Section 124
Section 124
Section 124
Should the board fail to include in the list of voters any person ordered by competent court to be so
included, said person shall, upon presentation of a certified copy of the order of inclusion and upon
proper identification, be allowed by the board to vote.
Should the board fail to exclude from the list of voters any person ordered by the court to be so
excluded, the board shall not permit said person to vote upon presentation to it by any interested
party of a certified copy of the order of exclusion.
Section 125. Re-registration. - A voter who is registered in the permanent list of voters need not
register anew for subsequent elections unless he transfer residence to another city or municipality,
or his registration has been cancelled on the ground of disqualification and such disqualification has
been lifted or removed. Likewise a voter whose registration has been cancelled due to failure to vote
in the preceding regular election may register anew in the city or municipality where he is qualified to