The Journey Sep 2017 PDF
The Journey Sep 2017 PDF
The Journey Sep 2017 PDF
September 2017
Delivering a win
A look at what Cargo is doing to
help our airlines carry the load
About roaming
What is roaming?
Roaming is the temporary data service network
offered when you go abroad and leave your
normal mobile operator’s service. The terms and
pricing of this international "lending" network will
be drawn up according to agreements between
different international operators.
在某些國家提供4G 網絡但使用漫遊時卻永遠沒
Cathay Pacific/Cathay Dragon Employee Discount 導致漫遊費跟本地數據收費差異很大。
September 2017
News 4
Outport news 10
Performance 12
Industry news 14
Strategy 16
Customer insights 18
The Cargo story 20
A message from Rupert MTR service exchange 24
AS WE HEAD towards the end of is on strengthening our short haul fleet to PEOPLE
2017, now is the time for all of us to complement it and balance the network. Behind the scenes 28
concentrate on delivering real and On a similar note, we have announced From the flight deck 30
lasting improvements that build three new European destinations from From the cabin 31
momentum around transforming the summer 2018, linking new points to Hong
On the ground 32
business and our performance. Kong for the first time. Our room for
Letters to the editor 33
As a part of that, it’s vital that we manoeuvre at Hong Kong International
The guru 34
are set up to respond quickly to Airport (HKIA) is limited until the third
market changes. In this month’s issue runway is complete but we have a plan
there are examples of how our teams for long-term growth and network CATHAY LIFE
have successfully done this, with expansion and will continue to launch Heritage 35
the successful growth of our cargo new destinations and add frequencies. Cathay Club 36
operation. While it’s true that we have We have to balance long-term and My other life 37
benefitted from an upturn in demand, it’s short-term considerations. Well, there is Competition 38
also true that we’ve been nimble in our nothing more immediate and urgent than
response by anticipating market trends, an incoming typhoon. The past month TRAVEL
working with partners and customers has been particularly testing, with three
Travel experience 40
to deploy more capacity to grow and typhoons in as many weeks. Anticipating
My hometown 41
strengthen our hub in Hong Kong. the likely impact and making the right
24 hours in… 42
We are working hard to achieve operational decisions upfront is a key
similar results on the passenger side part of getting through the disruption
of the business. We must generate that follows. It really is a team effort, from
more revenue as we grow the fleet and operations control, to those in the air,
introduce new aircraft, destinations and
services. This involves taking considered
those that support them, the outport
teams and of course, everyone involved
20 35
risks. And we will do that. at HKIA. Thank you.
I visited Airbus at Toulouse recently to As a business we are in the middle of
sign a memorandum of understanding a storm. We need to acknowledge this
to buy 32 new A321neo aircraft for our and change to respond. But with the
Cathay Dragon fleet for delivery in 2020 - same spirit we will come out of the other
2023. We have rejuvenated and expanded side stronger.
our long haul fleet in recent years – the
27 40
average aircraft age is now about five
and a half years old – and now the focus
Get involved…
This is your magazine – we want to hear from you!
If you have pictures or story ideas or want to comment on
anything, email us: or
find us in The Journey group on Yammer
Distance in miles
of Cathay Dragon’s
longest flight: Hong
Kong to Bengaluru
– Alibaba’s travel services platform, countries. It is currently available
Ant Financial – the mobile payment on our website for ticket sales and
platform, and Alibaba Cloud – the there is potential to expand it to
company’s cloud-computing arm. other touchpoints, such as our
Cooperation between Cathay mobile app.”
Pacific and Alibaba dates back to Both Cathay Pacific and Alibaba The number of cadets
2014 when we became the first Cloud will look for joint development who have graduated from
non-mainland airline group to open opportunities using the company’s the Cathay Dragon Cadet
a flagship store on Fliggy, one the data centres to drive innovation and Pilot Programme this year
largest portals in China. boost operational efficiency.
Director Commercial and Cargo Chief Customer and Commercial
Ronald Lam said: “Alibaba is a Officer Paul Loo said: “This is an
strategic partner that will help us important milestone for Cathay
widen our customer base and Pacific and Alibaba Group.
deepen our distribution in China. Following our flagship store on
The deal is a good example of Fliggy, we are pleased to elevate
bringing customer centricity to our cooperation with the largest
life, by making customers’ lives retail commerce company in the
easier in what is a very important world. We believe this strategic tonnes of clothes are
market for us.” cooperation will offer more choices cleaned each day at
Ronald added: “Alibaba has a and better user experiences for Vogue Laundry
database of more than 500 million travellers in the future.”
Big Picture
Max payload:
21.2 tonnes
Source: Airbus
Cathay Pacific in
tune with HK youth
CATHAY PACIFIC HAS renewed its role as Official Carrier
to the Asian Youth Orchestra, which has now embarked
on its world tour.
The relationship between airline and orchestra now
SUBSIDIARY AND AFFILIATE NEWS spans 27 years. Chief Customer and Commercial Officer
Paul Loo said: “We believe that as an airline based in
CPSL has some big fans Hong Kong, we play a big part in providing opportunities,
Cathay Pacific Cargo Services recently installed six giant ceiling fans, each enabling youth from Hong Kong and the region to travel
more than seven metres in diameter, on the 3/F of the terminal. The fans are the world. We hope that through partnering with inspiring
high-volume-low-speed types that will increase ventilation by 180%, compared programmes such as this one, we will be able to help more
to the traditional oscillating wall-mounted fan. They are also green products young people to pursue their dreams.”
that use half the power. In compliance with CPSL’s strict safety standard, the The Asian Youth Orchestra’s tour includes 21 concerts
fans work with the Building Management System, and will stop automatically if in 20 cities in Asia, the US and Europe, before flying home
the fire alarm is activated. The company has also installed evaporative coolers on 6 September.
that will use much less energy to keep the warehouse cool.
Nicholas Bury
Country Manager,
Enter the
We catch up with Nicholas
Bury, Country Manager, Q What are the current opportunities for
Myanmar, to hear about revenue growth?
once locked-away country Yangon from seven to 11 flights per week with
effect from 29 October. Departing at 5.20pm
has for Cathay Dragon from Yangon, the flight arrives in Hong Kong at
9.45pm – perfect timing for connections to
European and Australian cities – destinations that
we are unable to serve with our current red-eye
Q What are our operations like in Myanmar? Population
flight timing.
We see opportunities to generate new streams 54,363,000
A Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is a of revenue through promoting our excellent
country of more than 54 million people. Not connections to mainland China, Taiwan, Japan and National dish
many people know that it is actually a very large Korea for group traffic. We are developing new fare Mohinga – noodle
country - bigger than Thailand and twice the products to appeal to different segments in these soup with catfish
size of Germany! markets, such as labour and student traffic.
We started operating Cathay Dragon flights to
Yangon (called Rangoon during the times of the Naypyidaw
Revenue Cargo showed excellent performance – growth against a small (2.3%) increase
in capacity, so driving quality revenue and higher yield (4.4%). Our performance
reflects an overall growth in the market and a return of economic and consumer
+13.3% confidence. (See feature on Page 20). The China export market is particularly
strong, while partnerships with Lufthansa and Atlas Air boosted tonnage carried
Virgin Australia strengthens Asia ties Hong Kong Airlines AA joins the team
The Australian Competition and Consumer targets California American Airlines completed
Commission (ACCC) has granted Virgin Building on its Vancouver its purchase of a 2.68% stake
Australia permission to deepen its relationship direct flights, Hong Kong in China Southern last month.
with two Hong Kong-based carriers. Airlines will offer a four- The move entitles the oneworld
According to the ACCC website, the airlines times-weekly service from member airline to have an
Photo: Shutterstock
can now “coordinate their international Hong Kong to Los Angeles observer’s seat on the Skyteam
passenger transport services such as using its new Airbus A350 member’s board, but no voting
codesharing, frequent flyer programme aircraft. Flights will start on rights. AA will also move into
participation, lounge access, route planning 18 December and will go China Southern’s Beijing terminal
and scheduling”. daily shortly thereafter. this month.
Qantas adds superjumbo to HK mix
Qantas will increase capacity on its Hong Kong to
Sydney service, which flies 14 times per week. The
airline will add Airbus A380 services to its mix of J
Boeing 747-400 and Airbus A330 flights during the
Australian summer peak between 10 December and
11 February 2018.
16 STRATEGY / Global Business Services
IN CATHAY DRAGON House, a suite of offices suppliers, processing invoices, calculating crew and also the Benefits Service Centre (BSC)
has undergone the finishing touches to allowances or updating personnel files. supporting people with leisure travel,” he says.
welcome one of the first outcomes of Time to Keith adds: “These are some of the important “It makes more sense to have them in one place
Win following the head office reorganisation. and critical roles that are in many ways the glue as a centre of knowledge and standardise the
It is Global Business Services (GBS), and it that holds the business together.” processes to drive productivity.”
underpins the Productivity and Value Focused GM Global Business Services Ray Fung takes A GBS project team has spent the past few
pillar of the strategy. the example of visa applications. “Up until now, months looking at some of these processes
The first stage of its role is to centralise ISD had a department helping cabin crew with and how people carry them out. The first wave
some of the Group’s back office administrative visa applications. So did the People department of GBS recruits have also been explaining their
activities, locating them in one place rather
spread across the business. The formation
of GBS will eliminate some of the duplication
in services and break down some of the Why Cathay Dragon House?
departmental silos. It will bring a new way
of working – and opportunity for career Keith: “Principally the move is a very
development – for the people moving to this practical step because it allows us to
new business unit. secure the workspace we’ll need as
“GBS is not a new concept, it exists in many the team builds in scope and scale.
organisations, but it marks something new for But it’s also about creating an identity
Cathay Pacific and is part of its transformation,” as a standalone business unit and
says Keith Little, Organisational Change growing a service delivery culture in
Management Lead. “The immediate vision for everything we do. Our ties into Cathay
GBS is to centralise, or share, critical support remain as strong as ever.”
activities, while they continue to be handled by
the people with the expertise and experience to
deliver them most effectively – the people who
already do the job today.”
These are the people who carry out operational
support activities, tasks that could include paying
Uses Global
Business Services
current roles and their processes in a series enjoy working in a dynamic environment and guys and offer reassurance and assistance
of workshops. It’s educational for all parties take the opportunity to get involved in different because they will actually be delivering the
and represents an important part of the GBS roles and activities.” benefits to the business.”
change management rationale. Mark Holroyd, Service Delivery Manager, is There might also be a sense of the unknown
Ray adds: “There are people who have been exploring the business for opportunities that from the people who will be receiving those
doing their job for 20 years but they’ve never would qualify for GBS across head office and services, particularly following the move to
had the chance to map out what happens beyond. The focus on increased efficiencies as a new building. Jess says: “For our internal
after they pass the work on and where it fits part of the reorganisation has helped. He says: customers, the teams are reachable in the way
in the big picture. GBS lets people see the “Where departments have suggested potential they are currently, so it is business as usual for
vital link they make in the end-to-end chain opportunities for GBS, we’ve been able to the moment. That said, the Benefits Services
and gives them a chance to bring their be part of that conversation from the start Centre (BSC) will be fully integrated into GBS
knowledge and experience to shape how because of the reorganisation.” and all services transferred by year-end, so
we can do things better.” The first wave of recruits, 53 people-strong, we are already working on new ways for
While the initial work will focus on continuing started the move to Cathay Dragon House on 4 everyone to get in touch with us to limit the
to deliver these services to the business, the September. More will follow as further business impact of that move.”
team is encouraged to review the processes areas are identified, engaged and a managed
and apply Lean and automation to make them transfer from their departments is agreed.
The initial GBS team will service internal
Phase 1 takes effect
customers using people from Benefits
Services, cabin crew administration, finance
Having these teams together accounts payable, Flight Operations’ data
4 September
services, travel services and the People
will bring synergies and the Department. Jessica Chan, who has moved
The GBS offices are
operationally ready
chance to share their from People to become Head of GBS says: at Dragon House
“Having these teams together will bring
wealth of knowledge synergies and the opportunity for them to share
from Finance,
their wealth of knowledge and in time to learn
People and
more efficient and effective. Ray explains: “The
GBS team’s job will change over time from doing
new areas of the business.”
Of course, with change comes uncertainty. Teams Flight Operations
form Phase 1
routine operational support to the management Keith says: “We’ve got enthusiasm, but there is
of the process itself.” also some trepidation, which, it is fair to say, is 53 People will move
This will include exploring how the team completely understandable. Many people have across for Phase 1.
can build in future efficiencies through worked in the same way for a long time and have These moves will be
the trial, development and deployment of amassed established skills and knowledge, staggered to minimise
impacts on the business
employee self-service systems, apps or but most of the concerns have been practical,
outsourcing options. such as accessing files and the initial logistical
35 people from Finance AP, Flight
Keith has been guiding the first groups of concerns because of the move.” Operations (ODS) and People
people through workshops and helping them Mark adds: “We are listening to the people (Benefits Services) will
navigate the change not just in their job profiles, moving across – after all, these are the experts, be in place from early
this month
but office location, too. He says: “We’ve been the people who do the actual work. So we really
looking for people who are comfortable and want to have an open conversation with these
Time to lounge
The staff are friendly and capable,
too. They’re not only there to be
receptionists or people who clear
What do our lounges offer the constant traveller? your table, they also know what to
do for ticketing.
And at the end of the day, that’s
the most important thing in a
I STILL REMEMBER the first time I pool and water features. But I can It’s easy to pass the time in lounge: you can have the best food
set foot in a Cathay Pacific lounge. honestly say that Cathay’s lounges these lounges if you have a long but if you can’t rebook someone
It was The Wing at Hong Kong are some of the best out there. layover or your flight is delayed. who is delayed, it’s meaningless.
International Airport (HKIA). I was I make good use of them, too. The spaces are comfortable and
19 years old and I had only ever Even if I arrive at the airport an have plenty of natural light so you
experienced lounges in the US, hour before boarding I’ll still slip can be productive – unlike the dark,
where I’d be lucky to get some into the lounge for a bottle of water cramped lounges in many airports.
milk and peanuts. To see them or a bite to eat. It used to be that lounges in Asia
serving hot food – a noodle bar, no The food offered in Cathay weren’t quite up to par with the ones
less! – was truly amazing. lounges is, for the most part, great. in the US – design-wise anyway.
Nowadays my work has me Travelling as much as I do though, They never had enough comfortable
travelling almost 240 days a year. the offerings can get a little seating and there never seemed
I’ve had the chance to try many repetitive. It would be nice to see to be enough outlets to serve the
different airport lounges all over some variation in the menus, either number of business travellers trying Tim Yue, 29
the world. There are some good with monthly changes, seasonal to get some work done. MPO status: Diamond
ones, such as Qatar Airlines’ Doha options or even pop-ups that I’m happy to say that this has Director of Sales, East Asia,
lounge, with its enormous reflecting collaborate with local restaurants. changed, and the new upgrades to Bombardier Business Aircraft
The The
Good Bad
“I received great service from the smiling staff at the lounge “The Cathay lounge at Beijing airport told me I would have to
coffee bar. More importantly, I appreciate that my kids were redeem a lounge pass for 9,000 Asia Miles to get in. This is
welcomed without issue.” ridiculous! I have been a Diamond MPO member for years, and
would like to enjoy some of those privileges.”
“I recently redeemed lounge passes for my daughter and her travel
companion as a birthday gift. Even though the original redemption “Any guests I bring into the First or Business Class lounges must be
wasn’t correctly issued, staff were very polite and helped re-issue the on the same flight as me. So if my clients and I are not on the same
passes for the correct flights. Thanks for helping my daughter enjoy the flight, I can’t take them to the lounge. But one important function of
luxury First Class lounge at Hong Kong Airport!” the lounge, in my view, is that Diamond members can act as hosts,
which gives them a sense of belonging with Cathay Pacific and
“When I tried to use the Vancouver lounge I found out that my reinforces their loyalty. It also serves to show potential members the
status had been changed to Green, so I couldn’t get in. It was a bit value of flying with your airlines.”
embarrassing and disappointing but your staff member handled
things in such a wonderful manner that I wasn’t at all bothered. She “My guest was not allowed to join me in the lounge because he was
was informative, sympathetic and helpful. Her manner was perfectly flying with a different airline. When I showed staff that your website
in tune with the situation and she deserves congratulations for what doesn’t mention this rule they told me (very rudely), ‘Oh, you can’t bring
must be a difficult and stressful job.” guests because you are only flying Business Class, not First Class.’”
setting the bears up for a photo on my had lots of adventures – and there are
seat when I realised I had lost my camera – plenty more on the way!
On Twitter
Kris Aquino @KrisAquinoWORLD 7 Aug
Quick trip via @cathaypacificUS @cathaypacific
using my ASIAMILES points from my BDO credit card
1 48
11 79
@rollsnroyce #cathaypacific
20 FEATURE / Cargo
people what
seafood they want
The secret of Cargo’s success?
Understanding the consumer and
responding fast to market trends.
Phil Heard goes behind the scenes
wear crazes
FISH, FRUIT, FOOTWEAR, phones and factors behind this turnaround after seven economy. Any upturn will be felt in Hong
fidget spinners. These are just some of the years or so in the doldrums? Kong, the world’s busiest cargo hub by
shipments that Cathay Pacific Cargo has John Cheng is Head of Cargo Sales and tonnage carried.
been carrying this year. It not only reflects a Distribution, Cathay Pacific Cargo. “There has And Hong Kong is the gateway to China,
return to health for the global economy, but been a big upturn in confidence in the global where a burgeoning middle class is developing
also the significant contribution made to the economy and consumer confidence. We are a taste for the finer things; while China is also a
Cathay Pacific Group’s bottom line, as shown seeing quite a lot of movement as a result. It’s gateway for e-commerce – in and out.
in the recent interim results. Cargo’s improved been helped this year by the launch of quite a China’s voracious appetite for fresh (or
performance was responsible for 23% of the few consumer electronics products, including perishable) products, especially seafood and
Group’s revenues. In some regions, teams new mobile phone models and the new wave high-quality fruit from across the globe is
are exceeding the overall growth in air cargo of voice-controlled personal assistants.” driving up revenue and volume. Those goods
volumes of around 10%. But what are the Air cargo is a barometer of the global need to be transported quickly – to keep
The Chile connection
Cathay Pacific does not fly directly to
Chile; even the freighters do not venture
further south in the Americas than Mexico
and Miami. Yet it was the second biggest
carrier of freight (by just 60 tonnes) from
there to Asia in 2016.
Cargo Manager Florida and Latin
America Camilo Gallo explains that it is
mainly about supplying the Asian market
with Chile’s perishable produce – and the
Cargo’s improved performance Material gains
spirit of partnership that made it possible.
He says: “We export salmon all year round,
Strong demand for
was responsible for 23% of the fresh produce and particularly into mainland China and
towards the end of the year we have a peak
Group’s revenues must-have consumer
products has led to a for the cherry and berry harvests.
strong year for cargo “We have built close relationships with
the two main players in the Latin American
market, LATAM Airlines and Atlas Air. With
LATAM we offer each other space in our
aircraft, helping both of us to develop new
markets. We have an aircraft and crew
produce live or chilled. The big movements to develop two-way trade flows to optimise leasing agreement with Atlas, giving us in
include fruit from the Americas and Japan, efficiency and revenues, or to ensure that one- return, access to its capacity out of Latin
seafood from the world over and some of the way “fares” are of sufficiently high yield. America. This gives us a wide range of
finest meats and cheeses from Europe. That requires careful management of Cathay options to feed to our online stations
John says: “There has been considerable Pacific’s 20 freighters, which are all Boeing across the Americas in a better and
growth in the perishables sector. Australia is 747s – including 16 new-generation 747-8Fs. more strategic way.
about seafood, fish and lobsters, while we have These are ideal for the main trunk routes, “We also have a close relationship
just shipped lots of cherries from the Pacific especially transpacific to the Americas, with forwarders as well as with the shippers
Northwest of the US to Asia.” where there are strong flows of goods to and and buyers. We work with a GSA (general
One of the big differences between freight from Asia – and beyond. sales agent) who is aligned with our
and passengers is that shipments only buy a In recent years Cargo has extended processes so that we offer clear directives,
one-way ticket. It is therefore important to try the Cathay Pacific network with new expectations and consistency.”
22 FEATURE / Cargo
A cargo clossary
Forget Paris! Midwest US’ West Wellcamp, which takes the region’s A manufacturer or producer of the goods
agricultural produce to China. that need to be shipped.
Columbus, Ohio, is the But beyond specialist freighters, more
than half the business’ cargo revenues Freight forwarder
real fashion capital come from freight carried in the belly holds of A specialist agent that transports goods
passenger aircraft. from the shipper to the airport – the freight
Hence the logic of moving Cargo under the airline’s customer.
freighter-only ports. They include Portland main umbrella of Commercial following the
in the US’ Pacific Northwest, which was reorganisation. GM Cargo Commercial Nelson Consignee
launched with the support of leading Chin says: “Reporting directly to Commercial The company responsible for receiving
garment manufacturers, but has picked up makes a lot of sense. It allows Cargo to be the goods at the final destination.
additional business with Boeing and a major a key stakeholder and be able to take part
circuit board maker. in decisions on aircraft deployment and Main deck cargo
Ohio is a pillar of the garment industry – purchases, for example.” Freighter aircraft where the main deck is
“Forget Paris,” says Jennifer Briggs, Cargo Cargo is very much a business about given over not to seats but cargo. Cathay
Manager Midwest US. “Columbus, Ohio, is the relationships. “It’s a people business,” says Pacific has 20 Boeing 747 freighters
fashion capital!” The freighters that serve the Nelson. “That’s why cargo agents are vital – it’s including 14 new-generation B747-8Fs.
region’s Rickenbacker International Airport important to build relationships with them so we
have a good mix of garments coming in and can understand where the opportunities are and Belly cargo
out, with exports of auto parts to Japan and how all the parties can work better together.” Cargo transported across the network in
the frequency increased to five flights a week The move to Commercial will also have an the Group’s passenger aircraft, beneath
to deal with demand. Cathay Pacific was also impact on how the cargo team does business the main passenger deck. More than half of
the first international airline to fly to Brisbane – negotiating new contracts with customers, the airlines’ cargo is transported this way.
growth rate will slow down compared with
the first half, because recovery started in the
second half of 2016.”
But there will be growth. John adds: “We are
quite a small team operating around the globe.
Last year, we set the direction: that this is the
year to deliver revenue and exceed our
budgets.” Consignment delivered. 200 tonnes of fidget spinners 16 double decker buses
24 FEATURE / Customer Service
Ready to serve
Cathay Pacific
employees try on a
new uniform
Homegrown hospitality
How an exchange programme with the MTR is helping
Cathay Pacific people improve customer service
AT FIRST GLANCE, Cathay Pacific and the organised by the Hong Kong Association Airport. “But even though the station was
MTR Corporation don’t seem like they have a for Customer Service Excellence (HKACE). really busy, MTR staff were able to stay calm
lot in common. One is international facing, The association comprises some of the city’s and make sure things ran smoothly.”
delivering people and cargo to all corners of biggest companies, including Ocean Park, the Proactive service is essential for that to
the globe; the other focuses locally, and is Hong Kong Jockey Club and AIA. happen. Rather than waiting for a customer to
relied on by millions for their day-to-day transit. Three Hong Kong Airport Ground Staff and come forward with a problem, MTR staff are
But they are both homegrown success stories: three cabin crew were chosen to take part in trained to look for people who are having
locally-based companies with an interest in the programme, where they saw how the MTR trouble: difficulties with the payment systems,
helping people travel – whether across town or handles problems and aids their customers. searching for an exit or even getting stuck
across oceans – with the greatest possible Spending their time on the front lines of in a turnstyle.
efficiency and always looking to improve the MTR during rush hour, our employees soon “The staff are very focused,” said Inflight
customer experience. So what can these two realised that time is of the essence when it Service Manager Joyi Lim. “They know
giants in their fields learn from each other? comes to helping people. exactly how to identify a situation and act
From April to June this year Cathay Pacific “On the third day of the programme we appropriately.”
and MTR employees took part in a service were assigned to Tsim Sha Tsui station,” The staff approach the customer and offer
exchange programme – the first of its kind – said Simon Tsang, who works as Supervisor, assistance, and see the problem through until
it’s solved – which often involves coordination happen at the airport, so a CSRRU-style
among staff at various stations. simulation is a good way to stay prepared.”
“This type of teamwork and positive attitude A lesson in turnaround time was another
is very encouraging,” said Flight Purser Franco surprising takeaway. During one of the days
Li. “Success can’t happen with only one person. the team took the express train to Guangzhou.
It takes the right atmosphere and group morale. While it is still operated by the MTR it is a vastly
This is something we need to learn, because it different travel experience to the normal city people ride the
will work for our company, too.” MTR every weekday
Along with customer service, safety is
another top priority for MTR staff. Our people
took part in several training exercises to
Rather than waiting they were already on their way back.
deal with unforeseen difficulties. They also did for a customer to come “Although MTR service is incredibly
drills with the MTR’s Emergency Response frequent, the on-time performance is still
Unit (CSRRU). forward with a problem, important,” said Simon. “It’s similar to our
“We did a simulation of a train service flight schedule.”
interruption between Ocean Park and Wong
MTR staff are trained to The latter part of the exchange had MTR
Chuk Hang station,” said Airport Service look for people who are staff coming to experience the life of our cabin
Leader Filia Ng. “We needed people in the crew as well as our people on the ground.
station to manage the traffic flow while others having trouble Not surprisingly, helping customers at the
went ahead to set up a waiting area for Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) is more
passengers to take the temporary feeder bus. trains. It’s much closer to airline travel, with complicated than at the stations. MTR staff
“Even though it was only an exercise, you wide, comfortable seats and dining service. sometimes found it tricky to provide
could see how important cooperation and Staff on board the train started prepping for assistance as they lacked technical training
understanding between colleagues is during turnaround before they had even reached their and knowledge of airline operations. “But our
an emergency. You never know what could destination, and just 20 minutes after arrival exchange buddies at HKIA gave them support
26 FEATURE / Customer Service
Back at home
and they worked together to help the can be taught in classes: it was the attitude Our people return to
customers,” said Daniel Chan, Learning & with which our people approach their jobs. their true colours
Development Specialist, Airport. “They were impressed by the fast-paced and at Cathay City
Daniel coordinated the entire airport dynamic working environment at HKIA, and by
experience programme for the participants, how our airport employees worked together
and said that the MTR staff had some with passion and professionalism,” said Daniel.
interesting ideas to keep morale high. “Everyone is supportive of each other so we
“One of their best practices is to recognise can achieve the same goal: to deliver excellent
staff by giving some little rewards, such as drink customer service.”
The programme offered valuable insights
for everyone involved. Cathay Pacific will MTR’s On-Time Performance
participate in future HKACE exchanges so that (OTP) in 2016
One of their best practices more departments can take part.
is to recognise staff by
giving little rewards to
anyone performing good Next stop!
customer service Cathay Pacific’s next HKACE exchange will
see our people experience operations at
vouchers or cash coupons, to anyone seen another Hong Kong institution:
performing good customer service at the MTR Ocean Park.
stations or concourses,” said Daniel.
And while customer service at the MTR
can often involve communication between
stations, they saw how much teamwork and
coordination goes on between Cathay
employees in various departments to ensure a
seamless customer experience.
But perhaps the thing that stood out the
most for our guests was not something that
Groom to perfection
CALVIN HE, ONE of our newest cabin crew
recruits gets some tips on grooming and
presentation at a makeup and hair academy
workshop hosted by Elite Makeup. Each year
hundreds of eager applicants go through the
rigorous six-week cabin crew training programme;
so far this year 423 of them have already been
recruited as Flight Attendants.
28 BEHIND THE SCENES / Inflight Entertainment
EVER SPENT AN entire night trying to agree on series or a movie and you binge it on a There’s something for everyone – even if you
a movie with your friends? It can be difficult to Cathay flight, then there’s a chance that you’ll just want to enjoy the view: the new entertainment
find a film that appeals to everyone – a challenge associate that positive experience with the systems on our A350s include external HD
very well understood by Simon Cuthbert, airline,” says Simon. cameras, which offer exceptional “programming”
Cathay Pacific’s Entertainment, Platforms and The team’s selection process also gives a – especially during take-off and landing. The 3D
Connectivity Manager. boost to local filmmakers. Cathay Pacific has a flight status map is also hugely popular.
As a former executive at the film distributor deal with Fresh Wave, a short film competition in
Lionsgate (La La Land, The Hunger Games) and Hong Kong, and hosts many of the productions
Apple’s iTunes Movies and TV store, Simon has from the event.
an intimate knowledge of how modern viewers “Last year a bunch of their directors won
consume movies, music and TV. awards and really became established,” says
Since arriving at Cathay in 2016 he has Simon. “We are proud to promote these young
spearheaded a significant growth in the directors. We want them to succeed and put
selections we offer customers on board. And Hong Kong back on the map for being the film
it’s not just more Hollywood blockbusters; hub that it is. There’s a heritage here that we
our suppliers go to every major film festival in are quite proud of.”
the world to search for great inflight content. Asian content – especially Hong Kong Oscar-winning movies are
Simon and his team spend a lot of time actively cinema – is extremely popular with our currently available on our
seeking out new directors and independent passengers. Just this year the Japanese airlines, from current hits
such as Moonlight and
films that will give passengers a very memorable animated film Your Name broke the record
La La Land to classics like
experience flying with us. to become our most popular film of all time
Pulp Fiction and Goodfellas
“If you watch Star Wars, you’ll just (although that record has since been broken –
remember Star Wars. But if you find a TV it’s now held by Oscar-winner La La Land).
Fan favourites
Your Name, La La Land
and Game of Thrones
are some of our most
popular options
June TV Movie
Of course, many people choose to watch
nothing at all. Music is still an important part of the
2016 travel experience and the right playlist can do a lot
to help a nervous passenger stay calm. Front end
passengers in particular love listening to classical
music, but there is music for every taste and more
coming all the time.
Cathay Pacific launches
Inflight music added
Cinema screens
Videos and news
1996 2016
Live TV, wi-fi, Android
Discovery Magazine installed on programming added PTVs added to games added
B747-200 every seat*
Smooth operators
Line Operations Manager Glenn Devonport tells us about
turbulence and the new forecasting systems that help us avoid it
THERE ARE FEWER things more unsettling for All aircraft have a weather radar which picks we fly: around 23,000-39,000 feet. We can’t
a passenger than turbulence – especially if they up water in the atmosphere and allows the pilots change our flightpath instantly, because the
are unprepared for it. Recent cases of severe to detect and avoid cumulous clouds. Normally aircraft is often too heavy to climb above these
turbulence causing injuries to passengers and we keep a buffer of 10 miles (16km) around levels, and if we lower our altitude then we burn
crew have been captured on smartphones and the clouds to ensure the flight is smooth. But more fuel, which reduces how far we can fly.
shared on social media, and this only makes the sometimes the clouds can cover huge areas At the moment, we’re trialling the new
fear around it worse. However, such cases are that extend hundreds of miles, making them Schneider Electric CAT forecasting system.
extremely rare. impossible to fly around. Every flight plan is put through this system
In general there are two types of turbulence: Likewise our route is sometimes constrained before take-off, and if it triggers an alert we can
convective and clear air. Convective turbulence is by other aircraft, national boundaries or military inform the crew ahead of time so we are better
caused by the upward and downward movement airspace. In these cases, we choose the best prepared for CAT incidences.
of air. This normally occurs in cumulous cloud route to avoid the most significant areas of cloud. In addition, as part of the pre-flight
formations – the “bubbly” looking clouds. The more challenging type of turbulence to preparation we get a weather chart of the route
detect is Clear Air Turbulence (CAT), where there we’re flying. This shows convective weather
is no water in the atmosphere for our on-board patterns such as thunderstorms, areas of
systems to detect. likely CAT and icing conditions. We also keep
Think of the air like a mille-feuille – one of in constant communication with the air-traffic
those layer cakes. Each of those layers is controllers and with other aircraft as we fly.
moving in a different direction and at a different Turbulence is always there as we fly through the
speed due to atmospheric conditions. When atmosphere at very high speeds but we always
Glenn Devonport the layers touch, the air stops flowing smoothly choose the clearest path we can. Most importantly,
Glenn Devonport
Line Operations
Line Operations Manager and can tumble and mix which causes CAT. our aircraft are very strong and highly resilient, and
Manager Unfortunately, CAT often occurs exactly where the structure of the plane is never in danger.
The right
to bare arms
YOU MIGHT HAVE noticed our male cabin
crew sporting a “cool” new look. In the past,
their uniforms required them to wear a long-
sleeved shirt under their jackets. Now, if they
prefer, they will be supplied with short-sleeved
shirts to wear. And they’ve got the chance
to show off those short sleeves, too: during
boarding, male crew members are no longer
required to wear their jackets.
“We received a lot of feedback from our
cabin crew that the temperature was too
hot during boarding and disembarkation –
especially during the summer,” says Connie
Chan, Assistant Manager Uniform & Grooming
Standards. “In light of this, we revised the
policy on jackets for both male and female
cabin crew.”
This new policy extends beyond the aircraft.
With the exception of Middle Eastern flights
and their airports, jackets do not have to be
worn by our crew while they are in airports,
hotels, and at Cathay City. And that’s the long
and the short of it.
Retired, but
still working
Fleet Programmes Manager
Tony Britton tells us what
happens to a plane after it has
reached the end of its service
Film Night – The Founder
Auditorium, Cathay City 23
Cathay Singing Contest – Audition
Multipurpose Hall at 21 OCT
Swire Intra-Group
Running Competition
Cathay Dragon House Science Park, Pak Shek Kok Promenade
SHKSA Swire Halloween Fest
Family ”We-treat” 5-8
World Airline Road Race
Marina Bay, Singapore 5
Hong Kong 24-hour Charity
Pedal Kart Grand Prix 2017
Ocean Park Victoria Park
17 15
Inter-Hong Golf Inter-Hong Dart Tournament Coming soon in November:
Tournament Mei Foo Film Night – Deepwater Horizon
Phoenix Hill, China Auditorium, Cathay City
1 4
2 6
1. PROUD DAD: Flight Operations’ Norman MacLeod 4. INDONESIA GETS GREEN: Our team in
was at Buckingham Palace with his daughter Hannah, as Surabaya gave a hand to Mother Nature, planting
Prince Charles made her a Member of the Most Excellent 225 mangrove trees at the Wonorejo Mangrove
Order of the British Empire (MBE) for services to hockey. Ecotourism and donating 100 guava trees to the
2. STRIKE IT UP: Our bowling team took second Ministry of Agriculture.
place at the 2017 Inter-Hong Bowling Competition. 5. BREAKOUT SUCCESS: Team Israel worked on just
Inflight Service Manager Alice Oon bowled 246 in that: being a team, as they took part in a leadership
her last game, winning her both the Ladies High workshop which finished off with an escape room
Game and the High Series award. Congrats all! challenge. Glad to see they all made it out!
3. CHRISTMAS IN JULY: It was Time to unWind in 6. PANDA-MONIUM: Amsterdam introduced some
Sydney, where the team got into the Christmas spirit of our top-level MPO members to the new pandas at
with “Elf Yourself” videos and carolling. Pass the eggnog! the Ouwehands Zoo. Cuteness overload!
If you have any great pictures from your travels,
Fjord almighty!
Aegis Leung heads upstream to
explore Norway’s natural beauty
LOTS OF PEOPLE think of Norway being a cold, snowy place,
but in summer the weather is warm and the landscape comes
to life. The country’s entire coastline is covered with fjords
that cut their way through the rugged mountains. I took this
picture of a fjord between the towns of Myrdal and Flam.
These inlets were carved into the rock by glaciers as they
melted and drifted to the sea at the end of the last Ice Age.
Some of them are Unesco World Heritage sites, and National
Geographic Traveler magazine voted the Norwegian fjords as
the world’s best travel destination. I’m very happy I got to see
this magnificent scenery for myself.
Aegis Leung
Customer Services
Bustling Busan
fishcakes) and ssiat hotteok
(seed-stuffed pancakes)
These can be found all over
Park Sung-hyun shows us Korea’s cracking coastal city the city, but some of the best
vendors are at Guk-je Sijang.
HOME TO SOUTH Korea’s largest Korea during the summer. It’s also
container handling port (sixth home to many five-star hotels and 2 Gukbap (pork soup
largest in the world), Busan has fun places, including an aquarium. with rice) Bonjeon Dwaeji
been the country’s centre of trade For shopping, nothing beats Gukbap, located next to
and logistics for decades. Shinsegae Centum City, which Busan Station, is one of
But it is also a famous tourist holds the Guinness World Record my favourite places to get
Park Sung-hyun destination. With new infrastructure for the world’s largest department this delicacy.
Passenger Sales
and buildings popping up all the store. It has plenty of shopping
time, the city has earned its slogan, and entertainment facilities such 3 Milmyeon
“Dynamic Busan”. as an indoor ice rink and Spa (cold wheat noodle)
The city’s eastern districts, Land, a Korean sauna. And if For this one, head west from
including Haeundae and Gwangalli, you’re hungry, the food court the train station to Choryang
are modern and developed, with on the ground floor and the Milmyeon, which also makes
skylines of high-rise buildings. fine dining options on the top delicious pork dumplings to go
However, the western districts floor both have famous local and with the noodles.
– such as Nampo-dong and international restaurants.
Jungang-dong – still retain the If you want a more traditional 4 Sashimi One of my
traditional Korean atmosphere experience, visit Guk-je Sijang, favourite sashimi
you would find downtown in the also known as Busan International restaurants is the
old days. Market. It was established after the Sky Fishery in
Despite being such a developed Korean liberation in 1945, but it Nampo-dong, which
city, whenever you want to see really came to life after the Korean has fresh sashimi and
white sands and ocean, there are War ended in 1953, when refugees seafood at good prices
eight wonderful beaches nearby. from all over the country started and beautiful ocean views.
Haeundae (main photo) and to sell things they had shipped in
Gwangalli beaches are my favourite through the Port of Busan. 5 Chimaek The unbeatable combo of Korean
and both are easily accessible by Today the market has fried chicken and beer is a must-
public transport. thousands of retail stores where try. For a great evening out,
I love Gwangalli for its beautiful you can find low-priced clothes including a cracking view of
night view, where the glow of the and plenty of other items for the skyline, eat out at The
city lights mingles with Gwangan souvenir hunters. And of course, Bay 101 at Dongbaek
Bridge’s own colourful lights. like most neighbourhoods in Island in Haeundae. If
Haeundae, however, is the most Korea, delicious food is not hard you’re still hungry, they
popular (but crowded) beach in to find. also serve excellent fish
Cathay Pacific and chips.
operates a daily flight Love your hometown? Let us know about it!
to Busan’s Gimhae
International Airport
42 TRAVEL / Zurich
hours in
24 Zurich
Cathay Pacific
With museums, architecture flies daily
to Zurich
and shopping, there’s a lot
more to this lakeside city
than just banking
Start at the top
JUST A 10-MINUTE train ride from Zurich Take a three-minute ride on the
Airport, Switzerland’s largest city has a lot to Polybahn cablecar to the Polyterrasse,
Photos: Michael Mucha/imageBROKER/Argusphoto; travelstock44/LOOK-foto/Getty Images; Odyssey-Images /Alamy Stock Photo/Argusphoto; travelstock44/Alamy Stock Photo/Argusphoto doopedia/Shutterstock
offer. Cultural enthusiasts will have a field day the courtyard that joins the Federal
with the many museums and art galleries as well Institute of Technology and Zurich
the opera house to visit. University. From here you’ll have a
If your time is limited though, make the most fantastic view of the city.
of it with a day of shopping and sightseeing,
followed by an evening of dining and dancing –
all the while surrounded by the city’s beautiful
old-world architecture. Go back in time
Just a five-minute walk away is the city’s
old town. Niederdorf, or Dorfli, as the locals
call it, is a pedestrian area filled with cute
shops and quaint restaurants. Stop in one
of the old guild houses for a breakfast
of the local speciality, Zuri-Gschnatzlets
(sliced veal with hash browns).
Sandro Mosbacher
Leisure Sales
Time to shop
Write a note of gratitude
for the small things you