The Age of Industrialisation
The Age of Industrialisation
The Age of Industrialisation
Q.1 What was the result of the import of Manchester cloth to India?
Ans: i) It ruined the cloth industry in India because the Manchester cloth was both cheap showy and durable.
ii) The weavers were forced to give up their ancestral profession of cloth weaving and had to work as
labourers in urban areas.
Q.2. What was the result of First World War on Indian industries?
Ans: The First World War gave a great boost to the Indian industries because of the following reasons:
i) The British mills became busy with the production of war materials so all its export to India virtually stopped.
ii) Suddenly, Indian mills got clearance to produce different articles for the home market.
iii) The Indian factories were called upon to supply various war related materials like jute bags, cloth for
uniforms, tents and leather boots for the forces and so on.
Ans: The term ‘Industrial Revolution’ stands for those developments and inventions which revolutionized the
technique and organization of production in the latter half of the 18th century. The Industrial Revolution in face
replaced the domestic system, by the new ‘factory system’. In place of animal and manual power, new
machines and steam-power were used for producing things. This revolution replaced the cottage industry by
the factories, the handwork by the machine-work and the craftsmen and the artists by the capitalist and the
Ans: Effects of Industrialization on Agriculture. With Industrialization grew the demand for raw-materials so
rapidly that it forced the cultivators to adopt new methods to ensure more production. New machines were
invented for digging the soil, sowing seeds, reaping the harvest and thrashing the corn. New crops were sown
and chemical fertilizers were developed for a bumper harvest. Means of irrigation were improved and new
breeds of farm cattle were developed. These and several other techniques ensured more food for the growing
population and more raw material for the growing industries.
Q.5. What conditions are favourable for the continuing growth of industries in India?
1) India abounds in coal and iron-ore deposits, which are essential for the development of industries. We can
export our surplus coal and iron-ore to other countries.
2) We have a number of perennial rivers whose perpetual flow of water can be used to generate more electric
3) We can produce abundant raw-materials as wer have vast agricultural potential in rich and fertile land of
our big country.
4) We have a vast network of roads and railways and our shipping industry has also developed considerably
and as such we can transport our goods not only within India but also outside India.
5) India itself is a big market with its big population. Besides, Indian goods are in great demand in several
Arabian and Asian countries.
6) We have good potential in capital as well. Besides, the foreign aid and the foreign investment can also
help us in this respect.
Q.6. Explain the factors responsible for the Industrial Revolution in England.
Give reasons why Industrial Revolution started first of all in England.
Explain those factors which were responsible for the Industrial Revolution in England.
Ans: The Industrial Revolution began in England in the later half of the 18th century as favourable conditions
for such a development were present there:
1) Men like Walpole, who was a great economist, encouraged the foreign trade which brought more and
more wealth to England. The British traders had thus accumulated sufficient capital that was needed to
establish new factories.
2) England had plenty of natural resources like iron and coal which are essential for industries.
3) England had established many new colonies from where they could easily get cheat raw-materials and
which could also serve as best markets for finished goods.
4) England had developed a large shipping industry which solved their problem of transporting things to
distant lands.
Ans: There is no exaggeration in calling imperialism as the ill-begotten child of industrialization. Other things
beside, industrialization chiefly needs two things. One of them being the constant supply of raw-materials
and the other is that the finished goods be sold at the same speed. The industrialized countries had introduced
heavy import duties as protective tariffs to check the import from other countries. Faced with
the problem of finding new markets for their products, the producer nations chose such countries where
industrialization had not yet reached. Hence a race for bringing those areas under their effective occupation or
effective influence started among the various industrialized nations. As a consequence, Britain, France,
Germany and Japan, etc. set up their colonies in Asia, Africa and South America etc.
These colonies served their two purposes of being the suppliers of cheap raw materials and an easy market for
their finished goods. In this way, it can be rightly said that industrialization gave birth to imperialism or carving
out of new colonies in other lands