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Inner Worlds Outer Worlds

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds is a documentary film cre- 3 Reception

ated by Canadian film maker and meditation teacher
Daniel Schmidt. The film was released in 2012. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds received positive reviews for
The film was released for free online. It has been narrated its unique take on the universe and a rating of 8.4/10
in English, French, Spanish, German and Hindi and there from 326 reviews on IMDb,[4] and also received positive
are subtitles for 17 languages. The movie won a number reviews in the media. In July 2013 Inner Worlds Outer
of awards at film festivals, including the Award of Excel- Worlds was listed on[5]
lence at the Canada International Film Festival.

4 Awards
1 Background In early February 2013 after its release, the film was nom-
inated for the Award of Excellence at the Canada Inter-
The film’s creator Daniel Schmidt is a Canadian film national Film Festival.[6] The film won the Peace Award
maker and is also a musician and meditation teacher.[1] of Excellence at the International Festival for Peace, In-
spiration and Equality[7] in Indonesia, and also won the
Schmidt and his wife Eva Dametto run the Breathe True Merit Award of Awareness at the Awareness Festival in
Yoga Center in Ontario, Canada.[2] Schmidt studied vari- California. It was the winner of Award of Excellence
ous forms of meditation before making the film including, for the International Film Festival for Spirituality, Reli-
the traditions of Buddhism, Taoism and the Yogic tradi- gion and Vision in Indonesia, and winner for Best Fea-
tions of India. He also studied various mystical traditions ture Documentary in the DIY Film Festival, California.
from various cultures.[1] In the Moving Images Film Festival in Toronto it won
best of the Future World showcase. Inner Worlds Outer
Worlds was nominated for the Cosmic Angel Award at
the Cosmic Cine Film Festival 2014 in Germany. It was
2 Production the winner of an Eternal Flame Award Surge Film Fes-
tival, Texas. Inner Worlds was selected by a jury of film
The film was created by Schmidt with support from his makers as the winner of the FILMMAKER’S CHOICE
wife Dametto. Schmidt wrote the screenplay, composed (Conscious Art) award in the Spirit Enlightened festival
an original music score, created the fractal flame imagery, in June 2014.[8] Inner Worlds movie was an official selec-
directed, edited, produced and funded the film. The film tion in 19 film festivals worldwide.
drew on his background in philosophy, his experience in
the television, music and animation industries, and his
personal enthusiasm for meditation. 5 References
Eva Dametto is a performing and visual artist, a teacher of
chakra and hatha yoga, and an expressive arts practitioner. [1] “About the movie”. Inner Worlds Movie. Retrieved 26
She was involved in the shaping and editing process and February 2014.
also created and performed some of the mantras in the [2] Breath True
The film incorporates footage of water vibration from [3] “Film Available for free on Inner Worlds Outer Worlds
Website”. REM Publishing Ltd. Retrieved 6 July 2014.
German cymatics researcher Alexander Lauterwasser.
The 2012 confirmation of the existence of the Higgs Bo- [4] “Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds”. IMDb. Retrieved 26
son or the “God Particle” was incorporated in the film. February 2014.
The film also includes fractal animation footage from
artist Jock Cooper as well as music from the Australian [5] “Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds Review”. Top Documentary
musician Indiajiva. Films. Retrieved 26 February 2014.

During the production of the film, Daniel and Eva de- [6] “2013 Official Selections”. Canada Film Festival. Re-
cided that it would be released for free.[3] trieved 24 March 2014.


[7] “Winners of the International Film Festival for Spiritual-

ity, Religion and Visionary”. International Film Festivals.
Retrieved 26 February 2014.

[8] “Spirit Enlightened Festival Winners”. Culture Un-

plugged. Retrieved 6 July 2014.

6 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

6.1 Text
• Inner Worlds Outer Worlds Source: Contribu-
tors: Anders Feder, Tony1, NatGertler, R'n'B, Shawn in Montreal, Yobot, AnomieBOT, BattyBot and Spiritfilms

6.2 Images
• File:Question_book-new.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:

6.3 Content license

• Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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