Set1 - Final FRCA Viva Qs - June 2009
Set1 - Final FRCA Viva Qs - June 2009
Set1 - Final FRCA Viva Qs - June 2009
Control of respiration.
Ankle block.
Airway fire
Oxygen cascade
Obstetric physiology
Physiologic shunt
DC shock
Trigeminal block
Modes of ventilation
Myasthenia gravis in preeclampsia
Morbid obese ( awake intubation)
Blunt chest trauma
x ray >>> cvp to inf vena cava
Diabetes, preoperative assessment,
Heart failure
Pulse oximetry or Capnogragh
Receptors (agonists / antagonists)
Septic shock
Prolonged QT syndrome
Pain assessment
Lung compliance
Ventricular pressure-volume loops
Tamponade, Tension pneumothorax
Anaesthesia of recent MI for TURP
Station I
Anaphylactoid reactions
Station II
2 Induction agents: pharmacology, pharmacodynamics and
Station III
A 4-year old child was involved in RTA presented to ER awake then his
consciousness deteriorated (GCS 4/15). What is your management.
Tension pneumothorax
Treatment of hyperkalemia
Station IV:
A 58 y old male patient with known DM and CABG done 2 years ago
presented with lower limb weakness, perineal numbness due to acute L4-5 disc
prolapse . . .anesthetic management.
Non-invasive ventilation
Post-spinal surgery complications.
Stockholm exam
All blocks.
Prolonged QT syndrome
Drug receptors.
Bier’s block.
Clark’s electrode.
Glucose homeostasis.
Volume of distribution.
History taking.
Pulse oximeter.
TURP syndrome.
Morbid obesity.
Case: patient with bronchial asthma who presents with acute neurological
deficit requiring surgery. He is on 3 drugs for asthma (he doesn’t remember the
names) . . . “they went into PFT and Pressure volume loops”
Case: 30 y old female admitted to ICU following 2 days of fever, cough and
no response to penicillin. Ex: lower left lung fields show bronchial breathing.
1) you can admit critically ill patient to ICU for a few hours preoperatively to
improve condition and optimize tissue O2 delivery 2) in treatment of patients with
septic shock
Zurich 2014
Ankle block
Near drowning
Day I
Session I:
Physiological changes in pregnancy and how you manage a young lady with
advanced pregnancy who collapses inside hospital.
Session II:
Session III:
A 66 y old male patient, smoker for 20 year (30 pack/ year) and stopped 3 years
ago, underwent radical cystectomy for cancer bladder. The procedure was lengthy
because of adhesions. The patient was shifted to ICU postoperativel where he was
extubated successfully but then developed dyspnea.
Which anesthetics you can/can’t use in surgery for cancer. (recent studies showed
that patients with cancer anesthetized with GA+ regional technique had less
recurrence than when opiods were used)
Session IV:
During case discussion I was asked the following (what’s your plan, what is
causing her hypertension, how would you manage her hypertension and how to
prevent acute increases in ICP with intubation)
Station I:
Station II:
Diuretics (perioperatively).
Station III
A 27 y old male patient was found unconscious in a closed space during a burn
accident. There were burns to his face with soot around mouth. (Discussion went
through management of inhalational burn, complications and anesthesia for such
X-ray: intubated patient with fracture rib and pneumothorax and lung contusion on
the right side.
Station IV
65 y old male patient, 179 cm height and 105 kg weight, was operated for right
hemicolectomy was admitted to ICU 5 weeks post-op for heart failure and sepsis.
During his stay he developed bed sores and he’s scheduled for grafting of the bed
sores. (discussion went into causes for this, how to evaluate preoperatively and
investigations needed then anesthetic management of such patient)
Multiple sclerosis
- pulmonary functions
- differences between pediatrics and adults with stress on the airway anatomy
and physiology.
- a stat dose of 200 mg of propofol given to a 70 kg patient.
How to estimate plasma concentration and What you will need to know to do
-Single and multi compartment models.
Difference between propofol and thiopental.
--63 years old with cancer colon and received chemotherapy but stopped 6
months ago due to cardiac and renal toxicity, coming for liver resection due to
single metastasis , splenic injury intra operative but manged to save the spleen.
Nurse calling you in the recovery for low urine output..
--options for anesthesia in old age coming for cataract, advantages and
disadvantages of each option.
-asthmatic patient on 3 (unknown)medications for emergency lumbar vertebral
decompression with acute lower limb paralysis.
How would you proceed.
-How to assess pain. Pain scales, effects of pain on the postoperative period.
London 2014
Pharmacokinetics of opoids.
Contex sensitive half life.
Pharmacokinetics of propofol and comparison to thiopentone
Anatomy of brachial plexus
Comparison of aortic and femoral pulse wave. In which pressure is higher?
Comparison of O2 and CO2 dissociation curve and causes of shifting.
Transport of CO2.
Bohr effect.
Haldane effect.
Post tonsillectomy bleeding.
65 yrs old pt transferred to ICU after successful distal esophagectomy he was
stable and extubated. In the 1st po day he became tachypnic tachycardiac and
feverish: your management.
CXR: patient with cardiomegamly, pleural effusion, intubated and
pacemaker in place.
60 yr pt with obstructed inguinal hernia he had inferior MI 2 months ago and
pacemaker one week ago: your management.
Scaral nerve block.
Patient had splenectomy surgery with intra operative bleeding and transfused
and got stable with large fluid support . He was admitted to intensive care post
operative ..In 1st 12 Hrs to Anurea / Oliguria .then sudden onset
tachycardia......explain what to expect ....what is best 1st choice management need to do urgently.
ETCo2 curve.
Glucose metabolism.
Brain circulation
Types of LMA,
LA toxicity.
Station 4:
Lscs with multiple sclerosis
Pulmonary hypertension
ECG : torsades de pointes
Inguinal hernia blocks
Oxygen toxicity
TURP case with hypotension and Brady(DD & management). (They want to
hear heart block and pacing)
Paed anesthesia considerations
Transplant heart: anaesthetic implications
Lap.chole: drop of ETCO2, DD and Managment.
Dose response curve and EC50
Measurement vol anes agents with explanation.
Etomidate: pharmacodynamics and kinetics.
Pain pathway, gate theory, treatment aid pain.
Resp control: shunt equation, alveolar equation.
Diuretics mechanism of action, sites and indications.
Anatomy :cvp
Hepatectomy: physiological methods to reduce blood loss
Station 1:
-chemical regulation of respiration in details .
-Pco2 ventilation curve.
-Anemia and ventilation .
-diuretics esp thiazides and drug reactions.
-Cvp line insertion anatomy and complication for each.
-liver metabolism ,pathophysiology of hepatoectomy
Station 2:
-If you are recommending A new I v induction agent produced to the market
what are its criteria.
- Volume of distribution.
-Therapeutic index.
-Pulse wave ,peripheral pulsation effect of aortic stenosis and anesthesia of
such patient.
-Pulse oximeter in details.
-Hormonal Function of kidney in details.
-Pain pathway,and opioid receptors in details.
station 3:
-67 years COPD
Smoking for 30 years
quit before 3 hears posted for nephrectomy in lateral position, causes of post
op. dysnea( Mr ' high level epidu)
-NM monitoring .
-Estimation of anaesthetic level.
-X ray: ETT CVP line , Pace maker.
- Complications of different anaesthetic positions in details.
-Invasive BP monitoring.
-Stress response.
#station 4:
-Cirrhotic pt for bowel resection.
-Spinal for CA .
-Blue patient in the recovery room in stridor.
-Delayed recovery in hepatic patient.
-Again NM monitoring.
-ECG: RBBB , MI ,Rt side strain pattern.
-Epidural anesthesia in details.
-Post op pain management in hepatic patient.
-Co2 transport- capnography- rebreathing-dead space(anatomical and
-Blood investigations for bleeding patient.
-Draw thromboelastogram (every thing about the apparatus).
-INR - Anticoagulants -Vitamin K.
-Anatomy of the Inguinal canal .
-Abdominal wall blocks .
-Draw its structure, what is its boiling point,mention all physical properties .
-SVP-Blood gas coefficient .
-Propofol - Bupivacaine -opioids .
-Cardiac potential- draw diagram showing deferences between cardiac and skeletal
action potential
(5 days after trauma, post laparotomy, on mechanical ventilation:
Fever, reduced UOP ):
-What are the features of ARDS .
-Full discussion about sepsis.
-Antibiotics commonly used in such cases and different cases .
-Most common organisms , gram -ve , Vancomycin complications.
-During appendicetomy : disappearance of ETCO2 trace.
-CXR: (B/L pulmonary infiltrates ??)
-ERSD Pt for A-V fistula:
-Problems of this Pt preparation .
-Which anaesthesia can be given.
-Pt refused LA what can you do?.
-Discuss GA for Renal Pt ( induction agents , RSI for renal Pt, induction dose
immediately after dialysis and 2 days after dialysis )
-Aortic stenosis for Knee surgery .
-Needle brick injury .
-Anesthesia for awake intubation .
-ECG unclear ( Lt axis deviation ?,ischemic changes?).
How partial pressure influence oxygenation,Oxygen cascade,ODC , Ficks
principle, Arterial Oxyen content , Mixed venous oxygen content and it's
importance, ADH secretion and control , K- regulations ,Osmolality and
2nd viva:
-opening question:how to calculate the dose of prpofol for infusion and what will
happen after taking a single dose of morphine( they discuss all the
pharmacokinetics in details)
-VD in adults and children
-compartmental models and CSHT
-TCA drugs have high volume of distribution...explain
-lung volumes in details and how to measure with drawing the flow volume loops
-how to measure gas flow in anaesthesia( equipment names and bobbin flowmeter
and ultrasound flowmeter in details)
-N2O talk about everything( mechanism of analgesia and neuro toxicity
-NO: what is it,uses,how it works,benfits,dose in pHTN
-erythropoietin:what do you know,uses,route,adverse effects and illegal use!! also
the discussion went to blood salvage techniques
3rd viva:
-opening case: chemical factory worker,50 years,come with burn and black face
and GCS 15/15(discuss every thing in burn,cyanide toxicity,CO poisoning and
managment of them in details)
-case of lap chole with sudden decrease in end tidal co2( DD,venous embolism in
details) with development of postoperative neurological insult( she wants to hear
paradoxical embolism from patent foramen ovale!)
-carotid endartrectomy( preoperative assesment,types of anaestheia,postoperative
complications and how to monitor cerebral function)
-patient taking oral steroids for 2 months, your concerns( she want to hear the
adverse effects and steroids cover according to the operation minor moderate or
-antidepressants: types and conerns in anaesthesia
-X-ray: Rt lower lobe pneumonia mostly aspiration in ventillated patient
4th viva:
-opening case: post tonsillectomy bleeding not yet shocked( managment,shock
assessment and grades,rapid sequence induction,doses of rocuronium and
-postoperative HTN: DD,treatments( asked about beta blockers with doses!!
nitroglycerin,nitroprusside all in doses and details) and she wants to hear clonidine
and asked about dose also
-ECG: (not obvious) vetricular tachycardia ( polymorphic) and she wants to hear
about torsade de points
-primigravida,inserted epidural and after 2 days complain from numbness in lower
limbs.. managment( asked about epidural hematoma incidence! and they want to
hear about nerve injures with lithotomy as the MRI seems to be normal)
-Von-willebrand disease every thing( types,preoperative assessment and
preparation,desmopressin and dose,what is the most common cardiac problem with
those patients!?)
viva 1:
-main question : draw the cardiac cycle illustrating the changes in pressure in
pressure in LV ,LA and the Aorta and volume changes with relation to ECG ,CVP
waves and determine the performance of the LV from your graph. Iwas asked
about every detail in these topics up to how evaluate the cardiac performance in
echo study and frank starling law with drawing
-Ideal muscle relaxant characters,everything about neostigmine ,
glycopyyrolate(why better than atropine , sugamadex regarding chemical structure
and doses and side effects
-autonomic neuropathy went to mechanism of pain how to test for it then went to
valsalva maneuver with drawing the graph and details with every stage
- every single detail about calcium up to describing the mechanism of coupling
excitation mechanism of the muscle and its rule in coagulation
-draw the brachial plexus with different blocks at different stages with indication
-when I done before time I was asked about baroreceptors
viva 2:
-What is the different between in TIVA between manual and computerized , what
parameters do you want to know . discussion wend to Vd, clearance , context half
life (with numbers of propofol,fentanyl and thiopentone . compartmemt module
then the discussion went to draw graphs of bolus ,then bolus followed by infusion,
infusion from the start and lastly TCI . the discussion then went to the fourth
compartment (Ce)
and the difference between marshel and schnider modules of TCI
-Parathormone site of secretion, actions, and difference in action between it and
vitamin D and negative loop inhibtion
-Clotting cascade, coagulation inv. and its factors testing,draw the elastogram with
labels and normal parameters and different parameter affection ,then draw
elastogram with heparin and DIC
-effect of hypercarpia
-draw the oxygen dissociation curve
-discuss soda lime composition ,write down the reaction ,what is the function of
NAOH , diffrent compositions of baralyme and amsorb and different reactions
with different inhalational , save lels of compound A and its chemical structure
viva 3:
-60 male patient admitted to the ICU with BP 63\34 , HR 110, tachypenic with
paO2 57, paCO2 27 on oxygen mask 40% with intense vasoconstriction ,Temp.
39.2 , urinary catheter was inserted with difficulty with frank blood even after
saline wash for your management ?
discussion went to ABC protocol, Sepsis with the difference in the latest 2016 SSC
guidelines and the latest approaches in ARDS (transpulmonary pressure
measurement) N.B. (other collegues where blamed about the blood coming as DIC
, but I already escaped this point by saying early seeking advice from a urologist)
-patient 50 years old with right hemicloctomy presented with sudden onset of PVC
every fourth beat progressing to VT then VF N.B. (same start but with diferent
scenarios with other colleagues ) so no diffenate answer .Just looking for your
-chest X ray with right pleural effusion chest drain CVP, Iwas asked about the
view AP or PA from radiological point of view how to asses penetration right
radiological site of CVP and how to count the intercostal spaces
-laser endoscopic surgery problems and how to avoid and type of ventilations
-discuss low flow ventilation
viva 4:
-75 years old F patient with fracture hand 170 cm/48kg for closed reduction.patient
has compensated HF on digoxin and recently on fureasamide .Bier block was done
and 10 min after the start the tourniquet was accidentally released for your
many collegues started with pre .intra and post operative managent for a cardiac
patient which was accepted answer .
for me I started as a critical indecent , the examiner frowned then he was
convinced as it is a critical incident and continued
(as I said no right answer just right management) , how to do the block , drawbacks
, limitation , doses and conc.. LA toxicity with management and signs what to do
after its time . dose of digoxin conc. in blood toxic conc., signs of toxicity ECG
signs draw the signs (ST sagging he was waiting to hear) how to treat arrhythmia
(dont forget phenytoin)
digibind side effect ,dose and when to administer
-ECG with PVC inverted T in in lead V1 ,V5,V6 and LVH (dont forget to ask
about pulse before assesment to exclude PEA)
how to calculate rate ,axis determine LVH ,QT interval how to calculate normal
value and significance
-post herpatic neuralgia causes management in acute attack and the PHN , how to
decrease the incidence , how is more succiptable and managment in
warsaw 2017 2days (by Manoj kumar)
Any thing from basic sciences can be asked at the first two tables so be prepared
for both station 1 and station 2 at the same time.
Station 1 :
-how is oxygen delivered to different parts of the body ? explanation in detail( O2
dissociation curve etc)
- mixed venous o2 saturation and importance
- pregnancy related changes including graphs of how physiologic variables change
( from plunkett)
- innervation of airway and awake fibre optic intubation
- compartment models diagram and variation
station2 :
- All about neuromuscular junction
- neuromuscular blockr and vecuronium in detail
- Target controlled infusions- graph from plunklett
- How would you introduce a new drug being used on a trial basis to the patient
and take consent for it.(what all things you would like to know about the drug
before talking to the patient)
Station 3 :
- Acute pancreatitis management in ICU including pain management. coeliac
plexus block.
- x ray bilateral lower and middle pulmonary infiltrates with CVP line.( possible
- discussion on sepsis
Station 4 :
- Obese lady coming for hiatus hernia surgery - your management
- ECG - paced rhythm - all captured beats (is the pacemaker functioning properly
or not?)
Day 2
station 1 :
- effect of o2 and co2 on pulmonary ventilation ( pp of o2 and co2 versus minute
ventilation graph from plunkett)
- control of ventilation various factors influencing it
- Describe nerve supply of the eye - neurology behind pupillary light reflex.
- methods of heat loss during surgery- how to control
- describe buffer systems in the body and next their relative importance
stations 2 :
- Discuss concentration versus time graph after a loaing dose of propofol in detail
- reference to compartment models and how the above graph is influenced by the
models- what variables of a drug and distribution do u need to know about for
building these models
- what is time constant and its influence?
-contest sensitive half life - variability of different drugs
- define VOl. of distribution and clearance ? what factors influence these
- how are inhalational agents measured clinically? sources of error in
- Desflurane - all details about desflurane including svp and b/g and o/g
- MAC definitions and factors influencing it
- spirometry restrictive and obstructive patters - variations of FEV1 and FVC and
- flow volume loops - graphs
- Rhabdomyolysis - causes, diagnosis, management and treatment of hyperkalemia
Station 3
- Explosion occured in paint store. 34 year old man came out burning bystanders
put out the fires and brought him to A and E in 20 mins. hes conscious but
confused. your management ( all about carbon mono oxide poisoning )
-burns complete management including pain relief.
- Describe how you would do RSI in this patient.
- Hyperbaric o2 therapy
- problems with pulse oximetry and sources of error
- what is a bypass machine ? where is it used
- describe Coronary artery bypass machine and draw a diagram of the circuit if u
can. ( they expect just the basics nothing in detail)
- Xray -rotated film ,intubated, possible cardiomegaly, chest infiltrates, cvp line,
pacemaker insitu
station 4
- Patient 54 year old Heavy smoker ( 54 pack years) is brought for an excision of
an left sided adrenal mass. he has had hot flushes before and also is complaining of
breathlessness since one week. management of the case.
- hypotensive agents intraop management.
- management of an in advertant needle prick injury( discussion went on to HIV
positive patient and Prophylaxis )
- ECG : T inversions in v1 to v6 ? old ischemic changes
Istanbul 2017 (by Nahidh Almamoori)
all about capnograph, tow clinical implication and curve changes,Increase Co2(
causes, mx,dx,)
Graph of normal and abnormal capnograph
Viva 2,,,,
Serum level after thiopentoe singl, multiple doses.
Criteria for ideal drug for infusion, CSHT, why thiopentone not an ideal for
infusion, steady state concentration,accumlation
Drugs used in epilepsy
All about ADH, secretion, uses,effect
Pt. In paint store explosion
all about burn mx, ABCD approch, in details
sg of inhalational injury
Fluid replacment, uses of scoline why , mx of this pt. after 15 days
indication for 100% O2 in this case and in general
sg of co poising in percent
Type of fluid mx.for burn
Pyloric stenosis, 5 wks baby with persist vomiting
Surgen want to proceds with doing surgery!
Mx in details, acid base and electrolytes , intubation, venous access, role if fluid
ECG in systematic way, this is important than dx of abnormalities
CXR systematic reading ( pleural effusion)
Barcelona 2017 (by sarah ahmed)
1st session
# differences between inspired, alveolar &arterial O2 tesion.... causes of hypoxia
(different types)
# Heparin... mechanism of action; side effects, reversal, uses
# different mechanisms of heat loss
# Endocrinal functions of the kidney
# anatomy of coronary artery and venous drainage of the heart
2nd session
# choose 2 induction agents and discuss physical properties, pharmacokinetics,
pharmacodynamic of both
# hazards of AC
3rd session
# A 45 year old male diabetic patient with forearm abscess. ... he is unwell for the
last 2 days.... he was admitted to the ICU.... causes, diagnosis & management (
sepsis in details, ARDS )
# anesthetic management of liver resection
# X ray .... coin shadow in lt lung.... the systematic approach of reading the X ray
is very important
4th session
# 5 week old patient with pyloric stenosis. .. he is unwell. ... the surgeon wants to
operate in the emergency list... what do you think
# rheumatoid arthritis
# ECG. ... PVC and RVH ?!... not sure ( the systematic approach of reading the
ECG is very important. )