Deadborn Vulture
Deadborn Vulture
Deadborn Vulture
in the nearby mountains normal, but its
and collected their eggs, flesh rapidly rots.
which he uses to main- In either form, a dead-
tain a small clutch of born vulture weighs
deadborn vultures. about 450 pounds.
Zeluzuss has released Alignment: All its
a few of them into the nobility stripped from it, a
wild to harry other deadborn vulture is a rapa-
giant birds and spread cious creature that thrives
the pestilence of his new breed of on death. Deadborn vultures
raptor. Even the wild vultures return to Deadborn vulture are always neutral evil.
Zeluzuss’s tower bearing the corpses of
those they’ve slain. One or two of the vile birds might TYPICAL TREASURE
be encountered in the wilderness or in settlements near Deadborn vultures don’t value treasure and have none. Their
Illus. by Daarken
Zeluzuss’s tower. masters are often wealthier for having such mighty raptors
Darker Rider (EL 12): Zeluzuss sometimes wings about in their service.
the area on the back of one of his deadborn vultures, gather-
ing fresh corpses for his work and terrorizing any who carry FOR PLAYER CHARACTERS
the banner of his hated homeland. A second deadborn vulture Deadborn vultures can’t be trained unless they are willing,
accompanies him on these forays. requiring one to be reared to the saddle or influenced to a
friendly attitude with a successful Diplomacy check. Training
ECOLOGY a deadborn vulture requires four weeks of work and a DC 25
Deadborn vultures are loathsome, murderous creatures, cor- Handle Animal check. Riding a deadborn vulture requires
rupted by the process that makes them. Unlike the mundane an exotic saddle. A deadborn vulture can fight when carrying
vultures they resemble, deadborn vultures prefer live and a rider, but the rider must succeed on a Ride check to attack
intelligent prey. They especially enjoy killing and feasting while the vulture does so.
upon other giant birds, a task they are well suited to. A giant eagle egg or giant owl egg is worth 2,500 gp, and the
Deadborn vultures are sterile. One reason they seek out formulas and components necessary to make the egg hatch
other giant birds is that a giant eagle or giant owl egg brooded a deadborn vulture cost 5,000 gp. Few trainers are willing
over by a deadborn vulture is corrupted, and the chick is born to rear or train a deadborn vulture, but those that are charge
a deadborn vulture. 2,000 gp to do so.
After being reanimated as zombies, deadborn vultures do Carrying Capacity: A light load for a deadborn vulture is
not eat, sleep, or reproduce. Unlike most other zombies, they up to 520 pounds; a medium load, 521–1,040 pounds; and a
remain loyal to creatures they were friendly with in life. heavy load, 1,041–1,560 pounds. A light load for a deadborn
Environment: As created creatures, deadborn vultures vulture zombie is up to 700 pounds; a medium load, 701–1,400
can be found anywhere, but they are usually found near pounds; and a heavy load, 1,401–2,100 pounds.
the temperate habitats of other giant raptors—forests or
Typical Physical Characteristics: A deadborn vulture The drow of Cormanthor, who desire the corruption of all
stands just over 9 feet tall, has a 20-foot wingspan, and re- the elves hold dear, created deadborn vultures. House Jaelre’s
sembles a giant vulture. Its oily black feathers, disheveled necromancers devised these raptors, and the formulas have
appearance, and glowing red eyes identify it as something far spread to other drow houses. Now, a few deadborn vultures
more sinister. After death, a deadborn vulture zombie looks live in the wilds of the ancient forest.