ABB Comunicar Rel512 Con D20 Harris
ABB Comunicar Rel512 Con D20 Harris
ABB Comunicar Rel512 Con D20 Harris
REL 512 Connectivity With A Harris ® Westronics RTU Using DNP 3.0
Sample Installation
A variety of DNP 3.0 protocol hosts allow for attachment to an ABB protective relay. The sample
installation used for the purposes of this example is illustrated in Figure 1. One common implementation
is shown in Figure 1 below. A Harris Westronics D20 can be attached to a protective relay from ABB
allowing communication between an RTU device and a protective relay. However, certain configuration
issues arise when implementing such architecture. Such topics arise as: hardware connectivity between
the nodes, configuration of the devices (RTU and the Protective Relay), device protocol command
compatibility and device configuration of the D20 database effectively allowing rapid update of
parameters from the protective relay.
The ABB protective relays may be configured using a variety of techniques to decrease the amount of
data passing between the D 20 RTU and the protective relay. The ability to model the point data base
increases data throughput and leads to overall system optimization. Operator visualization and
notification of field events occurs efficiently and rapidly with an optimally designed system.
The D 20, when powered- up for the first time has no
MASTER REL 512/DPU configuration contained within the unit. A configuration
STATION must be developed and downloaded into the unit. As
illustrated in figure 1, the configuration terminal is
connected to the front port of the D 20’s microprocessor
REL 512 Connectivity With A Harris ® Westronics RTU Using DNP 3.0 AN-45A-99
Figure 2 illustrates the ports available on the D 20. The unit has 8 ports located on the rear backplane of
the unit. Seven of the ports are RS 232 while port 8 is a proprietary port configured with Harris XA 21
protocol. The Harris XA 21 protocol port interfaces the D 20 RTU to the Master SCADA station. The
seven ports may be configured to communicate using DNP 3.0, or Modbus protocols. Both protocols are
implemented as a master emulation designed to communicate to slave devices. The DNP 3.0
interconnection interface shall be examined within this application note. Each port, although with a point
to point RS 232 interface, can be configured to communicate to multiple units attached to a port.
Another port is available for connection of the D 20 input output modules or peripheral boards. Figure 1
illustrates a single module (illustrated by the black/white/green boxes) connected to the microprocessor
module. Several I/O modules may be multi-dropped along this RS 485 like interface. The D 20 Input
Output Modules contain electronic circuitry allowing attachment of discrete input (breaker status …)
output (pilot lights , control points…) Analog Inputs (Tap Positions, …) Analog Output (……) physical
devices which may be controlled by the RTU or by a SCADA host issuing commands to the D 20.
To D 20
D 20 Microprocessor Board Configurable “S”, “A” “K” “C”
Communication Ports 1- 8 (rear view). Peripheral Boards
ABB protective relays are designed with the protocol already imbedded within the relay. ABB DPU 2000,
2000R, TPU 2000, TPU 2000R, GPU 2000R, and REL 512 protective relays have the ability to physically
connect to a master node using RS 232 or RS 485 physical interfaces. No additional intermediate nodes
( such as data concentrators or port switches) are required. This advanced design capability allows for
unit address-ability of up to 4095 (FFF HEX) DPU/TPU/GPUs or 65534 REL 512s , (address 65535 is the
global address for all units). However, the physical interface restriction of RS 485 only allows for 32
devices ( 31 protective relays and one host device [D20]) to be interconnected. RS 232 allows for only
point to point connectivity. If a multi-drop capability using RS 232 is required, short haul or long haul
dedicated modems would have to be used to provide for multi-drop connectivity for over 32 devices.
ABB relays have a single port communicating using DNP 3.0. The parameters and port used are
configurable via the communication parameters within the relay selected. Figure 3 illustrates the
communication port locations.
REL 512 Connectivity With A Harris ® Westronics RTU Using DNP 3.0 AN-45A-99
Network 1
REL 512
Serial Port 2
Network 2a
Netwrok 2 B
DNP 3.0
RS 232C
Com 3 AUX COM 2000 R
The steps required allowing communication between the HARRIS D 20 and the ABB protective relays are
as such:
q Configure the D 20
q Configure the ABB Protective Relay
q Send the DNP 3.0 commands.
This application note cannot be an all-inclusive note since parameterization and configuration of such
systems can be very involved and lengthy. The purpose of this note is to describe some of the
configuration philosophy required for the Harris Westronics D 20 unit thus allowing for connectivity to an
ABB protective relay.
The D 20 has different applications which must be configured for a working system. Two of the
applications configurations explained are:
Once CONFIG PRO ® operation is initiated, a many configuration steps must be performed. A synopsis
of the configuration steps follows:
Create Project
All D 20 configurations must be initiated with a project file. This project file when configured becomes
compiled and downloaded to the D 20. Some configuration parameters required are:
q Name
q Description
q D 20 RTU Type
Additional options are available to select the D 20 firmware types, and microprocessor used. The
selections within this menu selection require no relay information to be entered.
REL 512 Connectivity With A Harris ® Westronics RTU Using DNP 3.0 AN-45A-99
Within the ALL APPLICATIONS section of the CONFIG PRO ® a window is available to configure each
of the communication ports resident on the device. The Configuration numbers given to each entry are to
be mapped to each of the 7 communication ports.
Within the DNP DATALINK section of this configuration process, the port connections for each of the
nodes attached to the port are given. It is within this section that the physical port is attached to a table
indicating the port characteristics. Some of the parameters which are configured are:
This table shall be linked to other tables within the configuration process. The parameters within this
window configuration selection include those which must be parameterized in the protective relay. It must
be stressed that IED (i.e. ABB Protective Relays) device operability with the host is dependent upon the
parameter compatibility contained within this screen.
The philosophy of D 20 device configuration is that several applications operate concurrently within the
RTU. Each application must be configured and each application must be bound and tied to the protocol
port to send the data to the selected port (i.e. the SCADA Host). Each of the D 20’s physical device I/O,as
well as the communication ports, must be mapped to an application (DCA, DPA, …). A menu item is
available to map this. The DCA DEVICE CONFIGURATION menu is selected which allows mapping of
the configuration created (0 through 7) to be mapped to the individual devices connected to the port.
Thus, the physical address of each individual IED is mapped in the DCA DEVICE CONFIGURATION
menu. Therefore, 5 devices are to be multi-dropped on port number 1, each of the IED’s node numbers
are to be entered into this section of the configuration table.
The philosophy of software configuration is that all the configured tables to this point must be tied or
“BRIDGED” together. The configuration utility allowing performance of this procedure is called
“BRIDGEMAN”. The configuration screens within “BRIDGEMAN” allows configuration of what data is
obtained from which IED. Up until this point, the configuration has involved the physical layer (physical D
20 ports).
The configuration table ties the task 0 though 7 (which is tied to the IED port entries) to the DCA
configuration table.
REL 512 Connectivity With A Harris ® Westronics RTU Using DNP 3.0 AN-45A-99
Local AP Table
This entry configures the DNP 3.0 protocol requests to be sent from a MASTER ADDRESS (Source) to a
q Digital Inputs
q Digital Outputs
q Analog Inputs
Each point configured within this screen is stored within the D 20 and it is assigned a memory address
space. Thus, if a point is retrieved from the attached IED, it cannot be masked out. The retrieved point
must be allocated a memory location even if it not used in the application.
The D 20 also has additional memory requirements for each point group as shown in figure 4.
Digital Inputs
8 Global
Digital Outputs
Analog Inputs
Figure 4 – Data Storage Requriements For Each Entry In The System Point Database.
REL 512 Connectivity With A Harris ® Westronics RTU Using DNP 3.0 AN-45A-99
Compilation Of Database
The created tables must be compiled and downloaded to the D 20. After this step, the D20 should be
obtaining data from each of the nodes attached to the D 20 ports.
The DPU/TPU/GPU communication is parameterized via the Front Panel MMI interface or through the
ECP (External Communication Program). Please consult the appropriate communication manuals for your
selected ABB protective relay.
The parameters selected are as follows and mirror those which should be entered in the Create Datalink
Process section described above.
Unit Address 5
RP RS232 Baud 9600
RP RS 232 Frame N81
RP RS485 Baud 9600
RP RS 485 Frame N81
IRIG B Enable ( Time Synch Via DNP Commands Enabled)
Parameter 1 40 (Inter-character Gap Timeout mS)
Parameter 2 30 (Data Link Layer Timeout in mS)
Parameter 3 0 (Data Link Layer Retries)
Parameter 4 200 ( Command Response Delay)
Parameter 5 254 (All Groups 0 – 7 Enabled)
Parameter 6 255 ( All Groups 8- 15 Enabled)
Parameter 7 255 ( All Groups 16- 24 Enabled)
Parameter 8 255 ( All Groups 25 – 32 Enabled)
Parameter 9 0 ( Reserved)
Parameter 10 0 (Reserved)
Mode Parameter 1 Disabled (Data Link Layer Confirm)
Mode Parameter 2 Disabled (Application Layer Confirm)
Mode Parameter 3 Enabled ( DNP = RS 232)
Mode Parameter 4 Disabled (RTS/CTS Handshake Confirms)
Mode Parameter 5 Disabled (Enable/Disable of Auto Reset)
Mode Parameter 6 Disabled (Reserved)
Mode Parameter 7 Disabled (Reserved)
Mode Parameter 8 Disabled (Reserved)
The REL 512 is parameterized via a Hyperterminal ASCII emulation terminal. The attachment of the
device and the PC terminal are illustrated in Figure 5.
There are five screens on presented for parameterization of the REL 512. The first screen presented for
the DNP 3.0 “view settings” or “change settings” menu is presented as shown.
REL 512 Connectivity With A Harris ® Westronics RTU Using DNP 3.0 AN-45A-99
Selection =>
Device Address: 5
Baud Rate: 9600
Frame Type: N,8,1
Inter-char Gap Time: 0.05
Data Link Confirm Timeout: 3.0
Data Link Retires: 2
Transmit Delay: 20
Class Zero Mask 1: 0
Class Zero Mask 2: 0
Class Zero Mask 3: 0
Class Zero Mask 4: 0
Class Zero Mask 5: 0
The parameters should match those entered in the CREATE DATALINK section of the D 20 CONFIG
PRO ® process. The Class Zero Masks should be parameterized to mirror the database allocations in
The parameters for unsolicited response are not supported in the REL 512. The parameters for this
feature are set to 0 as shown in Configuration #2 screen. Only the App Layer Confirm Timeout entries
and the Data Link Confirm Mode entries are used. These parameters should mirror those entered in the
D 20 DNP Datalink task and the Device Configuration Tables.
REL 512 Connectivity With A Harris ® Westronics RTU Using DNP 3.0 AN-45A-99
Configuration screen 3 allocates the physical interface characteristics. The most important parameters on
this screen are RS 232 handshaking, and the transceiver parameterization being RS 232. The
parameters should mirror those configured for the D 20 DNP Datalink Sections of CONFIG PRO ®.
Configuration Screen 4 allows default assignment of Variation 0 variants for each of the DNP object
classes. Also Object 30 Analog Input deadbands are assigned for Analog Change Detect reporting.
Network Port 1
(located at the rear of the relay)
REL 512
Front Port
DB9 Connection
RS 232
PC executing
“Terminal Emulator
Figure 5 - Physical Architecture for REL 512 communications with a Configuration terminal and the
Harris Westronics ® D 20 RTU.
REL 512 Connectivity With A Harris ® Westronics RTU Using DNP 3.0 AN-45A-99
is required. Cycle power to the unit. As the relay powers up, the DNP card should be recognized
and the message “DNP Installed Vx.xx” should appear at the bottom right of the screen. Configure
the terminal emulator program The cable is shown in figure 2. DEPRESS THE “ENTER “ key to
initiate communications with the unit. NOTE: to navigate through the menu’s depress the key for the
desired item. To navigate to a previous menu item, depress the “/” key. This allows for the forward
and backward navigation through the menu selections.
2. Verify its address as node 5. From the REL512 Root Menu select
(6) Password Functions,
(1) Edit Configuration Settings
(3) Comm Ports
(4) DNP.
(1) DNP Config #1
If its present address must be changed, it will take effect after rebooting the unit. The address should be
checked each time new firmware has been downloaded to the relay. The factory default address for DNP
is 5.
Consult the communication protocol document for port hardware port configuration options and menu
selection options.
Cables required for connection of the D 20 to the RS 232 ports on the REL 512 or the DPU/GPU/TPU
2000R devices follow and are illustrated in Figures 6 and 7.
Harris D 20 DPU/GPU/TPU
3 Receive Data 2 Transmit Data
2 Transmit Data 3 Receive Data
5 Ground 5 Ground
9 pin D shell 9 pin D shell
Male Connector Female Connector
REL 512 Connectivity With A Harris ® Westronics RTU Using DNP 3.0 AN-45A-99
Configuration Issues
The Harris D 20 requires that each point configured (along with the required pseudo-point returned with
each group for a Class 0 scan) is allocated a memory location. It must be noted that this amount of data
increases the overhead required to transmit the data to the SCADA host device. The amount of data can
be reduced by decreasing the amount of groups enabled for Class 0 scan.
Another method for decreasing the amount of data is to have the D 20 request a Class 0 scan (commonly
referred to as an integrity poll) every 15 minutes or so. Between integrity polls, the D 20 can issue polls to
the slave device and monitor the IIN bits to determine if Class 1, 2, or 3 data is available for reporting.
Class 3 data in may be masked using a technique defined as event masking. The event masking
technique is described in the DPU 2000/2000R, TPU 2000/2000R or GPU 2000R DNP 3.0 Protocol
Documents for each of the ABB products.
Class 3 data only reports the data points which have changed between scans. The D 20 would then
update the point indices that have changed between scans. This technique keeps the amount of data
transferred to a minimum. Thus, every 15 minutes, an integrity scan ( CLASS 0,1,2,3) would be issued
and the entire database would be updated by the D 20. The “integrity” of the database would be
maintained even though all points were not requested each and every point scan.
The Harris D 20 and the ABB family of Distribution and Transmission Protective Relays are designed for
seamless integration required in today’s automation systems. The incorporation of DNP 3.0 within both
product lines allow for data access and control which was only the province of systems costing many
times more
Contributed by:
John Popiak
Revision 0, 11/99
ABB, Inc.
7036 Snowdrift Road
Allentown, PA 18106
800-634-6005 Fax 610-395-1055