Multilevel Modeling 20
The only difference in this specification is that the latent keyword expects a list, so
even if there is only one element, the c() operator must be used: latent = c(“int”).
Specification for a Submodel is essentially the same for any given level.
Team, 2011). The basic definition of a matrix in R follows the general form:
where vector is a list of numbers, nrows is the number of rows in the matrix, and
ncolumns is the number of columns. Readers interested in learning more about specifying
In xxM, we need to specify the pattern of fixed and free elements of each matrix,
followed by start values. In this univariate two-level model, we have three elements to be
estimated: the latent mean (classroom level variance and student level/residual variance
. These estimated elements are therefore “free.” In addition, there is a fixed element—the
cross-level linking matrix—which is not estimated, but held to its value of unity. Figure 5 shows
an overview of the diagram, matrices, and xxM matrix specifications. We show this to give an
advanced overview of the model pieces before they are all put together in xxM.
Multilevel Modeling 21
Figure 5: Diagram, matrix, and xxM code for the model matrices of the univariate random
intercepts model.
residual variance-covariance
Yij theta_pattern <- matrix(1, 1,1)
Q= []
student theta_value <- matrix(400, 1,1)
The left column of Figure 5 repeats the SEM diagram for the univariate model. The outer
box shows that the model we have created is called “EngPC.” The “teacher” and “student”
submodels are also shown (layering indicates implied repetition over units of observation, which
in principle could be distinguished in a more complex model). In this diagram, we have left the
residual, eij, to be implicit and instead only show its variance, . Otherwise, the diagram matches
Figure 3.
The middle column of Figure 5 shows the matrices of parameters in the model. These
single-value matrices are compact versions of the matrices shown in Equation 5. The right-hand
column shows the xxM code specification for each matrix. For each matrix, a pattern of free and
fixed elements must be defined, where “1” represents a freely estimated parameter and “0”
1 matrix: the matrix has one row and one column containing the estimated latent mean. The
“alpha_value” matrix specifies that the start value will be 440 for the latent mean. In practice,
any reasonable value will usually suffice, such as the observed mean of the variable.
Each of the subsequent 1 × 1 matrices are specified in the same way. The psi matrix has
one freely estimated element (). The residual variance matrix also has one freely estimated
element (). The residual variance represents the variability in the outcome not explained by the
model, and any reasonable value less than the observed variance of the outcome can be used3.
The cross-level linking matrix is fixed, specified as “(0, 1,1)”. That is, the zero
specifies a fixed (non-estimated) element in a 1 × 1 pattern matrix. The value matrix sets
The pattern and values of the above four matrices, are specified in R
code just as shown in Figure 5. Next, each of these four model matrices in Figure 5 must be
connected to its role within the overall model. Matrices belong within a particular level
and are connected to the overall model with the function, xxmWithinMatrix. The cross-level
connection matrix, has its own function and will be shown later. Starting with the classroom
For univariate (single outcome) models like the present one, starting values will not cause problems in the
estimation. However, as models get larger and more complex, poor start values can increase the probability of
estimation trouble, since the combination of parameters might produce illegal solutions, such as variances less than
zero or correlations greater than 1.0. For complex models, we recommend users build them up in small model
subsets so that such boundary conditions are understood and can be avoided.
The interesting feature of this specification is that alternative linkages could be specified, such as fixing the link to
student-specific values in the data set. For example, instead of each link being 1.0, link values could represent
classroom attendance, instruction received, or individual-specific testing dates in a growth model (Mehta & Neale,
2005; Mehta & West, 2000). The second example in this chapter will explore this with a random slope model.
Multilevel Modeling 23
Code comment
EngPC <- xxmWithinMatrix( this is a matrix within a level of the model
model = EngPC, model to which this matrix belongs
level = “teacher”, named level to which this matrix belongs
matrixType = “alpha”, type of matrix from pre-defined SEM matrices
pattern = alpha_pattern, matrix of fixed versus free elements
value = alpha_value, matrix containing start values
label = , value = ) placeholders for “labels” and “names” not used here
The above code specifies that an alpha matrix will be connected to the teacher level. The
pattern and value matrices from Figure 5 are named here to be used in the model. There are
two additional parameters at the end of the specification, “label” and “name” not used in this
Next, we have the classroom level variance, , connected to the teacher level:
Code comment
EngPC <- xxmWithinMatrix( this is a matrix within a level of the model
model = EngPC, model to which this matrix belongs
level = “teacher”, named level to which this matrix belongs
matrixType = “psi”, type of matrix from pre-defined SEM matrices
pattern = psi_pattern, matrix of fixed versus free elements
value = psi_value, matrix containing start values
label = , value = ) placeholders for “labels” and “names” not used here
The last within-model matrix is the student level residual variance matrix, :
Code comment
EngPC <- xxmWithinMatrix( this is a matrix within a level of the model
model = EngPC, model to which this matrix belongs
level = “student”, named level to which this matrix belongs
matrixType = “theta”, type of matrix from pre-defined SEM matrices
pattern = theta_pattern, matrix of fixed versus free elements
value = theta_value, matrix containing start values
label = , value = ) placeholders for “labels” and “names” not used here
Finally, we have the cross-level linking matrix, , which has its own function,
Multilevel Modeling 24
Code comment
EngPC <- xxmBetweenMatrix( this is a cross-level matrix between submodels
model = EngPC, model to which this matrix belongs
parent = “teacher”, origin level of this connection matrix
child = “student”, destination level of this connection matrix
matrixType = “lambda”, type of matrix from pre-defined SEM matrices
pattern = lambda_pattern, matrix of fixed versus free elements
value = lambda_value, matrix containing start values
label = , value = ) placeholders for “labels” and “names” not used here
The “parent” statement notes the parent model within which the “child” model units are
nested. That is, the model posits that influence flows from the “parent” to the “child” (alternative
models would require different specification and are not covered here). As noted before, the
lambda matrix has no free elements in this case. The lambda matrix has unit weights linking
Now that all matrices have been attached to the model, we are ready to estimate the
The parameter estimates are the same as those shown previously. The specification of
Predictors can be added to the model at any given level, with code that is quite
straightforward for multilevel regression (Singer, 1998) or SEM (Lomax, this volume). The
predictor relates to the outcome in a single, fixed way for all students. However, if we consider
the possibility that the relation is different for each classroom—that each classroom has its own
regression slope—then there are two latent variables for each classroom: one for the classroom
intercept of the outcome (1j), and the other for the classroom relation of predictor to outcome
(2j). Equation 5 expands with two columns for each classroom in the cross-level linking matrix,
and the matrix is stacked for each of the three classrooms as a column vector:
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
In this model, 1j represents the latent deviation of the outcome variable for classroom j
(i.e., the intercept, as in the prior model), while 2j represents the latent relation for classroom j
of the predictor, Xij, with the outcome, Yij (i.e., it is a classroom-specific regression weight or
slope). We can see that the cross-level linking matrix has a 2 × 2 block for each classroom: one
row for each student and one column for each of the two latent variables per classroom. This
linking matrix maps to the single column of Xij in the dataset (Mehta & Neale, 2005).
definition variable (Mehta & Neale, 2005; Mehta & West, 2000). That is, if we have a student
level predictor, Xij, centered at its grand mean, we can represent it in the multilevel SEM by a
Multilevel Modeling 26
Figure 6: Diagram and matrices for the univariate model with a random slope.
teacher 1 1
1 2 2
Q11= [ ]
In Figure 6, we have updated the model matrices with superscripts to explicitly show the
level to which they belong, following xxM convention. We have chosen to name this model for
passage comprehension with a random slope for word attack, “PCranWA.” At the student level
(level 1), matrix Q11 has the student level residual variance, as before.
Moving one matrix upward in the diagram, the cross-level linking matrix is now
explicitly represented with a superscript of 1,2, indicating that it links parent level 2 (“teacher”)
to child level 1 (“student”). The first column of matrix 12 is fixed to unity as before (Equation
5, Figure 3). The second column of matrix 12 is fixed to each individual’s specific value of the
predictor, Xij. Thus, there is a complete and accurate correspondence between the equation
representation of the model and the SEM diagram, even when there is a random slope.
Multilevel Modeling 27
Additionally, this representation reinforces the notion of factor loadings for latent variables, even
when those loadings vary across person and if they occur across levels.
We extend the previous example to consider how text decoding relates to passage
comprehension. Text decoding, or the mapping of letters to the sounds and words they represent,
is a crucial basic skill for efficient reading (National Institute of Child Health & Human
Development, 2000; Scarborough, 2001). The word attack subtest of the Woodcock Language
which students try to pronounce nonsense words. While it would be fairly uninformative to find
that decoding has a positive relation to passage comprehension (we already know this from
theory and decades of prior research), a more interesting question would be, “to what extent does
the relation between decoding and comprehension differ across classrooms?” We therefore fit a
model of passage comprehension predicted by word attack (centered5 at its grand mean), with a
Code comment
proc mixed data=PCWA method=ML;
class teacher; teacher ID as classification variable
model PC = WA / solution; PC predicted by Word Attack
random intercept WA / subject= teacher intercept & WA random at teacher level
type=un effects are correlated UNstructured
g gcorr; display random effects matrix and correlation
As in standard regression, centering can be important when using predictors. Because the intercept is defined
where all predictors are zero, it can extend far beyond the observed data (in the current dataset, a W-score of zero is
not possible). Therefore, subtracting the sample mean from a predictor, centers the predictor values at their mean
and coefficients can be interpreted more conveniently. Broadly speaking, variables can be centered at their grand
mean (as is done in the current chapter) or can be centered within clusters (i.e., classrooms). Centering in multilevel
models is a critical issue (Kreft, de Leeuw, & Aiken, 1995; Mehta & West, 2000).
Multilevel Modeling 28
The model line now has the grand-mean centered word attack variable, WA, which will
produce the latent mean for word attack (the intercept is included by default). The random line
also has WA, indicating that its effect varies across classrooms (subject = teacher).
Because we wish to estimate variances for the intercept and slope, as well as freely estimated
covariance between them, the covariance is specified as “un” for unstructured (for other
covariance structures, see Littell, et al., 2006). In addition, the random effects can optionally be
These results are only interpretable when we recall that we specified the random effects
of intercept first and slope second. The 2 × 2 covariance matrix (see Figure 6) appears in the
output in list format. Thus, the estimate of the intercept variance (11) is covariance element
UN(1,1) = 37.0984. The variance of the slope (22) is element UN(2,2) = 0.04237 and the
covariance between them (21) = UN(2,1) = -0.3402. The student level residual variance =
234.56. Because we have formulated the covariances as a matrix, this numbering of rows and
columns is familiar.
Fortunately, we also requested the classroom random effect in matrix form (“g” option),
which has more informative labels and the same estimates as above, but in their 2 × 2 matrix ()
Multilevel Modeling 29
Estimated G Matrix
Row Effect teacher Col1 Col2
1 Intercept 1048 37.0984 -0.3402
2 WA 1048 -0.3402 0.04237
The standardized form of this matrix is given by the option “gcorr” which shows that
the classroom intercepts correlate -0.27 with classroom slopes (MIXED is displaying the
correlation matrix for teacher ID number 1048, but this matrix is common across all teachers).
This suggests a tendency for classrooms with higher model-implied averages of passage
comprehension to have a slightly lower relation between word attack and passage
The fixed effect—latent means—of the intercept for passage comprehension (1 was
estimated to be 443.39. The mean slope for the relation between word attack and passage
comprehension was 2 = 0.8501, indicating that for every unit above or below the mean of WA
Together, these results imply that in a completely average classroom, the model-implied
mean passage comprehension for students with completely average word attack skills would be
Multilevel Modeling 30
443 W-score units, with a regression coefficient of 0.85 W-score units. The square roots of the
variance components yield standard deviations, which can give a sense of the variation around
these averages.
This random slope model can also be fit in Mplus with code fairly similar to that before.
Code comment
TITLE: Model 2 Random Slope for WA;
VARIABLE: NAMES = teacher student PC WA;
CLUSTER = teacher;
USEVARIABLES = PC WA; add predictor to used variables
ANALYSIS: TYPE = TWOLEVEL RANDOM; specifiy a RANDOM slope regression
ESTIMATOR = ML; estimator chosen to match MIXED
Slope | PC on WA; PC regressed on WA, with a random
effect called “Slope”
PC Slope; between classroom variances
PC with Slope; covariance of random effects
[PC Slope]; latent means freely estimated
The only new feature here is that the ANALYSIS is specified as RANDOM and the
vertical bar operator “|” notes that the regression of PC on WA has a random effect at the
classroom level to be called “Slope” (we can choose to name it anything). The results for the
random slope model are essentially identical to those from PROC MIXED:
Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value
Within Level
Residual Variances
PC 234.536 12.851 18.250 0.000
Between Level
SLOPE -0.341 0.342 -0.997 0.319
PC 443.382 0.905 490.124 0.000
SLOPE 0.850 0.044 19.371 0.000
PC 37.112 10.959 3.386 0.001
SLOPE 0.042 0.023 1.853 0.064
Multilevel Modeling 31
As noted before, the three steps to fitting a model in xxM are setup, matrix specification,
The setup to this model of passage comprehension with a random slope for word attack
Next, we would specify the content of each of the submodels for student and teacher.
In the student Submodel, as before, there is the single outcome, PC, with no latent
In the classroom Submodel, we have added two latent variables, int and slp, for the
intercept and slope, respectively. The crucial difference is in how these latent variables get
The four matrices shown in Figure 6 () are specified in the following way:
Multilevel Modeling 32
Code comment
alpha_pattern <- matrix(c(1,1), 2,1) freely estimated 2x1
alpha_value <- matrix(c(400,0), 2,1) start values
The crucial new concept here is fixing the values of the cross-level loading matrix, 12,
to student-specific values of WA. The lambda_pattern matrix sets the loadings for intercept
and slope to be fixed (zero indicates they are not estimated). The lambda_value matrix sets
the loadings for intercept to be fixed at unity and the value for slope at zero, but this value will
be substituted for the label of the variable next. The lambda_label matrix sets names for the
loadings: we use an arbitrary name, “l11” to represent 11, but the actual name of the predictor,
preceded by its SubModel name “student.WA” for the slope. Thus, the label matrix gives a
name, “l11” to the fixed value of one for the intercept, and names the variable “student.WA” to
take the fixed value of the linking values for the slopes (see Figure 6). Readers interested in a
more detailed account of definition variables can find it in Mehta and Neale (2005).
Definition variables, while not new in SEM, require some explanation. While random
effects for an observed variable (like word attack) are natural in mixed-effects regression, they
can be easily accommodated in SEM (Mehta, 2001; Mehta & Neale, 2005; Neale, 2000). In the
same way that we have shown that the cross-level linking matrix captures random variation at
the classroom level, the effect of a predictor on the outcome may vary across classrooms. While
Multilevel Modeling 33
the cross-level linking matrix for the intercept allocates students within classrooms via a one-to-
one correspondence for their physical location, the relation of predictor to outcome may vary
across classrooms. Specifically, there may be a specific covariance for each value of the
predictor (Mehta & Neale, 2005; Neale, 2000). In this respect, the role of the predictor can be
viewed as a factor loading for the random latent variable for this relation. This is why the notion
of a definition variable is important: the diagram is mathematically complete and consistent with
how random effects function in the model. Now, for conceptual simplicity, random slopes can be
incorporated into SEM, taking full advantage of the communicative strengths of SEM diagrams.
Code comment
PCranWA <- xxmWithinMatrix(model = PCranWA, classroom level latent means (alpha)
level = “teacher”, matrixType = “alpha”,
pattern = alpha_pattern, value =
PCranWA <- xxmWithinMatrix(model = PCranWA, classroom level covariance matrix (psi)
level = “teacher”, matrixType = “psi”,
pattern = psi_pattern, value =
PCranWA <- xxmWithinMatrix(model = PCranWA, student level residual variance (theta)
level = “student”, matrixType = “theta”,
pattern = theta_pattern, value =
PCranWA <- xxmBetweenMatrix(model = PCranWA, cross-level linking matrix with
parent = “teacher”, child = “student”, definition variables specified in the
type = “lambda”, pattern = “label” option (“name” option still not
lambda_pattern, value = lambda_value, used)
label = lambda_label, )
In this specification, the WithinMatrix lines still do not use the “label” and
“name” features, so those are left empty at the end of each list of parameters. However, the
cross-level linking matrix fixes slope loadings to values of WA, so that variable is named as a
label variable. While not used in the current examples, the “name” parameter can be invoked
in order to force some parameters to be equal, as in multiple group modeling in which we would
desire invariance tests of particular parameters (e.g., loadings or intercepts; see Meredith, 1993).
Multilevel Modeling 34
The random slope model is run, as before with the xxmRun command:
The xxM output results for the random slope model are:
rownames Mean or Intercept
int 443.3868654 mean intercept 1
slp 0.8499575 mean slope 2
[1,] 234.5195 Residual variance,
With a respectable number of schools (perhaps 100 or more—see sample size discussion
below), we might consider fitting a three level model of students within classrooms within
schools. Such a model seeks to examine variance and covariance at this higher level, and
conditional variance and covariance at the classroom level. While the current sample only
contains 23 schools, we present the specifications (but not estimated results) in order to
In PROC MIXED, extending the previous random slope model to three levels only
Code comment
proc mixed data=PCWA method=ML;
class teacher school; level IDs as classification variables
model PC = WA / solution; PC predicted by Word Attack
random intercept WA / subject= school intercept & WA random at school level
type=un g gcorr; effects are correlated UNstructured
random intercept WA / subject= random teacher effects nested within schools
type=un g gcorr; effects are correlated UNstructured
There are only two small changes from the previous two-level random slopes model.
First, there is a random statement for the school level (identified as a class variable). Second,
the classroom level random statement notes that teachers are nested within schools: subject=
the covariance between the intercept and slope (i.e., a variance components model), or dropping
the random slope at the third level, since such effects can be difficult to estimate with small
Currently, Mplus 6.1 cannot fit three level models. While a multivariate layout such as
that shown in Figure 4 could be specified, such a restructuring of the data would be highly
In xxM, the extension to a third level is straightforward. Here, we extend the prior
notation of Figure 6 to more explicitly show the levels to which each parameter belongs. Figure
7 shows the SEM diagram and model matrices for the three level random slopes model.
Specification of these in code would follow from the previous examples, and is not shown here.
Multilevel Modeling 36
In Figure 7, we can define a model to be called “PC3” with three submodels: student,
teacher, and school. At the student level (level 1), as before, there is a single residual variance,
1,1. The cross-level linking matrix to level 1 from level 2, L1,2, is the same as before (Figure 6).
Figure 7: Diagram and matrices for the three-level random slope model.
teacher-school link
1 1 L23= [1 1]
22 22
21 22 22 22 teacher level
22 11 12
11 22 Y = variance-covariance
teacher 1j 2j (intercept & slope)
(level 2)
student-teacher link
1 Xij L = [1 Xij] (fixed at unity for intercept,
Xij for student covariate)
student Q11= [ ] student residual
(level 1)
The teacher submodel (level 2) contains the latent covariance matrix, 2,2, much the same
as before, except that it will now be interpreted as a residual covariance matrix, conditional on
the school level random effects. These school level random effects at level 3 have a
straightforward substantive interpretation: they are the variance of the intercept across schools
( ), the variance of the effect of word attack ( ), and the covariance between them ( ).
Multilevel Modeling 37
These are the random effects produced by the two separate random statements in PROC MIXED
Finally, at the top of Figure 7, the means of the intercept and slope factors are given:
and . The grand mean of the intercept, , is the model-predicted level of performance on
the outcome (passage comprehension) where the predictor is completely average (grand mean
centered in this case). The grand mean of the slope factor, , is the model-predicted average
relation of word attack (Xij) to passage comprehension (Yij). Thus, schools might differ from this
average relation (reflected in their variance, ), and classrooms might also differ in this
relation within schools (reflected in the classroom variance, ). Specification of the model
shown in Figure 7 in xxM would follow the outline of code presented previously.
This three level model raises interesting substantive possibilities. For example, if the
covariance between intercept and slope is opposite in direction, this would imply that schools
function in very different ways than do classrooms. If high performing classrooms tend to have a
positive relation between word attack and passage comprehension, but schools have the opposite
relation, then perhaps there are mitigating forces at work at the school level. Alternatively (and
possibly more typically), these relations may be in the same direction, suggesting similar
support. Considering such relations at separate levels is common in multilevel models, where
including the mean of a predictor as a separate, higher level effect can indicate context
differences in how a predictor affects an outcome. Such substantive separation between levels is
crucial to unpacking ecological differences (Burstein, 1980; Cronbach, 1976; Robinson, 1950).
More importantly, with the explicit SEM layout, we can see how additional observed variables
could be added to make measured latent factors at the classroom or school levels (as in
For a single outcome, the xxM specification is cumbersome to be sure. However, this
step by step illustration helps to reinforce several key concepts which are common across
multilevel modeling and SEM, and form a foundation for SEM with arbitrary numbers of levels
Strengths of SAS PROC MIXED include the simplicity of working from a single dataset
for extensive examples, see Littell, et al., 2006). In addition, cross-classified random effects (e.g.,
the nesting of students in schools and neighborhoods) are also easily specified. This flexibility,
however, can yield code which can become cryptic for complex models. The generality of PROC
MIXED can also come at a price, in that large models become computationally burdensome
(however, see PROC HPMIXED for large variance-component models). Several practical
examples of using PROC MIXED not covered here can be found in Singer (1998) and in West,
Mplus allows specification of observed and latent variable models at two levels, as well
as random effects as in mixed effects models. With appropriate structure imposed, three-level
models can be specified as two-level multivariate models (Bollen & Curran, 2006; Mehta &
Neale, 2005; Mehta & West, 2000). The specification is exceedingly simple with many helpful
default features for the novice, but nesting must be strictly hierarchical and limited to two levels
(as of the time of this writing in Mplus 6.12). Large models can become computationally
burdensome, but alternate estimators are also available. Full translations between Mplus and
By comparison, xxM requires explicit matrix specification for the role of variables, many
of which are handled automatically in other software. In exchange, however, the number of
levels is not limited by design and each level can be specified separately as its own SEM, with
observed and latent variables. Cross-level linkages, which are essentially automatic in PROC
MIXED and Mplus, must be specified explicitly in xxM. This notion of cross-level links as
explicit factor loadings makes clear the isomorphism between latent variables in SEM and
representation such that readers can independently evaluate the findings and methods. Because
of the diversity of representations, this chapter has emphasized the connections between
equations, diagrams, and software script. Beginners may also find useful a very concise overview
of reporting issues for multilevel analyses (McCoach, 2010). Ferron and colleagues (2008)
provide a checklist of general and applied questions for evaluating studies and reporting results
of multilevel models.
5. Other Software
It is worth noting that there are other software programs for fitting multilevel models,
such as lme4 in R, HLM, SuperMix, and MLwiN. For example, in HLM, if the user can specify
the equations, then variables can be easily added to the model with a drag-and-drop interface.
Each of these programs has special strengths which differentiate it from other programs and may
make it particularly useful for some applications. The intention of this chapter is not to neglect
these other programs (see reviews by Goldstein, 2003; Roberts & McLeod, 2008)(Fielding,
2006; West, 2007), but software reviews become outdated nearly as fast as they are printed. For
Multilevel Modeling 40
detailed applications of multilevel models in several different software packages, including SAS,
SPSS, R, Stata, and HLM, see West, Welch, and Gałecki (2007). The Centre for Multilevel
other software and providing comparison code with xxM are invited to participate in the forum
With the potential to fit a SEM at any of multiple levels, power becomes limited by the
sample sizes at each of those levels. The limitation usually becomes most severe at the highest
level of nesting. While estimating means can be done with relatively few units, estimating
variances and covariances, or fitting latent variable models requires larger numbers of
observations. There are few rules of thumb which can apply to every situation, especially when
SEMs become complex (see discussion by Lomax, this volume). One advantage to the xxM
framework is that the number of parameters must be explicitly specified at each level. Thus,
when the number of parameters relative to the number of observations at a particular level
becomes large, users can expect low precision and estimation trouble. Oftentimes, the
complexity of models at higher levels must necessarily be limited by the smaller number of
In a simulation study varying ICC, number of clusters, and number of observations per
cluster, Maas and Hox (2005) found no bias in the the estimation of fixed or random effects,
even for small samples. However, the precision (i.e., standard errors) of the second level
variance components were inappropriately small for samples with fewer than 100 clusters. When
studies focus on the precise interpretation of second level variances (and covariances), the
Multilevel Modeling 41
quality of inferences will depend on having enough clusters to accurately estimate the covariance
structure at that level—reinforcing the idea that the second level is also a SEM. In this respect,
the precision of the model is most severely limited by the topmost level, with recommendations
for multilevel SEM suggesting that 100 clusters is a reasonable minimum (Hox & Maas, 2001).
7. Conclusion
Practical introductions to mixed effects models (e.g., Singer, 1998) and full translations
between multilevel models and SEM (Mehta & Neale, 2005) are growing and can be found in
many sources. The current chapter used two simple examples to highlight the similarities
between the models as fit from a random effects framework versus a SEM framework. While the
code from PROC MIXED and Mplus bear little resemblance to each other, the code from xxM
makes explicit the connections between script, diagram, and model. Consequently, the xxM
approach lays bare the underlying equivalence in these approaches. More importantly, xxM
highlights the conceptual necessity of thinking about cross-level links and opens the possibility
of fitting latent variable models not only at arbitrary levels, but across levels in substantively
interesting ways. That is, cross-level random effects are latent variables which may be subject to
direct scrutiny.
The concepts emphasized in this chapter are that random effects are latent variables at
higher levels, linked by cross-level matrices. While most multilevel software programs handle
these linkages automatically, the explicit link matrices required by xxM can be specified for
students served by multiple tutors), switching classification (as when students change teachers
across grades), and even subject-specific values of links (such as attendance or individually-
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Multilevel Modeling 45
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