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19, JANUARY 25, 1967 85

Reyes vs. Barretto-Datu

No. L-17818. January 25, 1967.

TIRSO T. REYES, as guardian of the minors Azucena, Flordelis and

Tirso, Jr., all surnamed Reyes y Barretto, plaintiffs-appellants, vs.

Succession; Partition, wherein an instituted heir. who was later found

not to be the decedent’s child, was included, is valid.—Article 1081 of the
Old Civil Code, which provides that “a partition made with the inclusion of
a person believed to be an heir, but who is not, shall be void,” does not
apply to a case where the partition was made between two persons instituted
as heirs in a will but it was found out later that one of them was not the
testator’s child. The reason is obvious. The heir, who was not the testator’s
child, was admittedly instituted as an heir in the will, and was not merely a
person who was erroneously believed to be an heir (See Reyes vs. Datu, 94
Phil. 446; Reyes vs. Barretto, 98 Phil. 996). Article 1081 does not speak of
children or descendants but of heirs (without distinction between forced,
voluntary or intestate ones), and the fact that the person in question was not
the testator’s daughter does not preclude her from being one of the heirs
expressly named in the testament, for the testator was at liberty to assign the
f ree portion of his estate to



Reyes vs. Barretto-Datu

whomsover he chose. The fact that the one-half share assigned to the said
person encroached upon the legitime of the other instituted heir, who was a
real daughter of the testator, did not preclude that person from becoming a
testamentary heir of the decedent.
Same; Diminution of legitime of forced heir does not constitute
preterition.—Where the testator allotted in his will to his legitimate
daughter a share less than her legitime, such circumstance would not
invalidate the institution of a stranger as an heir, since there was no
preterition or total omission of a forced heir. The ruling in Neri vs. Akutin,
72 Phil. 322 is not applicable to the case.
Same; Partition not amounting to a compromise on civil status.—
Where a partition was made between two persons instituted as heirs in the
will, and one of them was found out later not to be the testator’s daughter,
while the other was really his daughter, it cannot be said that the partition
was a void compromise on the civil status of the person who was not the
testator’s daughter. At the time of the partition, the civil status of that person
was not being questioned. There can be no compromise on a matter that was
not in issue, While the law outlaws a compromise over civil status, it does
not forbid a settlement by the parties regarding the share that should
correspond to the claimant to the hereditary estate.
Same; When partition decreed by the court is res judicata.—A project
of partition is merely a proposal for the distribution of the hereditary estate
which the court may accept or reject. It is the court alone that makes the
distribution of the estate and determines the persons entitled thereto (Camia
de Reyes vs. Reyes de Ilano, 63 Phil. 629; Sec. 750, Act 190; Rule 90, Old
Rules of Court; Rule 91, Revised Rules of Court). It is that final judicial
decree of distribution that vests title in the distributees. If the decree was
erroneous, it should have been corrected by opportune appeal; but once it
had become final, its binding effect is like that of any other judgment in rem,
unless properly set aside for lack of jurisdiction or fraud. Where the court
has validly issued a decree of distribution and the same has become final,
the validity or invalidity of the project of partition becomes irrelevant.
Same; When consummated partition cannot be set aside.—A partition
agreement that was ratified by the court’s decree of distribution and was
actually consummated by delivery of the shares to the distributees cannot be
set aside after a long lapse of time. The rule in Saminiada vs. Mata, 92 Phil.
426 does not apply to that case.
Same; Distribution according to the will should be respected; The
minority of the distributee does not affect court’s jurisdiction.—A
distribution in the decedent’s will, made according to


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Reyes vs. Barretto-Datu

his will, should be respected. The fact that one of the distributees was a
minor at the time the court issued the decree of distribution does not imply
that the court had no jurisdiction to enter the decree of distribution. The
proceeding for the settlement of a decedent’s estate is a proceeding in rem
(Ramos vs. Ortuzar, 89 Phil. 741). It is binding on the distributee who was
represented by her mother as guardian.
Same; Relief on the ground of fraud.—Where in a partition between
two instituted heirs, one of them did not know that she was not really the
child of the testator, it cannot be said that she def rauded the other heir who
was the testator’s daughter. At any rate, relief on the ground of fraud must
be obtained within four years from its discovery. Where the person allegedly
defrauded was only sixteen years old in 1939, when the fraud was allegedly
perpetrated, and she became of age in 1944, and became aware of the fraud
in 1946, her action in 1956 to set aside the partition was clearly barred.
Guardianship; Guardian cannot waive rights of the ward.—An
abdicative waiver of rights by a guardian is an act of disposition. It cannot
bind his ward, being null and void as to the ward unless duly authorized by
the proper court (Ledesma Hermanos vs. Castro, 55 Phil. 136, 142).

APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Bulacan.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     Recto Law Offices for plaintiff-appellant.
     Deogracias T. Reyes and Associates for defendantappellee.

REYES, J.B.L., J.:

Direct appeal from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of

Bulacan, in its Civil Case No. 1084, dismissing the complaint of
appellant Tirso T. Reyes and ordering the same to deliver to the
defendant-appellee, Lucia Milagros Barretto-Datu, the properties
received by his deceased wife under the terms of the will of the late
Bibiano Barretto, consisting of lots in Manila, Rizal, Pampanga and
Bulacan, valued at more than P200,000.
The decision appealed from sets the antecedents of the case to be
as follows:

“‘This is an action to recover one-half share in the fishpond, located in the

barrio of San Roque, Hagonoy, Bulacan, covered by Transfer Certificate of
Title No. T-13734 of the Land Records of this Province, being the share of
plaintiff’s wards



Reyes vs. Barretto-Datu

as minor heirs of the deceased Salud Barretto, widow of plaintiff Tirso

Reyes, guardian of said minors.
It appears that Bibiano Barretto was married to Maria Gerardo. During
their lifetime they acquired a vast estate, consisting of real properties in
Manila, Pampanga, and Bulacan, covered by Transfer Certificates of Title
Nos. 41423, 22443, 8858, 32989, 31046, 27285, 6277, 6500, 2057, 6501,
2991, 57403 and 12507/T-337.
When Bibiano Barretto died on February 18, 1936, in the City of Manila,
he left his share of these properties in a will to Salud Barretto, mother of
plaintiff’s wards, and Lucia Milagros Barretto and a small portion as
legacies to his two sisters Rosa Barretto and Felisa Barretto and his nephew
and nieces. The usufruct of the fishpond situated in barrio San Roque,
Hagohoy, Bulacan, above-mentioned, however, was reserved for his widow,
Maria Gerardo. In the meantime, Maria Gerardo was appointed
administratrix, By virtue thereof, she prepared a project of partition, which
was signed by her in her own behalf and as guardian of the minor Milagros
Barretto. Said project of partition was approved by the Court of First
Instance of Manila on November 22, 1939. The distribution of the estate and
the delivery of the shares of the heirs followed forthwith. As a consequence,
Salud Barretto took immediate possession of her share and secured the
cancellation of the original certif ficates of title and the issuance of new
titles in her own name.
Everything went well since then. Nobody was heard to complain of any
irregularity in the distribution of the said estate until the widow, Maria
Gerardo died on March 5, 1948. Upon her death, it was discovered that she
had executed two wills, in the first of which, she instituted Salud and
Milagros, both surnamed Barretto, as her heirs; and, in the second, she
revoked the same and left all her properties in favor of Milagros Barretto
alone. Thus, the later will’ was allowed and the first rejected. In rejecting
the first will presented by Tirso Reyes, as guardian of the children of Salud
Barretto, the lower court held that Salud was not the daughter of the
decedent Maria Gerardo by her husband Bibiano Barretto. This ruling was
appealed to the Supreme Court, which affirmed the same.
Having thus lost this fight for a share in the estate of Maria Gerardo, as a
legitimate heir of Maria Gerardo, plaintiff now falls back upon the remnant
of the estate of the deceased Bibiano Barretto, which was given in usufruct
to his widow Maria Gerardo. Hence, this action for the recovery of onehalf
portion, thereof.
This action afforded the defendant an opportunity to set up her right of
ownership, not only of the fishpond under


1 Reyes vs. Barretto, G.R. No. L-5831, Jan. 31, 1956.


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Reyes vs. Barretto-Datu

litigation, but of all the other properties willed and delivered to Salud
Barretto, for being a spurious heir, and not entitled to any share in the estate
of Bibiano Barretto, thereby directly attacking the validity, not only of the
project of partition, but of the decision of the court based thereon as well.
The defendant contends that the Project of Partition from which Salud
acquired the fishpond in question is void ab initio and Salud Barretto did not
acquire any valid title thereto, and that the court did not acquire any
jurisdiction of the person of the defendant, who was then a minor.’ "

Finding for the defendant (now appellee), Milagros Barretto, the

lower court declared the project of partition submitted in the
proceedings f or the settlement of the estate of Bibiano Barretto
(Civil Case No. 49629 of the Court of First Instance of Manila) to be
null and void ab initio (not merely voidable) because the distributee,
Salud Barretto, predecessor of plaintiffs (now appellants), was not a
daughter of the spouses Bibiano Barretto and Maria Gerardo. The
nullity of the project of partition was decreed on the basis of Article
1081 of the Civil Code of 1889 (then in force) providing as follows:

“A partition in which a person was believed to be an heir, without being so,

has been included, shall be null and void.”

The court a quo further rejected the contention advanced by

plaintiffs that since Bibiano Barretto was free to dispose of one-third
(1/3) of his estate under the old Civil Code, his will was valid in
favor of Salud Barretto (nee Lim Boco) to the extent, at least, of
such free part. And it concluded that, as defendant Milagros was the
only true heir of Bibiano Barretto, she was entitled to recover from
Salud, and from the latter’s children and successors, all the
properties received by her from Bibiano’s estate, in view of the
provisions of Article 1456 of the new Civil Code of the Philippines
establishing that property acquired by fraud or mistake is held by its
acquirer in implied trust for the real owner. Hence, as stated at the
beginning of this opinion, the Court a quo not only dismissed the
plaintiffs’ complaint but ordered them to return the properties
received under the project of partition previously mentioned as
prayed for in defendant Milagros Barretto’s counterclaim. However,
it denied defendant’s prayer for damages. Hence, this appeal
interposed by both plaintiffs and defendant



Reyes vs. Barretto-Datu

Plaintiffs-appellants correctly point out that Article 1081 of the old

Civil Code has been misapplied to the present case by the court
below. The reason is obvious: Salud Barretto admittedly had been
instituted heir in the late Bibiano Barretto’s last will and testament
together with defendant Milagros; hence, the partition had between
them could not be one such had with a party who was believed to be
an heir without really being one, and was not null and void under
said article. The legal precept (Article 1081) does not speak of
children, or descendants, but of heirs (without distinction between
forced, voluntary or intestate ones), and the fact that Salud happened
not to be a daughter of the testator does not preclude her being one
of the heirs expressly named in his testament; for Bibiano Barretto
was at liberty to assign the free portion of his estate to whomsoever
he chose. While the share (1/2) assigned to Salud impinged on the
legitime of Milagros, Salud did not for that reason cease to be a
testamentary heir of Bibiano Barretto.
Nor does the fact that Milagros was allotted in her father’s will a
share smaller than her legitime invalidate the institution of Salud as
heir, since there was here no preterition, or total omission, of a
forced heir. For this reason, Neri vs. Akutin, 72 Phil. 322, invoked
by appellee, is not at all applicable, that case involving an instance
of preterition or omission of children of the testator’s former
Appellee contends that the partition in question was void as a
compromise on the civil status of Salud in violation of Article 1814
of the old Civil Code. This view is erroneous, since a compromise
presupposes the settlement of a controversy through mutual
concessions of the parties (Civil Code of 1889, Article 1809; Civil
Code of the Philippines, Art. 2028); and the condition of Salud as
daughter of the testator Bibiano Barretto, while untrue, was at no
time disputed during the settlement 01 the estate of the testator.
There can be no compromise over issues not in dispute. And while a
compromise over civil status is prohibited, the law nowhere forbids
a settlement by the parties over the share that should correspond to a
claimant to the estate.


VOL. 19, JANUARY 15, 1967 91

Reyes vs. Barretto-Datu

At any rate, independently of a project of partition which, as its own

name implies, is merely a proposal for distribution of the estate, that
the court may accept or reject, it is the court alone that makes the
distribution of the estate and determines the persons entitled thereto
and the parts to which each is entitled (Camia vs. Reyes, 63 Phil.
629, 643; Act 190, Section 750; Rule 90, Rules of 1940; Rule 91,
Revised Rules of Court), and it is that judicial decree of distribution,
once final, that vests title in the distributees. If the decree was
erroneous or not in conformity with law or the testament, the same
should have been corrected by opportune appeal; but once it had
become final, its binding effect is like that of any other judgment in
rem, unless properly set aside for lack of jurisdiction or fraud.
It is thus apparent that where a court has validly issued a decree
of distribution of the estate, and the same has become final, the
validity or invalidity of the project of partition becomes irrelevant.
It is, however, argued for the appellee that since the court’s
distribution of the estate of the late Bibiano Barretto was predicated
on the project of partition executed by Salud Barretto and the
widow, Maria Gerardo (who signed for herself and as guardian of
the minor Milagros Barretto), and since no evidence was taken of
the filiation of the heirs, nor were any findings of fact or law made,
the decree of distribution can have no greater validity than that of
the basic partition, and must stand or fall with it, being in the nature
of a judgment by consent, based on a compromise. Saminiada vs.
Mata, 92 Phil. 426, is invoked in support of the proposition, That
case is authority for the proposition that a judgment by compromise
may be set aside on the ground of mistake or fraud, upon petition
filed in due time, where petition for “relief was filed before the
compromise agreement, a proceeding, was consummated“(cas. cit.
at p. 436). In the case before us, however, the agreement of partition
was not only ratified by the court’s decree of distribution, but
actually consummated, so much so that the titles in the name of the
deceased were cancelled, and new certificates issued in favor of the



Reyes vs. Barretto-Datu

heirs, long before the decree was attacked. Hence, Saminiada vs.
Mata does not apply.
Moreover, the defendant-appellee’s argument would be plausible
if it were shown that the sole basis for the decree of distribution was
the project of partition. But, in fact, even without it, the distribution
could stand, since it was in conformity with the probated will of
Bibiano Barretto, against the provisions whereof no objection had
been made. In fact, it was the court’s duty to do so. Act 190, section
640, in force in 1939, provided:

SEC. 640. Estate, How Administered.—When a will is thus allowed, the

court shall grant letters testamentary, or letters of administration with the
will annexed, and such letters testamentary or of administration, shall
extend to all the estate of the testator in the Philippine Islands. Such estate,
after the payment of just debts and expenses of administration, shall be
disposed of according to such will, so far as such will may operate upon it;
and the residue, if any, shall be disposed of as is provided by law in cases of
estates in these Islands belonging to persons who are inhabitants of another
state or country.” (Italics supplied)

That defendant Milagros Barretto was a minor at the time the

probate court distributed the estate of her father in 1939 does not
imply that the said court was without jurisdiction to enter the decree
of distribution. Passing upon a like issue, this Court ruled in Ramos
vs. Ortuzar, 89 Phil. Reports, pp. 741 and 742:

“If we are to assume that Richard Hill and Marvin Hill did not formally
intervene, still they would be concluded by the result of the proceedings, not
only as to their civil status but as the distribution of the estate as well. As
this Court has held in Manolo vs. Paredes, 47 Phil. 938, The proceeding for
probate is one in rem (40 Cyc., 1265) and the court acquires jurisdiction
over all persons interested, through the publication of He notice prescribed
by section 630 C.P.C.; and any order that may be entered therein is binding
against all of them.’ (See also in re Estate of Johnson, 39 Phil. 156.) ‘A final
order of distribution of the estate of a deceased person vests the title to the
land of the estate in the distributees’. (Santos vs. Roman Catholic Bishop of
Nueva Caceres, 45 Phil. 895.) There is no reason why, by analogy, these
salutary doctrines should not apply to intestate proceedings.
The only instance that we can think of in which a party interested in a
probate proceeding may have a final liquidation


VOL. 19, JANUARY 25, 1967 93

Reyes vs. Barretto-Datu

set aside is when he is left out by reason of circumstances beyond his

control or through mistake or inadvertence not imputable to negligence.
Even then, the better practice to secure relief is reopening of the same case
by proper motion within the reglementary period, instead of an independent
action the effect of which, if successful, would be, as in the instant case, for
another court or judge to throw out a decision or order already final and
executed and reshuffle properties long ago distributed and disposed of.”

It is well to observe, at this juncture, as this Court expressly declared

in Reyes vs. Barretto Datu, 94 Phil. 446 (Am’d Rec. Appeal, pp.
158, 157), that:

“x x x lt is argued that Lucia Milagros Barretto was a minor when she

signed the partition, and that Maria Gerardo was not her judicially appointed
guardian. The claim is not true. Maria Gerardo signed as guardian of the
minor. (Secs. 3 and 5, Rule 97, Rules of Court.) The mere statement in the
project of partition that the guardianship proceedings of the minor Lucia
Milagros Barretto are pending in the court, does not mean that the guardian
had not yet been appointed; it meant that the guardianship proceedings had
not yet been terminated, and as a guardianship proceedings begin with the
appointment of a guardian, Maria Gerardo must have been already
appointed when she signed the project of partition. There is, therefore, no
irregularity or defect or error in the project of partition, apparent on the
record of the testate proceedings, which shows that Maria Gerardo had no
power or authority to sign the project of partition as guardian of the minor
Lucia Milagros Barretto, and, consequently, no ground for the contention
that the order approving the project of partition is absolutely null and void
and may be attacked collaterally in these proceedings.”

So that it is now incontestable that appellee Milagros Barretto was

not only made a party by publication but actually appeared and
participated in the proceedings through her guardian: she, therefore,
can not escape the jurisdiction of the Manila Court of First Instance
which settled her father’s estate.
Defendant-appellee further pleads that as her mother and
guardian (Maria Gerardo) could not have ignored that the distributee
Salud was not her child, the act of said widow in agreeing to the oft-
cited partition and distribution was a fraud on appellee’s rights and
entitles her to relief. In the first place, there is no evidence that when
the estate of Bibiano Barretto was judicially settled and distributed
appellants’ predecessor, Salud Lim Boco Barret-



Reyes vs. Barretto-Datu

to, knew that she was not Bibiano’s child: so that if fraud was
committed, it was the widow, Maria Gerardo, who was solely
responsible, and neither Salud nor her minor children, appellants
herein, can be held liable therefor. In the second place, granting that
there was such fraud, relief therefrom can only be obtained within 4
years from its discovery, and the record shows that this period had
elapsed long ago.
Because at the time of the distribution Milagros Barretto was
only 16 years old (Exhibit 24), she became of age five years later, in
1944. On that year, her cause of action accrued to contest on the
ground of fraud the court decree distributing her father’s estate and
the four-year period of limitation started to run, to expire in 1948
(Section 43, Act. 190). In fact, conceding that Milagros only became
aware of the true facts in 1946 (Appellee’s Brief, p. 27), her action
still became extinct in 1950. Clearly, therefore, the action was
already barred when in August 31, 1958 she filed her counterclaim
in this case contesting the decree of distribution of Bibiano
Barretto’s estate.
In order to evade the statute of limitations, Milagros Barretto
introduced evidence that appellant Tirso Reyes had induced her to
delay filing action by verbally promising to reconvey the properties
received by his deceased wife, Salud. There is no reliable evidence
of the alleged promise, which rests exclusively on the oral assertions
of Milagros herself and her counsel. In, fact, the trial court made no
mention of such promise in the decision under appeal. Even more:
granting arguendo that the promise was made, the same can not bind
the wards, the minor children of Salud, who are the real parties in
interest. An abdicative waiver of rights by a guardian, being an act
of disposition, and not of administration, can not bind his wards,
being null and void as to them unless duly authorized by the proper
court (Ledesma Hermanos vs. Castro, 55 Phil. 136, 142).
In resume, we hold (1) that the partition had between Salud and
Milagros Barretto in the proceedings for the settlement of the estate
of Bibiano Barretto duly approved by the Court of First Instance of
Manila in 1939, in its Civil Case No. 49629, is not void for being
contrary to


VOL. 19, JANUARY 25, 1967 95

Hernandez vs. Albano, et al.

either Article 1081 or 1814 of the Civil Code of 1889; (2) that
Milagros Barretto’s action to contest said partition and decree of
distribution is barred by the statute of limitations; and (3) that her
claim that plaintiff-appellant guardian is a possessor in bad faith and
should account for the fruits received from the properties inherited
by Salud Barretto (nee Lim Boco) is legally untenable. It follows
that the plaintiffs’ action for partition of the fishpond described in
the -complaint should have been given due course.
Wherefore, the decision of the Court of First Instance of Bulacan
now under appeal is reversed and set aside in so far as it orders
plaintiff-appellant to reconvey to appellee Milagros Barretto-Datu
the properties enumeracted in said decision, and the same is affirmed
in so far as it denies any right of said appellee to accounting. Let the
records be returned to the court of origin, with instructions to
proceed with the action for partition of the fishpond (Lot No. 4, Plan
Psu-4709), covered by TCT No. T13734 of the Office of the
Register of Deeds of Bulacan, and for the accounting of the fruits
thereof, as prayed for in the complaint. No costs.

Concepcion, C.J., Dizon, Regala, Makalintal, Bengzon, J.P.,

Zaldivar, Sanchez and Castro, JJ., concur.

Judgment reversed in part and affirmed in part.


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