Basic Equipment Maintenance Approach - A Training Module

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The key takeaways are the four equipment maintenance approaches of reactive, preventive, condition-based and proactive maintenance. Daily maintenance checklists and walk-around inspections are formulated following understanding equipment components and the different maintenance approaches.

The four equipment maintenance approaches discussed are reactive maintenance, preventive maintenance, condition monitoring and pro-active maintenance.

The three steps to formulate a daily maintenance checklist are: 1) Understand operations and maintenance of common equipment components 2) Know the four different RCM equipment maintenance approaches 3) Formulate the daily maintenance checklist and walk-around inspection.

Basic Equipment Maintenance Approaches

for Maintenance Technicians and Operators

Engr. Joel P. Talam, MOE

March 2019
Basic Equipment Maintenance Approaches
for Maintenance Technicians and Operators

Joel P. Talam
Registered Mechanical Engineer
Graduate of Master of Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Maintenance Engineer, Research Engineer, Engineering Lecturer,
Technical Trainor and Technician

March 2019
Table of Contents



Background Information

What is Reliability Centered Maintenance?

Reactive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance

Condition Monitoring

Pro-active Maintenance

Making a Daily Equipment Maintenance Checklist

Making a Daily Walk-Around Inspection Checklist

Causes of Equipment Failures

Causes of Bearing Failures

Lubricant Analysis

Workshop: Formulating Daily Equipment Maintenance Checklist and Walk-Around Inspection


This manual is written for an industrial training on equipment maintenance approaches. This
consists of two parts: one is a lecture which is a one-day session and the other is workshop for
another day.

Pre-requisite Skills

Participants on this training includes maintenance mechanics, electricians , operators and

engineers that already are familiar with mechanical and electrical equipment, its components
and respective component operations. Actual experience in handling some basic maintenance
tools and instruments is helpful.
Background Information

There are three steps suggested to make daily checklists as a procedure to control performance
and continuous operation of an equipment. These steps are included in this manual.

Step 1: Understand the Operations and Maintenance of Common Equipment Components

Operations and maintenance of bearings and lubricants, and common causes of equipment
components failures are considered in this manual. Other technical background on common
components is also necessary like belts, pulleys and more. The topic is in the middle of the
session as participants are considered knowledgeable already.

Step 2: Know the Four Different RCM Equipment Maintenance Approaches

The components of an equipment will have different maintenance approach/es for the purpose
of optimization of component useful life and at the same time reduction of the cost of
maintenance. These approaches are requirement to make daily checklists.

Step 3: Formulate Daily Maintenance Checklist and Walk-Around Inspection

Knowledge in formulating Daily Maintenance Checklist and Walk-Around Inspection as guide

forms is the main output of this training.


The purpose of this manual is to introduce the four equipment maintenance approaches of the
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and challenge participants to formulate equipment
maintenance checklist and walk-around inspection. Knowledge of these different approaches
and treating the equipment and its components according to a selected approach will optimize
or may rather prolong the useful life of the components and avoid the chance of equipment


At the end of this lesson, the participants will be able to

 Make a daily equipment maintenance checklist for maintenance for technicians and
walk-around inspection for operators.

 Know the four equipment maintenance approaches.

 Understand reasons of failures of common equipment components.


What is RCM?

Reactive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance

Condition Monitoring

Pro-active Maintenance

Making a Daily Equipment Maintenance Checklist

Making a Daily Walk-Around Inspection Checklist

Causes of Equipment Failures

Causes of Bearing Failures

Lubricant Analysis

Workshop: Formulating Daily Equipment Maintenance Checklist and Walk-Around Inspection

What is RCM?

RCM or Reliability Centered Maintenance is a process of determining the most effective

maintenance approach for equipment and facilities. This was used by the US Air Force in 1960
and found very effective. Many industrial plants follow this procedure.

The objective of the RCM is to increase the reliability or the chance of no breakdown of an
equipment. To say on another way, optimize the use of an equipment to its expected life
without unexpected failure.

The equipment maintenance approaches considered by the RCM are as follows:

1. Reactive Maintenance

2. Preventive Maintenance

3. Condition Monitoring

4. Proactive Maintenance
Reactive Maintenance


Reactive maintenance or known as run-to-failure (RTF) is an approach to an equipment or

component letting it to run until it will fail with minimal or nothing to do. This can reduce cost
and time in maintenance. This is just repair or replace when failure comes.

Criteria of Choosing this Approach

• Selected if the component does not directly have adverse affect on the equipment

Example: The air conditioning system of a private automobile car. When the air
conditioning system fails to cool or heat the car passenger’s space, it does not stop the
car from running.

• Accepted when failures of other components will likely to occur equally

Example: A resistor in an electronic microcontroller system. The resistor has an assumed

life the same with the other components like the capacitors, transistors and others in the

What to do in reactive maintenance?

 Visual checking and cleaning are the normal routine of this approach.

 During replacement or repair, use the manufacturer’s manual including part serial
number, arrangement, torque, pressure, temperature, initial testing procedure and
other directions. Precautions maybe included.

 Use appropriate and in good condition tools.

Example: Use the same size wrench for a bolt or nut, and should be in condition not to
round off the heads of the bolt or nut. A combo wrench is recommended for wrench use.

 Take note of the life of the equipment or component. Normally in industries, data is
encoded in a computerized maintenance management system or CMMS.

A 3-phase electric water pump system is composed of components as in the table below. Its
main purpose is to deliver water at a certain volume flow rate ( e.g. 10 cubic meter per minute).
Identify among the components that could be treated under reactive maintenance approach.
Part Part Name Function Maintenance Approach Maintenance Activity

1 electrical Switches
motor ON and
power OFF the
control motor that
runs the
pump to

2 electric Runs the

motor pump to

3 electric Change the

motor pulley speed of
through a
belt that
motor to
pump to
4 V-belt Transmit
motor to
pump to

5 pulley-belt House the Reactive Maintenance Repair when damaged or

housing pulley-belt (but include in daily replace if necessary.
system for checklist for loose bolts,
people dirt and unnecessary
safety objects)

6 electric Supports
motor base the electric
plate motor that
runs the
pump that

7 electric Holds the

motor base motor in
plate bolts place that
runs the
pump that

8 pump volute Guides the

flow of
water that
to be

9 pump Performs
impeller delivery of

10 Pump shaft Receives

pulley power
from the
motor and
run the
pump that

11 pump hose Guides the

system delivery of

12 pump base Supports

plate the pump

13 pump base Holds the

plate bolts pump in
place that

The component for reactive maintenance is the pulley-belt housing. The housing does not affect
the main purpose of delivering water whenever it fails.
Preventive Maintenance


Preventive maintenance or PM is an approach to an equipment or component that has a

schedule of activity done repeatedly at the same length of time. These regular activities could
be inspections, adjustments, cleanings, lubrication and replacement of components and
equipment. This activity does not increase reliability but to achieve expected life.

Criteria of Choosing this Approach

• Selected if the component has a degrading type of operation.

Example: Bearings are known to deteriorate at some time in its operation like increased
scratches on surfaces of its balls and races. A reason for the scratches is the drying and
particle accumulation of the applied grease. Thus, re-greasing is performed at estimated
regular time interval.

What to do during PM?

 Follow the instructions in the CMMS or any maintenance system with respect to time
schedule and required activity like number of grease pumping, the part number, and
others. If making a new PM, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

 Prepare and use replacement parts that are in best condition. Oil seals must have no
dent, bearings must have no rust, belts must have no crack, grease or oil must have no
water, etc.

 Check the replaced components of their conditions, and reflect to maintenance system
for data analysis that maybe time interval of activity is needed.

Example: A dried or blackened grease is a sign that re-greasing must be done more
often or increase the number of pumps. Then, its PM must be changed.

 Again, use appropriate and in good condition tools.

 Use measuring instruments like for belt tension, bolt torque, electric tester, etc.
 Reflect the activity in the maintenance system.


A 3-phase electric water pump system is composed of components as in the table below. Its
main purpose is to deliver water at a certain volume flow rate. Identify among the components
that could be treated under preventive maintenance approach.

Part Part Name Function Maintenance Approach Maintenance Activity


1 electrical Switches PM (inspection of safety Push the safety relay. Check if

motor ON and relay by testing) motor stops and run. Do every
power OFF the 14 weeks.
control motor that
runs the
pump to

2 electric Runs the PM (re-greasing of Pump grease 60 gm/pump 10

motor pump to bearings) times. Do every 14 weeks.

3 electric Change the PM (inspection of Visually check looseness or

motor pulley speed of alignment, wear or misalignment. Do daily.
motor cracks)
through a
belt that
motor to
pump to
4 V-belt Transmit PM (replacement) 1. Visually check belt. Do
power daily.
2. Replace belt. Belt tension is
motor to
26-30 Hz. Do every 26
pump to

5 pulley-belt House the Reactive Maintenance Repair when damaged or

housing pulley-belt (but include in daily replace if necessary.
system for checklist for loose bolts,
people dirt and unnecessary
safety objects)

6 electric Supports PM (inspection of cracks) Check cracks and vibration. Do

motor base the electric daily.
plate motor that
runs the
pump that

7 electric Holds the PM (inspection of loose Check loose bolt. Do daily.

motor base motor in bolts)
plate bolts place that
runs the
pump that

8 pump volute Guides the PM (inspection of crack) Check cracks. Do daily.

flow of
water that
to be

9 pump Performs PM (inspection of pitting Clean. Do every 26 weeks

impeller the and cleaning) (normally done during
delivery of shutdown operation)

10 Pump shaft Receives PM (inspection of Visually check looseness or

pulley power alignment, wear or misalignment. Do daily.
from the cracks)
motor and
run the
pump that

11 pump hose Guides the PM (inspection of leaks Check leaks and hose potential
system delivery of from connection to leak. Do daily.
water connection)

12 pump base Supports PM (inspection of crack) Check cracks or vibration. Do

plate the pump daily.

13 pump base Holds the PM (inspection of loose Check loose bolts. Do daily.
plate bolts pump in bolts)
place that

All parts identified for PM are all degrading type.

Condition Monitoring


Condition monitoring is an approach to an equipment or component that employs non-

destructive testings. This is to measure periodically and trend equipment or component
performance with the use of instruments or laboratory analysis. Continuing analysis of the data
allows for planning and scheduling maintenance. It is applicable to degrading type components.

Some Common Instruments used are as follows:

Instrument Picture Uses

Vibrometer Measures vibration of such as


IR Gun (infra red gun) Measures surface


Ultrasonic detector Measures sound frequency

usually for bearing condition.
Clamp ammeter Measures electric line current
usually for 3-phase motors.

Thermograph Measures temperature of

overall area.

Spectograph Laboratory equipment Oil analysis

Senses - eyes, ears, smell and Loose parts, abnormal

touch sounds, burnt wire or oil, and
excessive heat.

Criteria of Choosing this Approach

• Selected if the component has a degrading type of operation, and does not stop the
operation as much as possible.

Example: Bearing deteriorated performance can be detected by motor housing high

temperature, or cracking or high-pitched sound. Regular measurement of motor housing
temperature and vibration are good activities to monitor the bearing condition.
What to do during condition monitoring?

 Follow the instructions in the CMMS or any maintenance system with respect to time
schedule and required activity.

 Plot the collected data and check the trend for forecasting of coming breakdown.

 For a component with persistent or unusual problems as found in PM, conditioning

monitoring maybe applied. Perhaps, PM will be improved or it needs redesigning.

Example. During an oil change PM, more wear particles are found in the oil. If cost is
fairly practical, regular oil analysis is necessary to determine when will oil change be
done and/or what material are those particles for possible redesigning.

 Reflect the activity in the maintenance system.


A 3-phase electric water pump system is composed of components as in the table below. Its
main purpose is to deliver water at a certain volume flow rate. Identify among the components
that could be treated under condition monitoring approach.

Part Part Name Function Maintenance Approach Maintenance Activity


1 electrical Switches PM (inspection of safety Push the safety relay. Check if

motor ON and relay by testing) motor stops and run. Do every
power OFF the 14 weeks.
control motor that
runs the
pump to

2 electric Runs the PM (re-greasing of Pump grease 60 gm/pump 10

motor pump to bearings) times. Do every 14 weeks.
Condition monitoring 1. Check line current and
(measure line current, current imbalance. Do every
measure housing week.
temperature at bearing
2. Check temperature. Do
location, and measure
3. Check vibration using
vibrometer. Do every 4

4. Do ultrasonic testing. Do
every 4 weeks.

3 electric Change the PM (inspection of Visually check looseness or

motor pulley speed of alignment, wear or misalignment. Do daily.
motor cracks)
through a
belt that
motor to
pump to

4 V-belt Transmit PM (replacement) 1. Visually check belt. Do

power daily.
2. Replace belt. Belt tension is
motor to
26-30 Hz. Do every 26
pump to

5 pulley-belt House the Reactive Maintenance Repair when damaged or

housing pulley-belt (but include in daily replace if necessary.
system for checklist for loose bolts,
people dirt and unnecessary
safety objects)

6 electric Supports PM (inspection of cracks) Check cracks and vibration. Do

motor base the electric daily.
plate motor that
runs the
pump that

7 electric Holds the PM (inspection of loose Check loose bolt. Do daily.

motor base motor in bolts)
plate bolts place that
runs the
pump that

8 pump volute Guides the PM (inspection of crack) Check cracks. Do daily.

flow of
water that
to be

9 pump Performs PM (inspection of pitting Clean. Do every 26 weeks

impeller the and cleaning) (normally done during
delivery of shutdown operation)

10 Pump shaft Receives PM (inspection of Visually check looseness or

pulley power alignment, wear or misalignment. Do daily.
from the cracks)
motor and
run the
pump that

11 pump hose Guides the PM (inspection of leaks Check leaks and hose potential
system delivery of from connection to leak. Do daily.
water connection)

12 pump base Supports PM (inspection of crack) Check cracks or vibration. Do

plate the pump daily.

13 pump base Holds the PM (inspection of loose Check loose bolts. Do daily.
plate bolts pump in bolts)
place that

Only the electric motor will be treated with condition monitoring that will not interrupt pump
Proactive Maintenance


Proactive maintenance is an approach to an equipment or component that involves redesign,

modification, retrofit or change order. Redundancy of component will usually solve the
problem permanently, and cost is still justifiable.

Criteria of Choosing this Approach

• Selected if the component is comparatively inferior component with other parts, if none
of the previous three approaches can help, and the risk is unacceptable (operation must
be continuous and parts is difficult to order)

What to do during proactive maintenance?

 Check if treating the component in reactive maintenance, PM and condition monitoring

is possible and will help its performance and the equipment overall operation. If not,
choose the most possible and convenient ways – redesign, modify, retrofit or change

Example: Bearing fails earlier than expected, reactive maintenance disrupt the
operation, re-greasing is not possible, condition monitoring is possible but will resort to
replacement only, and changing order is difficult; doubling the bearing of the same
specs will be applied.

 Select from the first three maintenance approaches which will be applicable.


A 3-phase electric water pump system is composed of components as in the table below. Its
main purpose is to deliver water at a certain volume flow rate. The belt is found to persistently
crack earlier than expected that could be due to too humid and muddy environment.
Part Part Name Function Maintenance Approach Maintenance Activity

1 electrical Switches PM (inspection of safety Push the safety relay. Check if

motor ON and relay by testing) motor stops and run. Do every
power OFF the 14 weeks.
control motor that
runs the
pump to

2 electric Runs the PM (re-greasing of Pump grease 60 gm/pump 10

motor pump to bearings) times. Do every 14 weeks.
Condition monitoring 1. Check line current and
(measure line current, current imbalance. Do every
measure housing week.
temperature at bearing
2. Check temperature. Do
location, and measure
3. Check vibration using
vibrometer. Do every 4

4. Do ultrasonic testing. Do
every 4 weeks.

3 electric Change the PM (inspection of 1. Visually check looseness or

motor pulley speed of alignment, wear or misalignment. Do daily.
motor cracks)
through a Proactive maintenance (Assuming belt cracks or worn
belt that (redesign the pulley-belt out after 3 months continuous
transmit housing with less mud or operation. The belt is expected
power air coming inside) to last 6 months)
Replace motor and pump
motor to
pulleys with two grooves and
pump to
install two the belts with the
same specifications. Do once.

4 V-belt Transmit PM (replacement) 1. Visually check belt. Do

power daily.
2. Replace belt. Belt tension is
motor to
26-30 Hz. Do every 26
pump to
water Proactive maintenance Replace belt with two belts
(redesign the pulley-belt with the same specs. Do once.
housing with less mud or
air coming inside)

5 pulley-belt House the Reactive Maintenance Repair when damaged or

housing pulley-belt (but include in daily replace if necessary.
system for checklist for loose bolts,
people dirt and unnecessary
safety objects)

6 electric Supports PM (inspection of cracks) Check cracks and vibration. Do

motor base the electric daily.
plate motor that
runs the
pump that

7 electric Holds the PM (inspection of loose Check loose bolt. Do daily.

motor base motor in bolts)
plate bolts place that
runs the
pump that

8 pump volute Guides the PM (inspection of crack) Check cracks. Do daily.

flow of
water that
to be

9 pump Performs PM (inspection of pitting Clean. Do every 26 weeks

impeller the and cleaning) (normally done during
delivery of shutdown operation)

10 Pump shaft Receives PM (inspection of Visually check looseness or

pulley power alignment, wear or misalignment. Do daily.
from the cracks)
motor and
Proactive maintenance (Assuming belt cracks or worn
run the
(redesign the pulley-belt out after 3 months continuous
pump that
housing with less mud or operation. The belt is expected
air coming inside) to last 6 months)
Replace motor and pump
pulleys with two grooves and
install two the belts with the
same specifications. Do once.

11 pump hose Guides the PM (inspection of leaks Check leaks and hose potential
system delivery of from connection to leak. Do daily.
water connection)

12 pump base Supports PM (inspection of crack) Check cracks or vibration. Do

plate the pump daily.

13 pump base Holds the PM (inspection of loose Check loose bolts. Do daily.
pump in
plate bolts place that bolts)

The pump and motor pulleys and the belt will be redesigned as a proactive maintenance to the
component inferior reliability of the belt.
Making a Daily Equipment Maintenance Checklist

Checklist paper together with condition monitoring instruments is a familiar item that can be
seen with maintenance technicians and equipment operators daily early in the morning. It is a
guide for technicians and operators to check present conditions of equipment components. Any
abnormalities will be immediately reported to his immediate supervisor. It will then be
compiled as document and reference for history record and technical analysis.

Contents of an Equipment Maintenance Checklist

The following are the contents of an equipment maintenance checklist:

1. Name of Technician

2. Week Number

3. Date

4. Name of Equipment

5. Name of Equipment Component

6. What, how and when to check

7. Check box

8. Measurement (if any)

9. Comment (for abnormal operation)

10. Repair Done

Example of an Equipment Maintenance Checklist

Name of Equipment: ______________________

Name of Technician: ______________________


1. Test electrical motor power control safety relay every 14 weeks.

2. Re-grease electric motor bearings every 14 weeks (10 times 6 gm/pump).

3. Check electric motor line current every Monday. L1___Amp L2___Amp L3___Amp

4. Check electric motor body temperature daily. _______OC

5. Check electric motor body vibration every 4 weeks. ______mm/s (6-8 mm/s)

6. Do ultrasonic testing every 4 weeks.

7. Check electric motor pulley for looseness and misalignment visually daily.

8. Check V-belt for looseness visually daily.

9. Replace V-belt every 26 weeks (26-30 Hz).

10. Check pulley-belt housing for dirt, unwanted objects and damages daily.

11. Check electric motor base plate for cracks and vibration visually.

12. Check electric motor base plate bolts for looseness.

13. Check pump volute for cracks daily.

14. Clean pump impeller and check for damage part/s every 26 weeks.

15. Check pump shaft pulley daily for looseness and misalignment daily.

16. Check pump hose system for leaks daily.

17. Check pump base plate for cracks and vibration daily.

18. Check pump base plate bolts for loose bolt daily.

Comments: _Pulley is loose and looks worn out. Last replacement is 14 weeks ago.

Repair done: ______________________________________________________

Making a Daily Walk-Around Inspection Checklist

Daily Walk-Around Inspection Checklist paper is also a familiar item that can be seen with
equipment operators daily early in the morning. It is a guide for operators to check present
conditions of equipment components. Any abnormalities will be corrected and if serious will be
immediately reported to his immediate supervisor. It will then be compiled as document and
reference for history record and technical analysis.

Contents of a Daily Walk-Around Inspection Checklist

The following are the contents of a Daily Walk-Around Inspection Checklist:

1. Name of Technician

2. Date

3. Name of Equipment

11. Name of Equipment Component

12. What to check

13. Check box

14. Measurement and/or Tests (if any)

15. Comment (for abnormal operation)

16. Comment
Example of a Daily Equipment Walk-Around Inspection Checklist

Name of Equipment: ______________________

Name of Technician: ______________________

Date: _____________________

1. Check electrical motor power control (line burnt wire and connections,
loose screw, etc.).

2. Check electric motor (electrical line burns and arrangement, body cracks
and vibration, base plateand bolts cracks, vibration and looseness).

3. Check electric pulley-belt system (pulleys and belts for looseness and misalignment).

4. Check pump (pump body cracks, leaks, vibration and dirt; and base plate and bolts
vibration and looseness)

5. Check pump hose system (connection and hose line leaks).

6. Check pump work area (safety, arrangement and unwanted objects)

Comments: Hose connection at pump side leaks.__________________________________


Repair done: ______________________________________________________

Causes of Equipment Failures

Causes of equipment or component failures must be well understood to have more effective
selection of the maintenance approaches and programming of its activities.

Causes of Equipment Failures

1. Workmanship – not enough skill. Task is not done correctly like bolt torque, belt
tension, bearing inserted too tight, incorrect grease application and misuse of tools.

2. Design – component or equipment is not fit for the operation like undersized motor to
rotate a big load, and use of inferior or weaker parts.

3. Material – defect in parts due to manufacturer’s defect, handling or storage like chipped
tooth of a gear and rusty bearings due to improper storage.

4. Operation – inexperienced equipment operator. Incorrect sequencing of operation may

overload some components causing damages, and dangerous unusual sounds maybe

Some Failure Causes during the Operation

• Abrasion – scratches due to particles like dust in contact with contacting surfaces

• Friction – due to improper lubrication

• Abuse – overloading

• Operator negligence - unattended SOP’s

• Age deterioration – material naturally weakens at some time

• Puncture - due to mishandling or other accident

• Shock – sudden applied large load

• Consumable depletion – unmonitored wearing of parts like brake pads wearing the
brake shoe

• Stress – due t overloading that weakens the component material

• Contamination – unwanted material mixing into the component like water in oil

• Temperature extremes – electronic parts and some grease are sensitive to high

• Corrosion - improper lubrication

• Vibration – due to improper alignment

• Dirt – causes abrasion of parts

• Wear – due to improper lubrication or overloading

• Fatigue - repeated applied load that weakens the material

Causes of Bearing Failures

This section is a guide to the major factors that can lead to bearing failure as well as how you
can prevent the issues from happening.

Bearing Causes of Failures and Prevention

The following table list down the failures, causes of the failures and its prevention.

Causes of Signs Pictures Prevention


Excessive load Premature spalled area Reduce the load or

in ball path redesign using bearing
with greater capacity

Overheating Discoloration of rings, Thermal or overload

balls and cages controls, adequate heat
paths, and supplemental
cooling are effective cures

False brinelling Elliptical wear marks at Isolate bearings from

each ball position external vibration
True brinelling Ball indentations on Install bearings by applying
raceways force only to the ring being
press- fitted

Normal fatigue Spalling or flaking of redesign to use

failure metal from contact a bearing having a greater
surface calculated fatigue life

Reversed Balls show grooved simply install the bearing

loading wear band correctly

Contamination Denting of balls and Clean work areas, tools,

raceways fixtures and hands help
reduce contamination
Lubricant Discolored blue/brown Use clean appropriate
failure ball tracks and balls. lubricant and correct
Usually to restricted amount
flow and overheating.

Corrosion Chemical attack results Use integral seals.

in reddish/brown
discoloration from
corrosive environment.

Misalignment Raceway ball track not Correct misalignments.

parallel to raceway

Loose fits Circumferential wear Use fit recommendations.

and/or discoloration of
mounting surfaces
Tight fits Heavy ball wear path at Use fit recommendations.
bottom of raceways
Lubricant Analysis

An oil analysis provides data on machine wear condition, oil contamination and oil degradation.
At some time, at certain level machine wear particles in oil can cause abrasion on contacting
surfaces. The increased contamination and degradation losses the viscosity and also could
promote corrosion on metal surface.

Key oil analysis parameters and prevention is as follows:

Category Key Analysis Causes Prevention

Machine Wear Fine wear metals Metal component is Check the type of
wearing metal and check the
Large wear metal
Particle count and

Wear particle shape


Contamination Sand and dirt Improper oil handling Use closed containers
practice or during storage and
environment is dusty flush oil basin before
Fuel dilution Liquid mixed with oil

Water/moisture From rain or air



Soot Blow-by of fuel Correct blow-by


Alien fluid

Degradation Oxidation, nitration, High temperature Check coolant system


Viscosity Due to water dilution Relubricate

Acid number High temperature and Avoid water mixing
Workshop: Formulating Daily Equipment Maintenance Checklist and Walk-
Around Inspection Checklist

Participants are challenged to make a daily equipment maintenance checklist for maintenance
technicians and a daily walk-around inspection for operators based on learned in the lecture.
The participants will

1. Select an equipment.

2. List down at least ten (10) of the selected equipment’s important components.

3. Make respective maintenance approach of the identified components.

4. For maintenance technicians, formulate a Daily Maintenance Checklist.

For equipment operators, formulate a Daily Walk-Around Inspection Checklist.

Form 2

Daily Equipment Maintenance Checklist: For maintenance technicians only, fill up the following
blank spaces of the table below as provided.

Daily Equipment Maintenance Checklist

Name of Equipment:

Names of Technicians and Operators:

No. Activity



Repair done:
Form 3

Daily Walk-Around Inspection Checklist: For equipment operators only, fill up the following
blank spaces of the table below as provided.

Daily Equipment Maintenance Checklist

Name of Equipment:

Names of Technicians and Operators:

No. Activity


1. Reliability Centered Maintenance Guide for Facilities and Collateral Equipment, The
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington D. C., February 2000

2. Steele, William, Introduction to Reliability-Centered Maintenance, The Colinson

Corporation, 1999.

3. Barden Precision Bearings, Failure Causes and Cures,


4. Spectro Scientific, Oil Analysis Handbook for Predictive Equipment Maintenance,


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