Managing Hardware Partitions With HP-UX 11i Commands
Managing Hardware Partitions With HP-UX 11i Commands
Managing Hardware Partitions With HP-UX 11i Commands
Shalini Dixit
Keith Johnson
Ching-Ching Katsura
Dennis Mueller
Eugene Wong
Eugene Wong
Ph: (408) 447-7164
Fax: (408) 447-6766
HP World
August, 2001
Managing Hardware Partitions with hp Commands Hewlett-Packard
Flexible resource management is the key to effective and efficient system utilization.
Until recently, system administrators, purchasing agents, and managers were forced to
compromise when addressing resource needs that are not constant over time. The
Superdome enterprise server supports hardware partitioning, which allows the
reconfiguration of processors, memory, and I/O into a variable number of isolated
partitions, each running its own HP-UX operating system.
This paper describes the Superdome hardware partition commands and how they were
developed and tested.
Cabinet – all the hardware, which fits into a refrigerator-sized enclosure, consisting of
backplane, cells, crossbar connectors, power supplies, fans, and PCI slots.
Cell – a replaceable unit consisting of a circuit board with up to four processors, their
memory, controller, bus connectors, and connectors to optional I/O bays.
Complex – the total set of hardware components all joined together to form a complete
Superdome system. Consists of cabinets containing cells as well as I/O expansion
I/O Chassis – an I/O module contained in a Superdome cabinet.
Parmgr – Partition Manager, a GUI interface to the Superdome system administration
Partition – a logical system consisting of cells and core I/O, capable of booting and
executing its own operating system separately from other partitions which may also be
executing on the same hardware system.
On the following page are two illustrations. The first shows a logical organization of the
hardware components of a Superdome system. The second shows how a Superdome
system can be converted from a single system into many smaller independent systems,
each capable of running its own operating system.
Superdome Complex
cabinet cabinet
cells cells
64 way 4 way
4 way
4 way 4 way
4 way 4 way
4 way 4 way
4 way 4 way
4 way 4 way
4 way 4 way
The HP teams didn’t stop there. They asked customers how we can improve system
administration and what they needed in the future. Information from these visits was
compiled and used in the design of system administration support for Superdome.
After compiling the customer scenarios, paper prototypes of the proposed partition
manager screens were created and presented to the customers in the contextual inquiry
studies. They were asked to go through the actions of their daily tasks using the paper
prototypes of the Superdome system and the Parmgr in particular. As changes were
needed to fit the needs, they were made on the spot with sticky note pages. Additional
comments were recorded and evaluated later. Some of the comments from these
customer scenarios were very clear: provide both a command line interface in addition to
a graphical user interface, provide a way to create scripts for frequently used command
sequences, provide detailed and meaningful error messages, and so on.
HP provides two types of system administration tools for the Superdome server:
command-line interface based commands and a graphical user interface (Parmgr) which
works like the SAM system administration tool.
The GUI provides a convenient and intuitive way to administer hard partitions, however
there are many times when it is more practical and efficient to directly use the hard
partition commands. It is much more efficient to simply enter a command than to invoke
Parmgr to execute a single task.
Many times it is necessary to check the status of a partition or to make simple changes to
one or more partition configurations. The commands permit simple updates to the system
to be made quickly.
More complex system administration tasks can be put in a script and run all at once. The
partition commands have been specifically designed to work well in scripts. Scripts are
ideal for periodic modifications to one or more systems since a sequence of commands
can be repeated accurately and efficiently. For example, a system’s configuration can be
changed in the evening to provide more compute power for nightly runs of batch
applications and then changed back to the daytime configuration the next morning.
parstatus command - shows current information about a Superdome complex
' ''''()+*'
' ''''(),*'
' ''''()-*'().*'/01)2'
' ''''().*'/31)4'
' ''''().*'/5'26789"$$5$'()5*'
' ''''():1).*'/8'8;<<'()8'=*'
' ''''():1).*'/>'8">5?;%'()>'=*'
- Display entire complex information, including cabinets, cells, chassis, and partitions
# parstatus
Warning: No action specified. Default behavior is display all.
Complex Name : cup2complex
Complex Capacity
Compute Cabinet (8 cell capable) : 1
Active GSP Location : cabinet 0
Model : 9000/800/SD32000
Serial Number : USR4001WXY
Current Product Number : 12345B
Original Product Number : 12345B
Complex Profile Revision : 1.0
The total number of Partitions Present : 3
Cabinet I/O Bulk Power Backplane
Blowers Fans Supplies Power Boards
Cab Failed/ Failed/ Failed/ Failed/
Num Cabinet Type N Status N Status N Status N Status GSP
=== ============ ========= ========= ========== ============ ======
0 SD32000 4/ 0/ N+ 5/ 0/ ? 5/ 0/ N+ 3/ 0/ N+ active
CPU Memory Use
OK/ (GB) Core On
Hardware Actual Deconf/ OK/ Cell Next
Location Usage Max Deconf Connected To Capable Boot
========== ============ ======= ========= =================== ======= ====
cab0,cell0 active core 4/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay0,chassis1 yes yes 0
cab0,cell1 active base 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no yes 2
cab0,cell2 active core 4/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay1,chassis3 yes yes 1
cab0,cell3 active base 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no yes 2
cab0,cell4 active core 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay0,chassis3 yes yes 2
cab0,cell5 inactive 4/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no - -
cab0,cell6 inactive 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay1,chassis1 yes - -
cab0,cell7 active base 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no yes 2
Core Connected Par
Hardware Location Usage IO To Num
=================== ============ ==== ========== ===
cab0,bay0,chassis0 absent - - -
cab0,bay0,chassis1 active yes cab0,cell0 0
cab0,bay0,chassis2 absent - - -
cab0,bay0,chassis3 active yes cab0,cell4 2
cab0,bay1,chassis0 absent - - -
cab0,bay1,chassis1 inactive yes cab0,cell6 -
cab0,bay1,chassis2 absent - - -
cab0,bay1,chassis3 active yes cab0,cell2 1
Par # of # of I/O
Num Status Cells Chassis Core cell Partition Name (first 30 chars)
=== ============ ===== ======== ========== ===============================
0 active 1 1 cab0,cell0
1 active 1 1 cab0,cell2 partition1
2 active 4 1 cab0,cell4 partition2
-Display all partitions, showing active/inactive, assigned cell count, assigned chassis
count, partition name
# parstatus -P
Par # of # of I/O
Num Status Cells Chassis Core cell Partition Name (first 30 chars)
=== ============ ===== ======== ========== ===============================
0 active 1 1 cab0,cell0
1 active 1 1 cab0,cell2 partition1
2 active 4 1 cab0,cell4 partition2
-Display all cell information including cell usage, partition assignment, connected
chassis. parstatus also shows intermediate and self-test states when a cell is temporarily
# parstatus –C
CPU Memory Use
OK/ (GB) Core On
Hardware Actual Deconf/ OK/ Cell Next
Location Usage Max Deconf Connected To Capable Boot
========== ============ ======= ========= =================== ======= ====
cab0,cell0 active core 4/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay0,chassis1 yes yes 0
cab0,cell1 active base 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no yes 2
cab0,cell2 active core 4/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay1,chassis3 yes yes 1
cab0,cell3 active base 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no yes 2
cab0,cell4 active core 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay0,chassis3 yes yes 2
cab0,cell5 inactive 4/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no - -
cab0,cell6 inactive 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay1,chassis1 yes - -
cab0,cell7 active base 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no yes 2
-Display single partition in detail, showing firmware levels, boot paths, chassis
assignments, and partition name
# parstatus -V -p 2
Partition Number : 2
Partition Name : partition2
Status : active
IP address :
Primary Boot Path : 0/0/0/0/0.0.0
Alternate Boot Path : 0/0/0/0/0.0.0
HA Alternate Boot Path : 0/0/0/0/0.0.0
PDC Revision : 10.0
IODCH Version : 23664
CPU Speed : 552 MHz
Core Cell : cab0,cell4
CPU Memory Use
OK/ (GB) Core On
Hardware Actual Deconf/ OK/ Cell Next
Location Usage Max Deconf Connected To Capable Boot
========== ============ ======= ========= =================== ======= ==== ==
cab0,cell1 active base 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no yes 2
cab0,cell3 active base 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no yes 2
cab0,cell4 active core 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay0,chassis3 yes yes 2
cab0,cell7 active base 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no yes 2
Core Connected Par
Hardware Location Usage IO To Num
=================== ============ ==== ========== ===
cab0,bay0,chassis3 active yes cab0,cell4 2
-Display all I/O chassis, show usage, power status, connected cell, partition assignment
# parstatus -I
Core Connected Par
Hardware Location Usage IO To Num
=================== ============ ==== ========== ===
cab0,bay0,chassis0 absent - - -
cab0,bay0,chassis2 absent - - -
cab0,bay1,chassis0 absent - - -
cab0,bay1,chassis1 inactive yes cab0,cell6 –
cab0,bay1,chassis2 absent - - -
# parstatus -i 0/1/1
Core Connected Par
Hardware Location Usage IO To Num
=================== ============ ==== ========== ===
cab0,bay1,chassis1 inactive yes cab0,cell6 -
# parstatus -V -b 0
Cabinet I/O Bulk Power Backplane
Blowers Fans Supplies Power Boards
Cab Failed/ Failed/ Failed/ Failed/
Num Cabinet Type N Status N Status N Status N Status GSP
=== ============ ========= ========= ========== ============ ======
0 SD32000 4/ 0/ N+ 5/ 0/ ? 5/ 0/ N+ 3/ 0/ N+ active
Cabinet Blowers
Fan 0 ok
Fan 1 ok
Fan 2 ok
Fan 3 ok
I/O Fans
Fan 0 ok
Fan 1 ok
Fan 2 ok
Fan 3 ok
Fan 4 ok
-Display the number of the partition in which the command is currently running
# parstatus -w
The local partition number is 0.
parcreate command - creates a new Superdome partition
parmodify command - modifies an existing partition
' L)"'8;<<D(8;<<EF!;*D(&$;G@?G?;H%G>@@%*D(I"5<&#;G&$"J;*'()"'=*'1'
'' '')B'8;<<D(8;<<EF!;*D(&$;G@?G?;H%G>@@%*D(I"5<&#;G&$"J;*'()B'=*'1'
' ''')2'24"CC#;$$'1')#'8;<<'()#'=*'1'/C'8;<<'()C'=*'1'
' ''')>'!"%9'1')%'!"%9'1')$'!"%9'1')4'4"#%5%5@?A"B;'1')3'1)K'$G<@8KD!G<@8KM'
parremove command - removes a partition
- partition number
- whether to force removal of the current active partition from within
The parremove command can remove any inactive partition or the current
active partition. Removal of an active partition does not take place until
it has been shut down. Root permission is required.
# parremove -p 1
frupower command - power on/off cells or I/O chassis; display power status
' '''()C'1')@'1')I*'/5'26789"$$5$'()5'=*'
' '''()C*'/0'()<'8">5?;%*'()<'=*'
' '''()C*'/2'()<'8">5?;%*'()<'=*'
fruled command - flash/turn off attention LED for cell, I/O chassis, or cabinet
An Example Scenario
The following example is the scenario of a system administrator who wants to
reconfigure a Superdome to include additional partitions. The system is currently in use
and there is already a list of components that are known to be available. For this
example, assume the existence of additional cells 1 through 4, and that cells 2 and 4 are
core cells.
1. We start by taking a look at the system’s initial configuration to find that there is only
one partition defined and active. It consists of a single cell with a minimum of one I/O
chassis connected to it (also called a core cell). It does not have a partition name.
# parstatus -P
Par # of # of I/O
Num Status Cells Chassis Core cell Partition Name (first 30 chars)
=== ============ ===== ======== ========== ===============================
0 active 1 1 cab0,cell0
3. Create a new partition named partition2, containing core cell 4 and non-core cells 1
and 3.
# parcreate -P partition2 -c 1::: -c 3::: -c 4:::
Partition Created. The partition number is: 2
4. At this point we want to install a new cell board into slot 7. Using the fruled
command, we can light up the correct slot to show where to insert the cell board.
# fruled -o -c 7
5. Once the cell board has been installed, it can be powered up so that it can be used.
# frupower -o -c 7
6. Now the cell is ready to be added to partition 2 using the parmodify command.
# parmodify -p 2 -a 7:::
Command succeeded.
7. Now the parstatus command can be used to give a summary of all the existing
# parstatus -P
Par # of # of I/O
Num Status Cells Chassis Core cell Partition Name (first 30 chars)
=== ============ ===== ======== ========== ===============================
0 active 1 1 cab0,cell0
1 inactive 1 1 ? partition1
2 inactive 4 1 ? partition2
8. For a detailed listing showing all the components of the partitions and their status, use
the parstatus command with the option to show the entire complex.
# parstatus -C
CPU Memory Use
OK/ (GB) Core On
Hardware Actual Deconf/ OK/ Cell Next
Location Usage Max Deconf Connected To Capable Boot
========== ============ ======= ========= =================== ======= ====
cab0,cell0 active core 4/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay0,chassis1 yes yes 0
cab0,cell1 inactive 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no yes 2
cab0,cell2 inactive 4/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay1,chassis3 yes yes 1
cab0,cell3 inactive 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no yes 2
cab0,cell4 inactive 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay0,chassis3 yes yes 2
cab0,cell5 inactive 4/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no - -
cab0,cell6 inactive 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab0,bay1,chassis1 yes - -
cab0,cell7 inactive 2/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 - no yes 2
Commands Development
All of the commands were developed using the principles of Personal Software Process
(PSP). Great emphasis was placed on peer reviews at all process steps and defect
prevention in general. The code was designed to be simple and yet perform all the
complex tasks. The function modularity and shared code make these commands easy to
As part of the development process, there were extensive reviews of all design
documents, test plans, as well as code. The external specifications were created shortly
after a detailed investigation of the user needs. These specifications were formalized into
the man pages. Then the high level and low level design specifications were created,
simultaneously with the test plan. Each of these specifications was reviewed by the
entire team prior to the development of code.
Test matrices were designed to ensure coverage for all the functional features of the
Superdome partitioning commands. The matrices helped in organizing the development
of the tests needed to verify all of the functionality. These measures, along with the use
of C-Cover, a tool for measuring code coverage, were extremely valuable in ensuring
adequate testing.
The use of common code modules in developing the commands also helped in reducing
the complexity and simplifying maintenance. The common code modules were primarily
used for user input verification, error handling, and access to key system functions.
Commands Testing
Commands testing was predicated on two metrics: 100% functional coverage and at least
85% path-flow coverage. In order to ensure 100% functional coverage, matrices were
developed to map test cases to command functions. Command functionality was divided
into two categories: command interface (API) and command operation.
The command operation test cases were “positive” tests. They exercised functionality
that impacted or reported the state of a partition or complex. There were also negative
tests which attempted to execute prohibited operations or tried to use out-of-bounds
values on the commands.
Both the test engineers and the command development engineers subjected the test
coverage matrices to intensive inspection. These inspections ensured that the matrices,
and the resulting test cases, fully covered 100% of the possible command options and
their functionality. This approach ensured full “black box” test coverage.
Path-flow analysis augmented the functional testing and provided “white box” coverage
by exercising at least 85% of all code paths. C-Cover was used to analyze this coverage
and to identify additional test cases to be developed and implemented. We used three
functional simulators to aid in development and testing. These simulators allowed us to
exercise code paths that would not have been exercised in normal command usage.
We selected the goal of 85% path-flow coverage as an ambitious objective. In any well-
designed code there are a number of paths that are designed to respond to error conditions
which, in all probability, will never occur but which must be included in order to
guarantee completeness of design. The 85% goal for path-flow coverage proved to be a
reasonable target for ensuring adequate test coverage.
This two-pronged approach of functional coverage verified by test matrices, coupled with
path-flow analysis enabled the team to fully test the hardware partition commands and
verify the high quality level of our code.
Use of Simulators
The commands were developed concurrently with the Superdome hardware, firmware,
and the HDCI library development. The commands developers needed a test-bed for
their code before the various parts of the system could be brought together. We made use
of three software simulators during the development and testing of the HP hardware
partition commands:
1. an architecture simulator which was used in the early phases to simulate the
Superdome hardware instruction set and interpreted all the instructions in the HP-
UX kernel and commands,
2. an HDCI simulator that we wrote to simulate the configuration interface which
presents the programmatic interface to the firmware and hardware states to the
commands, and
3. a simulator of the system administration GUI that was a later replacement for the
HDCI simulator.
In the early stages of development, use of simulators gave the code developers an
alternative to waiting for the hardware and firmware to be available for testing. An
extensive Superdome architectural simulator had been developed to simulate the system
firmware and low-level programmable hardware. It was used during the development,
and test of Superdome firmware and low-level kernel software. This simulator was also
useful to the command developers prior to the availability of a usable functioning
hardware/software stack, although it was never intended to simulate a Superdome viewed
from user space and lacked the ability to simulate more than one partition at a time.
Since the architectural simulator provided emulation of the computer instruction set, it
worked very slowly on something as large as the entire HP-UX system. It was very
useful in debugging the instruction set or small routines, but was largely impractical for
our purposes since we needed the entire kernel and I/O operations and it took far too
much time to emulate all the instructions in the kernel. So the HDCI simulator was a
much-needed tool to allow us to check the flow of logic in the commands prior to getting
access to the real hardware and HDCI software.
The HDCI functions represent elements such as cells, partitions, and Superdome cabinets
in various data structures. These structures can be simulated, but they must be stored
between command invocations. A simulator was written that mimicked HDCI functions
and maintained the data structures in local data files. It provided sufficient emulation of
the HDCI for the commands to create and manipulate partitions at the data structure
level. The simulator also allowed a head start on test development. A more sophisticated
form of the HDCI simulator remains in use for regression testing. Both HDCI simulators
support multiple Superdome configurations and both provide ways to insert hardware and
software failure modes that cannot be created on demand on a real system.
The HDCI simulator was extremely useful during the testing stages as we tried to test all
the execution paths. The HDCI simulator had a feature, which allowed error returns to be
taken for each of the low-level function calls. This allowed many of the error handling
paths to be tested as we did the path-flow analysis.
This discussion has shown that hardware partitions provide a valuable tool for resource
management. Customers now have the ability to easily reconfigure resource allocation as
their requirements change, without having expensive hardware sit idle during low-
demand times, and while being able to run multiple or different versions of HP-UX on
the same platform.
HP hard partitions, and their system administration commands, are valuable additions to
HP’s extensive line of enterprise servers.