Drug Discovery - 2018

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Elin Julianti
The Past

 < 20th century : herbs and potions

 mid-19th century :
Isolate and purify the active principles (eg:
morphin from opium, cocaine from coca leaves,
quinine from the bark of the cinchona tree).

 Synthetic effort : trial and error basis

 lead compound—an active principle isolated

from a natural source or a synthetic compound
prepared in the laboratory.
The Present
 a much better understanding of how the body
functions at the cellular and the molecular level.

 most research projects in the pharmaceutical

industry or university sector begin by identifying a
suitable target in the body and designing a drug
to interact with that target.

 An understanding of the structure and function of

the target, as well as the mechanism by which it
interacts with potential drugs
The Stages in Drug Discovery,
Design and Development

 Drug discovery: finding a lead

• Choose a disease!
• Choose a drug target
• Identify a bioassay
• Find a ‘lead compound’
• Isolate and purify the lead compound
• Determine the structure of the lead
The Stages in Drug Discovery,
Design and Development

 Drug design
• Identify structure–activity relationships
• Identify the pharmacophore
• Improve target interactions
• Improve pharmacokinetic properties
The Stages in Drug Discovery,
Design and Development

 Drug development
• Patent the drug
• Carry out preclinical trials (drug metabolism,
toxicology, formulation and stability tests,
pharmacology studies, etc.)
• Design a manufacturing process (chemical
and process development)
• Carry out clinical trials
• Register and market the drug
 the discovery, design, and development of a new
drug can take 15 years or more, involve the
synthesis of over 10,000 compounds, and cost in
the region of $ 800 million (£450 million).
Drug discovery: Finding Lead
Choose a disease!

 research projects tend to focus on diseases that

are important in the developed world because
this is the market best able to afford new drugs

 A great deal of research is carried out on

ailments such as migraine, depression, ulcers,
obesity, flu, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
Drug discovery
Choosing a drug target
 Drug Target
Once a therapeutic area has been identified, the
next stage is to identify a suitable drug target
(e.g. receptor, enzyme, or nucleic acid)

agonist or antagonist should be design. Ex : agonists

of serotonin receptors are useful for the treatment of
migraine, while antagonists of dopamine receptors
are useful as antidepressants
Selective serotonin uptake inhibitor

Desipramine are known to inhibit the uptake of the neurotransmitter

noradrenaline. However, these drugs also inhibit uptake of a separate
neurotransmitter called serotonin  Prozac best selling antidepressant
Drug discovery
Choosing a drug target
 Discovering drug targets

If a drug or a poison produces a biological effect,

there must be a molecular target for that agent in the

Target specificity and selectivity between species,

target specificity and selectivity within the body,
targeting drugs to specific organs and tissues
Drug discovery
Identifying of bioassay

Choosing the right bioassay or test system is crucial to the

success of a drug research programme.

The test should be simple, quick, and relevant, as there are

usually a large number of compounds to be analysed

 In vitro test : In vitro tests do not involve live animals.

Instead, specific tissues, cells, or enzymes are used.
Enzyme inhibitors can be tested on the pure enzyme in
 In vivo test : In vivo tests on animals often involve
inducing a clinical condition in the animal to
produce observable symptoms

 High-Throughput Screening : Robotics and the

miniaturization of in vitro tests on genetically

 etc
Drug discovery
Finding a lead compound

 Once a target and a testing system have been

chosen, the next stage is to find a lead

 Lead compound : a compound which shows the

desired pharmacological activity. The level of
activity may not be very great and there may be
undesirable side effects, but the lead compound
provides a start for the drug design and
development process.
Drug discovery
Finding a lead compound
 Once a target and a testing system have been
chosen, the next stage is to find a lead

 Lead compound : a compound which shows the

desired pharmacological activity. The level of
activity may not be very great and there may be
undesirable side effects, but the lead compound
provides a start for the drug design and
development process.
Finding a lead compound

 Usually, the natural source has some form of

biological activity, and the compound responsible
for that activity is known as the active principle.
Such a structure can act as a lead compound

 Most biologically active natural products are

secondary metabolites with quite complex
structures and several chiral centers. This has an
advantage in that they are extremely novel
Finding a lead compound

 Unfortunately, this complexity also makes their

synthesis difficult and the compounds usually
have to be extracted from their natural source

 a slow, expensive, and inefficient process. As a

result, there is usually an advantage in designing
simpler analogue
Natural Source: Plant

 Plants have always been a rich source of lead compounds

(e.g. morphine, cocaine, digitalis, quinine, tubocurarine,
nicotine, and muscarine).
 Many of these lead compounds are useful drugs in
themselves (e.g. morphine and quinine), and others have
been the basis for synthetic drugs (e.g. local anaesthetics
developed from cocaine).
 Plants still remain a promising source of new drugs and
will continue to be so
Natural Source: Plant
Natural Source:Microorganisms

 The screening of microorganisms became highly

popular after the discovery of penicillin.

 Soil and water samples were collected from all

round the world in order to study new fungal or
bacterial strains, leading to an impressive rsenal
of antibacterial agents

 Examples: cephalosporins, tetracyclines,

aminoglycosides, rifamycins, chloramphenicol,
and vancomycinm
Natural Source :
 some microbial metabolites have provided lead
compounds in other fields of medicine
 For example, asperlicin—isolated from
Aspergillus alliaceus: a novel antagonist of a
peptide hormone called cholecystokinin (CCK),
which is involved in the control of appetite

 Other examples include the fungal metabolite

lovastatin, which was the frst of the clinically
useful statins found to lower cholesterol levels
Natural source : Microorganisms
 another fungal metabolite called ciclosporin which
is used to suppress the immune response after
organ transplants.

 Lipstatin) is a natural product which was isolated

from Streptomyces toxytricini. It inhibits pancreatic
lipase and was the lead compound for the anti-
obesity compound orlistat

 Fungal metabolite called rasfonin (isolated from a

fungus in New Zealand) promotes cell death
(apoptosis) in cancer cells, but not normal cells. It
represents a promising lead compound for novel
anticancer agents.
Natural Source : Marine
 Coral, sponges, fish, and marine microorganisms
have a wealth of biologically potent chemicals with
interesting inflammatory, antiviral, and anticancer

 Example: Curacin A is obtained from a marine

cyanobacterium, and shows potent antitumour

 Other antitumour agents derived from marine

sources include eleutherobin, bryostatins,
dolastatins, cephalostatins, and halichondrin B.
Natural Source : Marine
 In 2010, a simplifed analogue of halichondrin B was
approved for the treatment of breast cancer.
Natural Source : Animal
 Another example is a potent analgesic compound
called epibatidine obtained from the skin
extracts of the Ecuadorian poison frog.
Natual Source : Animal
 Animals can sometimes be a source of new lead

 For example, a series of antibiotic polypeptides

known as the magainins were extracted from the
skin of the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis.

 These agents protect the frog from infection and

may provide clues to the development of novel
antibacterial and antifungal agents in human
Natural Source: Venoms and
 Venoms and toxins from animals, plants, snakes,
spiders, scorpions, insects, and microorganisms
are extremely potent because they often have
very specific interactions with a macromolecular
target in the body.

 As a result, they have proved important tools in

studying receptors, ion channels, and enzymes.
Many of these toxins are polypeptides (e.g. α-
bungarotoxin from cobras)
Medical folklore
 The ancient records of Chinese medicine
provided the clue to the novel antimalarial drug
 Therapeutic properties of the opium poppy
(active principle morphine) were known in Ancient
 the Solanaceae plants in ancient Greece (active
principles atropine and hyoscine)
 snakeroot plant was well regarded in India (active
principle reserpine
Screening synthetic compound
 The thousands of compounds which have been
synthesized by the pharmaceutical companies
over the years
are another source of lead compounds.

 Pharmaceutical companies often screen their

library of compounds whenever they
study a new target.
Existing Drugs
 Me too and me better drugs
Many companies use established drugs from their
competitors as lead compounds in order to design a

The aim is to modify the structure sufficiently such

that it avoids patent restrictions, retains activity, and,
ideally, has improved therapeutic properties

For example, the antihypertensive drug captopril

was used as a lead compound by various companies
to produce their own antihypertensive agents
Existing Drugs
 Enhancing a side effect

SOSA approach—selective optimization of side


For example, most sulphonamides have been used

as antibacterial agents. However, some
sulphonamides with antibacterial activity could not
be used clinically because they had convulsive side
effects brought on by hypoglycaemia (lowered
glucose levels in the blood).
Existing Drugs
 Enhancing a side effect

Clearly, an undesirable side effect for an

antibacterial agent, but the ability to lower blood
glucose levels would be useful in the treatment of

Therefore, structural alterations were made to the

sulphonamides concerned in order to eliminate the
antibacterial activity and to enhance the
hypoglycaemic activity

This led to the antidiabetic agent tolbutamide

Existing Drugs
 Enhancing a side effect

Another example was the discovery that the

anticoagulant warfarin is also a weak inhibitor of a
viral enzyme that is important in the life cycle of HIV.

Warfarin was used as the lead compound in the

development of an anti-HIV drug called tipranavir
Existing Drugs
 Enhancing a side effect

In some cases, the side effect may be strong enough

that the drug can be used without modifcation. For
example, the anti-impotence drug sildenafl (Viagra)
was originally designed as a vasodilator to treat
angina and hypertension
Starting from the natural ligand
or modulator
 Natural ligands for receptors

The natural ligand of a target receptor has

sometimes been used as the lead compound.

The natural ligands adrenaline and noradrenaline

were the starting points for the development of
adrenergic β-agonists, such as salbutamol,
dobutamine, and xamoterol

Histamine was used as the original lead compound

in the development of the H2 histamine antagonist
Starting from the natural ligand
or modulator
 Natural substrate for enzymes

The natural substrate for an enzyme can be used as

the lead compound in the design of an enzyme

For example, enkephalins have been used as lead

compounds for the design of enkephalinase
inhibitors. Enkephalinases are enzymes which
metabolize enkephalins, and their inhibition should
prolong the activity of enkephalins
Combinatorial synthesis
 Combinatorial synthesis is an automated solid-
phase procedure aimed at producing as many
different structures as possible in as short a time
as possible
 Frequently, lead compounds are found as a result
of serendipity

 The discovery of cisplatin and penicillin are two

such examples, but there are many more
Isolation,Purification, Structure
 If the lead compound (or active principle) is
present in a mixture of compounds from a natural
source or a combinatorial synthesis it has to be
isolated, purified, and determine the structure
Drug Discovery & Development
Identify disease
Find a drug effective
against disease protein
(2-5 years)
Isolate protein Scale-up
involved in
disease (2-5 years)

Human clinical trials

Preclinical testing
(2-10 years)
(1-3 years)


FDA approval
(2-3 years) 47

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