Selective Systemic Herbicide: Visual Effect of Herbicidal Activity
Selective Systemic Herbicide: Visual Effect of Herbicidal Activity
Selective Systemic Herbicide: Visual Effect of Herbicidal Activity
Nicosulfuron controls a wide range of weeds covering not only annual but also perennial
Particularly, Nicosulfuron provides so-called inter-genera selectivity between maize and closely
related grass weeds, including perennial weeds like Johnson grass.
With the excellent performance, Nicosulfuron has gained public favor in large maize planted
areas such as Europe, United States, South America, etc.
Untreated Nicosulfuron
Uses Selective post-emergence control in maize of annual grass weeds, broad-leaved
weeds and perennials grass weeds such as Sorghum halepense and Agropyron repens
applied at 30∼70 g a.i./ha.
Phytotoxicity Nicosulfuron may cause yellow bands on leaves for the rare occasion.
Research has shown that this symptom is transient and does not affect the yield.
Plant Uptake Nicosulfuron is rapidly Easy and convenient to use without Rat LD50 oral : >5,000 mg/kg bw (m/f)
absorbed into the weed leaves and is additional adjuvant Rat LD50 dermal : >2,000 mg/kg bw (m/f)
translocated through the xylem and Rat LC50 inhalation : 5.47 mg/L (4 h)
A selective systemic herbicide and
phloem towards the meristematic zone. early to mid post-emergence use
In this zone, Nicosulfuron inhibits Skin irritation : non irritant
Eye irritation : non irritant
acetolactate synthase(ALS), a key enzyme Broad spectrum of activity against
grasses, broadleaf weeds and sedges Skin sensitization : not a sensitizer
for branched-chain aminoacids synthesis,
which results in cessation of cell division Birds :
Effective against its target weeds at Acute toxicity : LD50 (quail) >2,000 mg/kg bw
and plant growth. low rates
Symptoms Following post-emergent Fish :
Selective to maize LC50 : (trout, 96 h) 65.7 mg/L
application of Nicosulfuron, treated
LC50 : (bluegill, 96 h) >100 mg/L
weeds stop growing within a few hours Resistant to wash-off by rain, due to its
and show gradual discoloration on the systemic activity Bees : Acute contact toxicity LD50 76 μg/bee
newly developed leaves.
This is followed by leaf necrosis, Safe to birds, fish, bee and other Daphnia magna : EC50 (48 h) 90mg/L
beneficial insects
desiccation and ultimate death of the
The visual symptoms appear within
three to four days after treatment and
the whole plants are normally killed
within 20 to 25 days.
Selectivity The selectivity of ISHIHARA SANGYO KAISHA,LTD.
Nicosulfuron is due to the capacity
that the crop has to metabolize the 1-3 -15 Edobori,Nishi-ku,Osaka 550-0002
herbicide and transform it into inactive TEL +81- 6-6444 -7154
metabolites. URL: jp
Selective systemic herbicide
Weed Spectrum
Weed Species Leaf Dose rate
Family Species Stage 40 60
Annual weeds
Gramineae Digitaria sanguinalis 2 ○ ◎
Setaria viridis 2 ◎ ◎
Eleusine indica 3 ◎ ◎
Avena fatua 3 ◎ ◎
Cyperaceae Ceperus microiria 3 ◎ ◎
Compositae Galinsoga ciliata 4 ○ ◎
Caryophyllaceae Stellaria media 8 ○ ◎
Polygonaceae Polygonum lapathifolium 3 ○ ◎
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium album 2 △ ○
Malvaceae Sida spinosa 2 △ △
Abutilon theophrasti 1 △ △
Leguminosae Cassia tora 1 △ △
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus viridis 2 ◎ ◎
Solanaceae Solanum nigrum 4 △ △
Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea 3 ○ ◎
Commelinaceae Commelina communis 2 ○ ◎
Cruciferae Capsella bursa-pastoris 4 ○ ◎
Perennial weeds
Gramineae Sorghum haleoense 4-5 ○ ◎
Agropyron repens 3-4 ○ ◎
Cynodon dactylon 15 cm × ×
Cyperaceae Cyperus rutundus 4-5 × ○
◎ : 95∼100%, ○ : 70∼95%, △ : 50∼70%, ×: ∼50% Dose rate is g a.i./ha
●Formulation types:SC, WG