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Bible Trivia

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Catholic Bible Trivia

1. St. John the Baptist died (a) in a sword fight (b) of pneumonia (c) by having his head cut
off (d) in a chariot accident

2. When we are talking about the Bible, the word evangelist means (a) a Gospel writer
(b) anyone who is baptized (c) someone who gave his or her life for the faith (d) an early pope

3. as a ladder going up to
At Pentecost the Holy Spirit appeared over the heads of disciples (a)
heaven (b) as the right hand of God (c) as a halo over each person (d) as tongues of fire

4. Jews call the first flve books of the Old Testament (a) the Torah (b) the New Testament
(c) the Acts of the Apostles (d) the Gospels

5. The scholarly Doctor of the Church who single-handedly fianslated the Bible into Latin is
(a) St. Peter (b) St. Francis Xavier (c) St. Columba (d) St. Jerome

6. When Jesus was twelve years old (a) he got separated from his parents in Jerusalem
(b) Mary and Joseph had to search anxiously for him for three days (c) he sat among the
rabbis in the Temple (d) all of these

7.A Gentile is (a) anyone who is not a Jew (b) anyone who is an orthodox Jew (c) one of the
' twelve tribes of Israel (d) a Jewish high priest

8. In the Book of Exodus we learn that the ark of the covenant (a) was a portable golden box
carried on poles (b) contained the tablets of the Iaw, the rod of Aaron, and a sample of
manna (c) was honored as a symbol of God's presence (d) all of these

9. The religious order that preserved the Bible during the DarkAges by writing out copies by
hand is (a) the Benedictines (b) the Franciscans (c) the Dominicans (d) the Jesuits

10. When Moses came down the mountain after receiving the Ten Commandments from God,
he found the chosen people (a) worshiping the one true God (b) dancing around a
golden calf (c) playing a game (d) sleeping

11. The language Jesus spoke was (a) English (b) French (c) Aramaic (d) German

12. Areligion that does not honor the Old Testament as the word of God is (a) Christianity
(b) Judaism (c) Islam (d) Buddhism

13. The Gospel writer who also wrote the Acts of the Apostles was (a) Matthew (b) Luke
(c) Nathaniel (d) Timothy

14. The prophet Elijah (a) challenged the wicked Queen Jezebel (b) challenged the 400 proph-
ets of Baal on Mt. Carmel (c) ascended into heaven in a fiery chariot (d) all of these

15. The one Gospel that is very different from the other three is the Gospel of (a) Peter (b)
John (c) James (d) Matthew
Answers to Catholic Trivia

1. (c) You can read about John the Baptist's death in Matthew 14:3-12. Herod was so delighted with
Salome's dancing at his birthday pafi that he promised her anything she wanted. She asked Herod for
John the Baptist's head on a platter.

2. (a) The word evangelist comes from a Greek word that means'oone who announces the good news." The
four evangelists, or Gospel writers, are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

3. (d) Acts 2:3 describes how tongues of fire rested on each of the apostles. Then, filled with the Holy Spirit,
they began to speak in the native languages of the Jews from every nation who were living in Jerusalem.

4. (a) The word Torah simply means "the teaching" and refers to the teachings of Moses.

5. (d) St. Jerome (345-420) was from Italy but eventually moved to Bethlehem where he could concentrate
on translating the Bible into the language of the people of his day, Latin. There is a famous legend that he
removed a thorn from a lion's paw and tamed the lion. St. Jerome tells us, "We must translate the words of
Scripture into the deeds of life."

6. (d) You can read this story in Luke 2:41-52. As you can imagine, Mary and Joseph were very worried
about Jesus. They did not completely understand Jesus' explanation for his absence. So Mary "treasured all
these things in her heart," trying to understand what Jesus' words meant.

7. (a) Gentile is the word for anyone who is not a Jew. It was used this way in our Lord's time, and it is still
used this way today.

8. (d) From the time when the Jews wandered in the desert until the fall of Jerusalem, the ark of the
covenant was honored. After that, it disappeared, but legend says that the prophet Jeremiah hid it on Mt.
Nebo. See 2 Maccabees 2:4-8.

9. (a) From the sixth century onward, St. Benedict's monks carefully made copies of the Bible and other
books. The other three religious orders were not formed until the twelfth century or later.

10. (b) The Israelites thought Moses was taking too long with God on the mountain so they made a golden
calf to worship. When he saw what the people had done, Moses was so anry he broke the stone tablets. He
went up the mountain a second time to ask God for two more stone tablets.

11. (c) Aramaic was the language of the people who lived in Palestine during our Lord's time.

12. (d) Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all look to Abraham as the "father" of their faith and honor most of
the same Old Testament Scriptures. Buddhism is based on the teachings of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gauta-
ma. Buddha means the "enlightened one."

13. (b) The books of Luke and Acts are meant to be read one after another. The Acts of the Apostles picks
up where the Gospel of Luke leaves off.

14. (d) Elijah's story is told in 1 Kings 17-21. He was perhaps the fieriest of God's prophets. His is
definitely an action story.

15. (b) Peter and James were not Gospel writers. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke tell many of the
same stories about Jesus. The Gospel of John, which was written much later, is very different from the other
three. John's Gospel focuses on Jesus' revelation of God's plan of salvation.

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