F400-Xe Instruction For Use

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MV distribution
Factory-built assemblies
at your service

User Manual

F400 cubicle


General description 3
Glossary 3
Cable incoming or outgoing cubicles 3
Bus coupler cubicles 4
Bus riser cubicles 5
Draw-out SF circuit-breakers 6
Draw-out bar bridge 6
Identification 7
How to read the information
on the front side 7
Symbols 8
List of optional accessories available with the switchboard 8
Operating Instructions 9
How to extract the removable part 9
How to insert the removable part 11
How to plug in the removable part
(front plate with black background) 13
How to draw out the removable part
(front plate with black background) 14
How to close the MV cable earthing isolator
(front plate with a yellow background) 15
How to open the MV cable earthing isolator
(front plate with a yellow background) 16
How to operate the adjustable voltage transformers 18
Padlocking 20
Key-locking 22
Testing 24
"Power on" on the MV cables 24
Checking phase coincidence between two cubicles 24
Testing MV cables 24
Switchboard dielectric test 25
Testing the current transformers 25
Busbar earthing truck 26
Maintenance Instructions 28
Ordering parts 28
Preventive maintenance 28
Maintenance points 28
Access to top and bottom plug-in blocks 29
Access to the voltage transformers 31
Replacing the fuses of the adjustable voltage transformers 32
Replacing the VT position auxiliary contacts 33
Replacing the "power on" Led block 33
Replacing the earthing isolator position auxiliary contacts 34
Replacing the removable part position auxiliary contacts 35
Trouble-shooting 35

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2 - 07897171EN - REV.C0 Schneider Electric
General description

Glossary LV
low voltage
36 kV voltage class
VT : voltagetransformer
NVC: no-voltage check
EI : earthing isolator CT : current transformer or current sensor
Abbreviations SF : range of SF6 circuit-breakers used
in F 400

Cable incoming
or outgoing
Front side
A : LV compartment access door
B : removable part compartment access
C : removable part position check view ports
D : removable part interlocking and operating
plate L1 L2 L3

E : voltage indicators O 4

F : earthing isolatorinterlocking and operating

G : removable part blocking

Left-hand view
1 : LV cable routing and connection
2 : low voltage compartment
3 : busbar compartment
4 : MT and VT cable compartment
5 : removable part compartment
H : removable part
J : earthing isolator
K : earthing isolator operating mechanism
L : voltage transformer.

Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 3

General Description

Bus coupler cubicles

Front side
A : LV compartment access door
B : removable part compartment access
C : view ports
D : removable part interlocking and operating
E : removable part interlocking plate

O 4

Left-hand view
1 : LV cable routing compartment
2 : low voltage compartment
3 : bottom busbar compartment
4 : top busbar compartment
5 : removable part compartment
F : removable part interlocking mechanism
G : removable part
H : voltage transformer.

4 - 07897171EN - REV.C0 Schneider Electric

General Description

Bus riser cubicles

Front side
A : LV compartment access door
B : fixed bar bridge compartment access
C : view ports.

Left-hand view
1 : LV cable routing compartment
2 : LVcompartment
3 : bottom busbar compartment
4 : top busbar compartment
D : voltage transformer.

Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 5

General Description

Draw-out SF circuit-
CEI 1250 A standard

CEI 1250 A standard

CEI 2500 A standard

Draw-out bar bridge

1250 A and 2500 A

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General Description


L1 L2 L3

O 4

Functional unit: SF draw-out removable part

A : cubicle name D : features, descriptions and serial number.
B : nameplate
C : features, descriptions and serial number.

How to read the

on the front side
Removable part

1 : mechanical opening push-button A : removable part mechanical position

2 : removable part position selector indicator
3 : removable part operating crank insertion B : slot for the disconnecting truck lock
opening (optional).

Earthing isolator, A :
power-on indicator block
power on and plug-in disabling B :
earthing isolator position selector
L1 L2 L3 C :
slot for the earthing isolator lock
D :
earthing isolator operating crank insertion
E : locking pull for plug-in disabling (plug-in
disabling selector)

O F : slot for the plug-in disabling lock

Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 7

General Description

Plug-in disabling position

Operating position

Earthing isolator open position

Earthing isolator open mechanical indicator

Earthing isolator closed position

Earthing isolator closed mechanical indicator

Padlockable position.

Removable part
Operating position

"Plugged-in" position

"Drawn-out" position

Insertion / extraction position

List of optional b 1 busbar earthing truck (optional) (see

MALT truck on page 26)
b 1 phase coincidence checking device
(optional) (See on page 24).
accessories available
with the switchboard

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Operating Instructions

How to extract the Earthing isolator

b selector 4 to (earthing isolator open)
removable part L1 L2 L3

O 4
L1 L2 L3

O 4


Initial statuses
Removable part
The removable part is drawn out.
b The cubicle is in disconnected position.

Operation L1 L2 L3

O 4

Warning: for cubicles with internal arc

withstand option, loosen the six screws A L1 L2 L3


before operating the handle


Open the access door to the removable part Unplug the LV auxiliary connection cord. Clip
by pulling and then rotating the handle the cable on the circuit-breaker.

Warning: the threshold bar must be removed Press push-button 1.

before extracting the removable part. Hold it down to move selector 2 to position

1 Then extract the removable part by pulling
the handles.

Pull out the removable part.

threshold bar

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Operating Instructions

Closing the door after extracting the

removable part
Warning: the following steps MUST be
followed to allow the door to be closed.

Warning: put back the threshold bar.

Before closing the access door to the Inside the door, pull locking part 1 or lift part 2.
removable part, lower the panel.

The door closes but does not lock. Close the door.

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Operating Instructions

How to insert the Open the access door to the removable part
by pulling and then rotating the handle
removable part rightwards.

Warning: Remove the threshold bar.

L1 L2 L3

O 4

Insert the removable part in the cubicle.

Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 11

Operating Instructions

To move selector 2 to position ,

press push-button 1.
Hold it down to move selector 2 to position
V .

Push the removable part into the cubicle until

its is in abutment.
Then press push-button 1.
Hold it down to move selector 2 back to
Warning: lift protection flap V of push-button 1. position .

L1 L2 L3
Connect the LV auxiliary connection cord.

O 4

Reassembling the threshold

- Insert the threshold bar A tilting it slightly, align slots B with threaded rods C then fit the
threshold bar,
- position nuts D

Closing the door with the removable part

in place
Warning: if closing is impossible, check the
following points.

Before closing the access door to the Lift rod 2, topple locking part 1 over and
removable part, lift the panel and check that it release rod 2.
is properly latched at the top.

The door closes but does not lock. Close the door.

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Operating Instructions

How to plug in the Initial statuses

Removable part
removable part The removable part is drawn out.
Operation should be allowed by means of the
(front plate with black locks, if fitted.
background) The circuit-breaker LV auxiliaries are
connected and the circuit-breaker
compartment door is closed.
Earthing isolator
b selector 4 to (earthing isolator open)
b locking pull to disable plug-in in unlocked
L1 L2 L3 position.

O 4

Operation If the disconnecting switch is key-locked

(optional): insert the key in H.
Lower the protection flap of push-button 1.

Press push-button 1; hold it down to move

selector 2 to .

Lift the protection flap of push-button 1.

Insert the crank in aperture 3.

Plug in the removable part by rotating the
crank clockwise until status change of
position indicator A and locking of crank in

Move selector 2 to .

The removable part is plugged-in.

If a circuit-breaker is used, the electrical
operation for energizing the downstream part
of the equipment is now possible.

Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 13

Operating Instructions

How to draw out the Initial statuses:

b removable part in plugged-in position.
removable part
(front plate with black

Operation If the disconnecting switch is key-locked

(optional): insert the key in H.
Lower the protection flap V of push-button 1.

Press push-button 1 (which triggers a circuit-

breaker mechanical opening order).
Hold it down to move

selector 2 to .

Lift protection flap V of push-button 1.

Insert the crank in aperture 3.

Draw out the removable part by rotating the
crank counter-clockwise until status change
of position indicator A.

Move selector 2 to .

The removable part is drawn out.

The cubicle is in disconnected position.

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Operating Instructions

How to close the MV Its function:

b in closed position, it short-circuits and
cable earthing isolator earths MV cables, making it possible to
work on cables in safe conditions.
L1 L2 L3

(front plate with a


O 4

b it can be closed only if the circuit-breaker is

in drawn-out position or extracted from the
yellow background) cubicle.

Initial statuses:
b the removable part has been drawn out or
extracted from the cubicle.


Earthing isolator.
L1 L2 L3
Check that the Leds (L1, L2, L3) are off (no
The earthing isolator is open (4).
The locks if fitted (A and B) should allow

Operation Move selector 4 to , pulling then

L1 L2 L3 rotating it clockwise.


Insert the crank in the operating shaft 5, rotate it

clockwise until status change of position
L1 L2 L3 indicator E.


Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 15

Operating Instructions

Move selector 4 to ; to do so, pull then

rotate it clockwise.
L1 L2 L3


The earthing isolator is in closed position.

MV cables are short-circuited and earthed.
L1 L2 L3


How to open the MV Initial statuses:

b earthing isolator closed.
cable earthing isolator L1 L2 L3
If fitted, lock should allow operation.
Selector 4 to .
(front plate with a
yellow background) 5

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Operating Instructions

Move selector 4 to , pulling then
L1 L2 L3
rotating it counter-clockwise.


Insert the crank in the operating shaft 5, rotate it

clockwise until status change of position
L1 L2 L3 indicator E.


Move selector 4 to by pulling and then

rotating it counter-clockwise.
L1 L2 L3


The earthing isolator is in open position.

L1 L2 L3


Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 17

Operating Instructions

How to operate the Voltage transformers are operated from the

rear of the cubicle.
adjustable voltage They can be in the position: "in operation"
(primary fuses and transformers connected to
transformers MV cables or switchboard busbars) or "out of
operation" (primary fuses and voltage
transformers disconnected).

Caution: for cubicles with internal arc

withstand option, first remove the panel
located at the rear of the cubicle.

"Out of operation" position "In operation" position

A : operating handle in the top position A : operating handle in the bottom position
B : lock B : padlock
C : fuse ends apparent E : fuse slot retractable closing flap in closed
D : fuse extraction slot. position
D : fuse extraction slot.

How to put the VTs

in operation

Initial status: 1 : Push the latch to the left.

Handle A in top position, flap E open and fuse 2 : Pull the handle.
ends C apparent, indicate that the
transformers are out of operation.

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Operating Instructions

3 : Lower the handle. Handle A in bottom position and flap E

4 : Block the assembly in position by closed, indicate that the transformers are in
pushing the latch to the right. operation.
5 : Lock with a padlock

How to put the VTs

out of operation

Initial status: 1 : Remove the padlock

Handle A in bottom position and flap E 2 : Pull the handle.
closed, indicate that the transformers are in 3 : Push the latch to the left.

3 : Lift the handle. Handle A in top position, flap E open and fuse
4 : Block the assembly in position by C end apparent, indicate that the
pushing the latch to the right. transformers are out of operation.

Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 19

Operating Instructions

Padlocking ø 6 to 8 mm padlock can be used

b on the plug-in disabling selector
b on the flap opening mechanisms inside the
circuit-breaker compartment.
b on the protection flap of the removable part b on the adjustable voltage transformers
mechanical opening push-button operating mechanism.
b on the earthing isolator selector in open or
closed position

Disabling the removable part Fit 1 to 3 padlocks on plug-in disabling

plug-in selector D, in following position

Disabling the mechanical Fit a padlock on the protection flap of

opening order of a circuit-breaker mechanical opening push-button 1.

in operation position
This device can also be used as an
additional plug-in and draw-out disabling

Disabling the opening or closing

of the MV cable earthing isolator
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

5 5

O 4 O

Earthing isolator open: Earthing isolator closed:

Fit 1 to 3 padlocks on selector 4 in Fit 1 to 3 padlocks on selector 4 in
position to disable closing. position to disable opening.
This also disables the plug-in of a removable

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Operating Instructions

Disabling the opening of a flap of

the removable part compartment

Left-hand side Right-hand side

The plug-in blocks are accessed by manual The plug-in blocks are accessed by manual
opening of the bottom flap: opening of the bottom flap:
b on the busbar side, in an incoming/ b on the MV cable side, in an incoming/
outgoing cubicle outgoing cubicle
b on the left-hand busbar side, in a circuit- b on the right-hand busbar side, in a circuit-
breaker coupling cubicle. breaker coupling cubicle.

After the removable part has been extracted

from the cubicle, the top or bottom flap can be
locked by means of 1-2 or 3 padlocks.
1 : position the part (K and L)
2 : padlock.
Note: the two operating mechanisms are
separate. L

Left-hand side: Right-hand side:

F : padlocking H : padlocking
G : bottom flap operating mechanism. J : top flap operating mechanism.

Disabling the putting in or out of

operation of the voltage

Fitting a padlock allows you to lock the handle Fitting a padlock allows you to lock the handle
in bottom position (transformers in operation). in top position (transformers out of operation).

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Operating Instructions

Key-locking Possible number of locks

This locking is optional.
b disconnecting truck: 1 lock in "plugged-in"
position on the removable part.
b removable part in drawn-out position:
1 lock on the cubicle
b (2 NO) or (2 NC) or (1 NO and 1 NC) or
(1 NO) or (1 NC) : on the earthing isolator.
NO: normally open
NC: normally closed

Disabling the plug-in of a Removable part in drawn-out position.

removable part Remove the key when the plug-in disabling
L1 L2 L3 selector is in following position

O 4 Draw-out is then impossible.

Disabling the draw-out of a Remove the key when selector 2 is in

removable part or of a position .
disconnecting truck Draw-out is then impossible.

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Operating Instructions

Disabling the opening or closing Remove the key(s) when selector 4

of the earthing isolator is in position , opening
L1 L2 L3
Earthing isolator closed is then impossible.


Earthing isolator open Remove the key(s) when selector 4

is in position ,
L1 L2 L3
closing is then impossible.


Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 23


"Power on" on the MV

L1 L2 L3


As soon as the cables have been energized,

the "power on" indicator Leds L1, L2 and L3
must come on.

Checking phase Phase coincidence:

the tester lamp does not come on.
coincidence Phase unbalance:
the tester lamp comes on.
between two

Testing MV cables Check that power is off.

The "power on" indicator Leds are off.
Close the earthing isolator (see chapter titled
Voltage injection to MV cables how to close the EI).
It is recommended to lock it in this position.

b remove the closing plate from the cable

Open the earthing isolator (see chapter titled
how to open the EI) then perform the tests.
At the end of the tests:
b close the earthing isolator
b remove accessories
b close cable compartment.
b Fasten the injection vises to the MV cable
fastening terminal pads or to the lugs.

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Switchboard This test can be performed in a single

This preparation requires the manual
disabling of interlocking to plug in the circuit-
dielectric test All circuit-breakers must be plugged-in and breakers, with the door open.
closed, with the cubicle doors open. The sequence below must absolutely be
Furthermore, one of the outgoing cubicles followed.
must have its MV cable compartment open
for the connection of the test cable.
55 mm Position the circuit-breaker in drawn-out
wedge position, with the door open.
Lift and lock the door locking rod by means of
a 55 mm high U-shaped wedge.
Plug in the circuit-breaker.
Remove the wedge.

The manual closing of the circuit-breaker by

pressing button "I" is then possible by means
of its operating mechanism.

Indicator A indicates the status of the circuit-

breaker (O or I).

Testing the current Injection at primaries

An injection at the current transformer
Changing the winding ratios at the
transformers primaries is possible by access to the fixed Any change in the winding ratio is performed
plug-in blocks located in the circuit-breaker by access to a specific terminal board inside
compartment. the low voltage compartment (see LV
Injection at secondaries developed diagrams).
The tests and settings will be preferably This operation is performed with the
performed by injection at secondaries, using transformer primary de-energized and
the test and injection boxes provided in the earthed by closing of the earthing isolator.
LV compartment.
Note: to perform this operation, refer to the 1 : Extract the removable part. After testing
various relevant chapters in this document. 2 : Close the earthing isolator. 1 : Remove the injection device.
3 : Padlock the opening of the bottom flap 2 : Close the top flap.
providing access to the fixed blocks on the 3 : Remove the padlock locking
busbar side. the opening of the bottom flap.
4 : Access the fixed blocks on the 4 : Open the earthing isolator.
current transformer side through 5 : Insert the removable part.
the top flap aperture.
5 : Fit the injection device
between the fixed block (primary terminal
P1) and the cubicle earth bar which is
accessible in the circuit-breaker
Terminal P2 of the transformer is
to the cubicle earth bars by means of the
earthing isolator in closed
Caution: the connection accessory must not
damage the fixed block coating.

Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 25


Busbar earthing truck The earthing of the busbars of Fluair 400

switchboards in version 2000 is provided by
Polarization of MALT trucks
The purpose of this optional device is to
means of a circuit-breaker type truck impose the draw-out of all circuit-breakers in
positioned in one of the outgoing cubicles a ½ set of cubicles and of the coupling before
after draw-out. plugging in a busbar earthing truck
All circuit-breakers in the switchboard can be
extracted if necessary.
Busbar earthing truck F400 complies with the
requirements of CEI129.
Technical features
Rated voltage = 36kV
Ith = i.e. 25kA - 3s
i.e. 31.5kA - 3s
"Power on" device: no

The MALT trucks are planned to be inserted

in one of the switchboard cubicles 1250A for
the main earthing of the busbars.

A double lock can be provided with separate

operating mechanisms releasing cams that
abut the polarization block located on the
cubicle floor.
Each double lock is then allocated to one of
the ½ sets of cubicles (L-H or R-H) by means
of a central key box.

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Recommendations for operating MALT Once plugged in, the MALT truck is
trucks considered as potentially closed.
The plug-in of a MALT truck is performed by As a result, it does not have the following
means of the propulsion mechanism used for auxiliaries:
circuit-breakers (crank). - auxiliary contacts indicating the status of the
The closing-opening operations of the main Mean Voltage main contacts
contacts are performed manually by the - electric control systems to ensure the remote
operator, with the cubicle MV door open. opening-closing controls
- low voltage cord connecting the MALT truck
The MALT truck is used in the following to the cubicle LV compartment.
- possibility of plugging in the MALT truck with The " O - C " position mechanical indicator of
the cubicle MV door open or closed HV contacts is:
- the MALT truck only operates the bottom flap - black for OPEN
of the plug-in bells
- white for CLOSED
- the truck operates the plug-in/draw-out
contacts of the cubicle
- the positioning of closing springs is
performed manually by means of the lever
- opening-closing operations are controlled by
means of the buttons located on the front
panel of the truck
- the " O-C " buttons are padlockable
- the truck can be inserted with the earthing
isolator (SMALT) closed or open
- the SMALT remains operable with the MALT
truck plugged-in
- the MALT truck is equipped with a separation
prohibiting access to energized parts when
the truck is plugged-in

Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 27

Maintenance Instructions

Ordering parts To order any equipment, you must indicate:

b type of cubicle
If possible, attach a diagram of this manual on
which the part is conspicuous.
When preparing the order, b manufacturing number (engraved on the
refer to this manual supplied identification plate located on the left-hand
with the system to define the equipment panel of the circuit-breaker compartment).
desired very precisely.

Preventive Our equipment is designed to guarantee

optimum operation provided that the
b Corrosion of unprotected parts
b Damage and deformation due to high
maintenance maintenance instructions described in this pressure
manual are strictly adhered to. b Overheating due to solvent on contact
Before performing any task, make sure of areas.
Start each maintenance task with the
the strict compliance with operating and b Elimination of special protections.
thorough cleaning of the cubicle.
safety instructions.
Schneider Electric cannot guarantee the
The use of pressurized solvent projection durability and reliability of the equipment
as a cleaning process is prohibited. subjected to this type of cleaning process
even if followed with lubrication.
The main risks related to this process are as
b De-lubrication of sliding rails and joints (life

Maintenance points Extract the removable part (see chapter "how

to extract the removable part").
Caution: should clamps be damaged, the
corresponding MV fixed block in the cubicle
Referring to its user manual, perform an shall be inspected.
Removable part overall check of the system. Warning: prior to any application, remove
b clean insulating parts the old grease.
b apply a thin film of grease ("Kluber
Amblygon TA 15/2") or equivalent to the
plug-in clamps.

Removable part compartment Extract the removable part. Caution: for electric contacts, do not use
Check and lubricate: grease ("Kluber Isoflex Topas L152") or
b pins and joints, mechanisms and sliding equivalent.
rails of flaps ("Kluber Isoflex Topas L152") Warning: prior to any application, remove
or equivalent. the old grease.
b the earthing plate ("Kluber Amblygon TA Remove dust and clean the inside of the
15/2") or equivalent. compartment and the plug-in insulating parts.
b the Smalt driving mechanism ("Kluber
Isoflex Topas L152") or equivalent.
b behaviour at the LV wiring connection

MV cable compartment b check behaviour, condition and tightening b slightly lubricate the earthing isolator
of the connections of the main earth bar, blades and blocks ("Kluber Amblygon TA
earthing isolator braid and MV cables 15/2") or equivalent.
b check the condition of the earthing isolator Warning: prior to any application, remove
contacts and that it is operating correctly the old grease.
b remove dust and clean the inside of the
compartment, the cable ends and the
insulating shields

28 - 07897171EN - REV.C0 Schneider Electric

Maintenance Instructions

Busbar compartment b remove dust and clean the inside of the Tightening torque
compartment and the insulators The connections must be tightened
b check the behaviour, condition and by means of a torque wrench, complying
tightening of the busbars. with the following torques:
screw torque in Nm
ø 6 13
ø 8 28
ø 10 50
ø 12 75
ø 14 120

Access to top and

bottom plug-in blocks
Opening the flaps

Left-hand side. Right-hand side

A : bottom flap latch finger. B : top flap latch finger.
The plug-in blocks are accessed by manual The plug-in blocks are accessed by manual
opening of the bottom flap: opening of the bottom flap:
b on the busbar side, in an incoming/ b on the MV cable side, in an incoming/
outcoming cubicle outgoing cubicle
b on the left-hand busbar side, in a circuit- b on the right-hand busbar side, in a circuit-
breaker coupling cubicle. breaker coupling cubicle.

Operating the bottom flap Right-hand side:

Padlock the opening of the top flap (see
paragraph titled "disabling the opening of a
flap of the removable part compartment).

Left-hand side:
Using a screwdriver, release latch finger A.

Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 29

Maintenance Instructions

Push to open the flap. After maintenance, close the flap by lifting it
manually until it locks, then remove the
padlock locking the top flap.

Operating the top flap Left-hand side:

Padlock the opening of the bottom flap (see
paragraph titled "disabling the opening of a
flap of the removable part compartment).

Right-hand side
Using a screwdriver, release latch finger B.

Holding latch finger B, in position, push the After maintenance, lower the flap manually
flap upwards. until it locks, then remove the padlock locking
the bottom flap.

30 - 07897171EN - REV.C0 Schneider Electric

Maintenance Instructions

to the voltage
Caution: this operation should preferably be
performed with the cable head or busbars de-
energized, according to the type of cubicle.

For cubicles with internal arc withstand

option, earth the system then remove the

Put the transformers out of operation Once the transformers are out of operation,
(see paragraph "how to put VTs out of release, without removing them, the 2 screws
operation") that secure cover F in order to lift it.
C : fuses.
D : adjustable voltage transformers.

Remove the red flap located at the top of the Slide it under cover F.

Padlock the red flap. Remove the top of the compartment.

Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 31

Maintenance Instructions

Access to voltage transformers and VT

position auxiliary contacts is then possible.
To put back into operation, proceed in the
reverse order.

Replacing the Put the VTs out of operation (see paragraph

"how to put VTs out of
fuses of the operation").

adjustable voltage

Release the two screws.

Rotate and remove the fuse. Remove the fasteners and bayonet A from
the fuse...

... and fit it on the new fuse. Fully insert the fuse and rotate.

32 - 07897171EN - REV.C0 Schneider Electric

Maintenance Instructions

Lock the two screws to the recommended

Put the VTs into operation (see paragraph
"how to put VTs into operation").

Replacing the VT
position auxiliary
Note: to access the auxiliary contact block,
refer to chapter "access to voltage
transformers ".

A : auxiliary contacts. For the auxiliary contacts, separate the crank

on the compartment side and remove the 4
mounting screws.

Fitting Proceed in the reverse order.

Replacing the "power L1 L2 L3

on" Led block O 4



Extract the removable part from the cubicle. Remove the 4 M6 screws on the earthing
On the right-hand side of the circuit-breaker isolator control box side, to access auxiliary
compartment, locate the earthing isolator contacts.
control box. Remove protecting coverA.

Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 33

Maintenance Instructions

L1 L2 L3

Mark and disconnect the wiring connector. Remove the fasteners and free the "power
on" Led block.

Fitting Proceed in the reverse order.

Replacing the L1 L2 L3

earthing isolator O 4

position auxiliary

Extract the removable part from the cubicle. Remove the 4 M6 screws on the earthing
On the right-hand side of the circuit-breaker isolator control box side, to access auxiliary
compartment, locate the earthing isolator contacts.
control box. Remove protecting coverA.

Mark and disconnect the auxiliary contact Remove the 2 screws that secure the
wiring. auxiliary contact support.
Remove the assembly.

Fitting Proceed in the reverse order.

34 - 07897171EN - REV.C0 Schneider Electric

Maintenance Instructions

Replacing the
removable part position
auxiliary contacts

Extract the removable part from the cubicle. Remove the three screws from the cover and
Locate the assembly on the internal right- the cover itself.
hand side of the circuit-breaker compartment.

Mark and disconnect the wiring.

Remove the mounting screws and the contact unit assembly.

Fitting Proceed in the reverse order.

Symptoms Faulty devices Possible causes and solutions
Abnormal noise with power on b insulators Damp or dirty
(crackling, vibrations) b clean or dry them
b metal components Incorrectly fastened
b check fasteners
b upstream or downstream Incorrect cubicle connection
connection b check the connections
Excessive overheating at connection points b connection Connections incorrectly tightened
b retighten them, see tightening torque, contact surfaces ill
adapted or damaged
b change or clean them
Operation requiring abnormal effort Anomaly resulting from deformation
b adjust

Schneider Electric 07897171EN - REV.C0 - 35

Maintenance Instructions

Symptoms Faulty devices Possible causes and solutions

One of the "power on" Leds does not come on b Led Abrupt handling, MV network overvoltage
b change the "power on" block
b wiring Faulty
b check it (see wiring diagram)
b "power on" functional unit Capacitor damaged
b change the unit
b capacitor insulator Insulator capacitor damaged
b change insulator
Circuit-breaker does not close Operation incomplete
b refer to the removable part extraction chapter
b protection relay Action of a protection
b check the relay settings and remove the fault
b wiring Faulty
b check it by successive eliminations
b LV circuit-breaker Faults on LV circuit
b trouble-shooting by successive eliminations
b section switch In "Out of operation" position
b close it

36 - 07897171EN - REV.C0 Schneider Electric

Schneider Group service centers are available for:
engineering and technical assistance
preventive and corrective maintenance
adaptation work
spare parts
Call your sales representative who will put you
in touch with your nearest Schneider Group Service Center,
or call directly Grenoble France on 33 (0)4 76 57 60 60

07897171EN REV.C0 - © 2002 Schneider Electric - All rights reserved

Schneider Electric Industries SA As a result of the development of specifications and designs, always ask for confirmation of
F-38050 Grenoble cedex 9 the information given in this publication.
Tel. : +33 (0) 4 76 57 60 60
Fax : +33 (0) 1 47 51 80 20 This document has been printed on co-friendly paper.

http:/www.schneiderelectric.com Publication: Schneider Electric

RCS: Nanterre B 954 503 439 Layout: Cabinet MARTINEZ SARL - NANTES
Printed by: Cabinet MARTINEZ SARL - NANTES

07897171EN - REV.C0 06/04

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