Detailed Lesson Plan in Science
Detailed Lesson Plan in Science
Detailed Lesson Plan in Science
(GRADE 7- Einstein)
Date: February 14, 2019 Time: 9:00-10:00 am
Explain ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion.
Identify healthful practices that affect the digestive system.
Within the 60 minutes lesson, the learners will be able to:
A. Identify the different parts of the digestive system as shown in the audio-visual presentation.
B. Explain briefly the function of the different major parts of the digestive system.
C. Share 3-5 ways on how to improve the digestive system.
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
May we all rise for the opening prayer. Who (A student leads the prayer)
can lead the prayer?
Good morning, class! Good morning, ma’am.
You may now take your seats. Thank you, ma’am.
Let me check the attendance first. Please
make sure that you are all seated in your (Class is seated according to their seat plan)
respective chairs so that you will not be
marked as absent.
Very good! Everybody is present. (No absentee)
Class, what have you eaten during your lunch? (Class cites the various foods they ate during
Wow! Class upon hearing all your answers, I can see that you (Class shows different kinds of reactions)
have all eaten your lunch and that you are all ready to hear our
lesson for the day.
Moving on to our topic for today, allow me to ask another one simple question.
Can you imagine yourself without your digestive system?
Image is shown on screen.
Absolutely correct! Imagine how blest we are that we have our digestive system.
Through it we can enjoy what we eat, we are able to taste various kinds of food, Yes, ma’am. We are truly
chew and swallow it, it is used up by our cells to produce energy and then dispose blest that we have our
those which are not needed by our bodies. digestive system.
In your own idea, is there anybody who can define digestive system? Digestive system consists of
different organs in the body
which prepares food for use
by all body cells.
Excellent! The digestive system is the group of organs that break down food in Mouth.
order to absorb its nutrients. The nutrients in food are used by the body as fuel to Esophagus.
keep all the body systems working. The leftover parts of food which cannot be broken Stomach.
down, digested, or absorbed are excreted as bowel movements (stool). Small Intestine.
Large Intestine.
What are the major parts of the digestive system? Rectum
Excellent! These are the parts of the digestive system.
(A presentation is shown in screen, let a student read one part the organ followed by
another volunteer until it is finished)
Mouth. Digestion starts at the very beginning, with food being chewed in the mouth. Food is 7 volunteer reads the text in
broken down into smaller pieces and the saliva in the mouth begins digesting it. An enzyme
the slideshow presentation.
in saliva called amylase breaks certain starches down into the smaller sugars, maltose, and
Esophagus. The esophagus is a tube that's inside the throat, behind the windpipe. After
food is chewed and swallowed, it travels down through the esophagus and to the stomach.
The muscles in the esophagus contract to move food along, which is called peristalsis.
Stomach. After the food is deposited in the stomach, the digestive process continues. The
food is mixed with the acids and enzymes that are secreted from the stomach wall. After the
food is thoroughly broken down, it is moved along into the small intestine.
Small Intestine. The small intestine is a long tube where most of the vitamins and nutrients
are absorbed from food into the bloodstream. More enzymes are added into the small
intestine as the food moves through to help facilitate the process. The small intestine is
composed of three parts, the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum.
Large Intestine. After moving through the small intestine, the food is now partially digested
and mostly in a liquid form as it passes through a sphincter called the ileocecal valve
and enters the large intestine. The large intestine is where much of the water is absorbed
from the waste material. By the time the stool reaches the end of the large intestine, it is in a
more solid form. The sections of the large intestine are called the cecum, ascending colon,
transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon.
Rectum. At the end of the large intestine is the rectum, a reservoir that holds stool until it
can be passed out of the body. When the rectum becomes full with stool, it gives off a signal
to the brain that it's time to go to the bathroom.
Anus. The anus has two sphincters that serve to hold stool inside the body until it is time to
pass it. When a person consciously relaxes their external sphincter, the stool can then leave
the body.
Based upon what we have heard and understand earlier, Digestion.
What are the 5 stages or phases of digestion. Any idea from the class? Absorption.
Elimination or defecation.
Wow! Very good class. The major function of the digestive system is the ingestion of You’ve mentioned
food, digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of waste materials. assimilation ma’am. Can you
please define it?
Very good question class. Before I’ll answer that question let me first talk about
ingestion so that you will be able to picture out in your mind the 5 stages of food (Class listens distinctively)
processes involved in the digestive system. Firstly, ingestion is the intake of food
from various sources in the environment. The teeth, salivary glands and tongue aid in
chewing, tasting and swallowing of food. Food then passes thru the esophagus.
Digestion then takes place. It is the process of breaking down of complex food into
soluble form by the action of digestive juices and enzymes (ex. Salivary amylase,
insulin, bile). Once it is turned into simpler form, the digested food then enters into
our bloodstream and it is what we call as absorption. It is then utilized by the cells to Oh, I see.
produce energy and building materials in the process called assimilation. And lastly,
Defecation or egestion or elimination is the process through which the undigested
food, dead cells and waste products are thrown out of the body in the form of feces/
stool being deposited shortly in the rectum and exits thru the anus.
Did you get it class? (If not, teacher discusses it one more time)
Yes, ma’am.
For additional information, let me show to you a short presentation about the Learners look and listen
digestive system, its parts and functions. carefully to the short clip
( presentation via AVP.
Various interaction takes
place from the class.
Silence please. Alright class, based upon the short clip presented, what have you Digestion involves a series of
understood? process and needs aid from
other glands and organs for it
to do its job properly.
It is composed primarily of
the mouth, esophagus,
stomach, small intestine,
large intestine and rectum.
Very well said. Now that you’re familiar with the digestive system, here are some tips Oh, I see. I need to have
on how to improve our digestive system. enough rest.
( I need to drink lots of water.
Exercise is needed as well.
So, any question from the class? Any suggestion or clarification? None ma’am.
Alright, thanks for lending your ears and time with me class. Now it’s time for our
short quiz.
Activity: Divide the class into 2 teams. For 10 minutes, each group must answer the questions below
and briefly discuss their output in any manner of presentation.
Instruction: As reflected thru AVP, answer the following carefully and concisely.
A. Given the choices inside the box, identify and label the diagram below. After labeling, present each answer
to the class and give brief information about its function.
B. Cite at least 2 ways on how to improve your digestive system. (3 points ech)
Make an advance reading about nutrition and wellness on pp. 307-313 and get ready for a 20 items pre-test.