The Global Coffee Quality Research Initiative Congress Agenda
The Global Coffee Quality Research Initiative Congress Agenda
The Global Coffee Quality Research Initiative Congress Agenda
Goal of Congress: To provide a forum where the Specialty Coffee Industry’s top
leaders and thinkers will dialog with top coffee research scientists and development
specialists on supply and quality issues facing the industry.
Objective: To construct and fund a Global Coffee Quality Research Initiative to act as
the industry’s R&D department to improve, grow and protect the supply of specialty
coffees to the market.
Expected Outcomes:
1. To achieve shared clarity on the problem – a challenged supply of quality coffee and
a paucity of research related to coffee quality
3. To present and gather input on key components of the GCQRI model: the financing
mechanism, structure and governance, and research priorities
4. To expand industry involvement and identify clear next steps in the areas of: raising
awareness of the program; launching Temporary Task Forces around financing,
structure and governance, and research priorities; increasing GCQRI's funding base
and funding opportunities
Subject matter session speakers and participatory discussion sessions, which together
will lead to the expected outcomes above.
Business casual.
Wednesday, October 27
7:45 am Meet Texas A&M student volunteers at LaSalle hotel lobby for
transportation to campus.
Registration and all sessions will be held in Room 301, Rudder Tower
8:00 am Registration
11:30 - 12:00 Example of how research has been effective in addressing other
commodities’ production and quality concerns
Dr. Gary Williams, Department of Agriculture Economics, Texas A&M University
16:15 - 17:00 Reactions and questions: Facilitated discussion to identify the group’s
key questions related to GCQRI; results of this discussion will inform Thursday
morning’s discussion groups.
18:00 – 18:30 Optional: Meet other participants at cocktail hour - La Salle Hotel Bar
(Welcoming remarks by Mr. Jason Bienski, Mayor, City of Bryan)
Thursday, October 28
8:30 - 9:00 Opening, overview of objectives and agenda, recap of key questions
from yesterday: Peter Giuliano, President of the SCAA
Structure & Governance – Discussion leaders: Ben Pitts (Royal Cup), Ed Price (Borlaug
Finance/Funding – Discussion leaders: Shawn Hamilton (Java City), Patrick Criteser
Determining Research Priorities – Discussion leaders: Lindsey Bolger (GMCR), Carlos
Brando (P&A Marketing), Peter Giuliano (Counter Culture)
Goal: To gather input on key elements of the GCQRI model, with the intention of
identifying what will make the model work well in specialty coffee
Materials: a fact sheet on each subject will be provided
• Research: scope, funding and results – Dr. Ed Price (Borlaug Institute) and Ben
Pitts (Royal Cup)
• Communication and outreach – informing and involving more of the industry
• Developing GCQRI – use input of conference to finalize GCQRI in November
and December; launch pilot projects in January
• Opportunities to be involved: Temporary Task Forces – Structure/Governance,
Financing, Research Priorities
Friday, October 29
8:30 - 8:45 Opening Reflections on Day Two, overview of today. Peter Giuliano,
President of the SCAA
TTF Chair will lead members in first meetings; develop 3-month plan to identify what
needs to be delivered, by when, by whom, to whom.
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee Talk: TTF report outs to large group by TTF leaders.
10:45 - 11:00 Appreciation and Close: Ric Rhinehart, Dr. Tim Schilling, Dr. Ed Price
Event Logistics
Venue: Texas A&M University: Rudder Tower Conference Center, Room 301
College Station, Texas 77843
Tel: 949-845-8904 (Hospitality & Events Office)
You may park at the University Parking Garage, which is attached to Koldus Building.
After parking you may just cross the street to Rudder Tower, the venue of the Coffee
Congress. Parking garage instructions, fees, and other information may be found at:
Congress Organizers:
Johanna Roman, Borlaug Institute, tel. 979-862-2036, cell: 979-255-8616,
Brian Howard, Borlaug Institute, tel. 979-845-4164, cell: 979-571-9486,
Tim Schilling, Borlaug Institute,, tel. 979-422-1697
The Borlaug Institute, tel. 979-845-4164