Bitter Fruit Presentation
Bitter Fruit Presentation
Bitter Fruit Presentation
■ Origin ■ Purpose
– On Sunday, June 27th, 1954, – To make a final address to his
President Jacobo Arbenz country and to put the
publically announced his responsibility of his resignation
resignation. on the United States
– The speech was read over – “They have blamed their
government radio. Just how actions on the pretext of
many Guatemalans heard the Communism. The truth is
it is not known, since the CIA elsewhere -- in financial
partially jammed its interests of the United Fruit
transmission. Company and other US firms
– The text of the speech was not that have invested much in
published in newspapers for a Guatemala”
month after it was delivered.
■ Value ■ Limitation
– This speech really demonstrated – The U.S. could not out right
how Arbenz felt and his feelings combat his statements that they
of basically hatred towards the were involved because it would
United States and its big ruin their cover story, so the U.S.
companies that controlled his side is missing.
beloved country – “We are indignant over the
– “Workers, peasants, patriots! cowardly attack by mercenary
Guatemala is going through a US fliers. They know Guatemala
hard trial. A cruel war against has no adequate air force so
Guatemala has been unleashed. they try to sow panic. They bomb
The United Fruit Company and and strafe our forces preventing
U.S. monopolies, together with operations”
US ruling circles are
responsible…. Mercenaries have
unleashed fire and death,
respecting nothing”
Chapter 13
The Longest Day
■ Arbenz’s country had deserted him ■ The deviousness attributed to Arbenz
– The upper classes had no use for was greatly exaggerated
him for his measures never – He was just a bourgeois (middle-
seriously affected their holdings class) reformer whose ideology
– His tough measures against the did not extend beyond basic
opposition by his police had cost precepts of nationalism and the
him his middle-class backing stimulation of domestic industry
– Attacks by the Catholic Church and agriculture
had caused further loss of support ■ Arbenz had been doomed from the
– Many in the military still believed moment eleven months earlies when
he had killed Colonel Arana and the Dulles brothers told President
had never forgiven him Eisenhower he had to go
– The lack of substantial economic ■ Historians claim that the only reason
progress and the constant turmoil the U.S, interfered was for the United
of recent months had begun to
convince even neutrals that it was Fruit Company; if it had not existed,
best that Arbenz go there would have been no threat to
U.S property and they would not have
Chapter 14
The Liberation
■ With Arbenz gone, Diaz took on ■ John Doherty (the CIA station chief)
Presidency and Enno Hobbing (former Time Paris
– His most urgent problem was bureau chief who had arrived in
the presence of Castillo Armas Guatemala to help shape the new
and his ragtag Liberation army “constitution for the incoming regime)
on Guatemalan soil met and decided they would
overthrow Diaz themselves
– In his brief radio speech after
Arbenz’s, he repeated his – In his place they would put
promise to Arbenz Colonel Elfegio Monzon (a secret
leader of anti-Arbenz forces
– He stated his regime would be within military)
inspired by the October 1944
Revolution and that Arbenz had
done what he though was his
duty and he would carry on
■ Shocker- the CIA was not pleased and
concluded he would have to go
Chapter 14
The Liberation
■ Monzon, Doherty, and Hobbing sped ■ Diaz then made his own plan to
to meet Colonel Diaz make a three man junta with him at
– They argued with Diaz about the head and Monzon and Colonel
the policies Arbenz put and Jose Angel Sanchez to join him
how they were communistic– ■ This angered Peurifoy, Hobbing and
Diaz disagreed Doherty even more
– Diaz was shocked about their ■ The last straw with Diaz was when
anger saying the U.S
he mention he was about to
ambassador had approved him proclaim a general amnesty and
– Hobbing responded “there is release all political prisoners (this
diplomacy and then there is included the communist organizers
reality. Out ambassador rounded up the previous day)
represents diplomacy. I
represent reality. And the ■ Peurifoy sent a cable to Operation
reality is that we don’t want Success nerve center saying “We
you.” have been double-crossed. BOMB!”
Chapter 14
The Liberation
■ Diaz was clearly weakening in the ■ Diaz then “resigned” (by force and
face of the American onslaught fear of death) and was replaced by
– Peurifoy, Diaz, and Sanchez Monzon
scheduled a meeting with ■ Monzon created another junta with
Castillo Armas (Diaz giving up Lieutenant Colonel Mauricio Dubois
his promise) but they could not and Lieutenant Colonel Jose Luis Cruz
find Monzon’s whereabouts to Salazar
ask for his opinion
– Their first move was to meet with
– However during this decision the Armas and negotiate a peace
overthrow of Diaz was in treaty and seek a cease fire
progress by military officials through Peurifoy
– The plan was hatched by – The meeting did not go well
Monzon and the accidental (Armas and Monzon were never
presence of Peurifoy saved close) and it seemed there
Sanchez and Diaz from being would be a fight between and
murdered American-created government
and an American-created rebel
– Peurifoy intervened and soon
Chapter 14
The Liberation
■ The agreement was that – Peurifoy guaranteed to Castillo
– there would be a definitive and Armas that he would be
total halt to hostiles and that a president and on July 8 he
new constitution would be became Provisional President
written to replace the liberal – On July 11 Castillo Armas gave
1945 document (considered by his first speech and declared the
all present to be at the root of day “Anti-Communism Day”
the nation’s problems) – On July 13 the U.S government
– All members of the Communist granted official recognition to
PGT and of the Arbenz the Armas Castillo Government
administration were to be
arrested and tried
– A five man junta (Monzon, his
two chosen comrades, Dubois,
Salazar, Armas and an officer of
his choosing) would hold for
fifteen days while Provisional
president would be chosen
Chapter 14
The Liberation
■ What Armas did in office: – Disenfranchised three quarters
– On July 19 the “National of Guatemala’s voting
Committee of Defense Against population (banned illiterates
Communism” was created form the electoral rolls)
– The Preventive Penal Law – Officially cancelled the
Against Communism- controversial Decree 900
established the death penalty (Arbenz’s agrarian reform
for a series of “crimes” that legislation)
could be construed as – August 10 he outlawed all
“sabotage” including many labor political parties, labor
union activities confederations, and peasant
– The National Committee was organizations
given power to meet in secret – Armas’s subordinates began
and declare anyone a burning “subversive” books such
communist with no right or as Les Miserables
defense or appeal
■ Those named would be sent to
Chapter 14
The Liberation
■ September 1, 1954 Carlos Castillo
Armas took over full fledged
presidency of Guatemala
■ Operation Success was ultimately
deemed a complete success by
– The U.S cover story held
(stating that the overthrow of
Arbenz was by the
Guatemalans themselves)
Chapter 15
The Aftermath
■ Overall, the outcome of the overthrow
was not “happy”
■ While the short-run outcome of the
intervention in 1954 was viewed at
the time as a success for the U.S in
the Cold War, in a larger perspective it
is increasingly difficult to see it as
anything but of a little short of a
■ Peurifoy's reputation of being
connected to overthrows now
travelled with him to Thailand where
him and his son were killed in a car
– The State Department also
reassigned other important
embassy officers as to not leave
anyone around to tell the story
Chapter 15
The Aftermath
■ The United Fruit Company did not ■ In the late 1960s UFCO becaume
prosper caught up in a corporate merger craze
– Despite heavy lobbying the where the president of UFCO, Eli
company failed to persuade the Black, merged with United Brands
Justice Department to withdraw
the antitrust suit that threatened ■ As the financial climate darkened Eli’s
its operations in Guatemala two billion dollar business crumbled
and he committed suicide on the
– In 1958 the company accepted a morning of February 3, 1975
consent decree forcing it to curtail
its business in Guatemala by
surrendering some of its trade to
local companies and some of its
land to local businessmen
– Due to another suit it lost
ownership of IRCA Railroad
– In 1972 it sold all of its remaining
Guatemalan holdings to the Del
Monte corporation
Chapter 15
The Aftermath
■ Jacobo Arbenz
– Old friends who saw him around
commented on his physical
– He moved from country to
country in search of peace
– His daughter (who did not follow
him after a while) committed
suicide at the age of 25
– He told one friend “I have failed
as a politician, as a husband
and as a father.”
– He said he had no alternative
except returning to Cuba to
“vegetate, to do nothing, to
– On January 27, 1971 Arbenz
died at the age of 48 by
drowning in his bathtub
Chapter 15
The Aftermath
■ Castillo Armas ■ He became more and more of a
– He benefited initially form a dictator
substantial infusion of foreign – He put in place press censorship
aid from the U.S. (he did not – He sought to manipulate the
have to pay back anything) electoral process for his own
– These funds however did little ends
for the nations poor – In late 1955 he decided to
– He shocked and destabilized the postpone the next year’s
Guatemalan economy scheduled presidential election
■ His economic plan which and instead held congressional
consisted largely of returning elections that only permitted
the country’s economy to its only his own party (the National
traditional reliance on the Liberation Movement) to offer
coffee and banana crop, helped candidates
only a tiny aristocracy
– However he retained unswerving
support of the American
Chapter 15
The Aftermath
■ Despite American aid the situation ■ Castillo held on for three years and on
within Guatemala deteriorated July 27, 1957 he was murdered by an
– Many leading officials of the new army guard, Romeo Vasquez Sanchez
regime considered Armas’ (found dead by suicide)
victory as a license to steal – The police portrayed the
money assassin as a lone communist
– Many became involved with fanatic embittered by the
American gangsters in casino Liberator’s “patriotic” policies
■ An atmosphere of spreading disarray
gradually paralyzed Castillo Armas’s
– Plots against the administration
began to crop up almost weekly
Chapter 15
The Aftermath
■ The fragile political institutions ■ As a result, movements toward a
created by the 1944 constitution did peaceful reform in the region were set
not have a chance to mature back
■ The evolutionary process of social – Dictators were strengthened and
growth leading toward nationhood encouraged
was prematurely stunted – Activists of today look to guerrilla
warfare rather than election as
■ The age old alliance of the rich and the only way to produce change
the military regained its hold on
Guatemala ■ Guatemala has gone on practicing its
– ruling through a series of form of politics in which there are no
corrupt regimes, uninterested in victors, only victims
national development or
improving the loves of its poor
■ The 1954 overthrow showed other
countries in Central America that the
U.S was more interested in
unquestioning allies than democratic
■ Schlesinger, Stephen C., and Stephen Kinzer. Bitter Fruit: The Untold Story of the
American Coup in Guatemala. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1982. Print.