Life Insurance Company M A ST04!01!02
Life Insurance Company M A ST04!01!02
Life Insurance Company M A ST04!01!02
as of the valuation date. The
actuarial calculations to The items above are typically adjusted for
determine projected profits the cost of required capital. This cost
take into account revenues reflects the fact that the capital and
generated from the business, surplus of the company, and the expected
benefits presumed to be paid profits are not necessarily immediately
and expenses actually expected available for distribution to the
to be incurred, adjusted for shareholders. Rather, some capital and
applicable taxes. profits need to be retained within the
company to maintain favorable ratings
3. Value of Future Business: and regulatory relations.
This component can be
thought of as the “franchise” Developing Assumptions. The most
or “going concern” value of critical part of the actuarial appraisal
the company. It reflects the process is the development of
present value of future assumptions to be utilized in the
statutory profits of future projections. These assumptions reflect
business to be sold after the actuarial analysis and judgement related to
valuation date for a specified the historical experience of the business
period of time, typically ten to activities being valued, current market
twenty years. The actuarial conditions, and management expectations
calculations to determine for future performance in areas such as
projected profits for future new business activities, operating
business are done in a manner expenses, investment returns and strategic
consistent with the current direction.
business inforce.
These assumptions can be grouped into
Key assumptions in the three broad categories:
determination of the value of
future business are 1. Macro Economic
· the level of future annual Assumptions: Baseline
production expected over hypotheses for the economic
the period of time chosen environment where the
and, company operates.
· the profile of the products
to be sold. 2. Projection Assumptions:
Utilized to project the
The actuarial appraisal report behavior of the business into
may illustrate different the future.
production scenarios with
current distribution systems, 3. Discount Rate
as well as expected future Assumptions: Utilized to
distribution methods, where compute the economic value
appropriate. These scenarios of the projected profits.
help illustrate the impact on
value of various new business Macro Economic Assumptions: In
production levels. conjunction with economists or other
financial advisors, macroeconomic
assumptions are established, such as value of each and let the reader choose
returns on different asset classes, inflation, the most appropriate rate.
growth in GDP and the growth of the
insurance market in general. These The determination of the discount rate by
assumptions will have a direct and the user of an actuarial appraisal typically
significant impact on other assumptions involves consideration of the following
such as expected company returns and items:
future business production scenarios.
Future investment yield assumptions will 1. Long Term Return
also need to be established based on Expectations: This typically
macro economic assumptions described reflects a corporate
above and the company’s investment benchmark used to measure
strategy. various investment
Projection Assumptions: Projection
assumptions are intended to be “best 2. Cost of Funds: This typically
estimate” assumptions for future reflects the cost of financing
experience of the business being valued. the purchase or acquisition,
In establishing some assumptions, historic which might involve a mix of
experience, if such data exists and is debt and equity instruments.
reliable, is used as the basis for future
expectations. For other assumptions, past 3. Internal Hurdle Rates:
experience is of little relevance and must Some companies use internal
be developed from general knowledge of benchmark rates for the
the market and the future expectations of pricing of internally generated
management. In any event, sound business. This rate is used to
judgement must always be applied in compare the value of acquiring
setting these assumptions. business externally.
rates, but also due to the level of activity
in developing markets in which there are
typically more buyers than sellers. The
discount rate might also be lowered due to
strategic considerations, such as the
opportunity value of entering a new
market, which is deemed strategically
important to the buyer.