Makhzan Al-Asrār (FF 3v-28r)
Makhzan Al-Asrār (FF 3v-28r)
Makhzan Al-Asrār (FF 3v-28r)
Date 1410/11
Title [Miscellany]
Content A miscellany containing 23 works, written for Jalāl al-Dīn Iskandar ibn ʻUmar
Shaykh, grandson of Tīmur who ruled in Fars, South West Iran, for five years
from 1409 to 1414. Copied 1410-11 by Muḥammad al-Ḥalvāʼī and Nāṣir al-Kātib.
Contains one double-page, 40 single miniatures and marginal paintings in the
Shiraz/Timurid style.
Add. 27261, ff 3v-294r
Niẓāmī Ganjavī, Khamsah
Language Persian
Physical description
Material: Paper.
Foliation: ff 546
Dimensions [leaf]: 18.4 x 12.7 cm.
Date: From Jumāda I, 813 (f 112v) to Jumāda II, 814 (AD 1410-11).
Script: Naskh and nastaʻlīq. Copied by Muḥammad al-Ḥalvāʼī al-Jalālī al-
Iskandarī; and (ff 372-542) by Nāṣir al-Kātib.
Decoration: Contains one double-page, 40 single miniatures and marginal
paintings; ornamented ʿunwāns; gilt headings; Illuminated borders; Some coloured
Ownership Created for Jalāl al-Dīn Iskandar ibn ʻUmar Shaykh, grandson of Tīmur who ruled
in Fars, South West Iran, for five years from 1409 to 1414. Owned by Miyān
Akmal Badī‘al-Dīn, who handed it over Muḥammad ‘Alī ‘Aṭṭār as security for a
loan to the value of three hundred rupees on 29th Rabī‘ al-sānī (1 May 1813).
Acquired by Sir John Malcolm and sold to the Museum by his son George A.
Malcolm in 1865.
Bibliography Ch. Rieu, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the British Museum. 3 vols,
London, 1879-83, pp. 868-71.
Norah M. Titley, Miniatures from Persian Manuscripts: a Catalogue and Subject
Index of Paintings from Persia, India and Turkey in the British Library and the
British Museum. London, 1977, p. 39.
For a more detailed list of contents see here